: translated from the Regex++ tests.txt by cvtregex++.c 2001-05-16
# manual edits were done to insert the standard error codes
# inserted {...} features tests may have changed line numbers and/or ordering
# comments beyond this point are verbatim from the original input
# this file contains a script of tests to run through regress.exe
# comments start with a semicolon and proceed to the end of the line
# changes to regular expression compile flags start with a "-" as the first
# non-whitespace character and consist of a list of the printable names
# of the flags, for example "match_default"
# Other lines contain a test to perform using the current flag status
# the first token contains the expression to compile, the second the string
# to match it against. If the second string is "!" then the expression should
# not compile, that is the first string is an invalid regular expression.
# This is then followed by a list of integers that specify what should match,
# each pair represents the starting and ending positions of a subexpression
# starting with the zeroth subexpression (the whole match).
# A value of -1 indicates that the subexpression should not take part in the
# match at all, if the first value is -1 then no part of the expression should
# match the string.
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED
# try some really simple literals:
E a a (0,1)
E Z Z (0,1)
E Z xxxxZZxxx (4,5)
# and some simple brackets:
E (a) zzzaazz (3,4)(3,4)
Exz () zzz (0,0)(0,0)
Exz () NULL (0,0)(0,0)
E (aa ! EPAREN
E \(\) () (0,2)
E \(a\) (a) (0,3)
E (\) ! EPAREN
E p(a)rameter ABCparameterXYZ (3,12)(4,5)
E [pq](a)rameter ABCparameterXYZ (3,12)(4,5)
# now try escaped brackets:
# - match_default bk_parens REG_BASIC
B \(a\) zzzaazz (3,4)(3,4)
B \(\) zzz (0,0)(0,0)
B \(\) NULL (0,0)(0,0)
B \(aa ! EPAREN
B aa\) ! EPAREN
B () () (0,2)
B (a) (a) (0,3)
B (\) ! EPAREN
B \() ! EPAREN
# now move on to "." wildcards
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_STARTEND
E . a (0,1)
E$ . \n (0,1)
E$ . \r (0,1)
# - match_default normal match_not_dot_newline REG_EXTENDED REG_STARTEND REG_NEWLINE
En . a (0,1)
En$ . \n NOMATCH
En$ . \r (0,1)
# - match_default normal match_not_dot_null match_not_dot_newline REG_EXTENDED REG_STARTEND REG_NEWLINE
En$ . \n NOMATCH
En$ . \r (0,1)
# this *WILL* produce an error from the POSIX API functions:
# - match_default normal match_not_dot_null match_not_dot_newline REG_EXTENDED REG_STARTEND REG_NEWLINE REG_NO_POSIX_TEST
# now move on to the repetion ops,
# starting with operator *
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED
E a* b (0,0)
E ab* a (0,1)
E ab* ab (0,2)
E ab* sssabbbbbbsss (3,10)
E ab*c* a (0,1)
E ab*c* abbb (0,4)
E ab*c* accc (0,4)
E ab*c* abbcc (0,5)
E$ \n* \n\n (0,2)
E \** ** (0,2)
E \* * (0,1)
# now try operator +
E ab+ ab (0,2)
E ab+ sssabbbbbbsss (3,10)
E ab+c+ a NOMATCH
E ab+c+ abbb NOMATCH
E ab+c+ accc NOMATCH
E ab+c+ abbcc (0,5)
E$ \n+ \n\n (0,2)
E \+ + (0,1)
E \+ ++ (0,1)
E \++ ++ (0,2)
