* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 1985-2011 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> *
* David Korn <dgk@research.att.com> *
* Phong Vo <kpv@research.att.com> *
* *
#if defined(_UWIN) && defined(_BLD_ast)
void _STUB_vmtrace(){}
#include "vmhdr.h"
/* Turn on tracing for regions
** Written by Kiem-Phong Vo, kpv@research.att.com, 01/16/94.
static int Trfile = -1;
static char Trbuf[128];
#if __STD_C
static char* trstrcpy(char* to, const char* from, int endc)
static char* trstrcpy(to, from, endc)
char* to;
const char* from;
int endc;
{ reg int n;
n = strlen(from);
to += n;
if((*to = endc) )
to += 1;
return to;
/* convert a long value to an ascii representation */
#if __STD_C
static char* tritoa(Vmulong_t v, int type)
static char* tritoa(v, type)
Vmulong_t v; /* value to convert */
int type; /* =0 base-16, >0: unsigned base-10, <0: signed base-10 */
char* s;
s = &Trbuf[sizeof(Trbuf) - 1];
*s-- = '\0';
if(type == 0) /* base-16 */
{ reg char* digit = "0123456789abcdef";
{ *s-- = digit[v&0xf];
v >>= 4;
} while(v);
else if(type > 0) /* unsigned base-10 */
{ do
{ *s-- = (char)('0' + (v%10));
v /= 10;
} while(v);
else /* signed base-10 */
{ int sign = ((long)v < 0);
v = (Vmulong_t)(-((long)v));
{ *s-- = (char)('0' + (v%10));
v /= 10;
} while(v);
*s-- = '-';
return s+1;
/* generate a trace of some call */
#if __STD_C
static void trtrace(Vmalloc_t* vm,
Vmuchar_t* oldaddr, Vmuchar_t* newaddr, size_t size, size_t align )
static void trtrace(vm, oldaddr, newaddr, size, align)
Vmalloc_t* vm; /* region call was made from */
Vmuchar_t* oldaddr; /* old data address */
Vmuchar_t* newaddr; /* new data address */
size_t size; /* size of piece */
size_t align; /* alignment */
char buf[1024], *bufp, *endbuf;
Vmdata_t* vd = vm->data;
const char* file = 0;
int line = 0;
const char* func = 0;
int comma;
int n;
int m;
int type;
#define SLOP 64
if(oldaddr == (Vmuchar_t*)(-1)) /* printing busy blocks */
{ type = 0;
oldaddr = NIL(Vmuchar_t*);
{ type = vd->mode&VM_METHODS;
if(Trfile < 0)
bufp = buf; endbuf = buf+sizeof(buf);
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, tritoa(oldaddr ? VLONG(oldaddr) : 0L, 0), ':');
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, tritoa(newaddr ? VLONG(newaddr) : 0L, 0), ':');
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, tritoa((Vmulong_t)size, 1), ':');
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, tritoa((Vmulong_t)align, 1), ':');
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, tritoa(VLONG(vm), 0), ':');
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, "b", ':');
else if(type&VM_MTLAST)
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, "l", ':');
else if(type&VM_MTPOOL)
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, "p", ':');
else if(type&VM_MTPROFILE)
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, "s", ':');
else if(type&VM_MTDEBUG)
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, "d", ':');
else bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, "u", ':');
comma = 0;
if(file && file[0] && line > 0)
{ if((bufp + strlen(file) + SLOP) >= endbuf)
{ char* f;
for(f = bufp + strlen(file); f > file; --f)
if(f[-1] == '/' || f[-1] == '\\')
file = f;
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, "file", '=');
n = endbuf - bufp - SLOP - 3;
m = strlen(file);
if(m > n)
{ file += (m - n);
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, "..", '.');
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, file, ',');
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, "line", '=');
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, tritoa((Vmulong_t)line,1), 0);
comma = 1;
{ if(comma)
*bufp++ = ',';
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, "func", '=');
#if 1
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, (const char*)func, 0);
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, tritoa((Vmulong_t)func,0), 0);
comma = 1;
*bufp++ = ':';
*bufp++ = '\n';
*bufp = '\0';
#if __STD_C
void _vmmessage(const char* s1, long n1, const char* s2, long n2)
void _vmmessage(s1, n1, s2, n2)
const char* s1;
long n1;
const char* s2;
long n2;
char buf[1024], *bufp;
bufp = buf;
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, "vmalloc", ':');
if (s1)
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, s1, ':');
if (n1)
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, tritoa(n1, 1), ':');
if (s2)
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, s2, ':');
if (n2)
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, tritoa(n2, 0), ':');
bufp = trstrcpy(bufp, tritoa((long)getpid(), 1), ':');
*bufp++ = '\n';
#if __STD_C
int vmtrace(int file)
int vmtrace(file)
int file;
int fd;
_Vmstrcpy = trstrcpy;
_Vmitoa = tritoa;
_Vmtrace = trtrace;
fd = Trfile;
Trfile = file;
return fd;
#if __STD_C
int vmtrbusy(Vmalloc_t* vm)
int vmtrbusy(vm)
Vmalloc_t* vm;
Seg_t* seg;
Vmdata_t* vd = vm->data;
if(Trfile < 0 || !(vd->mode&(VM_MTBEST|VM_MTDEBUG|VM_MTPROFILE)))
return -1;
for(seg = vd->seg; seg; seg = seg->next)
{ Block_t *b, *endb;
Vmuchar_t* data;
size_t s;
for(b = SEGBLOCK(seg), endb = BLOCK(seg->baddr); b < endb; )
{ if(ISJUNK(SIZE(b)) || !ISBUSY(SIZE(b)))
data = DATA(b);
{ data = DB2DEBUG(data);
s = DBSIZE(data);
else if(vd->mode&VM_MTPROFILE)
s = PFSIZE(data);
else s = SIZE(b)&~BITS;
trtrace(vm, (Vmuchar_t*)(-1), data, s, 0);
b = (Block_t*)((Vmuchar_t*)DATA(b) + (SIZE(b)&~BITS) );
return 0;