# regression tests for the ast optget() and opthelp() functions
TEST 01 'compatibility'
EXEC net 'a-' -a b
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
argument=1 value="b"'
EXEC net 'a-:' -a b
EXEC net 'a-:' -a --help b
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
return=- option=-- name=-- arg=help num=1
argument=1 value="b"'
EXEC cmd $'a file ...' -?
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=-? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: cmd [-a] file ...'
EXEC cmd $'a file ...' --??api
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--??api num=0'
ERROR - $'.SH SYNOPSIS\ncmd [ options ] file ...\n.SH OPTIONS\n.OP a - flag -'
EXEC cmd $'[ab] file' -?
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=-? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: cmd [ -a | -b ] file'
EXEC cmd $'[ab] file' --??api
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--??api num=0'
ERROR - $'.SH SYNOPSIS\ncmd [ options ] file\n.SH OPTIONS\n.OP - - oneof\n.OP a - flag -\n.OP b - flag -\n.OP - - anyof'
EXEC cmd $'[a:b] file' -?
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=-? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: cmd [ -a arg | -b ] file'
EXEC cmd $'[a:b] file' --??api
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--??api num=0'
ERROR - $'.SH SYNOPSIS\ncmd [ options ] file\n.SH OPTIONS\n.OP - - oneof\n.OP a - string arg\n.OP b - flag -\n.OP - - anyof'
EXEC wc $'lw[cm] [ file ... ]' -?
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=-? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: wc [-lw] [ -c | -m ] [ file ... ]'
EXEC wc $'lw[cm] [ file ... ]' --??api
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--??api num=0'
ERROR - $'.SH SYNOPSIS\nwc [ options ] [ file ... ]\n.SH OPTIONS\n.OP l - flag -\n.OP w - flag -\n.OP - - oneof\n.OP c - flag -\n.OP m - flag -\n.OP - - anyof'
TEST 02 'long options'
usage=$'[-?\n@(#)testopt (AT&T Research) 1999-02-02\n][-author?Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com>][--dictionary?tests:opt][x:method?One of]:?[algorithm:oneof:ignorecase]{[+a?method a][+b?method b][+c?method c]}[\n[y=10:yes?Yes.][20:no?No.]\n][d:database?File database path.]:[path][z:size?Important size.]#[sizeX][V:vernum?List program version and exit.][v:verbose?Enable verbose trace.][n:show?Show but don\'t execute.]\n\npattern ...'
EXEC cmd "$usage" -y
OUTPUT - 'return=-10 option=-10 name=-y arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --y
OUTPUT - 'return=-10 option=-10 name=--yes arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC cmd "$usage" -x
OUTPUT - 'return=x option=-x name=-x arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC cmd "$usage" -xabc
OUTPUT - 'return=x option=-x name=-x arg=abc num=1'
EXEC cmd "$usage" -x abc
EXEC cmd "$usage" --method
OUTPUT - 'return=x option=-x name=--method arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --method=abc
OUTPUT - 'return=x option=-x name=--method arg=abc num=1'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --method abc
OUTPUT - $'return=x option=-x name=--method arg=(null) num=1\nargument=1 value="abc"'
EXEC cmd "$usage" -V -x --si 10k --size=1m
OUTPUT - $'return=V option=-V name=-V arg=(null) num=1\nreturn=x option=-x name=-x arg=(null) num=0\nreturn=z option=-z name=--size arg=10k num=10000\nreturn=z option=-z name=--size arg=1m num=1000000'
EXEC cmd "$usage" -V -x --si 10ki --size=1mi
OUTPUT - $'return=V option=-V name=-V arg=(null) num=1\nreturn=x option=-x name=-x arg=(null) num=0\nreturn=z option=-z name=--size arg=10ki num=10240\nreturn=z option=-z name=--size arg=1mi num=1048576'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --yes --no --noyes --no-yes --yes=1 --yes=0
OUTPUT - $'return=-10 option=-10 name=--yes arg=(null) num=1\nreturn=-20 option=-20 name=--no arg=(null) num=1\nreturn=-10 option=-10 name=--yes arg=(null) num=0\nreturn=-10 option=-10 name=--yes arg=(null) num=0\nreturn=-10 option=-10 name=--yes arg=(null) num=1\nreturn=-10 option=-10 name=--yes arg=(null) num=0'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --vern
OUTPUT - $'return=V option=-V name=--vernum arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --ver
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-V name=--ver num=0'
ERROR - $'cmd: --ver: ambiguous option'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --ve
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-V name=--ve num=0'
ERROR - $'cmd: --ve: ambiguous option'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --v
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-V name=--v num=0'
ERROR - $'cmd: --v: ambiguous option'
EXEC cmd "$usage" -z
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-z name=-z num=0'
ERROR - $'cmd: -z: numeric sizeX argument expected'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --size
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-z name=--size num=0'
ERROR - $'cmd: --size: numeric sizeX value expected'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --foo
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=--foo num=0 str=--foo'
ERROR - $'cmd: --foo: unknown option'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --foo=bar
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=--foo num=0 str=--foo=bar'
ERROR - $'cmd: --foo: unknown option'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --version
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--version num=0'
ERROR - $' version testopt (AT&T Research) 1999-02-02'
EXEC cmd "$usage" '--?-'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?- num=0'
ERROR - $' version testopt (AT&T Research) 1999-02-02\n author Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com>'
EXEC cmd "$usage" '--??about'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--??about num=0'
EXEC cmd "$usage" '--about'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--about num=0'
EXEC cmd "$usage" '--?--'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?-- num=0'
ERROR - $' version testopt (AT&T Research) 1999-02-02\n author Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com>\n dictionary tests:opt'
EXEC cmd "$usage" -?
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=-? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: cmd [-Vvn] [-x[algorithm]] [ -y ] [-d path] [-z sizeX] pattern ...'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --?
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: cmd [ options ] pattern ...
-x, --method[=algorithm]
One of
a method a
b method b
c method c
The option value may be omitted.
-y, --yes Yes.
--no No.
-d, --database=path
File database path.
-z, --size=sizeX
Important size.
-V, --vernum List program version and exit.
-v, --verbose Enable verbose trace.
-n, --show Show but don\'t execute.'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --??api
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--??api num=0'
ERROR - $'.SH SYNOPSIS\ncmd [ options ] pattern ...\n.SH OPTIONS\n.OP x method string:ignorecase:oneof:optional algorithm\nOne of\n.H2 a\nmethod a\n.H2 b\nmethod b\n.H2 c\nmethod c\n.SP\nThe option value may be omitted.\n.OP - - oneof\n.OP y yes flag -\nYes.\n.OP - no flag -\nNo.\n.OP - - anyof\n.OP d database string path\nFile database path.\n.OP z size number sizeX\nImportant size.\n.OP V vernum flag -\nList program version and exit.\n.OP v verbose flag -\nEnable verbose trace.\n.OP n show flag -\nShow but don\'t execute.\n.SH IMPLEMENTATION\n.H0 version\ntestopt (AT&T Research) 1999-02-02\n.H0 author\nGlenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com>'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --?help
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?help num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: cmd [ options ]
--help List detailed help option info.'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --??help
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--??help num=0'
options available to all ast commands
cmd [ options ]
-? and --?* options are the same for all ast commands. For any item below, if
--item is not supported by a given command then it is equivalent to --??item.
The --?? form should be used for portability. All output is written to the
standard error.
--about List all implementation info.
--api List detailed info in program readable form.
--help List detailed help option info.
--html List detailed info in html.
--keys List the usage translation key strings with C style escapes.
--long List long option usage.
--man List detailed info in displayed man page form.
--nroff List detailed info in nroff.
--options List short and long option details.
--posix List posix getopt usage.
--short List short option usage.
--usage List the usage string with C style escapes.
--?-label List implementation info matching label*.
--?name Equivalent to --help=name.
--? Equivalent to --??options.
--?? Equivalent to --??man.
--??? Equivalent to --??help.
--???item If the next argument is --option then list the option output
in the item style. Otherwise print version=n where n>0 if
--??item is supported, 0 if not.
--???ESC Emit escape codes even if output is not a terminal.
List the man(1) section title for section
[the current command].
--???SECTION List the man(1) section number for the current command.
--???TEST Massage the output for regression testing.'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --???
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--??? num=0'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --??usage
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--??usage num=0'
ERROR - $'[-?\\n@(#)testopt (AT&T Research) 1999-02-02\\n][-author?Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com>][--dictionary?tests:opt][x:method?One of]:?[algorithm:oneof:ignorecase]{[+a?method a][+b?method b][+c?method c]}[\\n[y=10:yes?Yes.][20:no?No.]\\n][d:database?File database path.]:[path][z:size?Important size.]#[sizeX][V:vernum?List program version and exit.][v:verbose?Enable verbose trace.][n:show?Show but don\\\'t execute.]\\n\\npattern ...'
EXEC head $'[-n?\n@(#)$Id: head (AT&T Research) 2010-04-22 $\n][-author?bozo]' --version
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--version num=0'
ERROR - $' version head (AT&T Research) 2010-04-22'
TEST 03 'info callback'
usage=$'[+][x:method?One of \fmethods\f.]:?[algorithm][m:meta?Enable metachars.]\n\npattern ...'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --?met
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?met num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: cmd [ options ] pattern ...
-x, --method[=algorithm]
One of <* methods info ok *>. The option value may be
-m, --meta Enable metachars.'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
stty [ options ]
-a, --aaa AAA
-z, --zzz=path ZZZ
<* one info ok *>
<* two info ok *>
<* three info ok *>'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --man
stty [ options ]
-z, --zzz=path ZZZ
yabba dabba
doo aroni
-a, --aaa AAA
<* one info ok *>
<* two info ok *>
<* three info ok *>'
usage=$'[-][+NAME?aha - just do it][+DESCRIPTION?Bla bla.]{\fzero\f}\n\n[ dialect ]\n\n[+SEE ALSO?Bla.]'
EXEC aha "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
aha - just do it
aha [ options ] [ dialect ]
Bla bla.
yabba dabba
doo aroni
usage=$'[-][+NAME?aha - just do it][+DESCRIPTION?Bla bla.]{[+before?insert]\fzero\f[+after?append]}'
EXEC aha "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
aha - just do it
aha [ options ]
Bla bla.
yabba dabba
doo aroni
after append'
usage=$'[-][+NAME?aha - just do it][+DESCRIPTION?Bla bla.][o]:?[option?bla bla bla:]{[+before?insert]\fzero\f[+after?append]}'
EXEC aha "$usage" --man
aha - just do it
aha [ options ]
Bla bla.
-o[option] bla bla bla:
yabba dabba
doo aroni
after append
The option value may be omitted.'
usage=$'[-][+NAME?Color_t - Color enum type][+Color_t?Values are \fmore#5\f. The default value is \fmore#6\f.]'
EXEC Color_t "$usage" --man
Color_t - Color enum type
Color_t [ options ]
Values are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. The default
value is red.'
TEST 04 'oh man'
[-?@(#)sum (AT&T Research) 1999-01-23\n]
[-author?Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com>]
[-author?David Korn <dgk@research.att.com>]
[-copyright?Copyright (c) 1989-1999 AT&T Corp.]
[+NAME?\f?\f - write file checksums and sizes]
[+DESCRIPTION?\b\f?\f\b calculates and writes to the standard
output a checksum and the number of bytes in each file.
Alternate algorithms can be specified as an option.
The default algorithm is POSIX CRC.]
[+?This should start another paragraph under DESCRIPTION.]
[v:v*erbose?List verbose information on the algorithm. This
can get really long and really wordy.]
[V:vernum?List the program version and exit.]
[a:each?List sum for each file when used with --total.]
[l:file-list?Each file is a list of file names to sum.]
[r:recursive?Recursively sum the files in directories.]
[10:furby?Use fuzzy logic.]
[t:total?Print the sum of the concatenation of all files.]
[m:magic?Magic incantation.]#?[yyxzy]
[x:algorithm|method?The checksum algorithm to apply.]:
[+att|sys5|s5?The traditional system 5 sum.]
[+one?Test sub sub 1.]
[+two?Test sub sub 2.]
[+ast?The ast pseudo-random number generator sum.]
[+md5?The message digest checksum.]
[:woo?Short test 0.]:[junk-0]
[A?Short test 1.]:[junk-1]
[B:?Short test 2.]:[junk-2]
[C:junk?Short test 3.]:[junk-3]
[D:?Short test 4.]:[junk-4]
[Q:test?Enable test code -- could be buggy.]
file file
file [ ... dir ]
[+STANDARD OUTPUT FORMAT?"%u %d %s\\n" <\achecksum\a> <\apathname\a>]
[+?If no \afile\a operand is specified, the pathname and its leading
space are omitted.]
[+FILES?These files are referenced whether [you]] like it [or not.]]]
[+lib/file/magic?Magic number table.]
[+lib/find/find.codes?Fast find database.]
[+lib/file/magic?Magic number table.]
[+lib/locate/locate.db?GNU fast find database.]
[+AND ALSO MORE JUNK TOO?First paragraph.]
[+?Next paragraph.]
EXEC sum "$usage" '-?'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=-? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: sum [-vValrtQ] [-m[yyxzy]] [-x algorithm] [-A junk-1] [-B junk-2]
[-C junk-3] [-D junk-4] [-E junk-5] [-F junk-6] [-G junk-7]
[-H junk-8] file file
Or: sum [ options ] file [ ... dir ]'
EXEC sum "$usage" '--?'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: sum [ options ] file file
Or: sum [ options ] file [ ... dir ]
-v, --v*erbose List verbose information on the algorithm. This can get
really long and really wordy.
-V, --vernum List the program version and exit.
-a, --each List sum for each file when used with --total.
-l, --file-list Each file is a list of file names to sum.
-r, --recursive Recursively sum the files in directories.
--furby Use fuzzy logic.
-t, --total Print the sum of the concatenation of all files.
-m, --magic[=yyxzy]
Magic incantation. The option value may be omitted.
-x, --algorithm|method=algorithm
The checksum algorithm to apply.
The traditional system 5 sum.
one Test sub sub 1.
two Test sub sub 2.
ast The ast pseudo-random number generator sum.
md5 The message digest checksum.
The default value is att.
--woo=junk-0 Short test 0.
-A junk-1 Short test 1.
-B junk-2 Short test 2.
-C, --junk=junk-3
Short test 3.
-D junk-4 Short test 4.
-E junk-5
-F junk-6
-G junk-7
-H junk-8
-Q, --test Enable test code -- could be buggy.'
EXEC sum "$usage" '--??'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?? num=0'
sum - write file checksums and sizes
sum [ options ] file file
sum [ options ] file [ ... dir ]
sum calculates and writes to the standard output a checksum and the number of
bytes in each file. Alternate algorithms can be specified as an option. The
default algorithm is POSIX CRC.
This should start another paragraph under DESCRIPTION.
-v, --v*erbose List verbose information on the algorithm. This can get
really long and really wordy.
-V, --vernum List the program version and exit.
-a, --each List sum for each file when used with --total.
-l, --file-list Each file is a list of file names to sum.
-r, --recursive Recursively sum the files in directories.
--furby Use fuzzy logic.
-t, --total Print the sum of the concatenation of all files.
-m, --magic[=yyxzy]
Magic incantation. The option value may be omitted.
-x, --algorithm|method=algorithm
The checksum algorithm to apply.
The traditional system 5 sum.
one Test sub sub 1.
two Test sub sub 2.
ast The ast pseudo-random number generator sum.
md5 The message digest checksum.
The default value is att.
--woo=junk-0 Short test 0.
-A junk-1 Short test 1.
-B junk-2 Short test 2.
-C, --junk=junk-3
Short test 3.
-D junk-4 Short test 4.
-E junk-5
-F junk-6
-G junk-7
-H junk-8
-Q, --test Enable test code -- could be buggy.
"%u %d %s\\n" <checksum> <pathname>
If no file operand is specified, the pathname and its leading space are
These files are referenced whether [you] like it [or not.]
Magic number table.
Fast find database.
Magic number table.
GNU fast find database.
First paragraph.
Next paragraph.
version sum (AT&T Research) 1999-01-23
author Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com>
author David Korn <dgk@research.att.com>
copyright Copyright (c) 1989-1999 AT&T Corp.
license http://www.research.att.com/sw/license/ast-open.html'
EXEC sum "$usage" '--?' -
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--? num=0'
ERROR - $' version sum (AT&T Research) 1999-01-23
author Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com>
author David Korn <dgk@research.att.com>
copyright Copyright (c) 1989-1999 AT&T Corp.
license http://www.research.att.com/sw/license/ast-open.html'
EXEC sum "$usage" '--?' -ver
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--? num=0'
ERROR - $' version sum (AT&T Research) 1999-01-23'
EXEC sum "$usage" '--?' -copyright
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--? num=0'
ERROR - $' copyright Copyright (c) 1989-1999 AT&T Corp.'
EXEC sum "$usage" '--?' -license
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--? num=0'
ERROR - $' license http://www.research.att.com/sw/license/ast-open.html'
EXEC sum "$usage" '--?' -author
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--? num=0'
ERROR - $' author Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com>
author David Korn <dgk@research.att.com>'
EXEC sum "$usage" '--?' -foo
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-? name=--? num=0'
ERROR - $'sum: -foo: unknown option'
EXEC sum "$usage" -m A
OUTPUT - $'return=m option=-m name=-m arg=(null) num=0\nargument=1 value="A"'
EXEC sum "$usage" -m L A
OUTPUT - $'return=m option=-m name=-m arg=(null) num=0\nargument=1 value="L"\nargument=2 value="A"'
EXEC sum "$usage" -m 0 A
OUTPUT - $'return=m option=-m name=-m arg=0 num=0\nargument=1 value="A"'
TEST 05 'should at least generate its own man page'
usage=$'[-?@(#)getopts (AT&T Research) 1999-02-02\n]
[+NAME?\f?\f - parse utility options]
[a:command]:[name?Use \aname\a instead of the command name in usage messages.]
opstring name [args...]
[+DESCRIPTION?The \bgetopts\b utility can be used to retrieve options and
arguments from a list of arguments give by \aargs\a or the positional
parameters if \aargs\a is omitted. It can also generate usage messages
and a man page for the command based on the information in \aoptstring\a.]
[+?The \aoptstring\a string consists of alpha-numeric characters,
the special characters +, -, ?, :, and <space>, or character groups
enclosed in [...]]. Character groups may be nested in {...}.
Outside of a [...]] group, a single new-line followed by zero or
more blanks is ignored. One or more blank lines separates the
options from the command argument synopsis.]
[+?Each [...]] group consists of an optional label,
optional attributes separated by :, and an
optional description string following ?. The characters from the ?
to the end of the next ]] are ignored for option parsing and short
usage messages. They are used for generating verbose help or man pages.
The : character may not appear in the label.
The ? character must be specified as ?? in label and the ]] character
must be specified as ]]]] in the description string.
Text between two \\b (backspace) characters indicates
that the text should be emboldened when displayed.
Text between two \\a (bell) characters indicates that the text should
be emphasised or italicised when displayed.]
[+?There are four types of groups:]
[+1.?An option specifiation of the form \aoption\a:\alongname\a.
In this case the first field is the option character. If there
is no option character, then a two digit number should be specified
that corresponds to the long options. This negative of this number
will be returned as the value of \aname\a by \bgetopts\b if the long
option is matched. A longname is matched with \b--\b\alongname\a. A
* in the \alongname\a field indicates that only characters up that
point need to match provided any additional characters match the option.
The [ and ]] can be omitted for options that don\'t have longnames
or descriptive text.]
[+2.?A string option argument specification.
Options that take arguments can be followed by : or # and an option
group specification. An option group specification consists
of a name for the option argument as field 1. The remaining
fields are a typename and zero or more of the special attribute words
\blistof\b, \boneof\b, and \bignorecase\b.
The option specification can be followed
by a list of option value descriptions enclosed in parenthesis.]
[+3.?A option value description.]
[+4.?A argument specification. A list of valid option argument values
can be specified by enclosing them inside a {...} following
the option argument specification. Each of the permitted
values can be specified with a [...]] containing the
value followed by a description.]
[+?If the leading character of \aoptstring\a is +, then arguments
beginning with + will also be considered options.]
[+?A leading : character or a : following a leading + in \aoptstring\a
affects the way errors are handled. If an option character or longname
argument not specified in \aoptstring\a is encountered when processing
options, the shell variable whose name is \aname\a will be set to the ?
character. The shell variable \bOPTARG\b will be set to
the character found. If an option argument is missing or has an invalid
value, then \aname\a will be set to the : character and the shell variable
\bOPTARG\b will be set to the option character found.
Without the leading :, \aname\a will be set to the ? character, \bOPTARG\b
will be unset, and an error message will be written to standard error
when errors are encountered.]