# - match_default normal bk_plus_qm REG_EXTENDED REG_NO_POSIX_TEST
Exz + + BADRPT
Exz \+ ! NOMATCH
Exz a\+ aa NOMATCH
# now try operator ?
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED
E a? b (0,0)
E ab? a (0,1)
E ab? ab (0,2)
E ab? sssabbbbbbsss (3,5)
E ab?c? a (0,1)
E ab?c? abbb (0,2)
E ab?c? accc (0,2)
E ab?c? abcc (0,3)
E$ \n? \n\n (0,1)
E \? ? (0,1)
E \? ?? (0,1)
E \?? ?? (0,1)
# - match_default normal bk_plus_qm REG_EXTENDED REG_NO_POSIX_TEST
Exz ? ? BADRPT
Exz \? ! NOMATCH
Exz a\? aa NOMATCH
Exz a\? b NOMATCH
# - match_default normal limited_ops
B a? a? (0,2)
B a+ a+ (0,2)
B a\? a? (0,2)
B a\+ a+ (0,2)
# now try operator {}
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED
E a{2} a NOMATCH
E a{2} aa (0,2)
E a{2} aaa (0,2)
E a{2,} a NOMATCH
E a{2,} aa (0,2)
E a{2,} aaaaa (0,5)
E a{2,4} a NOMATCH
E a{2,4} aa (0,2)
E a{2,4} aaa (0,3)
E a{2,4} aaaa (0,4)
E a{2,4} aaaaa (0,4)
# spaces are now allowed inside {}
E a{ 2 , 4 } aaaaa BADBR
E a{} ! BADBR
E a{ } ! BADBR
E a{2 ! EBRACE
E \{\} {} (0,2)
# - match_default normal bk_braces
B a\{2\} a NOMATCH
B a\{2\} aa (0,2)
B a\{2\} aaa (0,2)
B a\{2,\} a NOMATCH
B a\{2,\} aa (0,2)
B a\{2,\} aaaaa (0,5)
B a\{2,4\} a NOMATCH
B a\{2,4\} aa (0,2)
B a\{2,4\} aaa (0,3)
B a\{2,4\} aaaa (0,4)
B a\{2,4\} aaaaa (0,4)
B a\{ 2 , 4 \} aaaaa BADBR
B {} {} (0,2)
# now test the alternation operator |
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED
E a|b a (0,1)
E a|b b (0,1)
E a(b|c) ab (0,2)(1,2)
E a(b|c) ac (0,2)(1,2)
E a(b|c) ad NOMATCH
E |c ! ENULL
E c| ! ENULL
E (|) ! ENULL
E (a|) ! ENULL
E (|a) ! ENULL
E a\| a| (0,2)
# - match_default normal limited_ops
B a| a| (0,2)
B a\| a| (0,2)
B | | (0,1)
# - match_default normal bk_vbar REG_NO_POSIX_TEST
Bxz a| a| (0,2)
Bxz a\|b a (0,1)
Bxz a\|b b (0,1)
# now test the set operator []
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED
# try some literals first
E [abc] a (0,1)
E [abc] b (0,1)
E [abc] c (0,1)
E [abc] d NOMATCH
E [^bcd] a (0,1)
E [^bcd] b NOMATCH
E [^bcd] d NOMATCH
E [^bcd] e (0,1)
E a[b]c abc (0,3)
E a[ab]c abc (0,3)
E a[^ab]c adc (0,3)
E a[]b]c a]c (0,3)
E a[[b]c a[c (0,3)
E a[-b]c a-c (0,3)
E a[^]b]c adc (0,3)
E a[^-b]c adc (0,3)
E a[b-]c a-c (0,3)
E a[b ! EBRACK
E a[] ! EBRACK
# then some ranges
E [b-e] a NOMATCH
E [b-e] b (0,1)
E [b-e] e (0,1)
E [b-e] f NOMATCH
E [^b-e] a (0,1)
E [^b-e] b NOMATCH
E [^b-e] e NOMATCH
E [^b-e] f (0,1)
E a[1-3]c a2c (0,3)
E a[3-1]c ! ERANGE
E a[1-3-5]c ! ERANGE
E a[1- ! EBRACK
# and some classes
E a[[:alpha:]]c abc (0,3)
E a[[:unknown:]]c ! ECTYPE
E a[[: ! ECTYPE
E a[[:alpha ! ECTYPE
E a[[:alpha:] ! EBRACK
E a[[:alpha,:] ! ECTYPE
E a[[:]:]]b ! ECTYPE
E a[[:-:]]b ! ECTYPE
E a[[:alph:]] ! ECTYPE
E a[[:alphabet:]] ! ECTYPE
E [[:alnum:]]+ -%@a0X- (3,6)
E [[:alpha:]]+ -%@aX0- (3,5)
E$ [[:blank:]]+ a \tb (1,4)
E$ [[:cntrl:]]+ a\n\tb (1,3)
E [[:digit:]]+ a019b (1,4)
E [[:graph:]]+ a%b (0,3)
E [[:lower:]]+ AabC (1,3)
