* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 1999-2012 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> *
* *
#include "dttest.h"
#include <vmalloc.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
/* Test concurrent insert/delete/search by pingpong objects between
** two dictionaries, one built with mmap and the other shmget.
#ifndef N_PROC
#define N_PROC 64
#if N_PROC < 2
#undef N_PROC
#define N_PROC 2
#define N_CONCUR ((N_PROC/2)*2) /* #players, must be even */
#define N_OBJ 20000 /* total number of objects */
#define MEMSIZE (N_OBJ*2*sizeof(Obj_t) + sizeof(Void_t*)*1024*1024 )
#define DT_DATA 1 /* data section of dictionary */
#define DT_PROCESS 2 /* count of started processes */
#define DTMETHOD Dtoset /* splay tree */
/* a persistent object is a pair of string and decimal number */
typedef struct obj_s
{ Dtlink_t link; /* dictionary holder */
int dval; /* decimal value */
int accn; /* # of times accessed */
} Obj_t;
/* Cdt discipline to allocate memory from a vmalloc region */
typedef struct _mmdisc_s
{ Dtdisc_t disc; /* cdt discipline */
char* store; /* backing store file name */
Vmalloc_t* vm; /* shm vmalloc region */
} Mmdisc_t;
static char *Mapstore, *Shmstore;
static Mmdisc_t Mapdisc, Shmdisc;
/* allocate data from the shared memory region */
Void_t* mmmemory(Dt_t* dt, Void_t* data, size_t size, Dtdisc_t* disc)
return vmresize(((Mmdisc_t*)disc)->vm, data, size, 0);
/* handle dictionary events */
static int mmevent(Dt_t* dt, int type, Void_t* data, Dtdisc_t* disc)
Void_t *ctrl;
Mmdisc_t *mmdc = (Mmdisc_t*)disc;
if(type == DT_OPEN)
{ ctrl = vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, DT_DATA, (Void_t*)0, VM_MMGET);
if(data) /* at the start of a dictionary opening */
{ if(!ctrl) /* data area not yet constructed */
return 0;
else /* got data area, just return it */
{ *((Void_t**)data) = ctrl;
return 1;
else return 0;
else if(type == DT_ENDOPEN) /* at the end of a dictionary opening */
{ ctrl = vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, DT_DATA, (Void_t*)0, VM_MMGET);
if(!ctrl) /* data area just constructed, record it */
{ ctrl = vmmvalue(mmdc->vm, DT_DATA, (Void_t*)dt->data, VM_MMSET);
return ctrl == (Void_t*)dt->data ? 0 : -1;
else return 0; /* data area existed */
else if(type == DT_CLOSE)
return 1; /* make sure no objects get deleted */
else if(type == DT_ENDCLOSE) /* at end of closing, close the memory region */
{ vmmrelease(mmdc->vm, 0);
mmdc->vm = NIL(Vmalloc_t*);
return 0; /* all done */
else return 0;
/* compare two objects by their integer keys */
static int mmcompare(Dt_t* dt, Void_t* key1, Void_t* key2, Dtdisc_t* disc)
return *((int*)key1) - *((int*)key2);
/* open a shared dictionary based on a common backing store */
static Dt_t* opendictionary(int num, pid_t pid, char* store)
Vmalloc_t *vm;
Dt_t *dt;
ssize_t size;
int proj;
Mmdisc_t *mmdc;
/* create/reopen the region backed by a file using mmap */
proj = store == Mapstore ? -1 : 1;
if(!(vm = vmmopen(store, proj, MEMSIZE)) )
terror("Process[num=%d,pid=%d]: Couldn't create vmalloc region", num, pid);
/* discipline for objects identified by their decimal values */
mmdc = store == Mapstore ? &Mapdisc : &Shmdisc;
mmdc->disc.key = (ssize_t)DTOFFSET(Obj_t,dval);
mmdc->disc.size = (ssize_t)sizeof(int);
mmdc->disc.link = (ssize_t)DTOFFSET(Obj_t,link);
mmdc->disc.makef = (Dtmake_f)0;
mmdc->disc.freef = (Dtfree_f)0;
mmdc->disc.comparf = mmcompare;
mmdc->disc.hashf = (Dthash_f)0;
mmdc->disc.memoryf = mmmemory;
mmdc->disc.eventf = mmevent;
mmdc->store = store;
mmdc->vm = vm;
if(!(dt = dtopen(&mmdc->disc, DTMETHOD)) ) /* open dictionary with hash-chain */
terror("Process[num=%d,pid=%d]: Can't open dictionary for %s", num, pid, store);
dtcustomize(dt, DT_SHARE, 1); /* turn on concurrent access mode */
return dt;
/* Creating a subprocess */
static pid_t makeprocess(char* proc, int num, char* aso)
int i;
pid_t pid;
char text[16];
char *argv[7];
if((pid = fork()) < 0 )
terror("Process[num=%d]: Could not fork() a subprocess", num);
else if(pid > 0 ) /* return to parent process */
return pid;
{ sprintf(text, "%d", num);
i = 0;
argv[i++] = proc;
if (aso)
argv[i++] = aso;
argv[i++] = "--child";
argv[i++] = Mapstore;
argv[i++] = Shmstore;
argv[i++] = text;
argv[i] = 0;