[+?The end of options occurs when:]
[+1.?The special argument \b--\b.]
[+2.?An argument that does not beging with a \b-\b.]
[+3.?A help argument is specified.]
[+4.?An error is encountered.]
[+?If \bOPTARG\b is set to the value \b1\b, a new set of arguments
can be used.]
[+?\bgetopts\b can also be used to generate help messages containing command
usage and detailed descriptions. Specify \aargs\a as:]
[+-???To generate a usage synopsis.]
[+--?????To generate a verbose usage message.]
[+--????man?To generate a formatted man page.]
[+--????api?To generate an easy to parse usage message.]
[+--????html?To generate a man page in \bhtml\b format.]
[+?When the end of options is encountered, \bgetopts\b exits with a
non-zero return value and the variable \bOPTIND\b is set to the
index of the first non-option argument.]
[+0?An option specified was found.]
[+1?An end of options was encountered.]
[+2?A usage or information message was generated.]
EXEC getopts "$usage" '-?'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=-? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: getopts [-a name] opstring name [args...]'
EXEC getopts "$usage" '--?'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: getopts [ options ] opstring name [args...]
-a, --command=name
Use name instead of the command name in usage messages.'
EXEC getopts "$usage" '--??'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?? num=0'
getopts - parse utility options
getopts [ options ] opstring name [args...]
-a, --command=name
Use name instead of the command name in usage messages.
The getopts utility can be used to retrieve options and arguments from a list
of arguments give by args or the positional parameters if args is omitted. It
can also generate usage messages and a man page for the command based on the
information in optstring.
The optstring string consists of alpha-numeric characters, the special
characters +, -, ?, :, and <space>, or character groups enclosed in [...].
Character groups may be nested in {...}. Outside of a [...] group, a single
new-line followed by zero or more blanks is ignored. One or more blank lines
separates the options from the command argument synopsis.
Each [...] group consists of an optional label, optional attributes separated
by :, and an optional description string following ?. The characters from the
? to the end of the next ] are ignored for option parsing and short usage
messages. They are used for generating verbose help or man pages. The :
character may not appear in the label. The ? character must be specified as
?? in label and the ] character must be specified as ]] in the description
string. Text between two \\b (backspace) characters indicates that the text
should be emboldened when displayed. Text between two \\a (bell) characters
indicates that the text should be emphasised or italicised when displayed.
There are four types of groups:
1. An option specifiation of the form option:longname. In this case the
first field is the option character. If there is no option character,
then a two digit number should be specified that corresponds to the
long options. This negative of this number will be returned as the
value of name by getopts if the long option is matched. A longname is
matched with --longname. A * in the longname field indicates that
only characters up that point need to match provided any additional
characters match the option. The [ and ] can be omitted for options
that don\'t have longnames or descriptive text.
2. A string option argument specification. Options that take arguments
can be followed by : or # and an option group specification. An
option group specification consists of a name for the option argument
as field 1. The remaining fields are a typename and zero or more of
the special attribute words listof, oneof, and ignorecase. The option
specification can be followed by a list of option value descriptions
enclosed in parenthesis.
3. A option value description.
4. A argument specification. A list of valid option argument values can
be specified by enclosing them inside a {...} following the option
argument specification. Each of the permitted values can be specified
with a [...] containing the value followed by a description.
If the leading character of optstring is +, then arguments beginning with +
will also be considered options.
A leading : character or a : following a leading + in optstring affects the
way errors are handled. If an option character or longname argument not
specified in optstring is encountered when processing options, the shell
variable whose name is name will be set to the ? character. The shell
variable OPTARG will be set to the character found. If an option argument is
missing or has an invalid value, then name will be set to the : character and
the shell variable OPTARG will be set to the option character found. Without
the leading :, name will be set to the ? character, OPTARG will be unset, and
an error message will be written to standard error when errors are
The end of options occurs when:
1. The special argument --.
2. An argument that does not beging with a -.
3. A help argument is specified.
4. An error is encountered.
If OPTARG is set to the value 1, a new set of arguments can be used.
getopts can also be used to generate help messages containing command usage
and detailed descriptions. Specify args as:
-? To generate a usage synopsis.
--?? To generate a verbose usage message.
To generate a formatted man page.
To generate an easy to parse usage message.
To generate a man page in html format.
When the end of options is encountered, getopts exits with a non-zero return
value and the variable OPTIND is set to the index of the first non-option
0 An option specified was found.
1 An end of options was encountered.
2 A usage or information message was generated.
version getopts (AT&T Research) 1999-02-02'
EXEC getopts "$usage" '--??api'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--??api num=0'
getopts - parse utility options
getopts [ options ] opstring name [args...]
.OP a command string name
Use name instead of the command name in usage messages.
The getopts utility can be used to retrieve options and arguments from a list of arguments give by args or the positional parameters if args is omitted. It can also generate usage messages and a man page for the command based on the information in optstring.
The optstring string consists of alpha-numeric characters, the special characters +, -, ?, :, and <space>, or character groups enclosed in [...]. Character groups may be nested in {...}. Outside of a [...] group, a single new-line followed by zero or more blanks is ignored. One or more blank lines separates the options from the command argument synopsis.
Each [...] group consists of an optional label, optional attributes separated by :, and an optional description string following ?. The characters from the ? to the end of the next ] are ignored for option parsing and short usage messages. They are used for generating verbose help or man pages. The : character may not appear in the label. The ? character must be specified as ?? in label and the ] character must be specified as ]] in the description string. Text between two \\b (backspace) characters indicates that the text should be emboldened when displayed. Text between two \\a (bell) characters indicates that the text should be emphasised or italicised when displayed.
There are four types of groups:
.H1 1.
An option specifiation of the form option:longname. In this case the first field is the option character. If there is no option character, then a two digit number should be specified that corresponds to the long options. This negative of this number will be returned as the value of name by getopts if the long option is matched. A longname is matched with --longname. A * in the longname field indicates that only characters up that point need to match provided any additional characters match the option. The [ and ] can be omitted for options that don\'t have longnames or descriptive text.
.H1 2.
A string option argument specification. Options that take arguments can be followed by : or # and an option group specification. An option group specification consists of a name for the option argument as field 1. The remaining fields are a typename and zero or more of the special attribute words listof, oneof, and ignorecase. The option specification can be followed by a list of option value descriptions enclosed in parenthesis.
.H1 3.
A option value description.
.H1 4.
A argument specification. A list of valid option argument values can be specified by enclosing them inside a {...} following the option argument specification. Each of the permitted values can be specified with a [...] containing the value followed by a description.
If the leading character of optstring is +, then arguments beginning with + will also be considered options.
A leading : character or a : following a leading + in optstring affects the way errors are handled. If an option character or longname argument not specified in optstring is encountered when processing options, the shell variable whose name is name will be set to the ? character. The shell variable OPTARG will be set to the character found. If an option argument is missing or has an invalid value, then name will be set to the : character and the shell variable OPTARG will be set to the option character found. Without the leading :, name will be set to the ? character, OPTARG will be unset, and an error message will be written to standard error when errors are encountered.
The end of options occurs when:
.H1 1.
The special argument --.
.H1 2.
An argument that does not beging with a -.
.H1 3.
A help argument is specified.
.H1 4.
An error is encountered.
If OPTARG is set to the value 1, a new set of arguments can be used.
getopts can also be used to generate help messages containing command usage and detailed descriptions. Specify args as:
.H1 -?
To generate a usage synopsis.
.H1 --??
To generate a verbose usage message.
.H1 --??man
To generate a formatted man page.
.H1 --??api
To generate an easy to parse usage message.
.H1 --??html
To generate a man page in html format.
When the end of options is encountered, getopts exits with a non-zero return value and the variable OPTIND is set to the index of the first non-option argument.
.H1 0
An option specified was found.
.H1 1
An end of options was encountered.
.H1 2
A usage or information message was generated.
.H0 version
getopts (AT&T Research) 1999-02-02'
EXEC getopts "$usage" '--??html'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--??html num=0'
<META name="generator" content="optget (AT&T Research) 2011-11-11">
<TITLE>getopts man document</TITLE>
<STYLE type="text/css">
div.SH { padding-left:2em; text-indent:0em; }
div.SY { padding-left:4em; text-indent:-2em; }
dt { float:left; clear:both; }
dd { margin-left:3em; }
<BODY bgcolor=white>
<H4><TABLE width=100%><TR><TH align=left>GETOPTS&nbsp;(&nbsp;1&nbsp;)&nbsp;<TH align=center><A href="." title="Index">USER COMMANDS</A><TH align=right>GETOPTS&nbsp;(&nbsp;1&nbsp;)</TR></TABLE></H4>
<H4><A name="NAME">NAME</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<!--MAN-INDEX-->getopts - parse utility options
<H4><A name="SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</A></H4>
<DIV class=SY>
<B>getopts</B> &#0091; <I>options</I> &#0093; opstring name &#0091;args...&#0093;
<H4><A name="OPTIONS">OPTIONS</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<DT>-<B>a</B>, --<B>command</B>=<I>name</I><DD><BR>Use <I>name</I> instead of the
command name in usage messages.
<DIV class=SH>
The <B>getopts</B> utility can be used to retrieve options and arguments from a
list of arguments give by <I>args</I> or the positional parameters if <I>args
</I> is omitted. It can also generate usage messages and a man page for the
command based on the information in <I>optstring</I>.
The <I>optstring</I> string consists of alpha-numeric characters, the special
characters +, -, ?, :, and &lt;space&gt;, or character groups enclosed in
&#0091;...&#0093;. Character groups may be nested in {...}. Outside of a &#0091;...&#0093; group, a
single new-line followed by zero or more blanks is ignored. One or more blank
lines separates the options from the command argument synopsis.
Each &#0091;...&#0093; group consists of an optional label, optional attributes separated
by :, and an optional description string following ?. The characters from the ?
to the end of the next &#0093; are ignored for option parsing and short usage
messages. They are used for generating verbose help or man pages. The :
character may not appear in the label. The ? character must be specified as ??
in label and the &#0093; character must be specified as &#0093;&#0093; in the description string.
Text between two \\b (backspace) characters indicates that the text should be
emboldened when displayed. Text between two \\a (bell) characters indicates that
the text should be emphasised or italicised when displayed.
There are four types of groups:
<DT><A name="1."><B>1.</B></A><DD>An option specifiation of the form <I>option</I>:
<I>longname</I>. In this case the first field is the option character. If there
is no option character, then a two digit number should be specified that
corresponds to the long options. This negative of this number will be returned
as the value of <I>name</I> by <B>getopts</B> if the long option is matched. A
longname is matched with <B>--</B><I>longname</I>. A * in the <I>longname</I>
field indicates that only characters up that point need to match provided any
additional characters match the option. The &#0091; and &#0093; can be omitted for options
that don\'t have longnames or descriptive text.
<DT><A name="2."><B>2.</B></A><DD>A string option argument specification. Options
that take arguments can be followed by : or # and an option group
specification. An option group specification consists of a name for the option
argument as field 1. The remaining fields are a typename and zero or more of
the special attribute words <B>listof</B>, <B>oneof</B>, and <B>ignorecase</B>.
The option specification can be followed by a list of option value descriptions
enclosed in parenthesis.
<DT><A name="3."><B>3.</B></A><DD>A option value description.
<DT><A name="4."><B>4.</B></A><DD>A argument specification. A list of valid option
argument values can be specified by enclosing them inside a {...} following the
option argument specification. Each of the permitted values can be specified
with a &#0091;...&#0093; containing the value followed by a description.
If the leading character of <I>optstring</I> is +, then arguments beginning
with + will also be considered options.
A leading : character or a : following a leading + in <I>optstring</I> affects
the way errors are handled. If an option character or longname argument not
specified in <I>optstring</I> is encountered when processing options, the shell
variable whose name is <I>name</I> will be set to the ? character. The shell
variable <B>OPTARG</B> will be set to the character found. If an option
argument is missing or has an invalid value, then <I>name</I> will be set to
the : character and the shell variable <B>OPTARG</B> will be set to the option
character found. Without the leading :, <I>name</I> will be set to the ?
character, <B>OPTARG</B> will be unset, and an error message will be written to
standard error when errors are encountered.
The end of options occurs when:
<DT><A name="1."><B>1.</B></A><DD>The special argument <B>--</B>.
<DT><A name="2."><B>2.</B></A><DD>An argument that does not beging with a <B>-</B>.
<DT><A name="3."><B>3.</B></A><DD>A help argument is specified.
<DT><A name="4."><B>4.</B></A><DD>An error is encountered.
If <B>OPTARG</B> is set to the value <B>1</B>, a new set of arguments can be
<B>getopts</B> can also be used to generate help messages containing command
usage and detailed descriptions. Specify <I>args</I> as:
<DT><A name="-?"><B>-?</B></A><DD>To generate a usage synopsis.
<DT><A name="--??"><B>--??</B></A><DD>To generate a verbose usage message.
<DT><A name="--??man"><B>--??man</B></A><DD><BR>To generate a formatted man page.
<DT><A name="--??api"><B>--??api</B></A><DD><BR>To generate an easy to parse usage
<DT><A name="--??html"><B>--??html</B></A><DD><BR>To generate a man page in <B>html
</B> format.
When the end of options is encountered, <B>getopts</B> exits with a non-zero
return value and the variable <B>OPTIND</B> is set to the index of the first
non-option argument.
<DIV class=SH>
<DT><A name="0"><B>0</B></A><DD>An option specified was found.
<DT><A name="1"><B>1</B></A><DD>An end of options was encountered.
<DT><A name="2"><B>2</B></A><DD>A usage or information message was generated.
<DIV class=SH>
<DT><A name="version"><B>version</B></A><DD><BR>getopts (AT&amp;T Research)
EXEC getopts "$usage" '--version'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--version num=0'
ERROR - $' version getopts (AT&T Research) 1999-02-02'
EXEC tooalso "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
tooalso [ options ]
-a, --aaa=delimiter
AAA The default value is \\:.
-b, --bbb=string
BBB The default value is ?.
-c ccc The default value is =?:=.'
TEST 06 'bugs of omission'
usage=$'[-][+NAME?locate][a:again?Look again.][b:noback?Don\'t look back.][n:notnow?Don\'t look now.][t:twice?Look twice.][+FOO]{[+foo?aha]}[+BAR?bahah]'
EXEC locate "$usage" '-?'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=-? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: locate [-abnt]'
EXEC locate "$usage" '--?'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: locate [ options ]
-a, --again Look again.
-b, --noback Don\'t look back.
-n, --notnow Don\'t look now.
-t, --twice Look twice.'
EXEC locate "$usage" '--man'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
locate [ options ]
-a, --again Look again.
-b, --noback Don\'t look back.
-n, --notnow Don\'t look now.
-t, --twice Look twice.
foo aha
TEST 07 'return value tests'
usage=$'[-][a=1111:aaa]\t[b=2:bbb]\t[=3:ccc][44:ddd][i!:iii][j!:jjj?Yada yada.]'
EXEC tst "$usage" -a
OUTPUT - $'return=-1111 option=-1111 name=-a arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC tst "$usage" --a
OUTPUT - $'return=-1111 option=-1111 name=--aaa arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC tst "$usage" -b
OUTPUT - $'return=-2 option=-2 name=-b arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC tst "$usage" --b
OUTPUT - $'return=-2 option=-2 name=--bbb arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC tst "$usage" --c
OUTPUT - $'return=-3 option=-3 name=--ccc arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC tst "$usage" --d
OUTPUT - $'return=-44 option=-44 name=--ddd arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC tst "$usage" -a -b --a --b --c --d -i --i --noi
OUTPUT - $'return=-1111 option=-1111 name=-a arg=(null) num=1
return=-2 option=-2 name=-b arg=(null) num=1
return=-1111 option=-1111 name=--aaa arg=(null) num=1
return=-2 option=-2 name=--bbb arg=(null) num=1
return=-3 option=-3 name=--ccc arg=(null) num=1
return=-44 option=-44 name=--ddd arg=(null) num=1
return=i option=-i name=-i arg=(null) num=0
return=i option=-i name=--iii arg=(null) num=1
return=i option=-i name=--iii arg=(null) num=0'
EXEC tst "$usage" '-?'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=-? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: tst [-abij]'
EXEC tst "$usage" '--?'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: tst [ options ]\nOPTIONS\n -a, --aaa\n -b, --bbb\n --ccc\n --ddd\n -i, --iii\n -j, --jjj Yada yada. On by default; -j means --nojjj.'
EXEC tst "$usage" '--??api'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--??api num=0'
tst [ options ]
.OP a aaa flag -
.OP b bbb flag -
.OP - ccc flag -
.OP - ddd flag -
.OP i iii flag:invert -
.OP j jjj flag:invert -
Yada yada.
On by default; -j means --nojjj.
TEST 08 'optstr() tests'
EXEC - dll "$usage" 'vvv=zzz foo: aaa bar: aaa'
OUTPUT - $'return=v option=-v name=vvv arg=zzz num=1
return=# option=: name=foo arg=(null) num=0
return=a option=-a name=aaa arg=(null) num=1
return=# option=: name=bar arg=(null) num=0
return=a option=-a name=aaa arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC - dll "$usage" '???TEST,???NOEMPHASIS,man'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=man num=0'
dll [ options ]
-a, --aaa AAA
-v, --vvv=xxx VVV'
usage=$'[-?@(#)pax (AT&T Research) 1999-02-14\n]
[a:append?Append to end of archive.]
[101:atime?Preserve or set access time.]:?[time]
[z:base?Delta base archive name. - ignores base on input, compresses on output.]:[archive]
[b:blocksize?Input/output block size. The default is format specific.]#[size]
[102:blok?Input/output BLOK format for tapes on file.]:?[i|o]
[103:charset|codeset?Header data character set name.]:[name]
[ file ... ]
[-author?Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com>]
EXEC - pax "$usage" 'append base="aaa zzz" charset=us'
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=append arg=(null) num=1
return=z option=-z name=base arg=aaa zzz num=1
return=-103 option=-103 name=charset arg=us num=1'
EXEC - pax "$usage" '--append --base="aaa zzz" --charset=us'
EXEC - pax "$usage" '-a -zaaa'
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=aaa num=1'
EXEC - pax "$usage" 'app,base=aaa\,zzz,ch:=us\ ascii,block+=77777777777'
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=append arg=(null) num=1
return=z option=-z name=base arg=aaa,zzz num=1
return=-103 option=-103 name=charset arg:=us ascii num=1
return=b option=-b name=blocksize arg+=77777777777 num=77777777777'
EXEC - pax "$usage" $'6 app\n16 base=aaa,zzz\n21 charset:=us ascii\n22 block+=77777777777\n'
EXEC - pax "$usage" $'6 app\n16 base=aaa,zzz\n21 charset:=us ascii\n22 block+=77777777777'
EXEC - pax "$usage" '--app,--base=aaa\,zzz,--ch:=us\ ascii,--block+=77777777777'
EXEC - pax "$usage" '-a,-zaaa,-b77777777777'
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=aaa num=1
return=b option=-b name=-b arg=77777777777 num=77777777777'
EXEC - pax "$usage" 'app,base=aaa\,zzz,ch:=us\ ascii,block+=077777777777'
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=append arg=(null) num=1
return=z option=-z name=base arg=aaa,zzz num=1
return=-103 option=-103 name=charset arg:=us ascii num=1
return=b option=-b name=blocksize arg+=077777777777 num=77777777777'
EXEC - pax "$usage" $'6 app\n16 base=aaa,zzz\n21 charset:=us ascii\n23 block+=077777777777\n'
EXEC - pax "$usage" $'6 app\n16 base=aaa,zzz\n21 charset:=us ascii\n23 block+=077777777777'
EXEC - pax "$usage" '--app,--base=aaa\,zzz,--ch:=us\ ascii,--block+=077777777777'
EXEC - pax "$usage" '-a,-zaaa,-b077777777777'
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=aaa num=1
return=b option=-b name=-b arg=077777777777 num=77777777777'
EXEC - pax "$usage" 'app,base=aaa\,zzz,ch:=us\ ascii,block+=8#77777777777'
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=append arg=(null) num=1
return=z option=-z name=base arg=aaa,zzz num=1
return=-103 option=-103 name=charset arg:=us ascii num=1
return=b option=-b name=blocksize arg+=8#77777777777 num=8589934591'
EXEC - pax "$usage" $'6 app\n16 base=aaa,zzz\n21 charset:=us ascii\n24 block+=8#77777777777\n'
EXEC - pax "$usage" $'6 app\n16 base=aaa,zzz\n21 charset:=us ascii\n24 block+=8#77777777777'
EXEC - pax "$usage" '--app,--base=aaa\,zzz,--ch:=us\ ascii,--block+=8#77777777777'
EXEC - pax "$usage" '-a,-zaaa,-b8#77777777777'
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=aaa num=1
return=b option=-b name=-b arg=8#77777777777 num=8589934591'
EXEC - pax "$usage" 'app,base=aaa\,zzz,ch:=us\ ascii,block+=0x77777777777'
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=append arg=(null) num=1
return=z option=-z name=base arg=aaa,zzz num=1
return=-103 option=-103 name=charset arg:=us ascii num=1
return=b option=-b name=blocksize arg+=0x77777777777 num=8209686820727'
EXEC - pax "$usage" $'6 app\n16 base=aaa,zzz\n21 charset:=us ascii\n24 block+=0x77777777777\n'
EXEC - pax "$usage" $'6 app\n16 base=aaa,zzz\n21 charset:=us ascii\n24 block+=0x77777777777'
EXEC - pax "$usage" '--app,--base=aaa\,zzz,--ch:=us\ ascii,--block+=0x77777777777'
EXEC - pax "$usage" '-a,-zaaa,-b0x77777777777'
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=aaa num=1
return=b option=-b name=-b arg=0x77777777777 num=8209686820727'
EXEC - pax "$usage" 'app,base=aaa\,zzz,ch:=us\ ascii,block+=16#77777777777'
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=append arg=(null) num=1
return=z option=-z name=base arg=aaa,zzz num=1
return=-103 option=-103 name=charset arg:=us ascii num=1
return=b option=-b name=blocksize arg+=16#77777777777 num=8209686820727'
EXEC - pax "$usage" $'6 app\n16 base=aaa,zzz\n21 charset:=us ascii\n25 block+=16#77777777777\n'
EXEC - pax "$usage" $'6 app\n16 base=aaa,zzz\n21 charset:=us ascii\n25 block+=16#77777777777'
EXEC - pax "$usage" '--app,--base=aaa\,zzz,--ch:=us\ ascii,--block+=16#77777777777'
EXEC - pax "$usage" '-a,-zaaa,-b16#77777777777'
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=aaa num=1
return=b option=-b name=-b arg=16#77777777777 num=8209686820727'
EXEC - pax "$usage" '14 foo'
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=14 num=0 str=14 foo\nreturn=: option= name=foo num=0 str=14 foo'
ERROR - $'pax: 14: unknown option\npax: foo: unknown option'
TEST 09 'hidden options'
usage=$'ab?cd [ file ... ]'
EXEC tst "$usage" -a -b -c -d
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
return=b option=-b name=-b arg=(null) num=1
return=c option=-c name=-c arg=(null) num=1
return=d option=-d name=-d arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC tst "$usage" -?