# This test fails with STLPort, disable for now as this is a corner case anyway...
#[[:print:]]+ "\na b\n" 1 4
E$ [[:punct:]]+ %-&\t (0,3)
E$ [[:space:]]+ a \n\t\rb (1,5)
E [[:upper:]]+ aBCd (1,3)
E [[:xdigit:]]+ p0f3Cx (1,5)
# now test flag settings:
# - escape_in_lists REG_NO_POSIX_TEST
Exz$ [\n] \n (0,1)
Bxz$ [\n] \n (0,1)
Bxz$ [\n] \\ NOMATCH
Bxz [[:class:] : ECTYPE
Bxz [[:class:] [ ECTYPE
Bxz [[:class:] c ECTYPE
# line anchors
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED
En ^ab ab (0,2)
En ^ab xxabxx NOMATCH
En$ ^ab xx\nabzz (3,5)
En ab$ ab (0,2)
En ab$ abxx NOMATCH
En$ ab$ ab\nzz (0,2)
# - match_default match_not_bol match_not_eol normal REG_EXTENDED REG_NOTBOL REG_NOTEOL
Eben ^ab ab NOMATCH
Eben ^ab xxabxx NOMATCH
Eben$ ^ab xx\nabzz (3,5)
Eben ab$ ab NOMATCH
Eben ab$ abxx NOMATCH
Eben$ ab$ ab\nzz (0,2)
# back references
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED
E a(b)\2c ! ESUBREG
E a(b\1)c ! ESUBREG
E a(b*)c\1d abbcbbd (0,7)(1,3)
E a(b*)c\1d abbcbd NOMATCH
E a(b*)c\1d abbcbbbd NOMATCH
E ^(.)\1 abc NOMATCH
E a([bc])\1d abcdabbd (4,8)(5,6)
# strictly speaking this is at best ambiguous, at worst wrong, this is what most
# re implimentations will match though.
E a(([bc])\2)*d abbccd (0,6)(3,5)(3,4)
E a(([bc])\2)*d abbcbd NOMATCH
E a((b)*\2)*d abbbd (0,5)(1,4)(2,3)
E (ab*)[ab]*\1 ababaaa (0,7)(0,1)
E (a)\1bcd aabcd (0,5)(0,1)
E (a)\1bc*d aabcd (0,5)(0,1)
E (a)\1bc*d aabd (0,4)(0,1)
E (a)\1bc*d aabcccd (0,7)(0,1)
E (a)\1bc*[ce]d aabcccd (0,7)(0,1)
E ^(a)\1b(c)*cd$ aabcccd (0,7)(0,1)(4,5)
# characters by code:
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_STARTEND
{E \101 A (0,1) not an ascii implementation
E \172 z (0,1)
E \0172 z NOMATCH
# word operators:
{E \w a (0,1) perl \w not supported
E \w z (0,1)
E \w A (0,1)
E \w Z (0,1)
E \w _ (0,1)
# non-word:
{E \W W NOMATCH perl \W not supported
E \W } (0,1)
E \W ` (0,1)
E \W [ (0,1)
E \W @ (0,1)
E \<\w+\W+ aa aa a (1,5)
# word boundaries
{E \<a\> ,a, (1,2) word boundaries not supported
E \<* ! BADRPT
E \>* ! BADRPT
E \<+ ! BADRPT
E \>+ ! BADRPT
E \<? ! BADRPT
E \>? ! BADRPT
# word start:
E \<abcd abcd (2,6)
E \<ab cab NOMATCH
E$ \\<ab \nab (1,3)
E \<tag ::tag (2,5)
# word end:
E abc\> abc (0,3)
E abc\> abcd NOMATCH
E$ abc\\> abc\n (0,3)
E abc\> abc:: (0,3)
E \<abc abcabc abc\n\nabc (0,3)
E \< ab a aaa (2,2)
# word boundary:
{E \babcd abcd (0,4) perl \b not supported
E \babcd :abcd: (1,5) perl \b not supported
E \bab cab NOMATCH
E$ \\bab \nab (1,3)
E \btag ::tag (2,5)
E abc\b abc (0,3)
E abc\b abcd NOMATCH
E$ abc\\b abc\n (0,3)
E abc\b abc:: (0,3)
E \b abb a abbb (0,0)
# within word:
{E \B ab (1,1) perl \B not supported
E a\Bb ab (0,2)
E a\B ab (0,1)
# buffer operators:
{E \`abc abc (0,3) regex++ \' not supported
E$ \\`abc \nabc NOMATCH
E \`abc abc NOMATCH
E abc\' abc (0,3)
E$ abc\\' abc\n NOMATCH
E abc\' abc NOMATCH
# extra escape sequences:
E$ \a \a (0,1)
E$ \f \f (0,1)
E$ \n \n (0,1)
E$ \r \r (0,1)
E$ \t \t (0,1)
E$ \v \v (0,1)
E$ \\a \a (0,1)
E$ \\f \f (0,1)
E$ \\n \n (0,1)
E$ \\r \r (0,1)
E$ \\t \t (0,1)
E$ \\v \v (0,1)
E \\a \a (0,2)
E \\f \f (0,2)
E \\n \n (0,2)
E \\r \r (0,2)
E \\t \t (0,2)
E \\v \v (0,2)
# now follows various complex expressions designed to try and bust the matcher:
E a(((b)))c abc (0,3)(1,2)(1,2)(1,2)
E a(b|(c))d abd (0,3)(1,2)
E a(b|(c))d acd (0,3)(1,2)(1,2)
E a(b*|c)d abbd (0,4)(1,3)
# just gotta have one DFA-buster, of course
E a[ab]{20} aaaaabaaaabaaaabaaaab (0,21)
# and an inline expansion in case somebody gets tricky
E a[ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab] aaaaabaaaabaaaabaaaab (0,21)
