* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 1999-2012 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> *
* *
#include "dttest.h"
#include <vmalloc.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
/* Test insert/delete/search in shared/persistent memory region. */
#ifndef N_PROC
#define N_PROC 48
#if N_PROC < 8
#undef N_PROC
#define N_PROC 8
#define N_INSERT (N_PROC/3) /* #concurrent writers */
#define N_DELETE (N_PROC/3) /* #concurrent deleters */
#define N_SEARCH (N_PROC/3) /* #concurrent searchers */
#define W_EXTENT (2604*N_PROCESS)/* size of a dataset to write */
#define COLLISION (N_INSERT/2) /* should be < N_INSERT */
#define DTMETHOD Dtrhset /* storage method to use */
#define LONGGONE (-1000000) /* setting refn to gone */
static int Count[N_INSERT*W_EXTENT];
static char *Mapstore, *Shmstore;
#define MEMSIZE (4*N_INSERT*W_EXTENT*(sizeof(Obj_t)+16) + 64*1024*1024)
#define CDT_DATA 1 /* data section of dictionary */
#define CDT_WRITER 2 /* count of started inserters */
#define CDT_SEARCHER 3 /* count of started searchers */
#define CDT_FINISHED 4 /* count of done process */
#define CDT_INSERT 5 /* #inserts across processes */
#define CDT_DELETE 6 /* #inserts across processes */
#define CDT_INCOMPLETE 7 /* #incomplete objects */
/* a persistent object is a pair of string and decimal number */
typedef struct obj_s
{ Dtlink_t link; /* dictionary holder */
int dval; /* decimal value */
char* sval; /* corrresponding string value */
int ready; /* object ready to be used */
int refn; /* usage reference count */
/* below are extra data good to help debugging */
int type; /* last announced op */
int opid; /* pid of that op */
int ins; /* #seen by an insert process */
int del; /* #seen by a delete process */
int srch; /* #seen by a search process */
int free; /* #of times being freed */
int fpid; /* process that freed it */
struct obj_s* next; /* link for free list */
} Obj_t;
/* Cdt discipline to allocate memory from a vmalloc region */
typedef struct _mmdisc_s
{ Dtdisc_t disc; /* cdt discipline */
Vmalloc_t* vm; /* vmalloc region */
ssize_t ndel; /* delete count */
Obj_t* list; /* free list */
int pid;
} Mmdisc_t;
/* allocate data from the shared memory region */
Void_t* mmmemory(Dt_t* dt, Void_t* data, size_t size, Dtdisc_t* disc)
return vmresize(((Mmdisc_t*)disc)->vm, data, size, 0);
/* handle dictionary events */
static int mmevent(Dt_t* dt, int type, Void_t* data, Dtdisc_t* disc)
Void_t *ctrl;
Mmdisc_t *mmdc = (Mmdisc_t*)disc;
if(type == DT_OPEN)
{ ctrl = vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_DATA, (Void_t*)0, VM_MMGET);
if(data) /* at the start of a dictionary opening */
{ if(!ctrl) /* data area not yet constructed */
return 0;
else /* got data area, just return it */
{ *((Void_t**)data) = ctrl;
return 1;
else return 0;
else if(type == DT_ENDOPEN) /* at the end of a dictionary opening */
{ ctrl = vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_DATA, (Void_t*)0, VM_MMGET);
if(!ctrl) /* data area just constructed, record it */
{ ctrl = vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_DATA, (Void_t*)dt->data, VM_MMSET);
return ctrl == (Void_t*)dt->data ? 0 : -1;
else return 0; /* data area existed */
else if(type == DT_CLOSE)
return 1; /* make sure no objects get deleted */
else if(type == DT_ENDCLOSE) /* at end of closing, close the memory region */
{ vmmrelease(mmdc->vm, 0);
mmdc->vm = NIL(Vmalloc_t*);
return 0; /* all done */
else if(type & DT_ANNOUNCE)
{ Obj_t *obj = (Obj_t*)data;
if(obj->refn < 0 ) /* must be the last announcement from dtdelete() */
{ if(obj->refn != LONGGONE)
terror("Process %d: refn != LONGGONE op=%d obj[%d,refn=%d,fpid=%d]",
mmdc->pid, type&~DT_ANNOUNCE, obj->dval, obj->refn, obj->fpid);
if(!(type&DT_DELETE) )
tpause("Process %d: Op=%d != DT_DELETE obj[%d,refn=%d,fpid=%d]",
mmdc->pid, type&~DT_ANNOUNCE, obj->dval, obj->refn, obj->fpid);
obj->type = type & ~DT_ANNOUNCE; /* record the announcement */
obj->opid = mmdc->pid;
if(!(type & DT_DELETE) ) /* test this because obj may be gone */
{ /* Wait-loop for object completion. The below "if"
