* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 2002-2011 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> *
* *
#pragma prototyped
* C expression library value map support
* Glenn Fowler
* AT&T Research
#include "cxlib.h"
typedef struct Frame_s
struct Frame_s* prev;
Dt_t* str2num;
} Frame_t;
* dt string ignorecase comparison
static int
ignorecase(Dt_t* dt, void* a, void* b, Dtdisc_t* disc)
return strcasecmp((char*)a, (char*)b);
* cxinitmap helper
static int
initmap(Frame_t* frame, Cxmap_t* map, Cxdisc_t* disc)
register Cxpart_t* part;
register Cxitem_t* item;
Frame_t top;
Frame_t* fp;
int easy;
Cxunsigned_t masks;
static Dtdisc_t num2strdisc;
static Dtdisc_t str2numdisc;
static Dtdisc_t stricase2numdisc;
if (map->header.flags & CX_INITIALIZED)
return -1;
map->header.flags |= CX_INITIALIZED;
for (;;)
if (!map->mask)
map->mask = ~map->mask;
if (!map->map)
map = map->map;
if (!map->part)
return 0;
if (map->str2num)
if (!frame)
return 0;
easy = 0;
str2numdisc.link = offsetof(Cxitem_t, str2num);
str2numdisc.key = offsetof(Cxitem_t, name);
str2numdisc.size = -1;
if (map->header.flags & CX_IGNORECASE)
stricase2numdisc = str2numdisc;
stricase2numdisc.comparf = ignorecase;
map->str2num = dtopen(&stricase2numdisc, Dtoset);
map->str2num = dtopen(&str2numdisc, Dtoset);
if (!map->str2num)
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(NiL, disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "out of space");
return -1;
top.prev = frame;
top.str2num = map->str2num;
frame = &top;
easy = 1;
for (part = map->part; part; part = part->next)
if (part->mask)
easy = 0;
part->mask = ~part->mask;
masks = part->item ? part->item->mask : 0;
for (item = part->item; item; item = item->next)
for (fp = frame; fp; fp = fp->prev)
dtinsert(fp->str2num, item);
if (item->mask != masks)
part->flags |= CX_ALL;
if (item->mask)
easy = 0;
item->mask = ~item->mask;
if (item->map)
if (initmap(frame, item->map, disc))
return -1;
easy = 0;
if (easy)
num2strdisc.link = offsetof(Cxitem_t, num2str);
num2strdisc.key = offsetof(Cxitem_t, value);
num2strdisc.size = sizeof(Cxunsigned_t);
if (!(map->num2str = dtopen(&num2strdisc, Dtoset)))
if (disc->errorf)
(*disc->errorf)(NiL, disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "out of space");
return -1;
part = map->part;
map->shift += part->shift;
map->mask |= part->mask;
for (item = part->item; item; item = item->next)
dtinsert(map->num2str, item);
return 0;
* initialize map
cxinitmap(Cxmap_t* map, Cxdisc_t* disc)
return initmap(NiL, map, disc);
* cxnum2str helper
static int
num2str(Cx_t* cx, Cxmap_t* map, Sfio_t* sp, Cxunsigned_t num, int del)
register Cxpart_t* part;
register Cxitem_t* item;
register Cxedit_t* edit;
Cxunsigned_t n;
char* s;
int v;
int p;
int r;
regmatch_t match[10];
char buf[64];
for (;;)
num >>= map->shift;
num &= map->mask;
if (!map->map)
map = map->map;
if (map->num2str && (item = (Cxitem_t*)dtmatch(map->num2str, &num)))
sfprintf(sp, "%c%s", del, item->name);
return 1;
r = 0;
for (part = map->part; part; part = part->next)
n = num;
n >>= part->shift;
n &= part->mask;
v = !(part->flags & CX_ALL);
p = r;
for (item = part->item; item; item = item->next)
if ((n & item->mask) == item->value)
if (item->name)
sfprintf(sp, "%c%s", del, item->name);
if (item->map)
r += num2str(cx, item->map, sp, n, del);
if (v)
if (r == p && part->num2str)
buf[0] = 0;
for (edit = part->num2str; edit; edit = edit->next)
if (!edit->num2strf)
if (!buf[0])
sfsprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lld", n);
if (!regexec(&edit->re, buf, elementsof(match), match, 0) && !regsubexec(&edit->re, buf, elementsof(match), match))
sfprintf(sp, "%c%s", del, edit->re.re_sub->re_buf);
else if (s = (*edit->num2strf)(cx, n, cx->disc))
sfprintf(sp, "%c%s", del, s);
return r;
* map number to string
cxnum2str(Cx_t* cx, Cxformat_t* format, Cxunsigned_t num, char** p)
char* s;
int del;
if (format->map)
if ((del = format->delimiter) == -1)
del = '|';
if (!num2str(cx, format->map, cx->tp, num, del))
return -1;
sfprintf(cx->tp, "|%I*u", sizeof(num), num);
if (!(s = sfstruse(cx->tp)))
return -1;
if (p)
*p = s + 1;
return 0;
* cxstr2num helper
static int
str2num(Cx_t* cx, Cxmap_t* map, const char* str, Cxunsigned_t* num)
register Cxpart_t* part;
register Cxedit_t* edit;
regmatch_t match[10];
for (part = map->part; part; part = part->next)
for (edit = part->str2num; edit; edit = edit->next)
if (edit->str2numf)
if (!(*edit->str2numf)(cx, str, strlen(str), num, cx->disc))
return 1;
else if (!regexec(&edit->re, str, elementsof(match), match, 0) && !regsubexec(&edit->re, str, elementsof(match), match))
*num = strtoull(edit->re.re_sub->re_buf, NiL, 0);
return 1;
return 0;
* map string to number
cxstr2num(Cx_t* cx, Cxformat_t* format, const char* str, size_t siz, Cxunsigned_t* p)
register char* s;
register char* b;
int del;
Dt_t* dt;
Cxitem_t* item;
Cxunsigned_t n;
Cxunsigned_t m;
if (!format->map)
return -1;
del = format->delimiter;
dt = format->map->str2num;
n = 0;
sfwrite(cx->tp, str, siz);
if (!(s = sfstruse(cx->tp)))
return -1;
while (*s)
for (b = s; *s && *s != del && *s != '|' && *s != '+'; s++);
if (*s)
*s++ = 0;
if (item = (Cxitem_t*)dtmatch(dt, b))
n |= item->value;
else if (str2num(cx, format->map, b, &m))
n |= m;
return -1;
if (p)
*p = n;
return 0;
* apply edit substitutions in edit to r
cxsub(Cx_t* cx, Cxedit_t* edit, Cxoperand_t* r)
Cxtype_t* type;
regmatch_t match[10];
if (!cxisstring(r->type))
type = r->type;
if (cxcast(cx, r, NiL, cx->state->type_string, NiL, NiL))
return -1;
type = 0;
if (!regnexec(&edit->re, r->value.string.data, r->value.string.size, elementsof(match), match, 0) && !regsubexec(&edit->re, r->value.string.data, elementsof(match), match))
r->value.string.size = strlen(r->value.string.data = edit->re.re_sub->re_buf);
if (type && cxcast(cx, r, NiL, type, NiL, NiL))
return -1;
return 0;
* apply edit substitutions in part to r
cxsuball(Cx_t* cx, Cxpart_t* part, Cxoperand_t* r)
while (part)
if (part->edit && cxsub(cx, part->edit, r))
return -1;
part = part->next;
return 0;