* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 1989-2012 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> *
* *
#pragma prototyped
* Glenn Fowler
* AT&T Research
* file -- determine file type
* the sum of the hacks {s5,v10,planix} is _____ than the parts
static const char usage[] =
"[-?\n@(#)$Id: file (AT&T Research) 2011-08-01 $\n]"
"[+NAME?file - determine file type]"
"[+DESCRIPTION?\bfile\b tests and attempts to classify each \afile\a argument."
" Non-regular files are classified by their \bstat\b(2) types. Empty and"
" non-readable regular files are classified as such. Otherwise a data"
" block is read from \afile\a and this is used to match against the"
" \amagic\a file(s) (see \bMAGIC FILE\b below). Files with less than 1024"
" bytes of data are labelled \bsmall\b to note that the sample may"
" be too small for an accurate classification. Failing a content match,"
" the file name extension may be used to classify. As a last resort"
" statistical sampling is done for a small range of languages and"
" applications. Failed matches usually result in the less informative"
" \bascii text\b or \bbinary data\b.]"
"[a:all?List all magic table matches.]"
"[b:brief|no-filename?Suppress the output line file name prefix.]"
"[c:mime?List the \bmime\b(1) classification for each \afile\a. Although the"
" default descriptions are fairly consistent, use \b--mime\b for"
" precise classification matching.]"
"[d:default-magic?Equivalent to \b--magic=-\b.]"
"[f:files|file-list?\afile\a contains list of file names, one per line, that"
" are classified.]:[file]"
"[i:ignore-magic?Equivalent to \b--magic=/dev/null\b.]"
"[l:list?The loaded \amagic\a files are listed and then \bfile\b exits.]"
"[M:magic?\afile\a is loaded as a \amagic\a file. More than one \b--magic\b"
" option may be specified; the precedence is from left to right. The"
" first \b--magic\b option causes the default system \amagic\a file to"
" be ignored; the file \b-\b may then be specified to explicitly"
" load the default system \amagic\a file. To ignore all magic files"
" specify the file \b/dev/null\b and no others.]:[file]"
"[m:append-magic?\afile\a is loaded as a \amagic\a file. Equivalent to the"
" \b--magic\b option, except that the default system \amagic\a file is"
" still loaded last. If \b--magic\b is also specified then the default"
" system \amagic\a is only loaded if explicity specified.]:[file]"
"[p:pattern|match?Only files with descriptions matching the \bsh\b(1)"
" match \apattern\a are listed. \bfile\b exits with status 0 if any"
" files match, 0 otherwise.]:[pattern]"
"[q:quiet|silent?Do not list matching \b--pattern\b files.]"
"[L:logical|dereference?Follow symbolic links.]"
"[P|h:physical?Don't follow symbolic links.]"
"[w:warn?Enable magic file parse warning messages.]"
"\n[ file ... ]\n"
"[+MAGIC FILE?A \amagic\a file specifies file content and name match"
" expressions, descriptions, and \bmime\b(1) classifications. Each line"
" in the file consists of five \btab\b separated fields:]{"
" [+[op]]offset?\aoffset\a determines tha data location for the content"
" test. \b(@\b\aexpression\a\b)\b specifies an indirect offset,"
" i.e., the offset is the numeric contents of the data"
" location at \aexpression\a. The default indirect numeric size"
" is 4 bytes; a \bB\b suffix denotes 1 byte, \bH\b denotes 2"
" bytes, and \bQ\b denotes 8 bytes. \aoffset\a may also be one"
" of { \batime\b \bblocks\b \bctime\b \bfstype\b \bgid\b"
" \bmode\b \bmtime\b \bname\b \bnlink\b \bsize\b \buid\b } to"
" access \bstat\b(2) information for the current file. The"
" optional \aop\a specifies relationships with surrounding"
" \amagic\a lines:]{"
" [++?previous fields in block match, current optional]"
" [+&?previous and current fields in block match]"
" [+|?previous fields in block do not match, subsequent skipped]"
" [+{?start nesting block]"
" [+}?end nesting block]"
" [+c{?function declaration and call (1 char names)]"
" [+}?function return]"
" [+c()?function call]"
" }"
" [+type?The content data type:]{"
" [+byte?1 byte integer]"
" [+short?2 byte integer]"
" [+long?4 byte integer]"
" [+quad?8 byte integer]"
" [+date?4 byte time_t]"
" [+version?4 byte unsigned integer of the form \aYYYYMMDD\a"
" for \aYYYY-MM-DD\a, 0x\aYYZZ\a for \aYY.ZZ\a, or"
" 0x\aWWXXYYZZ\a for \aWW.XX.YY.ZZ\a]"
" [+edit?substitute operator for string data:"
" %\aold\a%\anew\a%[glu]], where \b%\b is any delimiter]"
" [+match?case insensitive \bsh\b(1) match pattern operator"
" for string data]"
" }"
" [+[mask]]operator?\amask\a is an optional \b&\b\anumber\a that is"
" masked (bit \band\b) with the content data before"
" comparison. \aoperator\a is one of { \b< <= > >= != ==\b }."
