* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 2006-2011 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> *
* *
#pragma prototyped
* sort uniq summary discipline
static const char usage[] =
"[-1lp0s5P?\n@(#)$Id: glean (AT&T Research) 2007-04-20 $\n]"
"[+PLUGIN?glean - glean minima and/or maxima from record stream]"
"[+DESCRIPTION?The \bglean\b \bsort\b(1) discipline gleans minima "
"and maxima from a record stream. Each record is categorized by the main "
"sort key. If there is no main sort key then all records are in one "
"category. If the \bmin\b key sorts less than the current category "
"minimum or if the \bmax\b key sorts greater than the category maximum "
"then the category minimum or maximum is updated and the record is "
"written to the standard output. \bmax=\b\ak1\a,\bmax=\b\ak2\a sets one "
"maximum using the two sort keys \ak1\a and \ak2\a. "
"\bmax:=\b\ak1\a,\bmax:=\b\ak2\a sets two maxima, the first using sort "
"key \ak1\a and the second using sort key \ak2\a.]"
"[+?Note that \b,\b is the plugin option separator. Literal \b,\b must "
"either be quoted or escaped \aafter\a normal shell expansion.]"
"[a:absolute?List only the absolute minimum/maximum records for each "
"[c:count?Precede each output record with its category index, "
"category count, and total record count.]"
"[f:flush?Flush each line written to the standard output.]"
"[m:min?Mimima \bsort\b(1) key specification.]:[sort-key]"
"[M:max?Maxima \bsort\b(1) key specification.]:[sort-key]"
"[+sort -t, -k1,1 -k2,2n -lglean,flush,min='\"3,3n\"',min='\"4,4\"' old.dat -?Sorts "
"on the \b,\b separated fields 1 (string) and 2 (numeric) and "
"lists the current minimal records per field 3 (numeric) and "
"field 4 (string), for each value of the catenation of fields 1 and 2.]"
"[+SEE ALSO?\bsort\b(1)]"
#include <ast.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <dt.h>
#include <error.h>
#include <recsort.h>
#include <vmalloc.h>
typedef struct Data_s
void* data;
size_t size;
size_t len;
} Data_t;
typedef struct Category_s
Dtlink_t link;
Sfulong_t count;
unsigned int index;
Data_t key;
Data_t lim[1];
} Category_t;
struct Field_s; typedef struct Field_s Field_t;
struct Field_s
Field_t* next;
Rskey_t* lim;
int mm;
int index;
Category_t* category;
Sfulong_t count;
Sfulong_t total;
Data_t absolute;
typedef struct State_s
Rsdisc_t rsdisc;
Dtdisc_t dtdisc;
Rskeydisc_t kydisc;
Dt_t* categories;
unsigned int index;
Field_t* field;
unsigned int fields;
Data_t key;
Vmalloc_t* vm;
int absolute;
int count;
Category_t* all;
Sfulong_t total;
} State_t;
static int
save(Vmalloc_t* vm, register Data_t* p, void* data, size_t len)
if (p->size < len)
p->size = roundof(len, 256);
if (!(p->data = vmnewof(vm, p->data, char, p->size, 0)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "out of space [save]");
return -1;
p->len = len;
if (data)
memcpy(p->data, data, len);
return 0;
static int
gleancmp(Dt_t* dt, void* a, void* b, Dtdisc_t* disc)
Category_t* x = (Category_t*)a;
Category_t* y = (Category_t*)b;
message((-4, "gleancmp a:%d:%-.*s: b:%d:%-.*s:", x->key.len, x->key.len, x->key.data, y->key.len, y->key.len, y->key.data));
if (x->key.len < y->key.len)
return -1;
if (x->key.len > y->key.len)
return 1;
return memcmp(x->key.data, y->key.data, x->key.len);
static char*
fmtdata(void* data, size_t size)
size_t i;
char* b;
char* s;
s = b = fmtbuf(2 * size + 1);
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
s += sfsprintf(s, 3, "%02x", ((unsigned char*)data)[i]);
return b;
static int
glean(Rs_t* rs, int op, Void_t* data, Void_t* arg, Rsdisc_t* disc)
State_t* state = (State_t*)disc;
register Rsobj_t* r;
register Category_t* p;
register Field_t* f;
Category_t x;
ssize_t k;
int n;
int m;
Data_t t;
switch (op)
case RS_POP:
if (state->absolute)
for (f = state->field; f; f = f->next)
if (state->count)
sfprintf(sfstdout, "%u/%I*u/%I*u ", f->category->index, sizeof(f->count), f->count, sizeof(f->total), f->total);
sfwrite(sfstdout, f->absolute.data, f->absolute.len);