** statement causes the loop to be executed in all
** cases except for the dtinsert()/dtattach() that
** will complete constructing the object.
while(obj->ready == 0 )
/* increase reference count */
if(asoincint(&obj->refn) < 0 )
tpause("Process %d: refn<0 on adding op=%d obj[%d,refn=%d,fpid=%d]",
mmdc->pid, type&~DT_ANNOUNCE, obj->dval, obj->refn, obj->fpid);
return 0;
else return 0;
/* compare two objects by their integer keys */
static int mmcompare(Dt_t* dt, Void_t* key1, Void_t* key2, Dtdisc_t* disc)
return *((int*)key1) - *((int*)key2);
/* free a deleted object */
static void mmfree(Dt_t* dt, Void_t* objarg, Dtdisc_t* disc)
int refn;
Obj_t *obj = (Obj_t*)objarg;
Mmdisc_t *mmdc = (Mmdisc_t*)dt->disc;
if(obj->free > 0 ) /* already freed, not good! */
terror("Process %d: multiple deletion? obj[%d,sval=%s,free=%d,pid=%d,refn=%d]",
mmdc->pid, obj->dval, obj->sval, obj->free, obj->fpid, obj->refn );
while(!obj->ready) /* object must be complete before deletable */
obj->fpid = mmdc->pid; /* process doing deletion */
obj->free += 1; /* set indicator that it's free */
while(obj->refn > 0) /* wait until no further reference to it */
/* set reference number to LONGGONE */
if((refn = (int)asocasint(&obj->refn, 0, (uint)LONGGONE)) != 0 )
terror("Process %d: refn=%d > 0? obj[%d,sval=%s,free=%d,pid=%d,refn=%d,op=%d]",
mmdc->pid, refn, obj->dval, obj->sval, obj->free, obj->fpid, obj->refn, obj->type );
obj->dval = -obj->dval; /* deleted objects have negative id */
obj->next = mmdc->list; /* add to free list, this could be a garbage-collector */
mmdc->list = obj;
mmdc->ndel += 1;
/* open a shared dictionary based on a common backing store */
static Dt_t* opendictionary(char* actor, char* type, int num, pid_t pid, char* store)
Vmalloc_t *vm;
Dt_t *dt;
ssize_t size;
static Mmdisc_t Mmdc; /* CDT discipline for shared dictionary */
/* create/reopen the region backed by a file using mmap */
if(!(vm = vmmopen(store, store == Mapstore ? -1 : 1, MEMSIZE)) )
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: Couldn't create vmalloc region", actor, type, num, pid);
/* discipline for objects identified by their decimal values */
Mmdc.disc.key = (ssize_t)DTOFFSET(Obj_t,dval);
Mmdc.disc.size = (ssize_t)sizeof(int);
Mmdc.disc.link = (ssize_t)DTOFFSET(Obj_t,link);
Mmdc.disc.makef = (Dtmake_f)0;
Mmdc.disc.freef = mmfree;
Mmdc.disc.comparf = mmcompare;
Mmdc.disc.hashf = (Dthash_f)0;
Mmdc.disc.memoryf = mmmemory;
Mmdc.disc.eventf = mmevent;
Mmdc.vm = vm;
Mmdc.ndel = 0;
Mmdc.list = (Obj_t*)0;
Mmdc.pid = (int)getpid();
if(!(dt = dtopen(&Mmdc.disc, DTMETHOD)) ) /* open dictionary with hash-trie */
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: Can't open dictionary", actor, type, num, pid);
if(dtcustomize(dt, (DT_ANNOUNCE|DT_SHARE), 1) != (DT_ANNOUNCE|DT_SHARE) )
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: Can't customize dictionary", actor, type, num, pid);
return dt;
/* Creating a subprocess to write/read a dictionary */
static pid_t makeprocess(char* proc, char* type, char* actor, int num, char* aso)
int i;
pid_t pid;
char text[16];
char *argv[9];
if((pid = fork()) < 0 )
terror("%s %s [num=%d]: Could not fork() a subprocess", actor, type, num);
else if(pid > 0 ) /* return to parent process */
return pid;
{ sprintf(text, "%d", num);
i = 0;
argv[i++] = proc;
if (aso)
argv[i++] = aso;
argv[i++] = "--child";
argv[i++] = Mapstore;
argv[i++] = Shmstore;
argv[i++] = type;
argv[i++] = actor;
argv[i++] = text;
argv[i++] = 0;
