* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 2003-2011 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> *
* *
#pragma prototyped
* ibm dfsort discipline
static const char usage[] =
"[-1lp0s5P?\n@(#)$Id: dfsort (AT&T Research) 2007-01-25 $\n]"
"[+PLUGIN?sync - IBM dfsort discipline]"
"[+DESCRIPTION?The \bsync\b \bsort\b(1) discipline applies an IBM \bDFSORT\b"
" control file to the input data. Command line keys are overidden"
" by the control file. Auxilliary output files must be named by"
" \bout\b\aid\a=\apath\a options.]"
"[+?User callout functions (\aexits\a in IBM parlance) must be linked in"
" DLLs or shared libraries. If the control file library is not found"
" then the name is treated as an environment variable and searched for"
" again. If the function \brs_intercept\b exists then it is used as a"
" wrapper for the callouts:"
" rs_intercept(\acallout\a,Rsobj_t*rec,Rsobj_t*dup,void**state),"
" otherwise the callout is called directly:"
" \acallout\a(Rsobj_t*rec,Rsobj_t*dup,void**state)."
" \bRsobj_t\b and callout return values are defined in \b<recsort.h>\b"
" and described in \brecsort\b(3). The callout arguments are:]{"
" [+Rsobj_t* rec?The current record.]"
" [+Rsobj_t* dup?The record comparing equal to \arec\a just before"
" it is discarded.]"
" [+void** state?User defined state, initialized to 0 before the first"
" callout. The same \astate\a is passed to all callouts.]"
"[+?The callout return values are:]{"
" [+RS_TERMINATE?Terminate the sort and exit with non-zero exit status.]"
" [+RS_DELETE?Delete \arec\a.]"
" [+RS_ACCEPT?Accept the possibly modified \arec\a.]"
" [+RS_INSERT?Insert a new record pointed to by \arec\a.]"
"[C:codeset?The data codeset is \acodeset\a. The codesets"
" are:]:[codeset]{\fcodesets\f}"
"[c:control?Specifies the control file path name. Control file details may be"
" found in the IBM \bDFSORT\b documentation. The control file is read"
" as an 80 column punched deck. If no control file is specified then"
" the standard input is read.]:[path]"
"[d:duplicates?Print a message to the standard error containing the number"
" of records with duplicate keys.]"
"[j:junk?Print to \afile\a the number of non-SUM field byte differences"
" between retained and discarded duplicate records. Each line in the"
" report is a field byte offset followed by the number of differences"
" for that offset.]:[file]"
"[l:list?List control file information on the standard output and exit.]"
"[o:out*?\bout\b\aid\a=\apath\a assigns \apath\a to the auxiliary output"
" file \aid\a. A leading \b-\b or \b_\b in \aid\a is ignored. File"
" paths may also be assigned by exporting \bSORTOF\b\aid\a=\apath\a;"
" \b--out\b takes precedence. Unassigned auxiliary output files are"
" silently ignored.]:[path]"
"[R:reclen|lrecl?Sets the fixed record length to \areclen\a.]#[reclen]"
" [+sort -lsync,control=xyz.ss,out02=out.2?Sorts using the"
" control file \bxyz.ss\b and places auxiliary file"
" \b02\b in \bout.2\b.]"
"[+SEE ALSO?\bsort\b(1), \bDFSORT\b(IBM), \brecsort\b(3)]"
#include <ast.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <ccode.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <error.h>
#include <recsort.h>
#include <ss.h>
#define CALLOUT(s,f,r,d) ((s)->intercept ? (*(s)->intercept)(f, r, d, &(s)->exitstate) : (*f)(r, d, &(s)->exitstate))
typedef struct State_s
Rsdisc_t disc;
Ss_t* ss;
Sfio_t* junk;
Sfulong_t* junkcount;
size_t junksize;
Ssfile_t in;
Sfulong_t dupcount;
int dups;
char tmp[1];
} State_t;
* record/report junk dup bytes
static void