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=-? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: tst [-ab] [ file ... ]'
EXEC tst "$usage" --?
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--? num=0'
EXEC tst "$usage" --api
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--api num=0'
tst [ options ] [ file ... ]
.OP a - flag -
.OP b - flag -
.OP c - flag:hidden -
.OP d - flag:hidden -'
EXEC tst "$usage" -a -b z -c
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
return=b option=-b name=-b arg=z num=1
return=c option=-c name=-c arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC tst "$usage" -?
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=-? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: tst [-a] [-b arg]'
EXEC tst "$usage" --?
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--? num=0'
EXEC tst "$usage" --api
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--api num=0'
tst [ options ]
.OP a - flag -
.OP b - string arg
.OP c - flag:hidden -'
TEST 10 'numeric options'
EXEC sort "$new" -1 +2 file
OUTPUT - $'return=K option=-K name=-1 arg=1 num=1\nreturn=K option=+K name=+2 arg=2 num=2\nargument=1 value="file"'
EXEC sort "$alt" -1 +2 file
EXEC sort "$old" -1 +2 file
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=-1 num=0 str=bK#[old-key]\nargument=1 value="+2"\nargument=2 value="file"'
ERROR - $'sort: -1: unknown option'
EXEC set "$usage" -x
OUTPUT - $'return=x option=-x name=-x arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC set "$usage" +x
OUTPUT - $'argument=1 value="+x"'
EXEC set "$usage" -4
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=-4 num=0 str=[-][x:trace?Trace.][m:max?Max.]#[num]'
ERROR - $'set: -4: unknown option'
EXEC set "$usage" +4
OUTPUT - $'argument=1 value="+4"'
EXEC set "$usage" -x
OUTPUT - $'return=x option=-x name=-x arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC set "$usage" +x
OUTPUT - $'return=x option=+x name=+x arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC set "$usage" -4
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=-4 num=0 str=+[-][x:trace?Trace.][m:max?Max.]#[num]'
ERROR - $'set: -4: unknown option'
EXEC set "$usage" +4
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=+4 num=0 str=+[-][x:trace?Trace.][m:max?Max.]#[num]'
ERROR - $'set: +4: unknown option'
EXEC set "$usage" -x
OUTPUT - $'return=x option=-x name=-x arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC set "$usage" +x
OUTPUT - $'return=x option=+x name=+x arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC set "$usage" -4
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=-4 num=0 str=[-+][x:trace?Trace.][m:max?Max.]#[num]'
ERROR - $'set: -4: unknown option'
EXEC set "$usage" +4
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=+4 num=0 str=[-+][x:trace?Trace.][m:max?Max.]#[num]'
ERROR - $'set: +4: unknown option'
EXEC set "$usage" -x
OUTPUT - $'return=x option=-x name=-x arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC set "$usage" +x
OUTPUT - $'return=x option=+x name=+x arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC set "$usage" -4
OUTPUT - $'return=m option=-m name=-4 arg=4 num=4'
EXEC set "$usage" +4
OUTPUT - $'return=m option=+m name=+4 arg=4 num=4'
EXEC set "$usage" -x
OUTPUT - $'return=x option=-x name=-x arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC set "$usage" +x
OUTPUT - $'return=x option=+x name=+x arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC set "$usage" -4
OUTPUT - $'return=m option=-m name=-4 arg=4 num=4'
EXEC set "$usage" +4
OUTPUT - $'return=m option=+m name=+4 arg=4 num=4'
TEST 11 'find style!'
find=$'[-1p1?@(#)find (AT&T Research) 2010-04-22][+NAME?\bfind\b - find files][13:amin?File was last accessed \aminutes\a minutes ago.]#[minutes][17:chop?Chop leading \b./\b from printed pathnames.]\n\n[ path ... ] [ option ]\n\n[+SEE ALSO?cpio(1), file(1), ls(1), sh(1), test(1), tw(1), stat(2)]'
EXEC find "$find" -amin 1 -chop
OUTPUT - $'return=-13 option=-13 name=-amin arg=1 num=1\nreturn=-17 option=-17 name=-chop arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC find "$find" -amin=1 --chop
EXEC find "$find" --amin 1 --chop
EXEC find "$find" -amin
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-13 name=-amin num=0'
ERROR - $'find: -amin: numeric minutes value expected'
EXEC find "$find" -foo
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=-foo num=0 str=-foo'
ERROR - $'find: -foo: unknown option'
EXEC find "$find" --foo
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=-foo num=0 str=--foo'
ERROR - $'find: -foo: unknown option'
EXEC find "$find" -foo=bar
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=-foo num=0 str=-foo=bar'
ERROR - $'find: -foo: unknown option'
EXEC find "$find" --foo=bar
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=-foo num=0 str=--foo=bar'
ERROR - $'find: -foo: unknown option'
EXEC find "$find" -?
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=-? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: find [-amin minutes] [-chop] [ path ... ] [ option ]'
EXEC find "$find" --?
ERROR - $'Usage: find [ options ] [ path ... ] [ option ]\nOPTIONS\n -amin minutes File was last accessed minutes minutes ago.\n -chop Chop leading ./ from printed pathnames.'
EXEC find "$find" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=-man num=0'
ERROR - $'NAME\n find - find files\n\nSYNOPSIS\n find [ options ] [ path ... ] [ option ]\n\nOPTIONS\n -amin minutes File was last accessed minutes minutes ago.\n -chop Chop leading ./ from printed pathnames.\n\nSEE ALSO\n cpio(1), file(1), ls(1), sh(1), test(1), tw(1), stat(2)\n\nIMPLEMENTATION\n version find (AT&T Research) 2010-04-22'
EXEC find "$find" --nroff
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=-nroff num=0'
ERROR - $'.\\" format with nroff|troff|groff -man
.TH FIND 1 2010-04-22
.fp 5 CW
.nr mH 5
.de H0
.nr mH 0
.in 5n
.in 7n
.de H1
.nr mH 1
.in 7n
.in 9n
.de H2
.nr mH 2
.in 11n
.in 13n
.de H3
.nr mH 3
.in 15n
.in 17n
.de H4
.nr mH 4
.in 19n
.in 21n
.de OP
.nr mH 0
.ie !\'\\\\$1\'-\' \\{
.ds mO \\\\fB\\\\-\\\\$1\\\\fP
.ds mS ,\\\\0
.el \\{
.ds mO \\\\&
.ds mS \\\\&
.ie \'\\\\$2\'-\' \\{
.if !\'\\\\$4\'-\' .as mO \\\\0\\\\fI\\\\$4\\\\fP
.el \\{
.as mO \\\\*(mS\\\\fB\\\\-\\\\$2\\\\fP
.if !\'\\\\$4\'-\' .as mO =\\\\fI\\\\$4\\\\fP
.in 5n
.in 9n
.de SP
.if \\\\n(mH==2 .in 9n
.if \\\\n(mH==3 .in 13n
.if \\\\n(mH==4 .in 17n
.de FN
.nr mH 0
.in 5n
\\\\$1 \\\\$2
.in 9n
.de DS
.in +3n
.ft 5
.de DE
.ft R
.in -3n
\\fBfind\\fP \\- find files
\\fBfind\\fP\\ [\\ \\fIoptions\\fP\\ ]\\ [\\ path\\ \\&.\\&.\\&.\\ ]\\ [\\ option\\ ]
.OP - amin number minutes
File was last accessed \\fIminutes\\fP minutes ago\\&.
.OP - chop flag -
Chop leading \\fB\\&./\\fP from printed pathnames\\&.
cpio(1), file(1), ls(1), sh(1), test(1), tw(1), stat(2)
.H0 version
find (AT&T Research) 2010\\-04\\-22'
TEST 12 'dd style!'
dd=$'[-1p0][+NAME?\bdd\b - copy and convert file][10:if?Input file name.]:[file][11:conv?Conversion option.]:[conversion][+SEE ALSO?cp(1), pax(1), tr(1), seek(2)]'
EXEC dd "$dd" if=foo conv=ascii
OUTPUT - $'return=-10 option=-10 name=if arg=foo num=1\nreturn=-11 option=-11 name=conv arg=ascii num=1'
EXEC dd "$dd" if foo conv ascii
EXEC dd "$dd" -if=foo --conv=ascii
EXEC dd "$dd" if
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-10 name=if num=0'
ERROR - $'dd: if: file argument expected'
EXEC dd "$dd" --if=bar foo
OUTPUT - $'return=-10 option=-10 name=if arg=bar num=1\nreturn=: option= name=foo num=0 str=foo'
ERROR - $'dd: foo: unknown option'
EXEC dd "$dd" -foo
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=foo num=0 str=-foo'
EXEC dd "$dd" --foo
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=foo num=0 str=--foo'
EXEC dd "$dd" foo=bar
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=foo num=0 str=foo=bar'
EXEC dd "$dd" -foo=bar
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=foo num=0 str=-foo=bar'
EXEC dd "$dd" --foo=bar
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=foo num=0 str=--foo=bar'
EXEC dd "$dd" -?
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=-? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: dd [if=file] [conv=conversion]'
EXEC dd "$dd" --?
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: dd [ options ]\nOPTIONS\n if=file Input file name.\n conv=conversion Conversion option.'
EXEC dd "$dd" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=man num=0'
ERROR - $'NAME\n dd - copy and convert file\n\nSYNOPSIS\n dd [ options ]\n\nOPTIONS\n if=file Input file name.\n conv=conversion Conversion option.\n\nSEE ALSO\n cp(1), pax(1), tr(1), seek(2)'
TEST 13 'unknown options'
usage=$'[-][l:library]:[dll][G!:gzip] [ file ]'
EXEC pzip "$usage" --library=mps --checksum --nogzip data.db
OUTPUT - $'return=l option=-l name=--library arg=mps num=1\nreturn=: option= name=--checksum num=0 str=--checksum\nreturn=G option=-G name=--gzip arg=(null) num=0\nargument=1 value="data.db"'
ERROR - $'pzip: --checksum: unknown option'
EXEC pzip "$usage" --library=mps --checksum=1 --nogzip data.db
OUTPUT - $'return=l option=-l name=--library arg=mps num=1\nreturn=: option= name=--checksum num=0 str=--checksum=1\nreturn=G option=-G name=--gzip arg=(null) num=0\nargument=1 value="data.db"'
EXEC pzip "$usage" --library=mps --nochecksum --nogzip data.db
OUTPUT - $'return=l option=-l name=--library arg=mps num=1\nreturn=: option= name=--nochecksum num=0 str=--nochecksum\nreturn=G option=-G name=--gzip arg=(null) num=0\nargument=1 value="data.db"'
ERROR - $'pzip: --nochecksum: unknown option'
TEST 14 'interface queries'
usage=$'[-][l:library]:[dll][G!:gzip] [ file ]'
EXEC command "$usage" --???api
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--???api num=0'
ERROR - $'version=1'
EXEC command "$usage" --???html
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--???html num=0'
EXEC command "$usage" --???man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--???man num=0'
usage=$'[-p2][l:library]:[dll][G!:gzip] [ file ]'
EXEC command "$usage" --???api
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--???api num=0'
ERROR - $'version=1'
usage=$'[-2p2][l:library]:[dll][G!:gzip] [ file ]'
EXEC command "$usage" --???api
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--???api num=0'
ERROR - $'version=2'
usage=$'l:[dll]G [ file ]'
EXEC command "$usage" --???api
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--???api num=0'
ERROR - $'version=0'
EXEC command "$usage" --???html
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--???html num=0'
EXEC command "$usage" --???man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--???man num=0'
EXEC command "$usage" --???MAN=3S
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--???MAN num=0'
TEST 15 'required vs. optional arguments'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --req=1 --req -2 --req 3 4 5
OUTPUT - $'return=r option=-r name=--required arg=1 num=1\nreturn=r option=-r name=--required arg=-2 num=1\nreturn=r option=-r name=--required arg=3 num=1\nargument=1 value="4"\nargument=2 value="5"'
EXEC cmd "$usage" -r1 -r -2 -r 3 4 5
OUTPUT - $'return=r option=-r name=-r arg=1 num=1\nreturn=r option=-r name=-r arg=-2 num=1\nreturn=r option=-r name=-r arg=3 num=1\nargument=1 value="4"\nargument=2 value="5"'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --opt=1 --opt -2 --opt 3 4 5
OUTPUT - $'return=o option=-o name=--optional arg=1 num=1\nreturn=o option=-o name=--optional arg=(null) num=1\nreturn=2 option=-2 name=-2 arg=(null) num=1\nreturn=o option=-o name=--optional arg=(null) num=1\nargument=1 value="3"\nargument=2 value="4"\nargument=3 value="5"'
EXEC cmd "$usage" -o1 -o -2 -o 3 4 5
OUTPUT - $'return=o option=-o name=-o arg=1 num=1\nreturn=o option=-o name=-o arg=(null) num=0\nreturn=2 option=-2 name=-2 arg=(null) num=1\nreturn=o option=-o name=-o arg=3 num=1\nargument=1 value="4"\nargument=2 value="5"'
usage=$'[-][y:sort?sort by key]:?[key]{[a?A]}'
EXEC ls "$usage" -y
OUTPUT - $'return=y option=-y name=-y arg=(null) num=1'
TEST 16 'detailed man'
usage=$'[-][+NAME?ah][+DESCRIPTION?\abla\a does bla and bla. The blas are:]{[+\aaha\a?bla bla aha][+\bbwaha?not bold][+bold?yes it is]}[+?Next paragraph]{[+aaa?aaa][+bbb?bbb]}'
EXEC cmd "$usage" --html
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--html num=0'
<META name="generator" content="optget (AT&T Research) 2011-11-11">
<TITLE>ah man document</TITLE>
<STYLE type="text/css">
div.SH { padding-left:2em; text-indent:0em; }
div.SY { padding-left:4em; text-indent:-2em; }
dt { float:left; clear:both; }
dd { margin-left:3em; }
<BODY bgcolor=white>
<H4><TABLE width=100%><TR><TH align=left>AH&nbsp;(&nbsp;1&nbsp;)&nbsp;<TH align=center><A href="." title="Index">USER COMMANDS</A><TH align=right>AH&nbsp;(&nbsp;1&nbsp;)</TR></TABLE></H4>
<H4><A name="NAME">NAME</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<H4><A name="SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</A></H4>
<DIV class=SY>
<B>ah</B> &#0091; <I>options</I> &#0093;
<DIV class=SH>
<I>bla</I> does bla and bla. The blas are:
<DT><A name="aha"><I>aha</I></A><DD>bla bla aha
<DT><A name="bwaha">bwaha</A><DD><BR>not bold
<DT><A name="bold"><B>bold</B></A><DD>yes it is
Next paragraph
<DT><A name="aaa"><B>aaa</B></A><DD>aaa
<DT><A name="bbb"><B>bbb</B></A><DD>bbb
TEST 17 'literal : ? ] makess you ssee double'
usage=$'[-][a:aha?magic\\sesame]:[yyzzy][x?foo]:[bar]{[+a[b::c[d[,e]]]]??f[::g]]]]?A?B:C[]]][+p \'d\' "q"?duh]}[z:zoom]'
EXEC zwei "$usage" -a o
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=-a arg=o num=1'
EXEC zwei "$usage" -?
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=-? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: zwei [-z] [-a yyzzy] [-x bar]'
EXEC zwei "$usage" --api
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--api num=0'
zwei [ options ]
.OP a aha string yyzzy
.OP x - string bar
.H2 a[b:c[d[,e]]?f[:g]]
.H2 p \'d\' "q"
.OP z zoom flag -
EXEC zwei "$usage" --nroff
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--nroff num=0'
ERROR - $'.\\" format with nroff|troff|groff -man
.fp 5 CW
.nr mH 5
.de H0
.nr mH 0
.in 5n
.in 7n
.de H1
.nr mH 1
.in 7n
.in 9n
.de H2
.nr mH 2
.in 11n
.in 13n
.de H3
.nr mH 3
.in 15n
.in 17n
.de H4
.nr mH 4
.in 19n
.in 21n
.de OP
.nr mH 0
.ie !\'\\\\$1\'-\' \\{
.ds mO \\\\fB\\\\-\\\\$1\\\\fP
.ds mS ,\\\\0
.el \\{
.ds mO \\\\&
.ds mS \\\\&
.ie \'\\\\$2\'-\' \\{
.if !\'\\\\$4\'-\' .as mO \\\\0\\\\fI\\\\$4\\\\fP
.el \\{
.as mO \\\\*(mS\\\\fB\\\\-\\\\-\\\\$2\\\\fP
.if !\'\\\\$4\'-\' .as mO =\\\\fI\\\\$4\\\\fP
.in 5n
.in 9n
.de SP
.if \\\\n(mH==2 .in 9n
.if \\\\n(mH==3 .in 13n
.if \\\\n(mH==4 .in 17n
.de FN
.nr mH 0
.in 5n
\\\\$1 \\\\$2
.in 9n
.de DS
.in +3n
.ft 5
.de DE
.ft R
.in -3n
\\fBzwei\\fP\\ [\\ \\fIoptions\\fP\\ ]
.OP a aha string yyzzy
.OP x - string bar
.H2 a[b:c[d[,e]]?f[:g]]
.H2 p\\ \'d\'\\ "q"
.OP z zoom flag -
TEST 18 'more compatibility'
usage=$'CD:[macro[=value]]EI:?[dir]MPU:[macro]V?A:[assertion]HTX:[dialect]Y:[stdinclude] [input [output]]'
EXEC cpp "$usage" -Da=b -Ic -I -Id
OUTPUT - $'return=D option=-D name=-D arg=a=b num=1\nreturn=I option=-I name=-I arg=c num=1\nreturn=I option=-I name=-I arg=(null) num=0\nreturn=I option=-I name=-I arg=d num=1'
EXEC cpp "$usage" -?
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=-? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: cpp [-CEMPV] [-D macro[=value]] [-I[dir]] [-U macro] [input [output]]'
EXEC typeset "$usage" -
OUTPUT - $'argument=1 value="-"'
EXEC typeset "+$usage" -
EXEC typeset "$usage" +
OUTPUT - $'argument=1 value="+"'
EXEC typeset "+$usage" +
usage=$' file'
EXEC none "$usage" -?