if(execv(proc, argv) < 0 )
terror("%s %s [num=%d]: Could not execv() process %s %s", actor, type, num, proc, type);
return -1;
/* concurrent read/write hashed objects into a mmap-region */
static int readwrite(char* type, char* store, char* actor, char* procnum)
int i, k, p, num, base, insert, delete, search, unsrch, undel, unins, walk, first, size;
char *sval;
Obj_t obj, *o, *next, *rv;
Dt_t *dt;
pid_t pid;
Mmdisc_t *mmdc;
num = atoi(procnum);
if((pid = getpid()) < 0 )
terror("%s %s [num=%d]: can't get process id", actor, type, num);
/* open the shared/persistent dictionary */
if(!(dt = opendictionary(actor, type, num, pid, store)) )
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: can't open dictionary", actor, type, num, pid);
/* get the discipline structure with the Vmalloc region */
if(!(mmdc = (Mmdisc_t*)dtdisc(dt, NIL(Dtdisc_t*), 0)) )
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: can't get dictionary discipline", actor, type, num, pid);
/* all writers wait until they are all ready before going */
if(strcmp(actor, "inserter") == 0 || strcmp(actor, "deleter") == 0)
{ p = (int)((long)vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_WRITER, (Void_t*)1, VM_MMADD));
for(; p < N_WRITER; asorelax(1) ) /* wait until all writers are running */
p = (int)((long)vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_WRITER, (Void_t*)0, VM_MMGET));
else /* searchers wait for everyone to be ready before going */
{ p = (int)((long)vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_SEARCHER, (Void_t*)1, VM_MMADD));
k = (int)((long)vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_WRITER, (Void_t*)0, VM_MMGET));
for(; p+k < N_PROCESS; asorelax(1) ) /* wait until all are running */
{ p = (int)((long)vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_SEARCHER, (Void_t*)0, VM_MMGET));
k = (int)((long)vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_WRITER, (Void_t*)0, VM_MMGET));
#define BASE(n) ((n)*W_EXTENT + 1) /* base number of objects to be inserted */
walk = first = insert = delete = search = unsrch = unins = undel = 0;
if(strcmp(actor, "inserter") == 0 )
{ base = BASE((num/COLLISION)*COLLISION); /* make these inserters do the same thing */
tinfo("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: range=[%d,%d) ready to go", actor, type, num, pid, base, base+W_EXTENT);
for(i = 0; i < W_EXTENT; ++i)
{ /* insert a new object */
if(!(o = (Obj_t*)vmalloc(mmdc->vm, sizeof(Obj_t))) )
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: vmalloc failed", actor, type, num, pid);
memset(o, 0, sizeof(Obj_t));
o->dval = i+base;
if(!(rv = dtinsert(dt, o)) ) /* failed insert */
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: insert failed", actor, type, num, pid);
if(rv == o) /* successfully inserted, complete it by making string value */
{ insert += 1;
if(!(sval = vmalloc(mmdc->vm, 16)) ) /* construct string value */
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: vmalloc failed", actor, type, num, pid);
sprintf(sval, "%d", o->dval);
o->sval = sval;
if(o->dval < 0) /* this ain't no way! */
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: already freed? obj[dval=%d,pid=%d]",
actor, type, num, pid, o->dval, o->fpid);
if(o->refn != 1 ) /* everyone else should still be spinning */
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: refn != 1? obj[dval=%d,refn=%d,op=%d,opid=%d]",
actor, type, num, pid, o->dval, o->refn, o->type, o->opid);
o->ready = 1; /* tell the world that object is ready */