# and in case somebody just slips in an NFA...
E a[ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab][ab](wee|week)(knights|night) aaaaabaaaabaaaabaaaabweeknights (0,31)(21,24)(24,31)
# one really big one
E 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 a1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890b (1,71)
# fish for problems as brackets go past 8
E [ab][cd][ef][gh][ij][kl][mn] xacegikmoq (1,8)
E [ab][cd][ef][gh][ij][kl][mn][op] xacegikmoq (1,9)
E [ab][cd][ef][gh][ij][kl][mn][op][qr] xacegikmoqy (1,10)
E [ab][cd][ef][gh][ij][kl][mn][op][q] xacegikmoqy (1,10)
# and as parenthesis go past 9:
E (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h) zabcdefghi (1,9)(1,2)(2,3)(3,4)(4,5)(5,6)(6,7)(7,8)(8,9)
E (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i) zabcdefghij (1,10)(1,2)(2,3)(3,4)(4,5)(5,6)(6,7)(7,8)(8,9)(9,10)
E (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j) zabcdefghijk (1,11)(1,2)(2,3)(3,4)(4,5)(5,6)(6,7)(7,8)(8,9)(9,10)(10,11)
E (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k) zabcdefghijkl (1,12)(1,2)(2,3)(3,4)(4,5)(5,6)(6,7)(7,8)(8,9)(9,10)(10,11)(11,12)
E (a)d|(b)c abc (1,3)(-1,-1)(1,2)
E _+((www)|(ftp)|(mailto)):_* _wwwnocolon _mailto: (12,20)(13,19)(-1,-1)(-1,-1)(13,19)
# subtleties of matching
E a(b)?cd acd (0,3)
E a(b)?c\1d acd NOMATCH
E a(b?c)+d accd (0,4)(2,3)
E (wee|week)(knights|night) weeknights (0,10)(0,3)(3,10)
E .* abc (0,3)
E a(b|(c))d abd (0,3)(1,2)
E a(b|(c))d acd (0,3)(1,2)(1,2)
E a(b*|c|e)d abbd (0,4)(1,3)
E a(b*|c|e)d acd (0,3)(1,2)
E a(b*|c|e)d ad (0,2)(1,1)
E a(b?)c abc (0,3)(1,2)
E a(b?)c ac (0,2)(1,1)
E a(b+)c abc (0,3)(1,2)
E a(b+)c abbbc (0,5)(1,4)
E a(b*)c ac (0,2)(1,1)
E (a|ab)(bc([de]+)f|cde) abcdef (0,6)(0,1)(1,6)(3,5)
E a([bc]?)c abc (0,3)(1,2)
E a([bc]?)c ac (0,2)(1,1)
E a([bc]+)c abc (0,3)(1,2)
E a([bc]+)c abcc (0,4)(1,3)
E a([bc]+)bc abcbc (0,5)(1,3)
E a(bb+|b)b abb (0,3)(1,2)
E a(bbb+|bb+|b)b abb (0,3)(1,2)
E a(bbb+|bb+|b)b abbb (0,4)(1,3)
E a(bbb+|bb+|b)bb abbb (0,4)(1,2)
E (.*).* abcdef (0,6)(0,6)
E (a*)* bc (0,0)(0,0)