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=-? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: none [ options ] file'
EXEC none "$usage" --api
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--api num=0'
ERROR - $'.SH SYNOPSIS\nnone [ options ] file'
EXEC none "$usage" -?
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=-? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: none [ options ] file'
EXEC none "$usage" --api
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--api num=0'
ERROR - $'.SH SYNOPSIS\nnone [ options ] file\n.SH IMPLEMENTATION\n.SP'
TEST 19 'mutual exclusion'
usage=$'[-][\t[a:A][b:B][c:C]\t][d:D]\n\n[ file ... ]'
EXEC mutex "$usage" -?
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=-? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: mutex [-d] [ -a | -b | -c ] [ file ... ]'
usage=$'[-] [ [a:A][b:B][c:C] ] [d:D]\n\n[ file ... ]'
EXEC mutex "$usage" -?
usage=$'[abc]d [ file ... ]'
EXEC mutex "$usage" -?
TEST 20 'flag alternation'
usage=$'[-][a|A:aha][b|q|z:foo][n|m=10:meth]:[meth][x:bar]\n\nfile ...'
EXEC alt "$usage" -a
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC alt "$usage" -A
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-A name=-A arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC alt "$usage" --aha
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=--aha arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC alt "$usage" -b
OUTPUT - $'return=b option=-b name=-b arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC alt "$usage" -q
OUTPUT - $'return=b option=-q name=-q arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC alt "$usage" -z
OUTPUT - $'return=b option=-z name=-z arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC alt "$usage" --foo
OUTPUT - $'return=b option=-b name=--foo arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC alt "$usage" -n nnn
OUTPUT - $'return=-10 option=-10 name=-n arg=nnn num=1'
EXEC alt "$usage" -m mmm
OUTPUT - $'return=-10 option=-10 name=-m arg=mmm num=1'
EXEC alt "$usage" --meth=zzz
OUTPUT - $'return=-10 option=-10 name=--meth arg=zzz num=1'
EXEC alt "$usage" -x
OUTPUT - $'return=x option=-x name=-x arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC alt "$usage" --bar
OUTPUT - $'return=x option=-x name=--bar arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC alt "$usage" -?
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=-? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: alt [-aAbqzx] [-n|m meth] file ...'
EXEC alt "$usage" --api
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--api num=0'
alt [ options ] file ...
.OP a|A aha flag -
.OP b|q|z foo flag -
.OP n|m meth string meth
.OP x bar flag -
TEST 21 'justification and emphasis'
usage=$'[-][w!:warn?Warn about invalid \b--check\b lines.][f:format?hours:minutes:seconds.\t\aid\a may be followed by [maybe]] \b:case:\b\ap1\a:\as1\a:...:\apn\a:\asn\a which expands to \asi\a if]\n\n[ file ... ]'
EXEC esc "$usage" --???TEST --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--man num=0'
\E[1mesc\E[0m [ \E[1;4moptions\E[0m ] [ file ... ]
-\E[1mw\E[0m, --\E[1mwarn\E[0m Warn about invalid \E[1m--check\E[0m lines. On by default; -\E[1mw\E[0m means
-\E[1mf\E[0m, --\E[1mformat\E[0m hours:minutes:seconds. \E[1;4mid\E[0m may be followed by [maybe]
\E[1m:case:\E[0m\E[1;4mp1\E[0m:\E[1;4ms1\E[0m:...:\E[1;4mpn\E[0m:\E[1;4msn\E[0m which expands to \E[1;4msi\E[0m if'
EXEC esc "$usage" --keys
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--keys num=0'
ERROR - $'"warn"
"Warn about invalid \\b--check\\b lines."
"hours:minutes:seconds.\\t\\aid\\a may be followed by [maybe] \\b:case:\\b\\ap1\\a:\\as1\\a:...:\\apn\\a:\\asn\\a which expands to \\asi\\a if"
"[ file ... ]"'
TEST 22 'no with values'
usage=$'[-][j:jobs?Job concurrency level.]#[level]'
extra=$'[n!:exec?Execute shell actions.]'
EXEC make "$usage" -j1 -j 2 --jobs=3 --jobs 4 --nojobs 5 6
OUTPUT - $'return=j option=-j name=-j arg=1 num=1
return=j option=-j name=-j arg=2 num=2
return=j option=-j name=--jobs arg=3 num=3
return=j option=-j name=--jobs arg=4 num=4
return=j option=-j name=--jobs arg=(null) num=0
argument=1 value="5"
argument=2 value="6"'
EXEC make "$usage$extra" -j1 -j 2 --jobs=3 --jobs 4 --nojobs 5 6
EXEC make "$usage" --nojobs=1 2
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-j name=--jobs num=0\nargument=1 value="2"'
ERROR - $'make: --nojobs: value not expected'
EXEC make "$usage$extra" --nojobs=1 2
TEST 23 'weird help'
usage=$'[-][j:jobs?Job concurrency level.]#[level]'
EXEC test "$usage" --man=-
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
ERROR - ''
EXEC test "$usage" --man -
test [ options ]
-j, --jobs=level
Job concurrency level.'
EXEC test "$usage" --man --
EXEC test "$usage" --man
usage=$'[-][!:expand?Compress to 32 byte record format.][!:sort?Sort detail records.]'
EXEC pzip "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
pzip [ options ]
--expand Compress to 32 byte record format. On by default; use
--noexpand to turn off.
--sort Sort detail records. On by default; use --nosort to turn off.'
TEST 24 'detailed html'
usage=$'[-][-author?Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com>][-copyright?Copyright (c) 1989-1999 AT&T Corp.][-license?http://www.research.att.com/sw/license/ast-proprietary.html][+NAME?\bdd\b - copy and convert file][10:if?Input file name (see \aintro\a(2)).]:[file\a (see \bstat\b(2))][11:conv?Conversion option \abegin[-end]]=value\a passed to \bmain\b().]:[conversion][+SEE ALSO?\bcp\b(1), \bpax\b(1), \btr\b(1), \bseek\b(2), \bdd::plugin\b(5P)]'
EXEC test "$usage" --html
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--html num=0'
<META name="generator" content="optget (AT&T Research) 2011-11-11">
<TITLE>dd man document</TITLE>
<STYLE type="text/css">
div.SH { padding-left:2em; text-indent:0em; }
div.SY { padding-left:4em; text-indent:-2em; }
dt { float:left; clear:both; }
dd { margin-left:3em; }
<BODY bgcolor=white>
<H4><TABLE width=100%><TR><TH align=left>DD&nbsp;(&nbsp;1&nbsp;)&nbsp;<TH align=center><A href="." title="Index">USER COMMANDS</A><TH align=right>DD&nbsp;(&nbsp;1&nbsp;)</TR></TABLE></H4>
<H4><A name="NAME">NAME</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<!--MAN-INDEX--><B>dd</B> - copy and convert file
<H4><A name="SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</A></H4>
<DIV class=SY>
<B>dd</B> &#0091; <I>options</I> &#0093;
<H4><A name="OPTIONS">OPTIONS</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<DT>--<B>if</B>=<I>file</I> (see
<NOBR><A href="../man2/stat.html"><B>stat</B></A>(2))</NOBR><DD><BR>Input file
name (see <NOBR><A href="../man2/intro.html"><I>intro</I></A>(2)).</NOBR>
<DT>--<B>conv</B>=<I>conversion</I><DD><BR>Conversion option <I>begin&#0091;-end&#0093;=value
</I> passed to <B>main</B>().
<H4><A name="SEE ALSO">SEE ALSO</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<NOBR><A href="../man1/cp.html"><B>cp</B></A>(1),</NOBR>
<NOBR><A href="../man1/pax.html"><B>pax</B></A>(1),</NOBR>
<NOBR><A href="../man1/tr.html"><B>tr</B></A>(1),</NOBR>
<NOBR><A href="../man2/seek.html"><B>seek</B></A>(2),</NOBR>
<NOBR><A href="../man5P/dd-plugin.html"><B>dd::plugin</B></A>(5P)</NOBR>
<DIV class=SH>
<DT><A name="author"><B>author</B></A><DD><BR>Glenn Fowler &lt;<A
<DT><A name="copyright"><B>copyright</B></A><DD><BR>Copyright &copy; 1989-1999 AT&amp;T Corp.
<DT><A name="license"><B>license</B></A><DD><BR><A href="http://www.research.att.com/sw/license/ast-proprietary.html">http://www.research.att.com/sw/license/ast-proprietary.html</A>
TEST 25 'extra args after help options'
usage=$'[-][a:aha][b:foo][n=10:meth]:[meth][x:bar]\n\nfile ...'
EXEC extra "$usage" xxx
OUTPUT - $'argument=1 value="xxx"'
EXEC extra "$usage" --short
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--short num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: extra [-abx] [-n meth] file ...'
EXEC extra "$usage" --short xxx
EXEC extra "$usage" --??short
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--??short num=0'
EXEC extra "$usage" --??short xxx
TEST 26 'usage combinations'
lib1=$'[-1l?library][--catalog?nyuk][-author?Dewey Cheatham][+LIBRARY?\b-loser\b - user library][b:bbb?BBB][+EXIT STATUS?]{[+0?Spread out.][+>0?Why you.]}[+SEE ALSO?\bfoo\b(1)]'
lib2=$'[-1i?implicit][-author?Andy Howe][+LIBRARY?implicit library][z:zzz?ZZZ]'
usage=$'[-?main][-author?Bea Taylor][+NAME?\baha\b - bwoohahahahah][a:aha?AHA] [ file ... ]'
EXEC + "$lib1" + "$lib2" combo "$usage" --aha
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=--aha arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC + "$lib1" + "$lib2" combo "$usage" --bbb
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=--bbb num=0 str=--bbb'
ERROR - $'combo: --bbb: unknown option'
EXEC + "$lib1" + "$lib2" combo "$usage" --aha --man
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=--aha arg=(null) num=1\nreturn=? option=-a name=--man num=1'
aha - bwoohahahahah
aha [ options ]
-a, --aha AHA
version main
author Bea Taylor
-loser - user library
--bbb BBB
0 Spread out.
>0 Why you.
version library
author Dewey Cheatham'
EXEC combo "$lib1" --bbb --?bbb
OUTPUT - $'return=b option=-b name=--bbb arg=(null) num=1\nreturn=? option=-? name=--?bbb num=1'
ERROR - $'Usage: combo [ options ]\nOPTIONS\n --bbb BBB'
EXEC + "$lib1" + "$lib2" combo "$usage" --aha --?bbb
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=--aha arg=(null) num=1\nreturn=? option=-? name=--?bbb num=1'
EXEC + "$lib1" + "$lib2" combo "$usage" --aha --usage
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=--aha arg=(null) num=1\nreturn=? option=-a name=--usage num=1'
ERROR - $'[-1l?library][--catalog?nyuk][-author?Dewey Cheatham][+LIBRARY?\\b-loser\\b - user library][b:bbb?BBB][+EXIT STATUS?]{[+0?Spread out.][+>0?Why you.]}[+SEE ALSO?\\bfoo\\b(1)]'
EXEC + "$lib1" + "$lib2" combo "$usage" --aha --keys
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=--aha arg=(null) num=1\nreturn=? option=-a name=--keys num=1'
ERROR - $'"\\b-loser\\b - user library"
"Spread out."
"Why you."
usage=$'[-?main][-author?Opie][+NAME?\baha\b - bwoohahahahah][ [b:bar?BAR][f:foo?FOO] ]\n\n[ file ... ]\n\n[+EXIT STATUS?]{[+0?okeedokee][+!=0?eekodeeko]}[+SEE ALSO?\bslingshot\b(1)]'
EXEC rfd "$usage" --keys
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--keys num=0'
ERROR - $'"\\baha\\b - bwoohahahahah"
"[ file ... ]"
usage=$'[-] \t\n[+NAME?bar][f:flag]'
EXEC foo "$usage" --short
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--short num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: foo [-f]'
EXEC foo "$usage" --long
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--long num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: foo [--flag]'
EXEC foo "$usage" --usage
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--usage num=0'
ERROR - $'[-] \\t\\n[+NAME?bar][f:flag]'
EXEC foo "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
bar [ options ]
-f, --flag'
EXEC foo "$usage" --html
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--html num=0'
<META name="generator" content="optget (AT&T Research) 2011-11-11">
<TITLE>bar man document</TITLE>
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<BODY bgcolor=white>
<H4><TABLE width=100%><TR><TH align=left>BAR&nbsp;(&nbsp;1&nbsp;)&nbsp;<TH align=center><A href="." title="Index">USER COMMANDS</A><TH align=right>BAR&nbsp;(&nbsp;1&nbsp;)</TR></TABLE></H4>
<H4><A name="NAME">NAME</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<H4><A name="SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</A></H4>
<DIV class=SY>
<B>bar</B> &#0091; <I>options</I> &#0093;
<H4><A name="OPTIONS">OPTIONS</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
-<B>f</B>, --<B>flag</B>
TEST 27 'opt_info.num with opt_info.arg'
EXEC huh "$usage" --noflag
OUTPUT - $'return=f option=-f name=--flag arg=(null) num=0'
EXEC huh "$usage" --flag
OUTPUT - $'return=f option=-f name=--flag arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC huh "$usage" -f
OUTPUT - $'return=f option=-f name=-f arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC huh "$usage" --nomust
OUTPUT - $'return=m option=-m name=--must arg=(null) num=0'
EXEC huh "$usage" --must=ok
OUTPUT - $'return=m option=-m name=--must arg=ok num=1'
EXEC huh "$usage" --must ok
EXEC huh "$usage" -mok
OUTPUT - $'return=m option=-m name=-m arg=ok num=1'
EXEC huh "$usage" -m ok
OUTPUT - $'return=m option=-m name=-m arg=ok num=1'
EXEC huh "$usage" --nooptional
OUTPUT - $'return=o option=-o name=--optional arg=(null) num=0'
EXEC huh "$usage" --optional
OUTPUT - $'return=o option=-o name=--optional arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC huh "$usage" --optional -f
OUTPUT - $'return=o option=-o name=--optional arg=(null) num=1\nreturn=f option=-f name=-f arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC huh "$usage" -o
OUTPUT - $'return=o option=-o name=-o arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC huh "$usage" -o -f
OUTPUT - $'return=o option=-o name=-o arg=(null) num=0\nreturn=f option=-f name=-f arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC huh "$usage" --optional=ok
OUTPUT - $'return=o option=-o name=--optional arg=ok num=1'
EXEC huh "$usage" --optional ok
OUTPUT - $'return=o option=-o name=--optional arg=(null) num=1\nargument=1 value="ok"'
EXEC huh "$usage" -ook
OUTPUT - $'return=o option=-o name=-o arg=ok num=1'
EXEC huh "$usage" -o ok
OUTPUT - $'return=o option=-o name=-o arg=ok num=1'
EXEC huh "$usage" --must
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-m name=--must num=0'
ERROR - $'huh: --must: yes value expected'
TEST 28 'user defined optget return value'
EXEC num "$usage" -123
OUTPUT - $'return=n option=-n name=-1 arg=123 num=123'
EXEC num "$usage" -234
OUTPUT - $'return=n option=-n name=-2 arg=234 num=234'
TEST 29 'usage stack'
usage=$'[-?main][-author?Barney Fife][+NAME?\baha\b - bwoohahahahah][a:aha?AHA.]\foptions\f[q:what?Explain in detail.] [ file ... ]'
EXEC info "$usage" --aha --zoom --boom=junk --what
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=--aha arg=(null) num=1
return=Z option=-Z name=--zoom arg=(null) num=1
return=B option=-B name=--boom arg=junk num=1
return=q option=-q name=--what arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC info "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
aha - bwoohahahahah
aha [ options ]
-a, --aha AHA.
-Z, --zoom Do it as fast as possible.
-C, --cram Cram as much as possible.
-K, --kill kill all processes.
-F, --fudge Fudge the statistics to satisfy everyone.
-D, --dump Dump as much as possible.
-B, --boom=file Dump into file.
-q, --what Explain in detail.
version main
author Barney Fife'
TEST 30 'library interfaces'
USAGE_LICENSE="[-author?Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com>][-copyright?Copyright (c) 1995-1999 AT&T Corp.][-license?http://www.research.att.com/sw/license/ast-open.html]"
[-1s3S?@(#)sum (AT&T Research) 1999-12-11]'$USAGE_LICENSE$'
[+NAME?sum - checksum library]
[+DESCRIPTION?\bsum\b is a checksum library.]
[Sum_t*:sumopen(const char* \amethod\a)?Open a sum handle for \amethod\a.]
[int:sumclose(Sum_t* \asum\a)?Close a sum handle \asum\a previously returned
by \bsumopen\b.]
#include <sum.h>
[+SEE ALSO?\bcksum\b(1)]
EXEC sum "$usage" --html
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=html num=0'
<META name="generator" content="optget (AT&T Research) 2011-11-11">
<TITLE>sum man document</TITLE>
<STYLE type="text/css">
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<BODY bgcolor=white>
<H4><TABLE width=100%><TR><TH align=left>SUM&nbsp;(&nbsp;3S&nbsp;)&nbsp;<TH align=center><A href="." title="Index">STANDARD I/O FUNCTIONS</A><TH align=right>SUM&nbsp;(&nbsp;3S&nbsp;)</TR></TABLE></H4>
<H4><A name="NAME">NAME</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<!--MAN-INDEX-->sum - checksum library
<H4><A name="SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</A></H4>
<DIV class=SY>
#include &lt;sum.h&gt;
<DIV class=SH>
<B>sum</B> is a checksum library.
<DIV class=SH>
<DT>Sum_t* <B>sumopen</B>(const char* <I>method</I>)<DD><BR>Open a sum handle for
<DT>int <B>sumclose</B>(Sum_t* <I>sum</I>)<DD><BR>Close a sum handle <I>sum</I>
previously returned by <B>sumopen</B>.
<H4><A name="SEE ALSO">SEE ALSO</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<NOBR><A href="../man1/cksum.html"><B>cksum</B></A>(1)</NOBR>
<DIV class=SH>
<DT><A name="version"><B>version</B></A><DD><BR>sum (AT&amp;T Research) 1999-12-11
<DT><A name="author"><B>author</B></A><DD><BR>Glenn Fowler &lt;<A
<DT><A name="copyright"><B>copyright</B></A><DD><BR>Copyright &copy; 1995-1999 AT&amp;T Corp.
<DT><A name="license"><B>license</B></A><DD><BR><A href="http://www.research.att.com/sw/license/ast-open.html">http://www.research.att.com/sw/license/ast-open.html</A>
EXEC sum "$usage" --nroff
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=nroff num=0'
ERROR - $'.\\" format with nroff|troff|groff -man
.TH SUM 3S 1999-12-11
.fp 5 CW
.nr mH 5
.de H0
.nr mH 0
.in 5n
.in 7n
.de H1
.nr mH 1
.in 7n
.in 9n
.de H2
.nr mH 2
.in 11n
.in 13n
.de H3
.nr mH 3
.in 15n
.in 17n
.de H4
.nr mH 4
.in 19n
.in 21n
.de OP
.nr mH 0
.ie !\'\\\\$1\'-\' \\{
.ds mO \\\\fB\\\\-\\\\$1\\\\fP
.ds mS ,\\\\0
.el \\{
.ds mO \\\\&
.ds mS \\\\&
.ie \'\\\\$2\'-\' \\{
.if !\'\\\\$4\'-\' .as mO \\\\0\\\\fI\\\\$4\\\\fP
.el \\{
.as mO \\\\*(mS\\\\fB\\\\$2\\\\fP
.if !\'\\\\$4\'-\' .as mO =\\\\fI\\\\$4\\\\fP
.in 5n
.in 9n
.de SP
.if \\\\n(mH==2 .in 9n
.if \\\\n(mH==3 .in 13n
.if \\\\n(mH==4 .in 17n
.de FN
.nr mH 0
.in 5n
\\\\$1 \\\\$2
.in 9n
.de DS
.in +3n
.ft 5
.de DE
.ft R
.in -3n
sum \\- checksum library
#include\\ <sum\\&.h>
\\fBsum\\fP is a checksum library\\&.
.FN Sum_t*\\ \\fBsumopen\\fP(const\\ char*\\ \\fImethod\\fP)
Open a sum handle for \\fImethod\\fP\\&.
.FN int\\ \\fBsumclose\\fP(Sum_t*\\ \\fIsum\\fP)
Close a sum handle \\fIsum\\fP previously returned by \\fBsumopen\\fP\\&.