asodecint(&o->refn); /* decrease o's reference count */
{ unins += 1; /* already been constructed by someone else */
vmfree(mmdc->vm, o);
if(rv->refn <= 0 || rv->dval < 0) /* refn should be at least 1 */
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: refn <= 0? obj[dval=%d,refn=%d,op=%d,opid=%d]",
actor, type, num, pid, o->dval, o->refn, o->type, o->opid);
if(!rv->sval) /* count #incomplete objects */
vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_INCOMPLETE, (Void_t*)1, VM_MMADD);
asodecint(&rv->refn); /* decrease rv's reference count */
tinfo("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: done, base=%d try=%d insert=%d[+%d]",
actor, type, num, pid, base, W_EXTENT, insert, unins);
/* total number of successful inserts */
vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_INSERT, (Void_t*)((long)insert), VM_MMADD );
else if(strcmp(actor, "deleter") == 0 )
{ srandom(num);
size = dtsize(dt);
tinfo("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: dtsize=%d ready to go", actor, type, num, pid, size);
for(o = dtfirst(dt); o; o = next )
{ next = dtnext(dt,o);
walk += 1;
if(o->refn <= 0 ) /* refn should be >= 1 */
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: refn <= 0? obj[dval=%d,refn=%d,op=%d,opid=%d]",
actor, type, num, pid, o->dval, o->refn, o->type, o->opid);
if(!o->sval) /* count incomplete objects */
vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_INCOMPLETE, (Void_t*)1, VM_MMADD);
if(!(rv = dtdelete(dt,o)) )
undel += 1; /* somebody beat us to it */
else delete += 1;
tinfo("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: done, size=%d[walk=%d] delete=%d[+%d]",
actor, type, num, pid, size, walk, delete, undel);
size = 0; /* make sure that free elements were deleted right */
for(o = mmdc->list; o; o = next)
{ next = o->next;
size += 1;
if(o->free != 1) /* multiply deleted? */
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: multiple delete? obj[dval=%d,free=%d,fpid=%d]",
actor, type, num, mmdc->pid, o->dval, o->free, o->fpid);
if(o->fpid != mmdc->pid) /* who deleted this? */
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: Wrong deleter obj[dval=%d,free=%d,fpid=%d]",
actor, type, num, mmdc->pid, o->dval, o->free, o->fpid);
if(size != delete)
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: free=%d delete=%d", actor, type, num, pid, size, delete);
/* save the number of deleted objects */
vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_DELETE, (Void_t*)((long)delete), VM_MMADD );
else if(strcmp(actor, "searcher") == 0 )
{ srandom(num);
size = dtsize(dt);
tinfo("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: dtsize=%d ready to go", actor, type, num, pid, size);
if(num%2 == 0 ) /* this searcher searches random elements */
{ for(k = 0; k < size; ++k)
{ obj.dval = random()%(N_INSERT*W_EXTENT) + 1;
if(!(rv = dtsearch(dt, &obj)) )
unsrch += 1;
{ search += 1;
if(rv->dval < 0) /* should not be freed yet */
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: already freed? obj[%d,fpid=%d]",
actor, type, num, pid, rv->dval, rv->fpid);
if(rv->refn <= 0) /* refn should be at least 1 just for us */
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: refn <= 0? obj[%d,refn=%d,op=%d,opid=%d]",
actor, type, num, pid, rv->dval, rv->refn, rv->type, rv->opid);
if(!rv->sval) /* count incomplete objects */
vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_INCOMPLETE, (Void_t*)1, VM_MMADD);
size = dtsize(dt);