return 0;
case RS_READ:
r = (Rsobj_t*)data;
x.key.data = r->key;
x.key.len = r->keylen;
if (state->categories && !(p = (Category_t*)dtsearch(state->categories, &x)) || !state->categories && !(p = state->all))
if (!(p = vmnewof(state->vm, 0, Category_t, 1, (state->fields - 1) * sizeof(Data_t) + r->keylen)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "out of space [category]");
return -1;
p->index = ++state->index;
p->key.len = r->keylen;
p->key.data = (char*)(p + 1) + (state->fields - 1) * sizeof(Data_t);
memcpy(p->key.data, r->key, r->keylen);
if (state->categories)
dtinsert(state->categories, p);
state->all = p;
message((-2, "glean record p=%p %I*u/%I*u key='%-.*s' r:%d:%-.*s: '%-.*s'", p, sizeof(p->count), p->count, sizeof(state->total), state->total, r->keylen, r->key, x.key.len, x.key.len, x.key.data, r->datalen && r->data[r->datalen - 1] == '\n' ? r->datalen - 1 : r->datalen, r->data));
m = 0;
for (f = state->field; f; f = f->next)
if (f->lim->disc->defkeyf)
if ((k = f->lim->disc->keylen) <= 0)
k = 4;
k *= r->datalen;
if (save(state->vm, &state->key, 0, k))
return -1;
if ((k = (*f->lim->disc->defkeyf)(NiL, r->data, r->datalen, state->key.data, state->key.size, f->lim->disc)) < 0)
return -1;
t.len = state->key.len = k;
t.data = state->key.data;
t.data = r->data + f->lim->disc->key;
if ((k = f->lim->disc->keylen) <= 0)
k += r->datalen - f->lim->disc->key;
t.len = k;
message((-1, "glean [%d] %c a:%d:%s:", f->index, f->mm, t.len, fmtdata(t.data, t.len)));
if (!p->lim[f->index].data)
n = f->mm == 'm' ? -1 : 1;
message((-1, "glean [%d] %c b:%d:%s:", f->index, f->mm, p->lim[f->index].len, fmtdata(p->lim[f->index].data, p->lim[f->index].len)));
if ((k = t.len) < p->lim[f->index].len)
k = p->lim[f->index].len;
if (!(n = memcmp(t.data, p->lim[f->index].data, k)))
n = t.len - p->lim[f->index].len;
if (f->mm == 'm' ? (n < 0) : (n > 0))
if (f->lim->disc->defkeyf)
t = state->key;
state->key = p->lim[f->index];
p->lim[f->index] = t;
else if (save(state->vm, &p->lim[f->index], t.data, t.len))
return -1;
if (!state->absolute)
m = 1;
else if (save(state->vm, &f->absolute, r->data, r->datalen))
return -1;
f->category = p;
f->count = p->count;
f->total = state->total;
if (m)
if (state->count)
sfprintf(sfstdout, "%u/%I*u/%I*u ", p->index, sizeof(p->count), p->count, sizeof(state->total), state->total);
sfwrite(sfstdout, r->data, r->datalen);
return RS_DELETE;
return -1;
rs_disc(Rskey_t* key, const char* options)
register State_t* state;
register Field_t* f;
Vmalloc_t* vm;
int i;
if (!(vm = vmopen(Vmdcheap, Vmbest, 0)) || !(state = vmnewof(vm, 0, State_t, 1, 0)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [state]");
state->vm = vm;
key->type &= ~RS_DATA;
state->dtdisc.link = offsetof(Category_t, link);
state->dtdisc.comparf = gleancmp;
state->kydisc.version = RSKEY_VERSION;
state->kydisc.errorf = errorf;
state->rsdisc.eventf = glean;
state->rsdisc.events = RS_READ|RS_POP;
if ((key->keydisc->flags & RSKEY_KEYS) && !(state->categories = dtnew(vm, &state->dtdisc, Dtoset)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [dictionary]");
if (options)
for (;;)
switch (i = optstr(options, usage))
case 0:
case 'a':
state->absolute = opt_info.num;
case 'c':
state->count = opt_info.num;
case 'f':
sfset(sfstdout, SF_LINE, 1);
case 'm':
case 'M':
if (opt_info.assignment == ':' || !(f = state->field) || f->mm != i)
if (!(f = vmnewof(vm, 0, Field_t, 1, 0)) || !(f->lim = rskeyopen(&state->kydisc, NiL)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space");
strcpy((char*)f->lim->tab, (char*)key->tab);
f->lim->type = key->type;
f->mm = i;
f->index = state->fields++;
f->next = state->field;
state->field = f;
if (rskey(f->lim, opt_info.arg, 0))
goto drop;
case '?':
error(ERROR_USAGE|4, "%s", opt_info.arg);
goto drop;
case ':':
error(2, "%s", opt_info.arg);
goto drop;
for (f = state->field; f; f = f->next)
if (rskeyinit(f->lim))
goto drop;
return &state->rsdisc;
for (f = state->field; f; f = f->next)
return 0;