.H0 version
sum (AT&T Research) 1999\\-12\\-11
.H0 author
Glenn Fowler <gsf@research\\&.att\\&.com>
.H0 copyright
Copyright (c) 1995\\-1999 AT&T Corp\\&.
.H0 license
TEST 31 'off by one -- my epitaph'
short_usage=$'[-n][n]#[s]:\n\npid ...'
long_usage=$'[-n][n:number]#[s:name]:\n\npid ...'
EXEC kill "$short_usage" -0 123
OUTPUT - $'return=n option=-n name=-0 arg=0 num=0\nargument=1 value="123"'
EXEC kill "$long_usage" -0 123
EXEC kill "$short_usage" -T 123
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=-T num=0 str=[-n][n]#[s]:\n\npid ...\nargument=1 value="123"'
ERROR - $'kill: -T: unknown option'
EXEC kill "$long_usage" -T 123
OUTPUT - $'return=: option= name=-T num=0 str=[-n][n:number]#[s:name]:\n\npid ...\nargument=1 value="123"'
TEST 32 'miscellaneous'
usage=$'[-][+NAME?wow - zowee][a|b:aORb?A or B.][y|z:yORz?Y or Z.]\n\n[ file ... ]'
EXEC wow "$usage" --nroff
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--nroff num=0'
ERROR - $'.\\" format with nroff|troff|groff -man
.fp 5 CW
.nr mH 5
.de H0
.nr mH 0
.in 5n
.in 7n
.de H1
.nr mH 1
.in 7n
.in 9n
.de H2
.nr mH 2
.in 11n
.in 13n
.de H3
.nr mH 3
.in 15n
.in 17n
.de H4
.nr mH 4
.in 19n
.in 21n
.de OP
.nr mH 0
.ie !\'\\\\$1\'-\' \\{
.ds mO \\\\fB\\\\-\\\\$1\\\\fP
.ds mS ,\\\\0
.el \\{
.ds mO \\\\&
.ds mS \\\\&
.ie \'\\\\$2\'-\' \\{
.if !\'\\\\$4\'-\' .as mO \\\\0\\\\fI\\\\$4\\\\fP
.el \\{
.as mO \\\\*(mS\\\\fB\\\\-\\\\-\\\\$2\\\\fP
.if !\'\\\\$4\'-\' .as mO =\\\\fI\\\\$4\\\\fP
.in 5n
.in 9n
.de SP
.if \\\\n(mH==2 .in 9n
.if \\\\n(mH==3 .in 13n
.if \\\\n(mH==4 .in 17n
.de FN
.nr mH 0
.in 5n
\\\\$1 \\\\$2
.in 9n
.de DS
.in +3n
.ft 5
.de DE
.ft R
.in -3n
wow \\- zowee
\\fBwow\\fP\\ [\\ \\fIoptions\\fP\\ ]\\ [\\ file\\ \\&.\\&.\\&.\\ ]
.OP a|b aORb flag -
A or B\\&.
.OP y|z yORz flag -
Y or Z\\&.
TEST 33 'never thought of that'
usage=$'n: path'
EXEC printf "$usage" +1
OUTPUT - $'argument=1 value="+1"'
EXEC printf "$usage" +1
EXEC printf "$usage" +1
usage=$'n# path'
EXEC printf "$usage" +1
usage=$'n#[val] path'
EXEC printf "$usage" +1
EXEC printf "$usage" +1
EXEC printf "$usage" +1
OUTPUT - $'return=n option=+n name=+1 arg=1 num=1'
EXEC printf "$usage" -1
OUTPUT - $'return=n option=-n name=-1 arg=1 num=1'
EXEC printf "$usage" +1 -1
OUTPUT - $'return=n option=+n name=+1 arg=1 num=1\nreturn=n option=-n name=-1 arg=1 num=1'
usage=$'[-][x:xxx]#[yyy?could be:]{[+seeing?double]}'
EXEC kill "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
kill [ options ]
-x, --xxx=yyy could be:
usage=$'[-][+NAME?find][71:printf]:[format]{[+foo? ][+a?alert]}'
EXEC find "$usage" --man
find [ options ]
a alert'
EXEC find "$usage" --man
EXEC find "$usage" --man
TEST 35 'alternate version ids'
EXEC id $'[-?\n@(#)id (spamco) 2000-12-01\n]' --?-version
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?-version num=0'
ERROR - $' version id (spamco) 2000-12-01'
EXEC id $'[-?\n@(#) \t id (spamco) 2000-12-01\n]' --?-version
EXEC id $'[-?\n$Id: id (spamco) 2000-12-01 $\n]' --?-version
ERROR - $' version id (spamco) 2000-12-01'
EXEC id $'[-?\n@(#)$Id: id (spamco) 2000-12-01 $\n]' --?-version
EXEC id $'[-?\n$Id: @(#)id (spamco) 2000-12-01 $\n]' --?-version
TEST 36 'enumerated option argument values'
usage=$'[-?\naha\n][Q:quote?Quote names according to \astyle\a:]:[style:=question]{\n[c:C?C style.][A:always?Always shell style.][101:shell?Shell quote if necessary.][q:question?Replace unknown chars with ?.]\n}'
EXEC ls "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - 'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
ls [ options ]
-Q, --quote=style
Quote names according to style:
c|C C style.
Always shell style.
shell Shell quote if necessary.
Replace unknown chars with ?.
The default value is question.
version aha'
EXEC ls "$usage" --quote
OUTPUT - 'return=: option=-Q name=--quote num=0'
ERROR - 'ls: --quote: style value expected'
EXEC ls "$usage" --quote=alx
ERROR - 'ls: --quote: alx: unknown option argument value'
EXEC ls "$usage" --quote=c
OUTPUT - 'return=Q option=-Q name=--quote arg=c num=99'
EXEC ls "$usage" --quote=C
OUTPUT - 'return=Q option=-Q name=--quote arg=C num=99'
EXEC ls "$usage" -Q shell
OUTPUT - 'return=Q option=-Q name=-Q arg=shell num=-101'
EXEC ls "$usage" -Qs
OUTPUT - 'return=Q option=-Q name=-Q arg=s num=-101'
TEST 37 'stealth bugs'
usage=$'[-?\naha\n][-catalog?SpamCo][h:html?Read html from \afile\a.]:[file[??name=value;...]]]'
EXEC m2h "$usage" -h
OUTPUT - 'return=: option=-h name=-h num=0'
ERROR - 'm2h: -h: file[?name=value;...] argument expected'
EXEC m2h "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - 'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
m2h [ options ]
-h, --html=file[?name=value;...]
Read html from file.
version aha
catalog SpamCo'
EXEC m2h "$usage" --keys
OUTPUT - 'return=? option=- name=--keys num=0'
ERROR - '"catalog"
"Read html from \afile\a."
EXEC ls $'[-][w:width]#[screen-width]' -wx
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-w name=-w num=0'
ERROR - $'ls: -w: numeric screen-width argument expected'
TEST 38 'ancient compatibility for modern implementations -- ok, I still use vi'
usage=$'[-1o][a:all][f:full][l:long][u:user]:[uid]\n\n[ pid ... ]\n\n'
EXEC ps "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - 'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
ps [ options ] [ pid ... ]
-a, --all
-f, --full
-l, --long
-u, --user=uid'
EXEC ps "$usage" a 123
OUTPUT - 'return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
argument=1 value="123"'
EXEC ps "$usage" -a 123
EXEC ps "$usage" al 123
OUTPUT - 'return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
return=l option=-l name=-l arg=(null) num=1
argument=1 value="123"'
EXEC ps "$usage" -al 123
EXEC ps "$usage" a l 123
EXEC ps "$usage" a -l 123
EXEC ps "$usage" u bozo l 123
OUTPUT - 'return=u option=-u name=-u arg=bozo num=1
return=l option=-l name=-l arg=(null) num=1
argument=1 value="123"'
EXEC ps "$usage" -u bozo -l 123
EXEC ps "$usage" a u bozo l 123
OUTPUT - 'return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
return=u option=-u name=-u arg=bozo num=1
return=l option=-l name=-l arg=(null) num=1
argument=1 value="123"'
TEST 39 'local suboptions'
usage=$'[-?\naha\n][+NAME?search][x:method?The algorithm:]:[method:=linear]{[linear?Fast.][quadratic?Slower. Sub-options:]{[-][e:edges?Limit edges.]#[n:=50]}[np?Slow.][heuristic?Almost works. Sub-options:]{[-][n:nodes?Limit nodes.]#?[n:=100][f:foo?Bar.]:[huh][d:dump?Dump tables.][l:label?Set label.]:[string]}}[D:debug?Debug level.]#[level][+SEE ALSO?\afoo\a(1)]'
EXEC search "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - 'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
search [ options ]
-x, --method=method
The algorithm:
Slower. Sub-options:
Limit edges. The default value is 50.
np Slow.
Almost works. Sub-options:
Limit nodes. The option value may be omitted.
The default value is 100.
dump Dump tables.
Set label.
The default value is linear.
-D, --debug=level
Debug level.
version aha'
TEST 40 'examples of example examples'
usage=$'[-?\naha\n][-catalog?SpamCo][+NAME?eg - test example examples][Q:quote?Quote names according to \astyle\a:]:[style:=question][+EXAMPLES]{[+\none\ntwo][+\n\vthree\nfour][+\n\afive\nsix]}[+SEE ALSO?\begman\b(1)]'
EXEC eg "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - 'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
eg - test example examples
eg [ options ]
-Q, --quote=style
Quote names according to style: The default value is
version aha
catalog SpamCo'
EXEC eg "$usage" --nroff
OUTPUT - 'return=? option=- name=--nroff num=0'
ERROR - $'.\\" format with nroff|troff|groff -man
.TH EG 1
.fp 5 CW
.nr mH 5
.de H0
.nr mH 0
.in 5n
.in 7n
.de H1
.nr mH 1
.in 7n
.in 9n
.de H2
.nr mH 2
.in 11n
.in 13n
.de H3
.nr mH 3
.in 15n
.in 17n
.de H4
.nr mH 4
.in 19n
.in 21n
.de OP
.nr mH 0
.ie !\'\\\\$1\'-\' \\{
.ds mO \\\\fB\\\\-\\\\$1\\\\fP
.ds mS ,\\\\0
.el \\{
.ds mO \\\\&
.ds mS \\\\&
.ie \'\\\\$2\'-\' \\{
.if !\'\\\\$4\'-\' .as mO \\\\0\\\\fI\\\\$4\\\\fP
.el \\{
.as mO \\\\*(mS\\\\fB\\\\-\\\\-\\\\$2\\\\fP
.if !\'\\\\$4\'-\' .as mO =\\\\fI\\\\$4\\\\fP
.in 5n
.in 9n
.de SP
.if \\\\n(mH==2 .in 9n
.if \\\\n(mH==3 .in 13n
.if \\\\n(mH==4 .in 17n
.de FN
.nr mH 0
.in 5n
\\\\$1 \\\\$2
.in 9n
.de DS
.in +3n
.ft 5
.de DE
.ft R
.in -3n
eg \\- test example examples
\\fBeg\\fP\\ [\\ \\fIoptions\\fP\\ ]
.OP Q quote string style question
Quote names according to \\fIstyle\\fP:
The default value is \\fBquestion\\fP\\&.
.H0 version
.H0 catalog
EXEC eg "$usage" --html
OUTPUT - 'return=? option=- name=--html num=0'
<META name="generator" content="optget (AT&T Research) 2011-11-11">
<TITLE>eg man document</TITLE>
<STYLE type="text/css">
div.SH { padding-left:2em; text-indent:0em; }
div.SY { padding-left:4em; text-indent:-2em; }
dt { float:left; clear:both; }
dd { margin-left:3em; }
<BODY bgcolor=white>
<H4><TABLE width=100%><TR><TH align=left>EG&nbsp;(&nbsp;1&nbsp;)&nbsp;<TH align=center><A href="." title="Index">USER COMMANDS</A><TH align=right>EG&nbsp;(&nbsp;1&nbsp;)</TR></TABLE></H4>
<H4><A name="NAME">NAME</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<!--MAN-INDEX-->eg - test example examples
<H4><A name="SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</A></H4>
<DIV class=SY>
<B>eg</B> &#0091; <I>options</I> &#0093;
<H4><A name="OPTIONS">OPTIONS</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<DT>-<B>Q</B>, --<B>quote</B>=<I>style</I><DD><BR>Quote names according to <I>style
</I>: The default value is <B>question</B>.
<H4><A name="EXAMPLES">EXAMPLES</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<H4><A name="SEE ALSO">SEE ALSO</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<NOBR><A href="../man1/egman.html"><B>egman</B></A>(1)</NOBR>
<DIV class=SH>
<DT><A name="version"><B>version</B></A><DD><BR>aha
<DT><A name="catalog"><B>catalog</B></A><DD><BR>SpamCo
usage=$'[-?\naha\n][-catalog?SpamCo][+NAME?eg - test example examples][Q:quote?Quote names according to \astyle\a:]:[style:=question][+EXAMPLES]{[+dss -x bgp \'(type==\"A\")??{write table > a}::{write cisco > b}\' mrt.dat?Write the announce records from \bmrt.dat\b to the file \ba\b in the \btable\b format and all other records to the file \bb\b in the \bcisco\b format.]}[+SEE ALSO?\begman\b(1), \bwalrus\b(8)]'
EXEC eg "$usage" --html
OUTPUT - 'return=? option=- name=--html num=0'
<META name="generator" content="optget (AT&T Research) 2011-11-11">
<TITLE>eg man document</TITLE>
<STYLE type="text/css">
div.SH { padding-left:2em; text-indent:0em; }
div.SY { padding-left:4em; text-indent:-2em; }
dt { float:left; clear:both; }
dd { margin-left:3em; }
<BODY bgcolor=white>
<H4><TABLE width=100%><TR><TH align=left>EG&nbsp;(&nbsp;1&nbsp;)&nbsp;<TH align=center><A href="." title="Index">USER COMMANDS</A><TH align=right>EG&nbsp;(&nbsp;1&nbsp;)</TR></TABLE></H4>
<H4><A name="NAME">NAME</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<!--MAN-INDEX-->eg - test example examples
<H4><A name="SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</A></H4>
<DIV class=SY>
<B>eg</B> &#0091; <I>options</I> &#0093;
<H4><A name="OPTIONS">OPTIONS</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<DT>-<B>Q</B>, --<B>quote</B>=<I>style</I><DD><BR>Quote names according to <I>style
</I>: The default value is <B>question</B>.
<H4><A name="EXAMPLES">EXAMPLES</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<DT><A name="dss -x bgp \'(type==&quot;A&quot;)?{write table &gt; a}:{write cisco
&gt; b}\' mrt.dat"><B>dss -x bgp \'</B>(type==&quot;A&quot;)?{write table &gt;
a}:{write cisco &gt; b}\' mrt.dat</A><DD><BR>Write the announce records from <B>mrt.dat
</B> to the file <B>a</B> in the <B>table</B> format and all other records to
the file <B>b</B> in the <B>cisco</B> format.
<H4><A name="SEE ALSO">SEE ALSO</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<NOBR><A href="../man1/egman.html"><B>egman</B></A>(1),</NOBR>
<NOBR><A href="../man8/walrus.html"><B>walrus</B></A>(8)</NOBR>
<DIV class=SH>
<DT><A name="version"><B>version</B></A><DD><BR>aha
<DT><A name="catalog"><B>catalog</B></A><DD><BR>SpamCo
TEST 41 'cache exercises'
EXEC typeset "$usage" -a -b1
OUTPUT - $'[3] return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
[3] return=b option=-b name=-b arg=1 num=1
[2] return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
[2] return=b option=-b name=-b arg=1 num=1
[1] return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
[1] return=b option=-b name=-b arg=1 num=1'
EXEC typeset "$usage" -c2 -a
OUTPUT - $'[3] return=c option=-c name=-c arg=2 num=1
[3] return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
[2] return=c option=-c name=-c arg=2 num=1
[2] return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
[1] return=c option=-c name=-c arg=2 num=1
[1] return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC typeset "$usage" -c -a
OUTPUT - $'[3] return=c option=-c name=-c arg=(null) num=0
[3] return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
[2] return=c option=-c name=-c arg=(null) num=0
[2] return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
[1] return=c option=-c name=-c arg=(null) num=0
[1] return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC typeset "$usage" -a -b1 -c -c2
OUTPUT - $'[3] return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
[3] return=b option=-b name=-b arg=1 num=1
[3] return=c option=-c name=-c arg=(null) num=0
[3] return=c option=-c name=-c arg=2 num=1
[2] return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
[2] return=b option=-b name=-b arg=1 num=1
[2] return=c option=-c name=-c arg=(null) num=0
[2] return=c option=-c name=-c arg=2 num=1
[1] return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
[1] return=b option=-b name=-b arg=1 num=1
[1] return=c option=-c name=-c arg=(null) num=0
[1] return=c option=-c name=-c arg=2 num=1'
EXEC typeset "$usage" -n
OUTPUT - $'[3] return=n option=-n name=-n arg=(null) num=1
[2] return=n option=-n name=-n arg=(null) num=1
[1] return=n option=-n name=-n arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC typeset "$usage" -n12
OUTPUT - $'[3] return=n option=-n name=-n arg=12 num=12
[2] return=n option=-n name=-n arg=12 num=12
[1] return=n option=-n name=-n arg=12 num=12'
EXEC typeset "$usage" -s
OUTPUT - $'[3] return=s option=-s name=-s arg=(null) num=1
[2] return=s option=-s name=-s arg=(null) num=1
[1] return=s option=-s name=-s arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC typeset "$usage" -s12
OUTPUT - $'[3] return=s option=-s name=-s arg=12 num=1
[2] return=s option=-s name=-s arg=12 num=1
[1] return=s option=-s name=-s arg=12 num=1'
EXEC typeset "$usage" OPT --foo
OUTPUT - $'[3] argument=1 value="OPT"
[3] argument=2 value="--foo"
[2] argument=1 value="OPT"
[2] argument=2 value="--foo"
[1] argument=1 value="OPT"
[1] argument=2 value="--foo"'
EXEC typeset "$usage" -a locate OPT --foo
OUTPUT - $'[3] return=a option=-a name=-a arg=locate num=1
[3] argument=1 value="OPT"
[3] argument=2 value="--foo"
[2] return=a option=-a name=-a arg=locate num=1
[2] argument=1 value="OPT"
[2] argument=2 value="--foo"
[1] return=a option=-a name=-a arg=locate num=1
[1] argument=1 value="OPT"
[1] argument=2 value="--foo"'
usage=$'[-1c][L]#?[n?Left justify.][Z]#?[n?Zero fill.]'