junk(State_t* state, Rsobj_t* r)
register size_t i;
register size_t k;
register size_t n;
register unsigned char* b;
register unsigned char* s;
register unsigned char* t;
register Ssfield_t* f;
register Sfulong_t* z;
n = state->junksize;
z = state->junkcount;
if (r)
b = r->data;
if (n > r->datalen)
n = r->datalen;
for (r = r->equal; r; r = r->right)
s = b;
t = r->data;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (s[i] != t[i])
for (f = state->ss->sum; f; f = f->next)
for (i = f->offset - 1, k = f->offset + f->size; i < k; i++)
z[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (z[i])
sfprintf(state->junk, "%4u %8I*u\n", i + 1, sizeof(z[i]), z[i]);
static int
dfsort(Rs_t* rs, int op, Void_t* data, Void_t* arg, Rsdisc_t* disc)
State_t* state = (State_t*)disc;
Ss_t* ss = state->ss;
Ssfile_t* fp;
Ssfile_t* save;
Rsobj_t* rp;
Rsobj_t* ep;
ssize_t size;
int hit;
int c;
switch (op)
case RS_OPEN:
if ((rs->type & RS_IGNORE) && (disc->events & (RS_SUMMARY|RS_WRITE)))
rs->type &= ~RS_IGNORE;
if (ssannounce(ss, rs))
return -1;
return ss->initexit ? CALLOUT(ss, ss->initexit, NiL, NiL) : 0;
case RS_POP:
if (state->junk)
junk(state, NiL);
if (state->dups && state->dupcount && ss->disc->errorf)
(*ss->disc->errorf)(NiL, ss->disc, 0, "%I*u duplicate key%s", sizeof(state->dupcount), state->dupcount, state->dupcount == 1 ? "" : "s");
if (!ss->doneexit)
c = 0;
c = CALLOUT(ss, ss->doneexit, NiL, NiL);
return ssclose(ss) ? -1 : c;
case RS_READ:
if (ss->skip)
return RS_DELETE;
if (ss->stop == 1)
return RS_DELETE;
rp = (Rsobj_t*)data;
if (ss->expr && (sseval(ss, ss->expr, (char*)rp->data, rp->datalen) > 0) == ss->omit)
return RS_DELETE;
fp = ss->file;
if (!ss->readexit)
c = (ss->copy || !fp->next && (rs->type & RS_IGNORE)) ? RS_DELETE : RS_ACCEPT;
else if ((c = CALLOUT(ss, ss->readexit, rp, NiL)) < 0 || c == RS_DELETE)
return c;
if (ss->stop)
if (ss->in)
if ((size = sscopy(ss, &state->in, (char*)rp->data, rp->datalen, state->tmp, ss->insize)) < 0)
return -1;
rp->data = (unsigned char*)state->tmp;
rp->datalen = size;
if (ss->copy)
if (fp->group && fp->group->io && sswrite(ss, fp, (char*)rp->data, rp->datalen) < 0)
return -1;
return c;
rp = (Rsobj_t*)data;
if (!ss->summaryexit)
else if ((c = CALLOUT(ss, ss->summaryexit, rp, rp->equal)) < 0 || c == RS_DELETE)
return c;
if (ss->sum)
for (ep = rp->equal; ep; ep = ep->right)
if (sssum(ss, ss->sum, (char*)ep->data, rp->datalen, (char*)rp->data))
return -1;
if (state->junk)
junk(state, rp);
return c;
case RS_WRITE:
ep = (Rsobj_t*)data;
if (!ss->writeexit)
if (state->dups && (rp = ep->equal))
do state->dupcount++; while (rp = rp->right);
else if ((c = CALLOUT(ss, ss->writeexit, ep, NiL)) < 0 || c == RS_DELETE)
return c;
rp = (Rsobj_t*)arg;
fp = ss->file;
if (!fp->group->io)
size = 0;
else if ((size = sscopy(ss, fp, (char*)ep->data, ep->datalen, (char*)rp->data, rp->datalen)) < 0)
return -1;
if (size > rp->datalen || ss->copy || !fp->next)
rp->datalen = size;
return c;
rp->datalen = size;
return -1;
hit = 0;
save = 0;
while (fp = fp->next)
if (fp->group)
if (!fp->expr || (sseval(ss, fp->expr, (char*)rp->data, rp->datalen) > 0) != fp->omit)
hit = 1;
if (sswrite(ss, fp, (char*)rp->data, rp->datalen) < 0)
return -1;
else if (fp->save)
save = fp;
if (save && !hit && sswrite(ss, save, (char*)rp->data, rp->datalen) < 0)
return -1;
return c;
typedef struct Suf_s
char* base;
char* suff;
} Suf_t;
static int
checkmark(Ss_t* ss, char** v, Ssdisc_t* ssdisc)
char** b;
char* s;
char* t;
char* z;
size_t i;
size_t j;
size_t k;
size_t m;
size_t n;
DIR* dp;