" Numeric values may be decimal, octal or hex.]"
" [+description?The description text. Care was taken to maintain"
" consistency between all descriptions, i.e., character case,"
" grammatical parts placement, and punctuation, making"
" description pattern matches feasible. \adescription\a may"
" contain one \bprintf\b(3) format specification for the"
" current data value at \aoffset\a.]"
" [+mime?The \bmime\b(1) type/subtype. This provides a standard"
" and consistent matching key space.]"
" [+lib/file/magic?Default magic file on \b$PATH\b.]"
"[+SEE ALSO?\bfind\b(1), \bls\b(1), \bmime\b(1), \btw\b(1)]"
#include <ast.h>
#include <magic.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <error.h>
static int
type(Magic_t* mp, char* file, const char* pattern, register Magicdisc_t* disc)
char* s;
char* e;
Sfio_t* fp;
struct stat* sp;
struct stat st;
sp = ((disc->flags & MAGIC_PHYSICAL) ? lstat(file, &st) : stat(file, &st)) ? (struct stat*)0 : &st;
fp = (sp && S_ISREG(sp->st_mode)) ? sfopen(NiL, file, "r") : (Sfio_t*)0;
s = magictype(mp, fp, file, sp);
if (fp)
e = pathcanon(file, 0, 0);
if (!pattern)
if (!(disc->flags & MAGIC_BRIEF))
sfprintf(sfstdout, "%s:\t%s", file, e - file > 6 ? "" : "\t");
sfprintf(sfstdout, "%s\n", s);
return 1;
else if (strmatch(s, pattern))
if (!(disc->flags & MAGIC_SILENT))
sfprintf(sfstdout, "%s\n", file);
return 1;
return 0;
main(int argc, register char** argv)
register Magic_t* mp;
register char* p;
char* pattern = 0;
Sfio_t* list = 0;
int hit;
Magicdisc_t disc;
error_info.id = "file";
disc.version = MAGIC_VERSION;
disc.flags = 0;
disc.errorf = errorf;
if (!(mp = magicopen(&disc)))
error(3, "out of space");
for (;;)
switch (optget(argv, usage))
case 'a':
disc.flags |= MAGIC_ALL;
case 'b':
disc.flags |= MAGIC_BRIEF;
case 'c':
disc.flags |= MAGIC_MIME;
case 'd':
if (magicload(mp, NiL, 0))
error(3, "cannot load default magic file");
disc.flags |= MAGIC_LOAD;
case 'f':
if (streq(opt_info.arg, "-") || streq(opt_info.arg, "/dev/stdin") || streq(opt_info.arg, "/dev/fd/0"))
list = sfstdin;
else if (!(list = sfopen(NiL, opt_info.arg, "r")))
error(3, "cannot open %s", opt_info.arg);
case 'i':
disc.flags |= MAGIC_LOAD;
case 'l':
case 'L':
disc.flags &= ~MAGIC_PHYSICAL;
case 'm':
if (magicload(mp, opt_info.arg, 0))
error(3, "%s: cannot load magic file", opt_info.arg);
case 'M':
if (magicload(mp, opt_info.arg, 0))
error(3, "%s: cannot load magic file", opt_info.arg);
disc.flags |= MAGIC_LOAD;
case 'p':
pattern = opt_info.arg;
case 'P':
case 'h':
disc.flags |= MAGIC_PHYSICAL;
case 'q':
disc.flags |= MAGIC_SILENT;
case 'w':
disc.flags |= MAGIC_VERBOSE;
case '?':
error(ERROR_USAGE|4, "%s", opt_info.arg);
case ':':
error(2, "%s", opt_info.arg);
if (error_info.errors)
error(ERROR_USAGE|4, "%s", optusage(NiL));
argv += opt_info.index;
if (!(disc.flags & MAGIC_LOAD) && magicload(mp, NiL, 0))
error(3, "$%s,%s: cannot load default magic file", MAGIC_FILE_ENV, MAGIC_FILE);
if (disc.flags & MAGIC_LIST)
magiclist(mp, sfstdout);
hit = 1;
hit = 0;
if (!list && !*argv)
list = sfstdin;
if (list)
while (p = sfgetr(list, '\n', 1))
if (*p)
hit |= type(mp, p, pattern, &disc);
while (p = *argv++)
if (*p)
hit |= type(mp, p, pattern, &disc);
return !hit;