EXEC typeset "$usage" -Z -L -L -Z -L foo=bar
OUTPUT - '[3] return=Z option=-Z name=-Z arg=(null) num=0
[3] return=L option=-L name=-L arg=(null) num=0
[3] return=L option=-L name=-L arg=(null) num=0
[3] return=Z option=-Z name=-Z arg=(null) num=0
[3] return=L option=-L name=-L arg=(null) num=0
[3] argument=1 value="foo=bar"
[2] return=Z option=-Z name=-Z arg=(null) num=0
[2] return=L option=-L name=-L arg=(null) num=0
[2] return=L option=-L name=-L arg=(null) num=0
[2] return=Z option=-Z name=-Z arg=(null) num=0
[2] return=L option=-L name=-L arg=(null) num=0
[2] argument=1 value="foo=bar"
[1] return=Z option=-Z name=-Z arg=(null) num=0
[1] return=L option=-L name=-L arg=(null) num=0
[1] return=L option=-L name=-L arg=(null) num=0
[1] return=Z option=-Z name=-Z arg=(null) num=0
[1] return=L option=-L name=-L arg=(null) num=0
[1] argument=1 value="foo=bar"'
TEST 42 'optional long names'
EXEC tst "$usage" -a --aaa -b --bbb -c -d -e --eee -f --fff -g -ggg
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1
return=a option=-a name=--aaa arg=(null) num=1
return=b option=-b name=-b arg=(null) num=1
return=b option=-b name=--bbb arg=(null) num=1
return=c option=-c name=-c arg=(null) num=1
return=d option=-d name=-d arg=(null) num=1
return=e option=-e name=-e arg=(null) num=1
return=e option=-e name=--eee arg=(null) num=1
return=f option=-f name=-f arg=(null) num=1
return=f option=-f name=--fff arg=(null) num=1
return=g option=-g name=-g arg=(null) num=1
return=g option=-g name=-g arg=(null) num=1
return=g option=-g name=-g arg=(null) num=1
return=g option=-g name=-g arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC tst "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
tst [ options ]
-a, --aaa
-b, --bbb BBB
-c CCC
-d DDD
-f, --fff FFF
-g, --ggg GGG'
EXEC tst "$usage" -a AV --aaa=LAV -bBV --bbb=LBV -c CV -dDV -e EV --eee LEV -f FV --fff=LFV -gGV -ggg LGV
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=-a arg=AV num=1
return=a option=-a name=--aaa arg=LAV num=1
return=b option=-b name=-b arg=BV num=1
return=b option=-b name=--bbb arg=LBV num=1
return=c option=-c name=-c arg=CV num=1
return=d option=-d name=-d arg=DV num=1
return=e option=-e name=-e arg=EV num=1
return=e option=-e name=--eee arg=LEV num=1
return=f option=-f name=-f arg=FV num=1
return=f option=-f name=--fff arg=LFV num=1
return=g option=-g name=-g arg=GV num=1
return=g option=-g name=-g arg=gg num=1
argument=1 value="LGV"'
EXEC tst "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
tst [ options ]
-a, --aaa=av
-b, --bbb=bv BBB
-c cv CCC
-d dv DDD
-e ev
-f, --fff=fv FFF
-g, --ggg=gv GGG'
TEST 43 'trailing wild card'
EXEC wild "$usage" -A -B -C --a --b --c --axx --bxx --cxx
OUTPUT - $'return=A option=-A name=-A arg=(null) num=1
return=B option=-B name=-B arg=(null) num=1
return=C option=-C name=-C arg=(null) num=1
return=A option=-A name=--a arg=(null) num=1
return=B option=-B name=--b arg=(null) num=1
return=C option=-C name=--c arg=(null) num=1
return=A option=-A name=--axx arg=(null) num=1
return=B option=-B name=--bxx arg=(null) num=1
return=C option=-C name=--cxx arg=(null) num=1'
export LC_ALL=en_US
EXEC wild "$usage" -A -B -C --a --b --c --axx --bxx --cxx
EXEC wild "$usage" -z A -z B -z C -z a -z b -z c -z axx -z bxx -z cxx
OUTPUT - $'return=z option=-z name=-z arg=A num=65
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=B num=66
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=C num=67
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=a num=65
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=b num=66
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=c num=67
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=axx num=65
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=bxx num=66
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=cxx num=67'
EXEC wild "$usage" -z A -z B -z C -z a -z b -z c -z axx -z bxx -z cxx
EXEC wild "$usage" -z
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-z name=-z num=0'
ERROR - $'wild: -z: style argument expected'
EXEC wild "$usage" --zzz
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-z name=--zzz num=0'
ERROR - $'wild: --zzz: style value expected'
EXEC wild "$usage" -z A -z B -z C -z a -z b -z c -z axx -z bxx -z cxx
OUTPUT - $'return=z option=-z name=-z arg=A num=65
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=B num=66
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=C num=67
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=a num=65
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=b num=66
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=c num=67
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=axx num=65
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=bxx num=66
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=cxx num=67'
EXEC wild "$usage" -z
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-z name=-z num=0'
ERROR - $'wild: -z: style argument expected'
EXEC wild "$usage" --zzz
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-z name=--zzz num=0'
ERROR - $'wild: --zzz: style value expected'
EXEC wild "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
wild [ options ]
-z, --zzz=style
TEST 44 'getopt_long() compatibility'
EXEC cobcc "$usage" -static -I foo -Ibar -debug -C -Wparen tst.cob
OUTPUT - $'return=-262 option=-262 name=-static arg=(null) num=1
return=I option=-262 name=-I arg=foo num=1
return=I option=-262 name=-I arg=bar num=1
return=d option=-d name=-debug arg=(null) num=1
return=C option=-d name=-C arg=(null) num=1
return=-280 option=-280 name=-Wparentheses arg=(null) num=1
argument=1 value="tst.cob"'
TEST 45 'n=v vs. n:=v'
EXEC pax "$usage" -a 1 --a=xx --a:=yy
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=-a arg=1 num=1
return=a option=-a name=--aaa arg=xx num=1
return=a option=-a name=--aaa arg:=yy num=1'
EXEC pax "$usage" -a 1 --aaa=xx --aaa:=yy
TEST 46 'html escapism'
usage=$'[-][+NAME?codex - encode/decode filter][+?Methods:]{[+and?things]{[+of?this <= 64.]:[nature][+govern?ator]}}\n\n[ [ <,> ] method [ <,>,| method ... ] ]\n\n[+SEE ALSO?\bcodex\b(3), \bvcodex\b(3)]'
EXEC codex "$usage" --html
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--html num=0'
<META name="generator" content="optget (AT&T Research) 2011-11-11">
<TITLE>codex man document</TITLE>
<STYLE type="text/css">
div.SH { padding-left:2em; text-indent:0em; }
div.SY { padding-left:4em; text-indent:-2em; }
dt { float:left; clear:both; }
dd { margin-left:3em; }
<BODY bgcolor=white>
<H4><TABLE width=100%><TR><TH align=left>CODEX&nbsp;(&nbsp;1&nbsp;)&nbsp;<TH align=center><A href="." title="Index">USER COMMANDS</A><TH align=right>CODEX&nbsp;(&nbsp;1&nbsp;)</TR></TABLE></H4>
<H4><A name="NAME">NAME</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<!--MAN-INDEX-->codex - encode/decode filter
<H4><A name="SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</A></H4>
<DIV class=SY>
<B>codex</B> &#0091; <I>options</I> &#0093; &#0091; &#0091; &lt;,&gt; &#0093; method &#0091; &lt;,&gt;,| method ...
&#0093; &#0093;
<DT><A name="and"><B>and</B></A><DD>things
<DT><A name="of=nature"><B>of=<I>nature</I></B></A><DD><BR>this &lt;= 64.
<DT><A name="govern"><B>govern</B></A><DD><BR>ator
<H4><A name="SEE ALSO">SEE ALSO</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<NOBR><A href="../man3/codex.html"><B>codex</B></A>(3),</NOBR>
<NOBR><A href="../man3/vcodex.html"><B>vcodex</B></A>(3)</NOBR>
TEST 47 'omitted optional arg default'
usage1=$'[-][101:clobber?Clobber pattern.]:?[pattern:=*.exe:!*][102:select?Select pattern.]:[pattern=*.[ch]]]'
usage2=$'[-][101:clobber?Clobber pattern.]:?[pattern:!*:=*.exe][102:select?Select pattern.]:[pattern=*.[ch]]]'
EXEC make "$usage1" --clobber foo
OUTPUT - $'return=-101 option=-101 name=--clobber arg=* num=1\nargument=1 value="foo"'
EXEC make "$usage2" --clobber foo
EXEC make "$usage1" --clobber=1 bar
OUTPUT - $'return=-101 option=-101 name=--clobber arg=* num=1\nargument=1 value="bar"'
EXEC make "$usage2" --clobber=1 bar
EXEC make "$usage1" --noclobber foo
OUTPUT - $'return=-101 option=-101 name=--clobber arg=(null) num=0\nargument=1 value="foo"'
EXEC make "$usage2" --noclobber foo
EXEC make "$usage1" --clobber=0 bar
OUTPUT - $'return=-101 option=-101 name=--clobber arg=(null) num=0\nargument=1 value="bar"'
EXEC make "$usage2" --clobber=0 bar
EXEC make "$usage1" --clobber=foo bar
OUTPUT - $'return=-101 option=-101 name=--clobber arg=foo num=1\nargument=1 value="bar"'
EXEC make "$usage2" --clobber=foo bar
EXEC make "$usage1" --select foo bar
OUTPUT - $'return=-102 option=-102 name=--select arg=foo num=1\nargument=1 value="bar"'
EXEC make "$usage2" --select foo bar
EXEC make "$usage1" --select=foo bar
EXEC make "$usage2" --select=foo bar
EXEC make "$usage1" --?clobber
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?clobber num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: make [ options ]
Clobber pattern. If the option value is omitted then * is
assumed. The default value is *.exe.'
EXEC make "$usage2" --?clobber
EXEC make "$usage1" --?select
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?select num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: make [ options ]
Select pattern.'
EXEC make "$usage2" --?select
EXEC make "$usage1" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
make [ options ]
Clobber pattern. If the option value is omitted then * is
assumed. The default value is *.exe.
Select pattern.'
EXEC make "$usage2" --man
EXEC make "$usage1" --html
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--html num=0'
<META name="generator" content="optget (AT&T Research) 2011-11-11">
<TITLE>make man document</TITLE>
<STYLE type="text/css">
div.SH { padding-left:2em; text-indent:0em; }
div.SY { padding-left:4em; text-indent:-2em; }
dt { float:left; clear:both; }
dd { margin-left:3em; }
<BODY bgcolor=white>
<H4><TABLE width=100%><TR><TH align=left>MAKE&nbsp;(&nbsp;1&nbsp;)&nbsp;<TH align=center><A href="." title="Index">USER COMMANDS</A><TH align=right>MAKE&nbsp;(&nbsp;1&nbsp;)</TR></TABLE></H4>
<H4><A name="SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</A></H4>
<DIV class=SY>
<B>make</B> &#0091; <I>options</I> &#0093;
<H4><A name="OPTIONS">OPTIONS</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<DT>--<B>clobber</B>&#0091;=<I>pattern</I>&#0093;<DD><BR>Clobber pattern. If the option value
is omitted then <B>*</B> is assumed. The default value is <B>*.exe</B>.
<DT>--<B>select</B>=<I>pattern=*.&#0091;ch&#0093;</I><DD><BR>Select pattern.
EXEC make "$usage2" --html
TEST 48 'ambiguous trio'
EXEC huh "$usage" --aha
OUTPUT - $'return=x option=-x name=--aha arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC huh "$usage" --noaha
OUTPUT - $'return=x option=-x name=--aha arg=(null) num=0'
EXEC huh "$usage" --aha1
OUTPUT - $'return=y option=-y name=--aha1 arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC huh "$usage" --noaha1
OUTPUT - $'return=y option=-y name=--aha1 arg=(null) num=0'
EXEC huh "$usage" --ah
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-x name=--ah num=0'
ERROR - $'huh: --ah: ambiguous option'
EXEC huh "$usage" --noah
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-x name=--noah num=0'
ERROR - $'huh: --noah: ambiguous option'
TEST 49 'the long and short of it'
EXEC make "$usage" --archive-clean --acle --aclo --ar-clobber --arcle --arclo
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=--archive-clean arg=(null) num=1
return=a option=-a name=--archive-clean arg=(null) num=1
return=b option=-b name=--archive-clobber arg=(null) num=1
return=b option=-b name=--archive-clobber arg=(null) num=1
return=a option=-a name=--archive-clean arg=(null) num=1
return=b option=-b name=--archive-clobber arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC make "$usage" --archive_clean --acle --aclo --ar_clobber --arcle --arclo
EXEC make "$usage" --ac --ac --a-c --ar-c --arc --arcl
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-a name=--ac num=0
return=: option=-a name=--ac num=0
return=: option=-a name=--a-c num=0
return=: option=-a name=--ar-c num=0
return=: option=-a name=--arc num=0
return=: option=-a name=--arcl num=0'
ERROR - $'make: --ac: ambiguous option
make: --ac: ambiguous option
make: --a-c: ambiguous option
make: --ar-c: ambiguous option
make: --arc: ambiguous option
make: --arcl: ambiguous option'
EXEC make "$usage" --ac --ac --a_c --ar_c --arc --arcl
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-a name=--ac num=0
return=: option=-a name=--ac num=0
return=: option=-a name=--a_c num=0
return=: option=-a name=--ar_c num=0
return=: option=-a name=--arc num=0
return=: option=-a name=--arcl num=0'
ERROR - $'make: --ac: ambiguous option
make: --ac: ambiguous option
make: --a_c: ambiguous option
make: --ar_c: ambiguous option
make: --arc: ambiguous option
make: --arcl: ambiguous option'
EXEC make "$usage" --archive-clean --ac --a-c --ar-c --arc --ar-clean --arclean
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=--archive-clean arg=(null) num=1
return=a option=-a name=--archive-clean arg=(null) num=1
return=a option=-a name=--archive-clean arg=(null) num=1
return=a option=-a name=--archive-clean arg=(null) num=1
return=a option=-a name=--archive-clean arg=(null) num=1
return=a option=-a name=--archive-clean arg=(null) num=1
return=a option=-a name=--archive-clean arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC make "$usage" --archive_clean --ac --a_c --ar_c --arc --ar_clean --arclean
EXEC make "$usage" --?archive-clean --?a-c --?ac --?ar-c --?arc --?ar-clean --?arclean
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?archive-clean num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: make [ options ]
-a, --archive-clean'
EXEC make "$usage" --?archive_clean --?a_c --?ac --?ar_c --?arc --?ar_clean --?arclean
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?archive_clean num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?a-c
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?a-c num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?a_c
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?a_c num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?ac
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?ac num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?ar-c
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?ar-c num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?ar_c
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?ar_c num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?arc
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?arc num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?ar-clean
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?ar-clean num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?ar_clean
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?ar_clean num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?arclean
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?arclean num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?ArchiveClean --?AC --?Arc --?ArC --?ArClean --?ArcClean
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?ArchiveClean num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: make [ options ]
-a, --ArchiveClean'
EXEC make "$usage" --?AC
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?AC num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?Arc
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?Arc num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?ArC
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?ArC num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?ArClean
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?ArClean num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?ArcClean
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?ArcClean num=0'
TEST 50 'the underscored long and short of it'
EXEC make "$usage" --archive-clean --acle --aclo --ar-clobber --arcle --arclo
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=--archive_clean arg=(null) num=1
return=a option=-a name=--archive_clean arg=(null) num=1
return=b option=-b name=--archive_clobber arg=(null) num=1
return=b option=-b name=--archive_clobber arg=(null) num=1
return=a option=-a name=--archive_clean arg=(null) num=1
return=b option=-b name=--archive_clobber arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC make "$usage" --archive_clean --acle --aclo --ar_clobber --arcle --arclo
EXEC make "$usage" --ac --ac --a-c --ar-c --arc --arcl
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-a name=--ac num=0
return=: option=-a name=--ac num=0
return=: option=-a name=--a-c num=0
return=: option=-a name=--ar-c num=0
return=: option=-a name=--arc num=0
return=: option=-a name=--arcl num=0'
ERROR - $'make: --ac: ambiguous option
make: --ac: ambiguous option
make: --a-c: ambiguous option
make: --ar-c: ambiguous option
make: --arc: ambiguous option
make: --arcl: ambiguous option'
EXEC make "$usage" --ac --ac --a_c --ar_c --arc --arcl
OUTPUT - $'return=: option=-a name=--ac num=0
return=: option=-a name=--ac num=0
return=: option=-a name=--a_c num=0
return=: option=-a name=--ar_c num=0
return=: option=-a name=--arc num=0
return=: option=-a name=--arcl num=0'
ERROR - $'make: --ac: ambiguous option
make: --ac: ambiguous option
make: --a_c: ambiguous option
make: --ar_c: ambiguous option
make: --arc: ambiguous option
make: --arcl: ambiguous option'
EXEC make "$usage" --archive-clean --ac --a-c --ar-c --arc --ar-clean --arclean
OUTPUT - $'return=a option=-a name=--archive_clean arg=(null) num=1
return=a option=-a name=--archive_clean arg=(null) num=1
return=a option=-a name=--archive_clean arg=(null) num=1
return=a option=-a name=--archive_clean arg=(null) num=1
return=a option=-a name=--archive_clean arg=(null) num=1
return=a option=-a name=--archive_clean arg=(null) num=1
return=a option=-a name=--archive_clean arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC make "$usage" --archive_clean --ac --a_c --ar_c --arc --ar_clean --arclean
EXEC make "$usage" --?archive-clean --?a-c --?ac --?ar-c --?arc --?ar-clean --?arclean
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?archive-clean num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: make [ options ]
-a, --archive_clean'
EXEC make "$usage" --?archive_clean --?a_c --?ac --?ar_c --?arc --?ar_clean --?arclean
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?archive_clean num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?a-c
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?a-c num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?a_c
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?a_c num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?ac
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?ac num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?ar-c
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?ar-c num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?ar_c
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?ar_c num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?arc
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?arc num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?ar-clean
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?ar-clean num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?ar_clean
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?ar_clean num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?arclean
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?arclean num=0'
TEST 51 'the suboption long and short of it'
usage=$'[-][z:time-style?Time style.]:[style]{[11:iso?Iso.][12:posix-iso?Posix iso.][13:full-iso?Full iso.][14:full-numeric?Full numeric.]}'
EXEC make "$usage" --time-style=iso --ts=i --time-style=full-iso --ts=fi --ts=fn --time-style=full-numeric -z fnumeric -z fulnumeric -z fuln -z fulln --timestyle=fullnumeric
OUTPUT - $'return=z option=-z name=--time-style arg=iso num=-11
return=z option=-z name=--time-style arg=i num=-11
return=z option=-z name=--time-style arg=full-iso num=-13
return=z option=-z name=--time-style arg=fi num=-13
return=z option=-z name=--time-style arg=fn num=-14
return=z option=-z name=--time-style arg=full-numeric num=-14
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=fnumeric num=-14
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=fulnumeric num=-14
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=fuln num=-14
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=fulln num=-14
return=z option=-z name=--time-style arg=fullnumeric num=-14'
EXEC make "$usage" --time_style=iso --ts=i --time_style=full_iso --ts=fi --ts=fn --time_style=full_numeric -z fnumeric -z fulnumeric -z fuln -z fulln --timestyle=fullnumeric
OUTPUT - $'return=z option=-z name=--time-style arg=iso num=-11
return=z option=-z name=--time-style arg=i num=-11
return=z option=-z name=--time-style arg=full_iso num=-13
return=z option=-z name=--time-style arg=fi num=-13
return=z option=-z name=--time-style arg=fn num=-14
return=z option=-z name=--time-style arg=full_numeric num=-14
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=fnumeric num=-14
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=fulnumeric num=-14
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=fuln num=-14
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=fulln num=-14
return=z option=-z name=--time-style arg=fullnumeric num=-14'
TEST 52 'the underscored suboption long and short of it'
usage=$'[-][z:time_style?Time style.]:[style]{[11:iso?Iso.][12:posix_iso?Posix iso.][13:full_iso?Full iso.][14:full_numeric?Full numeric.]}'
EXEC make "$usage" --time-style=iso --ts=i --time-style=full-iso --ts=fi --ts=fn --time-style=full-numeric -z fnumeric -z fulnumeric -z fuln -z fulln --timestyle=fullnumeric
OUTPUT - $'return=z option=-z name=--time_style arg=iso num=-11
return=z option=-z name=--time_style arg=i num=-11
return=z option=-z name=--time_style arg=full-iso num=-13
return=z option=-z name=--time_style arg=fi num=-13
return=z option=-z name=--time_style arg=fn num=-14
return=z option=-z name=--time_style arg=full-numeric num=-14
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=fnumeric num=-14
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=fulnumeric num=-14
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=fuln num=-14
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=fulln num=-14
return=z option=-z name=--time_style arg=fullnumeric num=-14'
EXEC make "$usage" --time_style=iso --ts=i --time_style=full_iso --ts=fi --ts=fn --time_style=full_numeric -z fnumeric -z fulnumeric -z fuln -z fulln --timestyle=fullnumeric
OUTPUT - $'return=z option=-z name=--time_style arg=iso num=-11
return=z option=-z name=--time_style arg=i num=-11
return=z option=-z name=--time_style arg=full_iso num=-13
return=z option=-z name=--time_style arg=fi num=-13
return=z option=-z name=--time_style arg=fn num=-14
return=z option=-z name=--time_style arg=full_numeric num=-14
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=fnumeric num=-14
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=fulnumeric num=-14
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=fuln num=-14
return=z option=-z name=-z arg=fulln num=-14
return=z option=-z name=--time_style arg=fullnumeric num=-14'
TEST 53 'dashing long name input separator ingeniousness'
EXEC make "$usage" --prefixinclude --prefix-include --pre-fix-inc-lude
OUTPUT - $'return=p option=-p name=--prefixinclude arg=(null) num=1
return=p option=-p name=--prefixinclude arg=(null) num=1
return=p option=-p name=--prefixinclude arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC make "$usage" --prefixinclude --prefix_include --pre_fix_inc_lude
EXEC make "$usage" --prefixinclude --prefix_include --pre_fix-inc_lude
EXEC make "$usage" --?prefixinclude
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?prefixinclude num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: make [ options ]
-p, --prefixinclude
EXEC make "$usage" --?prefix-include
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?prefix-include num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?pre-fix-inc-lude
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?pre-fix-inc-lude num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?pre_fix_inc_lude
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?pre_fix_inc_lude num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?pre_fix-inc_lude
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?pre_fix-inc_lude num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --prefixinclude --prefix-include --pre-fix-inc-lude
OUTPUT - $'return=p option=-p name=--pre-fix_inc-lude arg=(null) num=1
return=p option=-p name=--pre-fix_inc-lude arg=(null) num=1
return=p option=-p name=--pre-fix_inc-lude arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC make "$usage" --prefixinclude --prefix_include --pre_fix_inc_lude
EXEC make "$usage" --prefixinclude --prefix_include --pre_fix-inc_lude
EXEC make "$usage" --?prefixinclude
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?prefixinclude num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: make [ options ]
-p, --pre-fix_inc-lude
EXEC make "$usage" --?prefix-include
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?prefix-include num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?pre-fix-inc-lude
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?pre-fix-inc-lude num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?pre_fix_inc_lude
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?pre_fix_inc_lude num=0'
EXEC make "$usage" --?pre_fix-inc_lude
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?pre_fix-inc_lude num=0'
TEST 54 'boolean option with numeric value'
EXEC make "$usage" --reread --noreread --reread=0 --reread=1 --reread=2
OUTPUT - $'return=-103 option=-103 name=--reread arg=(null) num=1
return=-103 option=-103 name=--reread arg=(null) num=0
return=-103 option=-103 name=--reread arg=(null) num=0
return=-103 option=-103 name=--reread arg=(null) num=1
return=-103 option=-103 name=--reread arg=2 num=2'
TEST 55 'solaris old format long option name compatibility'
EXEC oksh "$usage" --usage
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--usage num=0'
ERROR - $'[-][f:file|input-file]:[string][g:global][o:output|output-file]:[string]'
EXEC oksh "$usage" -f in -g -o out
OUTPUT - $'return=f option=-f name=-f arg=in num=1
return=g option=-g name=-g arg=(null) num=1
return=o option=-o name=-o arg=out num=1'
EXEC oksh "$usage" --file=in --glob --out=out
OUTPUT - $'return=f option=-f name=--file arg=in num=1
return=g option=-g name=--global arg=(null) num=1
return=o option=-o name=--output arg=out num=1'
EXEC oksh "$usage" --usage
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--usage num=0'
ERROR - $'[-][x][f:file|input-file]:[string][g:global][o:output|output-file]:[string]'
EXEC oksh "$usage" --usage
ERROR - $'[-][x]:[string][f:file|input-file]:[string][g:global][o:output|output-file]:[string]'
EXEC oksh "$usage" --usage
ERROR - $'[-][f:file|input-file]:[string][g:global][x][o:output|output-file]:[string]'
EXEC oksh "$usage" --usage
ERROR - $'[-][f:file|input-file]:[string][g:global][x]:[string][o:output|output-file]:[string]'
TEST 56 'old format does long options, well, with a lot of secondary work'
EXEC oldisnew "$usage" -o old --boolean --name=value
OUTPUT - $'return=o option=-o name=-o arg=old num=1
return=- option=-- name=-- arg=boolean num=1
return=- option=-- name=-- arg=name=value num=1'
EXEC oldisnew "$usage" '--?'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--? num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: oldisnew [-o arg] [--long-option[=value]]'
TEST 57 'and the new format does old options'
usage=$'[-][f:FFF][n:NNN]#[nnn][s:SSS]:[sss]\n\nfile ...'