struct dirent* ep;
Suf_t* sp;
for (b = v; *b; b++);
if (n = b - v)
if (!(sp = newof(0, Suf_t, n, 0)))
goto bad;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (s = strrchr(v[i], '/'))
s = v[i];
if (!strchr(s, '%'))
sp[i].base = s;
sp[i].suff = strrchr(s, '.');
i = 0;
for (;;)
while (i < n && !sp[i].base)
if (i >= n)
if (sp[i].base == v[i])
dp = opendir(".");
else if (sp[i].base == v[i] + 1)
dp = opendir("/");
*(sp[i].base - 1) = 0;
dp = opendir(v[i]);
*(sp[i].base - 1) = '/';
k = sp[i].base - v[i];
if (dp)
while (ep = readdir(dp))
if (s = strchr(ep->d_name, '%'))
m = s - ep->d_name;
z = strrchr(s, '.');
for (j = i; j < n; j++)
if (sp[j].base && (sp[j].base - v[j]) == k && (!k || !memcmp(v[i], v[j], k)) && !memcmp(ep->d_name, sp[j].base, m) && (!sp[j].suff || (sp[j].suff - sp[j].base) < m || z && !strcmp(z, sp[j].suff)))
if (v[j] == sp[j].base)
t = ep->d_name;
t = sfprints("%-.*s%s", sp[j].base - v[j], v[j], ep->d_name);
if (!(t = strdup(t)))
goto bad;
v[j] = t;
sp[j].base = 0;
for (j = i; j < n; j++)
if (sp[j].base && (sp[j].base - v[j]) == k && (!k || !memcmp(v[i], v[j], k)))
sp[j].base = 0;
if (dp)
return 0;
if (sp)
if (ssdisc->errorf)
(*ssdisc->errorf)(NiL, ssdisc, 2, "out of space");
return -1;
rs_disc(Rskey_t* key, const char* options)
State_t* state;
Ss_t* ss;
Ssfield_t* dp;
char* s;
char* t;
char* u;
char* p;
char* junk;
char** v;
int n;
int m;
int list;
int dups;
Recfmt_t f;
unsigned long events;
Ssdisc_t* ssdisc;
if (!(ssdisc = newof(0, Ssdisc_t, 1, 0)))
if (key->keydisc->errorf)
(*key->keydisc->errorf)(NiL, key->keydisc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "out of space");
return 0;
ssinit(ssdisc, key->keydisc->errorf);
ssdisc->code = key->code;
events = RS_OPEN|RS_POP;
dups = 0;
junk = 0;
list = 0;
ss = 0;
if (options)
for (;;)
switch (optstr(options, usage))
case 0:
case 'C':
if ((ssdisc->code = ccmapid(opt_info.arg)) < 0)
if (ssdisc->errorf)
(*ssdisc->errorf)(NiL, ssdisc, 2, "%s: invalid codeset name", opt_info.arg);
goto drop;
case 'c':
if (!(ss = ssopen(opt_info.arg, ssdisc)))
goto drop;
case 'd':
dups = 1;
case 'j':
junk = opt_info.arg;
case 'l':
list = 1;
case 'o':
if (ssdd(opt_info.name, opt_info.arg, ssdisc))
goto drop;
case 'R':
if (opt_info.num != key->fixed && key->fixed)
if (ssdisc->errorf)
(*ssdisc->errorf)(NiL, ssdisc, 2, "%d: fixed record length mismatch -- %d expected", (int)opt_info.num, key->fixed);
goto drop;
key->fixed = opt_info.num;
case '?':
error(ERROR_USAGE|4, "%s", opt_info.arg);
goto drop;
case ':':
error(2, "%s", opt_info.arg);
goto drop;
if (!ss && !(ss = ssopen(NiL, ssdisc)))
goto drop;
if (ss->merge)
key->merge = 1;
if (!key->input[0] && (u = getenv("DDIN")))
s = u;
n = 1;
m = 0;
for (;;)
while (*s == ' ')
if (!(t = strchr(s, ' ')))
t = s + strlen(s);
if (strneq(s, SS_DD_IN, sizeof(SS_DD_IN) - 1) && (p = getenv(sfprints("%-.*s", t - s, s))))
m += strlen(p) + 1;
if (!*t)
s = t + 1;
if (!(v = vmnewof(ss->vm, 0, char*, n, m)))
if (ssdisc->errorf)
(*ssdisc->errorf)(NiL, ssdisc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "out of space");
goto drop;
s = u;
u = (char*)(v + n);
n = 0;
for (;;)
while (*s == ' ')
if (!(t = strchr(s, ' ')))
t = s + strlen(s);
if (strneq(s, SS_DD_IN, sizeof(SS_DD_IN) - 1) && (p = getenv(sfprints("%-.*s", t - s, s))))
v[n++] = u;
u = strcopy(u, p) + 1;
if (!*t)
s = t + 1;
v[n] = 0;
key->input = v;
if (checkmark(ss, key->input, ssdisc))
goto drop;
if (key->input[0] && strmatch(key->input[0], SS_MARKED))
ss->mark = 1;
if ((s = strrchr(key->input[0], '%')) && (s = strchr(s, '.')))