if(execv(proc, argv) < 0 )
terror("Process[num=%d]: Could not execv() %s", num, proc);
return -1;
/* concurrent read/write hashed objects into a mmap-region */
static int pingpong(char* procnum)
int k, p, num, dir, n_move;
Obj_t obj, *o;
Dt_t *shmdt, *mapdt, *insdt, *deldt;
Mmdisc_t *mapdc, *shmdc;
pid_t pid;
num = atoi(procnum);
if((pid = getpid()) < 0 )
terror("Process[num=%d]: can't get process id", num);
/* open the shared dictionaries */
if(!(mapdt = opendictionary(num, pid, Mapstore)) )
terror("Process[num=%d,pid=%d]: can't open dictionary for %s", num, pid, Mapstore);
if(!(mapdc = (Mmdisc_t*)dtdisc(mapdt, NIL(Dtdisc_t*), 0)) )
terror("Process[num=%d,pid=%d]: can't get dictionary discipline", num, pid);
if(!(shmdt = opendictionary(num, pid, Shmstore)) )
terror("Process[num=%d,pid=%d]: can't open dictionary for %s", num, pid, Shmstore);
if(!(shmdc = (Mmdisc_t*)dtdisc(shmdt, NIL(Dtdisc_t*), 0)) )
terror("Process[num=%d,pid=%d]: can't get dictionary discipline", num, pid);
/* wait for all to get going first */
p = (int)((long)vmmvalue(mapdc->vm, DT_PROCESS, (Void_t*)1, VM_MMADD));
for(k = 0; p < N_CONCUR; asorelax(1<<k), k = (k+1)&07 ) /* wait until all inserters are running */
p = (int)((long)vmmvalue(mapdc->vm, DT_PROCESS, (Void_t*)0, VM_MMGET));
tinfo("Process[num=%d,pid=%d]: ready to go", num, pid);
/* delete from one and insert to the other */
deldt = num%2 == 0 ? mapdt : shmdt;
insdt = num%2 == 0 ? shmdt : mapdt;
n_move = 0;
for(dir = 1; dir >= -1; dir -= 2)
{ for(k = dir > 0 ? 0 : N_OBJ-1; k >= 0 && k < N_OBJ; k += dir)
{ obj.dval = k;
if((o = dtsearch(deldt, &obj)) && (random()%2) == 0 && dtdelete(deldt, o) == o )
{ dtinsert(insdt, o);
n_move += 1;
tinfo("Process[num=%d,pid=%d]: move %d (%s -> %s)",
num, pid, n_move, num%2 == 0 ? "map" : "shm", num%2 == 0 ? "shm" : "map");
return 0;
pid_t cpid[N_CONCUR], ppid, pid;
size_t k, p;
char *aso;
Dt_t *mapdt, *shmdt;
Mmdisc_t *mapdc, *shmdc;
Obj_t *os, *om, obj;
aso = taso(ASO_PROCESS);
if(k = tchild())
{ Mapstore = argv[k++];
Shmstore = argv[k++];
return pingpong(argv[k]);
if((ppid = getpid()) < 0 )
terror("Can't get process id");
Mapstore = tstfile("map", -1);
Shmstore = tstfile("shm", -1);
tinfo("\tParent[pid=%d]: initializing shared dictionaries", ppid);
if(!(mapdt = opendictionary(0, ppid, Mapstore)) )
terror("Parent[pid=%d]: Can't open dictionary for %s", ppid, Mapstore);
if(!(mapdc = (Mmdisc_t*)dtdisc(mapdt, NIL(Dtdisc_t*), 0)) )
terror("Parent[pid=%d]: Can't get discipline for %s", ppid, Mapstore);
vmmrelease(mapdc->vm, 1); /* to remove file on parent exit */
if(!(shmdt = opendictionary(0, ppid, Shmstore)) )
terror("Parent[pid=%d]: Can't open dictionary for %s", ppid, Shmstore);
if(!(shmdc = (Mmdisc_t*)dtdisc(shmdt, NIL(Dtdisc_t*), 0)) )
terror("Parent[pid=%d]: Can't get discipline for %s", ppid, Shmstore);
vmmrelease(shmdc->vm, 1); /* to remove shmid on parent exit */
for(k = 0; k < N_OBJ; ++k)
{ if(random()%2 == 0)
{ if(!(om = vmalloc(mapdc->vm, sizeof(Obj_t))) )
terror("Parent[pid=%d]: vmalloc failed k=%d store=%s", ppid, k, Mapstore);
om->dval = k;
if(dtinsert(mapdt, om) != om)
terror("Parent[pid=%d]: dtinsert failed k=%d store=%s", ppid, k, Mapstore);
{ if(!(os = vmalloc(shmdc->vm, sizeof(Obj_t))) )
terror("Parent[pid=%d]: vmalloc failed k=%d store=%s", ppid, k, Shmstore);
os->dval = k;
if(dtinsert(shmdt, os) != os)
terror("Parent[pid=%d]: dtinsert failed k=%d store=%s", ppid, k, Shmstore);
tinfo("\tParent[pid=%d]: creating pingpong subprocesses", ppid);
for(p = 0; p < N_CONCUR; ++p )
if((cpid[p] = makeprocess(argv[0], p, aso)) < 0 )
terror("Parent[pid=%d]: Could not make process %d", ppid, p);
if (twait(cpid, N_CONCUR))
terror("workload subprocess error");
tinfo("\tParent[pid=%d]: check integrity", ppid);
k = dtsize(mapdt);
p = dtsize(shmdt);
tinfo("Parent[pid=%d]: mapdt=%d shmdt=%d", ppid, k, p);
if((k+p) != N_OBJ)
terror("Parent[pid=%d]: expecting %d objects but (mapdt+shmdt)=%d", ppid, N_OBJ, k+p);
for(k = 0; k < N_OBJ; ++k)
{ Obj_t obj, *om, *os;
obj.dval = k;
om = dtsearch(mapdt, &obj);
os = dtsearch(shmdt, &obj);
if(om && os)
terror("Parent[pid=%d]: object %d is in both dictionaries", ppid, k);
if(!om && !os)
terror("Parent[pid=%d]: object %d is in neither dictionary", ppid, k);
/* clean up file/shmid data */