EXEC newisold "$usage" --'??posix'
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--??posix num=0'
ERROR - $'fn:s:'
TEST 58 'various --* combinations'
EXEC printf "$usage" - operand
OUTPUT - $'argument=1 value="-"\nargument=2 value="operand"'
EXEC printf "$usage" -- operand
OUTPUT - $'argument=1 value="operand"'
EXEC printf "$usage" -- --operand
OUTPUT - $'argument=1 value="--operand"'
EXEC printf "$usage" -- ---operand
OUTPUT - $'argument=1 value="---operand"'
EXEC printf "$usage" ---operand
OUTPUT - $'argument=1 value="---operand"'
TEST 59 'optget options'
usage=$'[-n?\n@(#)$Id: sort (AT&T Research) 2008-04-24 $\n]'
EXEC sort "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
sort [ options ]
version sort (AT&T Research) 2008-04-24'
TEST 60 'about nested components'
usage=$'[-][+NAME?boohoo][m:method?The methods are:]{[+hal?HAL]{[--hoo?HOO][-har?HAR][--huh?HUH]}[+bob?BOB]{[--boo?BOO][-bar?BAR][--buh?BUH]}}'
EXEC sort "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
boohoo [ options ]
-m, --method The methods are:
hal HAL
(har) HAR
(huh) HUH
bob BOB
(bar) BAR
(buh) BUH'
usage=$'[-][+NAME?boohoo][m:method?The methods are:]{[+hal?HAL]{[--hoo?HOO][-har?HAR]}[+bob?BOB]{[--boo?BOO][-bar?BAR]}}'
EXEC sort "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
boohoo [ options ]
-m, --method The methods are:
hal HAL
(har) HAR
bob BOB
(bar) BAR'
usage=$'[-][+NAME?boohoo][m:method?The methods are:]{[+hal?HAL]{[+hoo?HOO][-har?HAR]}[+bob?BOB]{[-boo?BOO][+bar?BAR]}}'
EXEC sort "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
boohoo [ options ]
-m, --method The methods are:
hal HAL
hoo HOO
(har) HAR
bob BOB
(boo) BOO
bar BAR'
usage=$'[-][+NAME?boohoo][m:method?The methods are:]{[+hal?HAL]{[--hoo?HOO][-har?HAR][--huh?HUH]}[+bob?BOB]{[--boo?BOO][-bar?BAR][--buh?BUH]}}'
EXEC sort "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
boohoo [ options ]
-m, --method The methods are:
hal HAL
(har) HAR
(huh) HUH
bob BOB
(bar) BAR
(buh) BUH'
usage=$'[-][+NAME?boohoo][m:method?The methods are:]{\fTEST\f}'
EXEC =TEST="$info" sort "$usage" --man
info=$'[+hal?HAL]{[+hoo?HOO][-?\n@(#)$Id: zip::hoo (AT&T Research) 2003-01-01 $\n][-har?HAR][--xxx?yyy][--catalog?zip][+aha?AHA]}[+bob?BOB]{[-?\n@(#)$Id: zip::boo (AT&T Research) 2003-01-01 $\n][-bar?BAR]}'
usage=$'[-][+NAME?boohoo][m:method?The methods are:]{\fTEST\f}'
EXEC =TEST="$info" sort "$usage" --man
boohoo [ options ]
-m, --method The methods are:
hal HAL
hoo HOO
(version) zip::hoo (AT&T Research) 2003-01-01
(har) HAR
(xxx) yyy
(catalog) zip
aha AHA
bob BOB
(version) zip::boo (AT&T Research) 2003-01-01
(bar) BAR'
EXEC =TEST="$info" sort "$usage" --help
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--help num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: sort [ options ]
-m, --method The methods are:
hal HAL
hoo HOO
aha AHA
bob BOB'
EXEC =TEST="$info" sort "$usage" --?method
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=-? name=--?method num=0'
ERROR - $'Usage: sort [ options ]
-m, --method The methods are:
hal HAL
hoo HOO
aha AHA
bob BOB'
[-?\n@(#)$Id: codex (AT&T Research) 2009-04-15 $\n]
[+NAME?codex - encode/decode filter]
[+?The supported methods are:]
[+zip\b?zip compression. The first parameter is the PKZIP
compression method.]
[+copy|0?No compression.]
[+shrink|1?Shrink compression.]
[+reduce|2|3|4|5?Reduce compression.]
[+implode|6?Implode compression.]
[+deflate|8?Deflate compression.]
[d:decode?Apply the \amethod\a operand to the standard input only.]
[e:encode?Apply the \amethod\a operand to the standard output only.]
file ...
[+SEE ALSO?\bcodex\b(3), \bvcodex\b(3)]'
EXEC codex "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
codex - encode/decode filter
codex [ options ] file ...
The supported methods are:
zip zip compression. The first parameter is the PKZIP compression method.
No compression.
Shrink compression.
Reduce compression.
Implode compression.
Deflate compression.
-d, --decode Apply the method operand to the standard input only.
-e, --encode Apply the method operand to the standard output only.
codex(3), vcodex(3)
version codex (AT&T Research) 2009-04-15'
TEST 61 'man(1) section titles'
EXEC section "$usage" '--???MAN'
OUTPUT - 'return=? option=-? name=--???MAN num=0'
EXEC section "$usage" '--???MAN=5P'
OUTPUT - 'return=? option=-? name=--???MAN num=0'
EXEC section "$usage" '--???MAN=5PU'
OUTPUT - 'return=? option=-? name=--???MAN num=0'
EXEC section "$usage" '--???MAN=8U'
OUTPUT - 'return=? option=-? name=--???MAN num=0'
TEST 62 'conformance conditionals'
usage=$'[-][a:all?ALL][(foo|ast)s:some?SOME][(foo|bar)n:never?NEVER][e:every?EVERY][(foo|bar)+?Specific text.]'
EXEC conformance "$usage" -a
OUTPUT - 'return=a option=-a name=-a arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC conformance "$usage" --all
OUTPUT - 'return=a option=-a name=--all arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC conformance "$usage" -s
OUTPUT - 'return=s option=-s name=-s arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC conformance "$usage" --some
OUTPUT - 'return=s option=-s name=--some arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC conformance "$usage" -e
OUTPUT - 'return=e option=-e name=-e arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC conformance "$usage" --every
OUTPUT - 'return=e option=-e name=--every arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC conformance "$usage" -n
OUTPUT - 'return=: option= name=-n num=0 str=[-][a:all?ALL][(foo|ast)s:some?SOME][(foo|bar)n:never?NEVER][e:every?EVERY][(foo|bar)+?Specific text.]'
ERROR - $'conformance: -n: unknown option'
EXEC conformance "$usage" --never
OUTPUT - 'return=: option= name=--never num=0 str=--never'
ERROR - 'conformance: --never: unknown option'
EXEC conformance "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
-a, --all ALL
-s, --some [(foo|ast) conformance] SOME
-n, --never [(foo|bar) conformance] NEVER
-e, --every EVERY
[(foo|bar) conformance] Specific text.
conformance [ options ]'
EXEC conformance "$usage" --html
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--html num=0'
<META name="generator" content="optget (AT&T Research) 2011-11-11">
<TITLE>conformance man document</TITLE>
<STYLE type="text/css">
div.SH { padding-left:2em; text-indent:0em; }
div.SY { padding-left:4em; text-indent:-2em; }
dt { float:left; clear:both; }
dd { margin-left:3em; }
<BODY bgcolor=white>
<H4><TABLE width=100%><TR><TH align=left>CONFORMANCE&nbsp;(&nbsp;1&nbsp;)&nbsp;<TH align=center><A href="." title="Index">USER COMMANDS</A><TH align=right>CONFORMANCE&nbsp;(&nbsp;1&nbsp;)</TR></TABLE></H4>
<H4><A name="OPTIONS">OPTIONS</A></H4>
<DIV class=SH>
<DT>-<B>a</B>, --<B>all</B><DD><BR>ALL
<DT>-<B>s</B>, --<B>some</B><DD><BR>&#0091;(foo|ast) conformance&#0093; SOME
<DT>-<B>n</B>, --<B>never</B><DD><BR>&#0091;(foo|bar) conformance&#0093; NEVER
<DT>-<B>e</B>, --<B>every</B><DD><BR>EVERY
<DT>&#0091;(foo|bar) conformance&#0093; Specific text.
<H4><A name="SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</A></H4>
<DIV class=SY>
<B>conformance</B> &#0091; <I>options</I> &#0093;
# skip non-astsa (standalone ast) tests
[[ $($COMMAND -+ astsa '[-]' '--???about' 2>/dev/null) == *catalog=libast* ]] || exit
TEST 98 'translation'
usage=$'[-][+NAME?aha - just do it][+DESCRIPTION?Bla bla.]{\fzero\f}\n\n[ dialect ]\n\n[+SEE ALSO?Bla.]'
EXEC -+ aha "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'id=aha catalog=libast text="about"
id=aha catalog=libast text="api"
id=aha catalog=libast text="help"
id=aha catalog=libast text="html"
id=aha catalog=libast text="keys"
id=aha catalog=libast text="long"
id=aha catalog=libast text="man"
id=aha catalog=libast text="about"
id=aha catalog=libast text="api"
id=aha catalog=libast text="help"
id=aha catalog=libast text="html"
id=aha catalog=libast text="keys"
id=aha catalog=libast text="long"
id=aha catalog=libast text="man"
id=aha catalog=libast text="NAME"
id=aha catalog=libast text="aha - just do it"
id=aha catalog=libast text="DESCRIPTION"
id=aha catalog=libast text="Bla bla."
id=aha catalog=libast text="dabba"
id=aha catalog=libast text="aroni"
id=aha catalog=libast text="SEE ALSO"
id=aha catalog=libast text="Bla."
id=aha catalog=libast text="SYNOPSIS"
id=aha catalog=libast text="options"
id=aha catalog=libast text="[ dialect ]"
return=? option=- name=--man num=0
id=aha catalog=libast text="Usage"'
nun - whfg qb vg
aha [ bcgvbaf ] [ qvnyrpg ]
Oyn oyn.
yabba qnoon
doo nebav
EXEC -+ getopts "$usage" '--man'
OUTPUT - $'id=getopts catalog=libast text="command"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="about"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="api"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="help"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="html"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="keys"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="long"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="man"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="about"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="api"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="help"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="html"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="keys"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="long"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="man"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="version"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="getopts (AT&T Research) 1999-02-02
id=getopts catalog=libast text="NAME"
id=getopts catalog=libast text=" ? - parse utility options"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="OPTIONS"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="command"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="name"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="Use \aname\a instead of the command name in usage messages."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="DESCRIPTION"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="The \bgetopts\b utility can be used to retrieve options and
arguments from a list of arguments give by \aargs\a or the positional
parameters if \aargs\a is omitted. It can also generate usage messages
and a man page for the command based on the information in \aoptstring\a."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="The \aoptstring\a string consists of alpha-numeric characters,
the special characters +, -, ?, :, and <space>, or character groups
enclosed in [...]. Character groups may be nested in {...}.
Outside of a [...] group, a single new-line followed by zero or
more blanks is ignored. One or more blank lines separates the
options from the command argument synopsis."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="Each [...] group consists of an optional label,
optional attributes separated by :, and an
optional description string following ?. The characters from the ?
to the end of the next ] are ignored for option parsing and short
usage messages. They are used for generating verbose help or man pages.
The : character may not appear in the label.
The ? character must be specified as ?? in label and the ] character
must be specified as ]] in the description string.
Text between two \\b (backspace) characters indicates
that the text should be emboldened when displayed.
Text between two \\a (bell) characters indicates that the text should
be emphasised or italicised when displayed."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="There are four types of groups:"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="An option specifiation of the form \aoption\a:\alongname\a.
In this case the first field is the option character. If there
is no option character, then a two digit number should be specified
that corresponds to the long options. This negative of this number
will be returned as the value of \aname\a by \bgetopts\b if the long
option is matched. A longname is matched with \b--\b\alongname\a. A
* in the \alongname\a field indicates that only characters up that
point need to match provided any additional characters match the option.
The [ and ] can be omitted for options that don\'t have longnames
or descriptive text."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="A string option argument specification.
Options that take arguments can be followed by : or # and an option
group specification. An option group specification consists
of a name for the option argument as field 1. The remaining
fields are a typename and zero or more of the special attribute words
\blistof\b, \boneof\b, and \bignorecase\b.
The option specification can be followed
by a list of option value descriptions enclosed in parenthesis."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="A option value description."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="A argument specification. A list of valid option argument values
can be specified by enclosing them inside a {...} following
the option argument specification. Each of the permitted
values can be specified with a [...] containing the
value followed by a description."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="If the leading character of \aoptstring\a is +, then arguments
beginning with + will also be considered options."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="A leading : character or a : following a leading + in \aoptstring\a
affects the way errors are handled. If an option character or longname
argument not specified in \aoptstring\a is encountered when processing
options, the shell variable whose name is \aname\a will be set to the ?
character. The shell variable \bOPTARG\b will be set to
the character found. If an option argument is missing or has an invalid
value, then \aname\a will be set to the : character and the shell variable
\bOPTARG\b will be set to the option character found.
Without the leading :, \aname\a will be set to the ? character, \bOPTARG\b
will be unset, and an error message will be written to standard error
when errors are encountered."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="The end of options occurs when:"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="The special argument \b--\b."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="An argument that does not beging with a \b-\b."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="A help argument is specified."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="An error is encountered."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="If \bOPTARG\b is set to the value \b1\b, a new set of arguments
can be used."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="\bgetopts\b can also be used to generate help messages containing command
usage and detailed descriptions. Specify \aargs\a as:"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="To generate a usage synopsis."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="To generate a verbose usage message."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="To generate a formatted man page."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="To generate an easy to parse usage message."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="To generate a man page in \bhtml\b format."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="When the end of options is encountered, \bgetopts\b exits with a
non-zero return value and the variable \bOPTIND\b is set to the
index of the first non-option argument."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="EXIT STATUS"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="An option specified was found."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="An end of options was encountered."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="A usage or information message was generated."
id=getopts catalog=libast text="IMPLEMENTATION"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="SYNOPSIS"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="options"
id=getopts catalog=libast text="opstring name [args...]"
return=? option=- name=--man num=0
id=getopts catalog=libast text="Usage"'
getopts - cnefr hgvyvgl bcgvbaf
getopts [ bcgvbaf ] bcfgevat anzr [netf...]
-a, --pbzznaq|command=anzr
Hfr anzr vafgrnq bs gur pbzznaq anzr va hfntr zrffntrf.
Gur getopts hgvyvgl pna or hfrq gb ergevrir bcgvbaf naq nethzragf sebz n yvfg
bs nethzragf tvir ol netf be gur cbfvgvbany cnenzrgref vs netf vf bzvggrq. Vg
pna nyfb trarengr hfntr zrffntrf naq n zna cntr sbe gur pbzznaq onfrq ba gur
vasbezngvba va bcgfgevat.
Gur bcgfgevat fgevat pbafvfgf bs nycun-ahzrevp punenpgref, gur fcrpvny
punenpgref +, -, ?, :, naq <fcnpr>, be punenpgre tebhcf rapybfrq va [...].
Punenpgre tebhcf znl or arfgrq va {...}. Bhgfvqr bs n [...] tebhc, n fvatyr
arj-yvar sbyybjrq ol mreb be zber oynaxf vf vtaberq. Bar be zber oynax yvarf
frcnengrf gur bcgvbaf sebz gur pbzznaq nethzrag flabcfvf.
Rnpu [...] tebhc pbafvfgf bs na bcgvbany ynory, bcgvbany nggevohgrf frcnengrq
ol :, naq na bcgvbany qrfpevcgvba fgevat sbyybjvat ?. Gur punenpgref sebz gur
? gb gur raq bs gur arkg ] ner vtaberq sbe bcgvba cnefvat naq fubeg hfntr
zrffntrf. Gurl ner hfrq sbe trarengvat ireobfr uryc be zna cntrf. Gur :
punenpgre znl abg nccrne va gur ynory. Gur ? punenpgre zhfg or fcrpvsvrq nf
?? va ynory naq gur ] punenpgre zhfg or fcrpvsvrq nf ]] va gur qrfpevcgvba
fgevat. Grkg orgjrra gjb \\b (onpxfcnpr) punenpgref vaqvpngrf gung gur grkg
fubhyq or rzobyqrarq jura qvfcynlrq. Grkg orgjrra gjb \\a (oryy) punenpgref
vaqvpngrf gung gur grkg fubhyq or rzcunfvfrq be vgnyvpvfrq jura qvfcynlrq.
Gurer ner sbhe glcrf bs tebhcf:
1. Na bcgvba fcrpvsvngvba bs gur sbez bcgvba:ybatanzr. Va guvf pnfr gur
svefg svryq vf gur bcgvba punenpgre. Vs gurer vf ab bcgvba punenpgre,
gura n gjb qvtvg ahzore fubhyq or fcrpvsvrq gung pbeerfcbaqf gb gur
ybat bcgvbaf. Guvf artngvir bs guvf ahzore jvyy or erghearq nf gur
inyhr bs anzr ol getopts vs gur ybat bcgvba vf zngpurq. N ybatanzr vf
zngpurq jvgu --ybatanzr. N * va gur ybatanzr svryq vaqvpngrf gung
bayl punenpgref hc gung cbvag arrq gb zngpu cebivqrq nal nqqvgvbany
punenpgref zngpu gur bcgvba. Gur [ naq ] pna or bzvggrq sbe bcgvbaf
gung qba\'g unir ybatanzrf be qrfpevcgvir grkg.