ss->suffix = s;
if (ss->size)
ss->format = REC_F_TYPE(ss->size);
else if (key->fixed)
ss->size = key->fixed;
ss->format = REC_F_TYPE(ss->size);
p = 0;
ss->format = REC_N_TYPE();
for (v = key->input; s = *v; v++)
if ((t = strrchr(s, '%')) && !strchr(t, '/'))
ss->mark = 1;
f = recstr(t + 1, &u);
if (f != ss->format && p && (RECTYPE(f) != REC_variable || RECTYPE(ss->format) != REC_variable || REC_V_ATTRIBUTES(f) != REC_V_ATTRIBUTES(ss->format)))
if (ssdisc->errorf)
(*ssdisc->errorf)(NiL, ssdisc, 2, "%s: format %s incompatible with %s format %s", s, fmtrec(f, 0), p, fmtrec(ss->format, 0));
goto drop;
p = s;
if (RECTYPE(f) != REC_variable || RECTYPE(ss->format) != REC_variable || REC_V_SIZE(ss->format) < REC_V_SIZE(f))
ss->format = f;
if (!ss->suffix && *u == '.')
ss->suffix = u;
if (!ss->suffix)
ss->suffix = "";
if ((n = ssio(ss, list)) < 0)
goto drop;
if (ss->mark)
if (ss->file->format == REC_N_TYPE())
ss->file->format = ss->format;
if (s = key->output)
if ((t = strrchr(s, '%')) && !strchr(t, '/'))
f = recstr(t + 1, NiL);
if (ss->file->format != REC_N_TYPE() && f != ss->file->format && !ss->in && !ss->file->out && (RECTYPE(f) != REC_variable || RECTYPE(ss->file->format) != REC_variable || REC_V_ATTRIBUTES(f) != REC_V_ATTRIBUTES(ss->file->format)))
if (ssdisc->errorf)
(*ssdisc->errorf)(NiL, ssdisc, 2, "%s: format %s incompatible with %s format %s", s, fmtrec(f, 0), p, fmtrec(ss->file->format, 0));
goto drop;
else if (ss->file->format != REC_N_TYPE() && !strmatch(s, "/dev/*"))
if ((t = strrchr(s, '.')) && strmatch(t, SS_SUFFIX))
s = sfprints("%-.*s%%%s%s", t - s, s, fmtrec(ss->format, 1), t);
s = sfprints("%s%%%s%s", s, fmtrec(ss->format, 1), ss->suffix);
if (!(key->output = vmstrdup(ss->vm, s)))
if (ss->disc->errorf)
(*ss->disc->errorf)(NiL, ss->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "out of space");
goto drop;
if (ss->copy && !ss->expr && !ss->file->out && !ss->file->next)
key->type |= RS_CAT;
key->merge = 0;
key->meth = Rscopy;
if (ss->initexit)
events |= RS_OPEN;
if (ss->expr || ss->copy || ss->readexit || ss->in || ss->skip || ss->stop)
events |= RS_READ;
if (ss->file->out || n && !ss->copy || ss->writeexit || ss->file->format != ss->format)
events |= RS_WRITE;
if (list)
sslist(ss, sfstdout);
if (!(state = vmnewof(ss->vm, 0, State_t, 1, ss->insize)))
if (ssdisc->errorf)
(*ssdisc->errorf)(NiL, ssdisc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "out of space");
goto drop;
if (ss->in)
state->in.out = ss->in;
state->in.size = ss->insize;
if (ss->sum || ss->uniq)
key->type |= RS_UNIQ;
if (ss->sum)
events |= RS_SUMMARY;
else if (state->dups = dups)
events |= RS_WRITE;
switch (ss->stable)
case 'N':
key->type |= RS_DATA;
key->type &= ~RS_DATA;
if (!ss->type)
ss->type = 'F';
switch (ss->type)
case 'D':
case 'F':
if ((s = sskey(ss, NiL)) && rskey(key, s, 0))
goto drop;
case 'V':
case 'B':
key->disc->data = recstr("v", NiL);
for (dp = ss->sort; dp; dp = dp->next)
if ((s = sskey(ss, dp)) && rskey(key, s, 0))
goto drop;
if (junk)
if (!(state->junksize = ss->size))
state->junksize = 64;
if (!(state->junkcount = vmnewof(ss->vm, 0, Sfulong_t, state->junksize, 0)))
if (ssdisc->errorf)
(*ssdisc->errorf)(NiL, ssdisc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "out of space");
goto drop;
if (!(state->junk = sfopen(NiL, junk, "w")))
if (ssdisc->errorf)
(*ssdisc->errorf)(NiL, ssdisc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot write", junk);
goto drop;
state->ss = ss;
state->disc.eventf = dfsort;
state->disc.events = events;
return &state->disc;
if (ss)
if (ssdisc)
return 0;