tinfo("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: done, dtsize=%d search=%d[+%d]",
actor, type, num, pid, size, search, unsrch);
else /* this searcher walks the dictionary */
{ obj.dval = 0;
for(k = 0; k < size; ++k)
{ if((o = dtnext(dt, &obj)) )
walk += 1;
else if((o = dtfirst(dt)) )
first += 1;
else break; /* empty dictionary */
if(o->dval < 0) /* should not be deleted yet */
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: already freed obj[%d,refn=%d,fpid=%d,op=%d,opid=%d ",
actor, type, num, pid, o->dval, o->refn, o->fpid, o->type, o->opid);
if(o->refn <= 0 ) /* refn must be >= 1 */
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: refn<=0? obj[%d,refn=%d,op=%d,opid=%d",
actor, type, num, pid, o->dval, o->refn, o->type, o->opid);
if(!o->sval) /* count incomplete objects */
vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_INCOMPLETE, (Void_t*)1, VM_MMADD);
obj.dval = o->dval; /* for next search */
asodecint(&o->refn); /* reduce reference count */
size = dtsize(dt);
tinfo("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: done, dtsize=%d walk=%d first=%d",
actor, type, num, pid, size, walk, first);
else terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: unknown actor", actor, num, pid);
vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_FINISHED, (Void_t*)1, VM_MMADD); /* count a done process */
for(p = 0; p < N_PROCESS; asorelax(1) ) /* wait until everyone is done */
p = (int)((long)vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_FINISHED, (Void_t*)0, VM_MMGET));
insert = (ssize_t)(unsigned long)vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_INSERT, 0, VM_MMGET);
delete = (ssize_t)(unsigned long)vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_DELETE, 0, VM_MMGET);
size = dtsize(dt);
for(walk = 0, o = dtfirst(dt); o; o = dtnext(dt,o) )
walk += 1;
tinfo("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: start walk, dtsize=%d, dtfirst/next=%d ins-del=%d",
actor, type, num, pid, size, walk, insert-delete);
if(insert < delete)
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: insert=%d < delete=%d", actor, type, num, pid, insert, delete);
if(walk != size)
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: dtsize=%d != walk=%d", actor, type, num, pid, size, walk);
/* concurrently walk the dictionary and add count to appropriate fields */
i = strcmp(actor, "inserter") == 0 ? 1 : strcmp(actor, "deleter") == 0 ? 2 : 3;
for(k = 0, o = (Obj_t*)dtfirst(dt); o; ++k, o = (Obj_t*)dtnext(dt,o) )
{ if(o->dval < 0)
terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: object %d already freed",
actor, type, num, pid, o->dval);
if(i == 1) /* inserter */
{ asoincint(&o->ins);
#ifdef DEBUG
tlog(pid, "%d", o->dval);
else if(i == 2) /* deleter */
{ asoincint(&o->del);
#ifdef DEBUG
tlog(pid, "%d", o->dval);
{ asoincint(&o->srch); /* searcher process */
#ifdef DEBUG
tlog(pid, "%d", o->dval);
/* close dictionary and shared/persistent region */
return 0;
pid_t wpid[N_INSERT+N_DELETE+N_SEARCH], ppid, pid;
size_t size, walk, i, k, p;
int t;
struct timeval begtm, endtm;
Dt_t *dt;
Obj_t *o;
Mmdisc_t *mmdc;
Vmalloc_t *vm;
char *aso, *a, *cmd, *store, *type;
cmd = *argv;
aso = taso(ASO_PROCESS);
if(k = tchild())
{ Mapstore = argv[k++];
Shmstore = argv[k++];
type = argv[k++];
if(strcmp(type, "map") == 0 )
store = Mapstore;
else if(strcmp(type, "shm") == 0)
store = Shmstore;
terror("%s: invalid store type -- { map shm } expected", type);
a = argv[k++];
if(strcmp(a, "inserter") == 0 ||
