.fp 5 CW
.de L \" literal font
.ft 5
.it 1 }N
.if !\\$1 \&\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6
.de LR
.}S 5 1 \& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
.de RL
.}S 1 5 \& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
.de EX \" start example
.ta 1i 2i 3i 4i 5i 6i
.PD 0
.ft 5
.de EE \" end example
.SH NAME \" @(#)ssd.8 (gsf@research.att.com) 04/01/94
ssd \- network system status demon
ssd [
.I host
.I ssd
is a local network system status demon that generates data for
.IR ss (1)
and the
.IR cs (3)
.LR csstat .
There is one
.I ssd
demon per host.
The status information for each host is maintained in a directory that
is accessible by all hosts.
Network file system traffic is minimized by placing the information in the
.B atime
.B mtime
.IR stat (2)
Demon update frequencies are also randomized to avoid network traffic spikes.
Demons are started by explicit calls to either
.IR ss (1)
.LR csstat .
However, it wouldn't hurt to place
ss . >/dev/null 2>&1
.LR rc.local .
If the
.I host
argument is given then a demon is started on that host.
If the optional command
.I ssd.idle
is placed in the same directory as
.I ssd
then it is executed, with the current hostname as the first argument,
to determine the host idle time.
.I ssd.idle
is under complete control of the local installation and is not supplied
in the standard distribution.
.I ssd
must be restarted in order for it to recognize a newly added
.IR ssd.idle .
.I ssd
reads the first line of output from
.I ssd.idle
to determine the idle time:
.L busy
The idle time is set to
.IR 0 .
.L free
The idle time is set to a large value.
.L idle
The number of seconds since the last idle time check is added to
the previous idle time value.
.I seconds
The idle time is set to
.IR seconds .
For any other value
.I ssd
calculates the idle time using the default algorithm.
It may take a minute for a demon to recognize that another
demon is already running.
Because the local demon may be initiated by a status request
it may also take a minute for the status routine to recognize that the
local host is up.
The status information is placed in a directory that must be accessible
from all hosts on the local network.
The mount permissions on this directory should be tuned to prevent
hosts from hanging when the host servicing the directory is down.
The status information for
.I host
is placed in the file
.BI share/lib/ss/ host.
The demon for
.I host
can be killed by simply removing (\f5rm -f\fP) the
.BI share/lib/ss/ host
.TP 2i
.B share/lib/ss/.log
demon error log
.TP 2i
.BI share/lib/ss/ host
status for
.I host
ss(1), cs(3)