cp Makeargs.debug Makeargs
gdb --directory=$A/src/cmd/dss --directory=$A/src/lib/libdss --directory=$A/src/lib/libast $A/bin/dss core.*
dss provides low level sequential ops that declarative sql typically decomposes to
what happens when the stream hits the db
convert foo text to binary and compress using the preferred method:
dss -x foo-txt '{flat foo-bin}|{compress}'
sum f3..fn by f1 and f2
dss '{sum --by f1 --by f2 f3 ... fn}'
dss -xfoo option to print canonical fixed record size
dss flat add cdb sized records
cx needs array support
cxmap() should check for duplicate/clash values in item list
and between parts if possible
field name aliases
, not handled right
; not handled right
rfc 2280
Proposal for prefix/address set manipulation
We have two distinct types of sets : prefix sets
and address sets. Prefix sets are sets of CIDR
prefixes, while address sets are sets of IP addresses.
I'll use the following conventions:
A, B, C : prefix sets
X, Y, Z : address sets
Set operations
Set operations defined on both (overloaded)
prefix and address sets. Each must have
operands of the same type, and each preserves that type.
union : A+B, X+Y
intersection : A&B, X&Y
difference : A-B, X-Y
The negation operator, ~X, is only defined on address sets.
[Note : we could define ~A in the obvious way, but the space
of all prefixes does not seem to be an interesting one.]
1) prefix_set {p1 p2 ... pn} (n>=0, where each pi is a CIDR block)
2) address_set {a1 a2 ... an} (n>=0, where each ai is an IP address)
Basic conversions
addresses(A) = X
X is the address set representing the IP addresses
covered by the prefixes in A.
prefixes(X) = A
A is the minimal prefix cover of the address space of X.
Operations on prefix sets
supernets(A) = B
B is the subset of A that covers the same space
(that is, addresses(supernets(A)) == addresses(A)), but no prefix
of B is a subnet of another prefix of B.
longest(A, B) = C
C is the subset of prefixes A which are the longest
matches for prefixes in B. That is, p1 is in C iff
p1 is in A and there exist p2 in B such that p1 "contains" p2
and there is no p3 in A such that p1 contains p3 and p3 contains p2.
(Note : it could be that p1 == p2.)
Here are some useful abbreviations :
min_cover(A) = B
B is the minimum prefix cover required to cover the same space
as covered by A.
Is abbreviation for prefixes(addresses(A)).
shortest(A, B) = C
C is the subset of prefixes A that are the shortest
matches for some prefix in B.
An abbreviation for longest(supernets(A), B).
subnets(A) = B
B is the set of prefixes in B that are properly
contained in other prefixes of B.
An abbreviation of A - supernets(A).
Operations for extracting prefix sets from BGP tables
... like current, except prefix sets get extracted ...
Some open questions.
0) Are there other basic operators required?
1) Should we add another set type : range set?
2) Do we want to have a set type : route set?
This would be a set of BGP routes, perhaps
with additional attributes (like timestamp,
router name, AS of router).