strcmp(a, "deleter") == 0 ||
strcmp(a, "searcher") == 0 )
return readwrite(type, store, a, argv[k]);
terror("%s: invalid child process operation -- { inserter deleter searcher } expected", a);
else if(*++argv)
t = -1;
t = 0;
if((ppid = getpid()) < 0 )
terror("Parent: can't get process id");
Mapstore = tstfile("map", -1);
Shmstore = tstfile("shm", -1);
for(; t < 2; t++)
{ switch (t)
case -1:
type = *argv++;
if(strcmp(type, "map") == 0 )
store = Mapstore;
else if(strcmp(type, "shm") == 0)
store = Shmstore;
terror("%s: invalid store type -- { map shm } expected", type);
t = *argv ? -2 : 2;
case 0:
type = "map";
store = Mapstore;
#if __sun
twarn("Skipping %s test on __sun because high mmap() memory sync frequency makes it crawl", type);
case 1:
type = "shm";
store = Shmstore;
tinfo("parent %s [pid=%d]: Testing %s concurrent accesses", type, ppid, type);
gettimeofday(&begtm, 0);
tinfo("parent %s [pid=%d]: initializing dictionary", type, ppid);
if(!(dt = opendictionary("parent", type, 0, ppid, store)) )
terror("parent %s [pid=%d]: Can't open %s dictionary", type, ppid, type);
if(!(mmdc = (Mmdisc_t*)dtdisc(dt, (Dtdisc_t*)0, 0)) )
terror("parent %s [pid=%d]: Can't get dictionary discipline", type, ppid);
tinfo("parent %s [pid=%d]: share dictionary created", type, ppid);
for(p = i = 0; i < N_INSERT; ++i) /* start inserters */
if((wpid[p++] = makeprocess(cmd, type, "inserter", i, aso)) < 0 )
terror("parent %s [pid=%d]: Could not make inserter process %d", type, ppid, i);
for(i = 0; i < N_DELETE; ++i) /* start deleters */
if((wpid[p++] = makeprocess(cmd, type, "deleter", i, aso)) < 0 )
terror("parent %s [pid=%d]: Could not make deleter process %d", type, ppid, i);
for(i = 0; i < N_SEARCH; ++i) /* start searchers */
if((wpid[p++] = makeprocess(cmd, type, "searcher", i, aso)) < 0 )
terror("parent %s [pid=%d]: Could not make searcher process %d", type, ppid, i);
if (twait(wpid, p))
terror("workload subprocess error");
walk = 0; /* count objects from "persistent" dictionary itself */
for(o = (Obj_t*)dtfirst(dt); o; o = (Obj_t*)dtnext(dt,o) )
{ if(o->dval < 0 || o->dval > N_INSERT*W_EXTENT)
terror("parent %s [pid=%d]: bad object", type, ppid);
if(o->ins != N_INSERT)
terror("parent %s [pid=%d]: object %d has wrong insert count %d",
type, ppid, o->dval, o->ins);
if(o->srch != N_SEARCH)
terror("parent %s [pid=%d]: object %d has wrong search count %d",
type, ppid, o->dval, o->srch);
if(o->del != N_DELETE)
terror("parent %s [pid=%d]: object %d has wrong delete count %d",
type, ppid, o->dval, o->del);
#ifdef DEBUG
tlog(ppid, "%d", o->dval);
Count[o->dval] += 1;
walk += 1;
for(k = 0; k < N_INSERT*W_EXTENT; ++k)
if(Count[k] > 1) /* should be unique */
terror("parent %s [pid=%d]: Count[%d] = %d > 1", type, ppid, k, Count[k]);
size = (ssize_t)dtsize(dt);
i = (ssize_t)(unsigned long)vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, CDT_INCOMPLETE, (Void_t*)0, VM_MMGET);
tinfo("parent %s [pid=%d]: dtfirst/dtnext=%d dtsize=%d, incomplete=%d, no error.",
type, ppid, walk, size, i);
if(size != walk)
terror("parent %s [pid=%d]: counts mismatched", type, ppid);
tinfo("Storage type=%s, #insertions=%d #inserters=%d #deleters=%d #searchers=%d",
gettimeofday(&endtm, 0);
if(begtm.tv_usec > endtm.tv_usec)
{ endtm.tv_sec -= 1;
endtm.tv_usec += 1000000;
tinfo("Storage method %s: running time = %ld.%lds",
DTMETHOD->name, endtm.tv_sec - begtm.tv_sec, endtm.tv_usec - begtm.tv_usec);
vmmrelease(mmdc->vm, 1); /* clean up file/shmid data */