2. N fgevat bcgvba nethzrag fcrpvsvpngvba. Bcgvbaf gung gnxr nethzragf
pna or sbyybjrq ol : be # naq na bcgvba tebhc fcrpvsvpngvba. Na
bcgvba tebhc fcrpvsvpngvba pbafvfgf bs n anzr sbe gur bcgvba nethzrag
nf svryq 1. Gur erznvavat svryqf ner n glcranzr naq mreb be zber bs
gur fcrpvny nggevohgr jbeqf listof, oneof, naq ignorecase. Gur bcgvba
fcrpvsvpngvba pna or sbyybjrq ol n yvfg bs bcgvba inyhr qrfpevcgvbaf
rapybfrq va cneragurfvf.
3. N bcgvba inyhr qrfpevcgvba.
4. N nethzrag fcrpvsvpngvba. N yvfg bs inyvq bcgvba nethzrag inyhrf pna
or fcrpvsvrq ol rapybfvat gurz vafvqr n {...} sbyybjvat gur bcgvba
nethzrag fcrpvsvpngvba. Rnpu bs gur crezvggrq inyhrf pna or fcrpvsvrq
jvgu n [...] pbagnvavat gur inyhr sbyybjrq ol n qrfpevcgvba.
Vs gur yrnqvat punenpgre bs bcgfgevat vf +, gura nethzragf ortvaavat jvgu +
jvyy nyfb or pbafvqrerq bcgvbaf.
N yrnqvat : punenpgre be n : sbyybjvat n yrnqvat + va bcgfgevat nssrpgf gur
jnl reebef ner unaqyrq. Vs na bcgvba punenpgre be ybatanzr nethzrag abg
fcrpvsvrq va bcgfgevat vf rapbhagrerq jura cebprffvat bcgvbaf, gur furyy
inevnoyr jubfr anzr vf anzr jvyy or frg gb gur ? punenpgre. Gur furyy
inevnoyr OPTARG jvyy or frg gb gur punenpgre sbhaq. Vs na bcgvba nethzrag vf
zvffvat be unf na vainyvq inyhr, gura anzr jvyy or frg gb gur : punenpgre naq
gur furyy inevnoyr OPTARG jvyy or frg gb gur bcgvba punenpgre sbhaq. Jvgubhg
gur yrnqvat :, anzr jvyy or frg gb gur ? punenpgre, OPTARG jvyy or hafrg, naq
na reebe zrffntr jvyy or jevggra gb fgnaqneq reebe jura reebef ner
Gur raq bs bcgvbaf bpphef jura:
1. Gur fcrpvny nethzrag --.
2. Na nethzrag gung qbrf abg ortvat jvgu n -.
3. N uryc nethzrag vf fcrpvsvrq.
4. Na reebe vf rapbhagrerq.
Vs OPTARG vf frg gb gur inyhr 1, n arj frg bs nethzragf pna or hfrq.
getopts pna nyfb or hfrq gb trarengr uryc zrffntrf pbagnvavat pbzznaq hfntr
naq qrgnvyrq qrfpevcgvbaf. Fcrpvsl netf nf:
-? Gb trarengr n hfntr flabcfvf.
--?? Gb trarengr n ireobfr hfntr zrffntr.
Gb trarengr n sbeznggrq zna cntr.
Gb trarengr na rnfl gb cnefr hfntr zrffntr.
Gb trarengr n zna cntr va html sbezng.
Jura gur raq bs bcgvbaf vf rapbhagrerq, getopts rkvgf jvgu n aba-mreb erghea
inyhr naq gur inevnoyr OPTIND vf frg gb gur vaqrk bs gur svefg aba-bcgvba
0 Na bcgvba fcrpvsvrq jnf sbhaq.
1 Na raq bs bcgvbaf jnf rapbhagrerq.
2 N hfntr be vasbezngvba zrffntr jnf trarengrq.
irefvba trgbcgf (NG&G Erfrnepu) 1999-02-02'
usage=$'[-?\n@(#)xlate 1.0\n][-author?Col. Hyde][a:algorithm]:[method][b:again|back]'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --algorithm=xxx --again --back
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
return=a option=-a name=--algorithm arg=xxx num=1
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
return=b option=-b name=--again arg=(null) num=1
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
return=b option=-b name=--back arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --nytbevguz=xxx --ntnva --onpx
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
return=a option=-a name=--nytbevguz arg=xxx num=1
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
return=b option=-b name=--ntnva arg=(null) num=1
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
return=b option=-b name=--onpx arg=(null) num=1'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --algorithm
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="method"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="value expected"
return=: option=-a name=--algorithm num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="%s"'
ERROR - $'xlate: --algorithm: zrgubq inyhr rkcrpgrq'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --nytbevguz
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="method"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="value expected"
return=: option=-a name=--nytbevguz num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="%s"'
ERROR - $'xlate: --nytbevguz: zrgubq inyhr rkcrpgrq'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="about"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="api"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="help"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="html"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="keys"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="long"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="man"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="about"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="api"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="help"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="html"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="keys"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="long"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="man"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="version"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="xlate 1.0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="author"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Col. Hyde"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="OPTIONS"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="method"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="IMPLEMENTATION"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="SYNOPSIS"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="options"
return=? option=- name=--man num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
xlate [ bcgvbaf ]
-a, --nytbevguz|algorithm=zrgubq
-b, --ntnva|onpx|again|back
irefvba kyngr 1.0
nhgube Pby. Ulqr'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" -?
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="method"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="options"
return=? option=-? name=-? num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
ERROR - $'Hfntr: xlate [-b] [-a zrgubq]'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --?
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="OPTIONS"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="method"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="options"
return=? option=-? name=--? num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
ERROR - $'Hfntr: xlate [ bcgvbaf ]
-a, --nytbevguz|algorithm=zrgubq
-b, --ntnva|onpx|again|back'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --??
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="version"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="xlate 1.0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="author"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Col. Hyde"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="OPTIONS"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="method"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="IMPLEMENTATION"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="SYNOPSIS"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="options"
return=? option=-? name=--?? num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
xlate [ bcgvbaf ]
-a, --nytbevguz|algorithm=zrgubq
-b, --ntnva|onpx|again|back
irefvba kyngr 1.0
nhgube Pby. Ulqr'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --???
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="about"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="api"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="help"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="html"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="keys"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="long"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="man"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="nroff"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="options"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="posix"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="short"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="usage"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="NAME"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="options available to all \bast\b commands"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="DESCRIPTION"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="\b-?\b and \b--?\b* options are the same for all \bast\b commands. For any \aitem\a below, if \b--\b\aitem\a is not supported by a given command then it is equivalent to \b--??\b\aitem\a. The \b--??\b form should be used for portability. All output is written to the standard error."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="OPTIONS"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="about"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="List all implementation info."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="api"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="List detailed info in program readable form."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="help"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="List detailed help option info."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="html"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="List detailed info in html."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="keys"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="List the usage translation key strings with C style escapes."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="long"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="List long option usage."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="man"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="List detailed info in displayed man page form."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="nroff"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="List detailed info in nroff."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="options"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="List short and long option details."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="posix"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="List posix getopt usage."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="short"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="List short option usage."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="usage"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="List the usage string with C style escapes."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="?-\alabel\a"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="List implementation info matching \alabel\a*."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="?\aname\a"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Equivalent to \b--help=\b\aname\a."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="?"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Equivalent to \b--??options\b."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="??"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Equivalent to \b--??man\b."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="???"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Equivalent to \b--??help\b."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="???\aitem\a"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="If the next argument is \b--\b\aoption\a then list the \aoption\a output in the \aitem\a style. Otherwise print \bversion=\b\an\a where \an\a>0 if \b--??\b\aitem\a is supported, \b0\b if not."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="???ESC"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Emit escape codes even if output is not a terminal."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="???MAN[=\asection\a]"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="List the \bman\b(1) section title for \asection\a [the current command]."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="???SECTION"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="List the \bman\b(1) section number for the current command."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="???TEST"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Massage the output for regression testing."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="SYNOPSIS"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="options"
return=? option=-? name=--??? num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
bcgvbaf ninvynoyr gb nyy ast pbzznaqf
xlate [ bcgvbaf ]
-? naq --?* bcgvbaf ner gur fnzr sbe nyy ast pbzznaqf. Sbe nal vgrz orybj, vs
--vgrz vf abg fhccbegrq ol n tvira pbzznaq gura vg vf rdhvinyrag gb --??vgrz.
Gur --?? sbez fubhyq or hfrq sbe cbegnovyvgl. Nyy bhgchg vf jevggra gb gur
fgnaqneq reebe.
--nobhg|about Yvfg nyy vzcyrzragngvba vasb.
--ncv|api Yvfg qrgnvyrq vasb va cebtenz ernqnoyr sbez.
--uryc|help Yvfg qrgnvyrq uryc bcgvba vasb.
--ugzy|html Yvfg qrgnvyrq vasb va ugzy.
--xrlf|keys Yvfg gur hfntr genafyngvba xrl fgevatf jvgu P fglyr rfpncrf.
--ybat|long Yvfg ybat bcgvba hfntr.
--zna|man Yvfg qrgnvyrq vasb va qvfcynlrq zna cntr sbez.
--aebss|nroff Yvfg qrgnvyrq vasb va aebss.
Yvfg fubeg naq ybat bcgvba qrgnvyf.
--cbfvk|posix Yvfg cbfvk trgbcg hfntr.
--fubeg|short Yvfg fubeg bcgvba hfntr.
--hfntr|usage Yvfg gur hfntr fgevat jvgu P fglyr rfpncrf.
Yvfg vzcyrzragngvba vasb zngpuvat ynory*.
--?anzr|?name Rdhvinyrag gb --help=anzr.
--? Rdhvinyrag gb --??options.
--?? Rdhvinyrag gb --??man.
--??? Rdhvinyrag gb --??help.
Vs gur arkg nethzrag vf --bcgvba gura yvfg gur bcgvba bhgchg
va gur vgrz fglyr. Bgurejvfr cevag version=a jurer a>0 vs
--??vgrz vf fhccbegrq, 0 vs abg.
--???RFP|???ESC Rzvg rfpncr pbqrf rira vs bhgchg vf abg n grezvany.
Yvfg gur man(1) frpgvba gvgyr sbe frpgvba
[gur pheerag pbzznaq].
Yvfg gur man(1) frpgvba ahzore sbe gur pheerag pbzznaq.
Znffntr gur bhgchg sbe erterffvba grfgvat.'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --keys
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="about"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="api"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="help"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="html"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="keys"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="about"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="api"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="help"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="html"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="keys"
return=? option=- name=--keys num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
ERROR - $'"algorithm"
usage=$usage$'[+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --keys
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="about"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="api"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="help"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="html"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="keys"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="about"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="api"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="help"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="html"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="keys"
return=? option=- name=--keys num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
ERROR - $'"algorithm"
"Foo bar."
"Bar foo."
"More e.g."
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="about"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="api"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="help"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="html"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="keys"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="long"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="man"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="about"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="api"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="help"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="html"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="keys"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="long"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="man"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="version"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="xlate 1.0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="author"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Col. Hyde"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="OPTIONS"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="method"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="EXAMPLES"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Examples."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Foo bar."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="\abar\a"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Bar foo."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="More e.g."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="AHA"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="IMPLEMENTATION"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="SYNOPSIS"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="options"
return=? option=- name=--man num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
-a, --nytbevguz|algorithm=zrgubq
-b, --ntnva|onpx|again|back
foo Sbb one.
one One sbb.
Zber r.t.
aha NUN
xlate [ bcgvbaf ]
irefvba kyngr 1.0
nhgube Pby. Ulqr'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --?-auth
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="version"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="version"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="author"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="author?Col. Hyde][a:algorithm]:[method][b:again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="author"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Col. Hyde"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm]:[method][b:again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
return=? option=-? name=--?-auth num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
ERROR - $' nhgube Pby. Ulqr'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --?-nhgu
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="version"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="version"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="author"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="author?Col. Hyde][a:algorithm]:[method][b:again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="author"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Col. Hyde"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm]:[method][b:again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
return=? option=-? name=--?-nhgu num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
ERROR - $' nhgube Pby. Ulqr'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --zna
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="about"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="api"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="help"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="html"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="keys"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="long"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="man"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="about"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="api"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="help"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="html"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="keys"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="long"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="man"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="version"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="xlate 1.0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="author"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Col. Hyde"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="OPTIONS"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="method"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="EXAMPLES"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Examples."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Foo bar."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="\abar\a"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Bar foo."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="More e.g."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="AHA"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="IMPLEMENTATION"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="SYNOPSIS"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="options"
return=? option=- name=--zna num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
-a, --nytbevguz|algorithm=zrgubq
-b, --ntnva|onpx|again|back
foo Sbb one.
one One sbb.
Zber r.t.
aha NUN
xlate [ bcgvbaf ]
irefvba kyngr 1.0
nhgube Pby. Ulqr'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --??zna
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="about"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="api"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="help"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="html"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="keys"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="long"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="man"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="version"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="xlate 1.0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="author"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Col. Hyde"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="OPTIONS"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="method"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="EXAMPLES"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Examples."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Foo bar."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="\abar\a"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Bar foo."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="More e.g."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="AHA"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="IMPLEMENTATION"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="SYNOPSIS"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="options"
return=? option=-? name=--??zna num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --?again
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm]:[method][b:again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="OPTIONS"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="options"
return=? option=-? name=--?again num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
ERROR - $'Hfntr: xlate [ bcgvbaf ]
-b, --ntnva|onpx|again|back'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --?ntnva
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm]:[method][b:again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="OPTIONS"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="options"
return=? option=-? name=--?ntnva num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
ERROR - $'Hfntr: xlate [ bcgvbaf ]
-b, --ntnva|onpx|again|back'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --?back
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm]:[method][b:again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="OPTIONS"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="options"
return=? option=-? name=--?back num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
ERROR - $'Hfntr: xlate [ bcgvbaf ]
-b, --ntnva|onpx|again|back'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --?onpx
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm]:[method][b:again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="OPTIONS"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="options"
return=? option=-? name=--?onpx num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
ERROR - $'Hfntr: xlate [ bcgvbaf ]
-b, --ntnva|onpx|again|back'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --?+EXAMPLES
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm]:[method][b:again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="EXAMPLES"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Examples."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Foo bar."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="\abar\a"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Bar foo."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="More e.g."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="AHA"
return=? option=-? name=--?+EXAMPLES num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
ERROR - $' EXAMPLES Rknzcyrf.
foo Sbb one.
one One sbb.
Zber r.t.
aha NUN'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --?+EX
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm]:[method][b:again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="EXAMPLES"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Examples."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Foo bar."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="\abar\a"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Bar foo."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="More e.g."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="AHA"
return=? option=-? name=--?+EX num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
ERROR - $' EXAMPLES Rknzcyrf.
foo Sbb one.
one One sbb.
Zber r.t.
aha NUN'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --?+RKNZCYRF
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm]:[method][b:again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back][+EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="EXAMPLES"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="EXAMPLES?Examples.]{[+foo?Foo bar.][+\abar\a?Bar foo.]}[+?More e.g.]{[+aha?AHA]}"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Examples."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Foo bar."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="\abar\a"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Bar foo."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="More e.g."
id=xlate catalog=libast text="AHA"
return=? option=-? name=--?+RKNZCYRF num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
ERROR - $' EXAMPLES Rknzcyrf.
foo Sbb one.
one One sbb.
Zber r.t.
aha NUN'
usage=$'[-?\n@(#)xlate 1.0\n][-author?Col. Hyde][a:algorithm?\fone\f]:[method]{[+?\fthree\f]}[b:again|back?\ftwo\f]'
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --keys
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="about"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="api"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="help"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="html"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="keys"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="about"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="api"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="help"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="html"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="keys"
return=? option=- name=--keys num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
ERROR - $'"algorithm"
EXEC -+ xlate "$usage" --usage
OUTPUT - $'id=xlate catalog=libast text="algorithm"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="again|back"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="about"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="api"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="help"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="html"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="keys"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="long"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="man"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="nroff"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="options"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="posix"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="short"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="usage"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="about"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="api"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="help"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="html"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="keys"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="long"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="man"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="nroff"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="options"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="posix"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="short"
id=xlate catalog=libast text="usage"
return=? option=- name=--usage num=0
id=xlate catalog=libast text="Usage"'
ERROR - $'[-?\\n@(#)xlate 1.0\\n][-author?Col. Hyde][a:algorithm?<* one info ok *>]:[method]{[+?<* three info ok *>]}[b:again|back?<* two info ok *>]'
TEST 99 'detailed key strings' # this test must be last
usage=$'[-?\naha\n][-catalog?SpamCo][Q:quote?Quote names according to \astyle\a:]:[style:=question]{\n\t[c:C?C "..." style.]\t[e:escape?\b\\\b escape if necessary.]\t[A:always?Always shell style.]\t[101:shell?Shell quote if necessary.]\t[q:question|huh?Replace unknown chars with ?.]\n}[x:exec|run?Just do it.]:?[action:=default]'
EXEC ls "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - 'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
ls [ options ]
-Q, --quote=style
Quote names according to style:
c|C C "..." style.
\ escape if necessary.
Always shell style.
shell Shell quote if necessary.
Replace unknown chars with ?.
The default value is question.
-x, --exec|run[=action]
Just do it. The option value may be omitted. The default
value is default.
version aha
catalog SpamCo'
EXEC ls "$usage" --keys
OUTPUT - 'return=? option=- name=--keys num=0'
ERROR - '"catalog"
"Quote names according to \astyle\a:"
"C \"...\" style."
"\b\\\b escape if necessary."
"Always shell style."
"Shell quote if necessary."
"Replace unknown chars with ?."
"Just do it."
IF '[[ $(LC_ALL=debug $COMMAND query "[-][+NAME]" --man 2>&1 >/dev/null) == "(libast,3,325)"* ]]'
EXEC ls "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - 'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
ERROR - '(libast,3,372)
ls [ (libast,3,709) ]
-Q, --(debug,ls,SpamCo,quote)|quote=(debug,ls,SpamCo,style:=question)
(debug,ls,SpamCo,Quote names according to style:)
(debug,ls,SpamCo,C "..." style.)
(debug,ls,SpamCo,\ escape if necessary.)
(debug,ls,SpamCo,Always shell style.)
(debug,ls,SpamCo,Shell quote if necessary.)
(debug,ls,SpamCo,Replace unknown chars with ?.)
(debug,ls,SpamCo,(libast,3,400) question.)
-x, --(debug,ls,SpamCo,exec|run)|exec|run[=(debug,ls,SpamCo,action:=default)]
(debug,ls,SpamCo,Just do it.) (libast,3,401) (libast,3,400)
(libast,3,812) (debug,ls,SpamCo,aha )
(libast,3,499) (debug,ls,SpamCo,SpamCo)'
EXEC small "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
ERROR - '(libast,3,325)
small [ (libast,3,709) ] (debug,small,libast,file)
usage=$'[-][Y:layout?Listing layout \akey\a:]:[key]{\n[a:across|horizontal?Multi-column across the page.][1:single-column?One column down the page.]\n}'
EXEC ls "$usage" --man
ERROR - '(libast,3,372)
ls [ (libast,3,709) ]
-Y, --(debug,ls,libast,layout)|layout=(debug,ls,libast,key)
(debug,ls,libast,Listing layout key:)
(debug,ls,libast,Multi-column across the page.)
(debug,ls,libast,One column down the page.)'
ELSE '$INSTALLROOT/share/lib/locale/C/LC_MESSAGES/libast not installed'
EXEC ls "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - 'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
ERROR - '(debug,ls,libast,"SYNOPSIS")
ls [ (debug,ls,libast,"options") ]
-Y, --(debug,ls,libast,"layout")|layout=(debug,ls,libast,"key")
(debug,ls,libast,"Listing layout key:")
(debug,ls,libast,"Multi-column across the page.")
(debug,ls,libast,"One column down the page.")'
EXEC small "$usage" --man
OUTPUT - $'return=? option=- name=--man num=0'
ERROR - $'(debug,small,libast,"NAME")
small [ (debug,small,libast,"options") ] (debug,small,libast,"file")
usage=$'[-][Y:layout?Listing layout \akey\a:]:[key]{\n[a:across|horizontal?Multi-column across the page.][1:single-column?One column down the page.]\n}'
EXEC ls "$usage" --man
ERROR - $'(debug,ls,libast,"SYNOPSIS")
ls [ (debug,ls,libast,"options") ]
-Y, --(debug,ls,libast,"layout")|layout=(debug,ls,libast,"key")
(debug,ls,libast,"Listing layout key:")
(debug,ls,libast,"Multi-column across the page.")
(debug,ls,libast,"One column down the page.")'