# do we get the right subexpression when it is used more than once?
E a(b|c)*d ad (0,2)
E a(b|c)*d abcd (0,4)(2,3)
E a(b|c)+d abd (0,3)(1,2)
E a(b|c)+d abcd (0,4)(2,3)
E a(b|c?)+d ad (0,2)(1,1)
E a(b|c?)+d abcd (0,4)(2,3)
E a(b|c){0,0}d ad (0,2)
E a(b|c){0,1}d ad (0,2)
E a(b|c){0,1}d abd (0,3)(1,2)
E a(b|c){0,2}d ad (0,2)
E a(b|c){0,2}d abcd (0,4)(2,3)
E a(b|c){0,}d ad (0,2)
E a(b|c){0,}d abcd (0,4)(2,3)
E a(b|c){1,1}d abd (0,3)(1,2)
E a(b|c){1,2}d abd (0,3)(1,2)
E a(b|c){1,2}d abcd (0,4)(2,3)
E a(b|c){1,}d abd (0,3)(1,2)
E a(b|c){1,}d abcd (0,4)(2,3)
E a(b|c){2,2}d acbd (0,4)(2,3)
E a(b|c){2,2}d abcd (0,4)(2,3)
E a(b|c){2,4}d abcd (0,4)(2,3)
E a(b|c){2,4}d abcbd (0,5)(3,4)
E a(b|c){2,4}d abcbcd (0,6)(4,5)
E a(b|c){2,}d abcd (0,4)(2,3)
E a(b|c){2,}d abcbd (0,5)(3,4)
E a(b+|((c)*))+d abd (0,3)(1,2)
E a(b+|((c)*))+d abcd (0,4)(2,3)(2,3)(2,3)
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_STARTEND REG_NOSPEC literal
L \**?/{} \**?/{} (0,7)
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_NO_POSIX_TEST
# try to match C++ syntax elements:
# line comment:
Exz$ //[^\n]* ++i //here is a line comment\n (4,28)
# block comment:
Exz /\*([^*]|\*+[^*/])*\*+/ /* here is a block comment */ (0,29)(26,27)
Exz /\*([^*]|\*+[^*/])*\*+/ /**/ (0,4)
Exz /\*([^*]|\*+[^*/])*\*+/ /***/ (0,5)
Exz /\*([^*]|\*+[^*/])*\*+/ /****/ (0,6)
Exz /\*([^*]|\*+[^*/])*\*+/ /*****/ (0,7)
Exz /\*([^*]|\*+[^*/])*\*+/ /*****/*/ (0,7)
# preprossor directives:
E$ ^[[:blank:]]*#([^\n]*\\[[:space:]]+)*[^\n]* #define some_symbol (0,19)
E$ ^[[:blank:]]*#([^\n]*\\[[:space:]]+)*[^\n]* #define some_symbol(x) #x (0,25)
E$ ^[[:blank:]]*#([^\n]*\\[[:space:]]+)*[^\n]* #define some_symbol(x) \\ \r\n foo();\\\r\n printf(#x); (0,27)
# literals:
E ((0x[[:xdigit:]]+)|([[:digit:]]+))u?((int(8|16|32|64))|L)? 0xFF (0,4)(0,4)(0,4)
E ((0x[[:xdigit:]]+)|([[:digit:]]+))u?((int(8|16|32|64))|L)? 35 (0,2)(0,2)(-1,-1)(0,2)
E ((0x[[:xdigit:]]+)|([[:digit:]]+))u?((int(8|16|32|64))|L)? 0xFFu (0,5)(0,4)(0,4)
E ((0x[[:xdigit:]]+)|([[:digit:]]+))u?((int(8|16|32|64))|L)? 0xFFL (0,5)(0,4)(0,4)(-1,-1)(4,5)
E ((0x[[:xdigit:]]+)|([[:digit:]]+))u?((int(8|16|32|64))|L)? 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFuint64 (0,24)(0,18)(0,18)(-1,-1)(19,24)(19,24)(22,24)
# strings:
#E '([^\\']|\\.)*' '\\x3A' (0,6)(4,5)
E '([^\\']|\\.)*' '\\'' (0,4)(1,3)
E$ '([^']|\\.)*' '\n' (0,3)(1,2)
# now try and test some unicode specific characters:
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_UNICODE_ONLY
E [[:unicode:]]+ a\0300\0400z ECTYPE
# finally try some case insensitive matches:
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_ICASE
# upper and lower have no meaning here so they fail, however these
# may compile with other libraries...
Ei [[:lower:]]+ Ab (0,2)
Ei [[:lower:]]+ aB (0,2)
Ei [[:upper:]]+ Ab (0,2)
Ei [[:upper:]]+ aB (0,2)
Ei 0123456789@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (0,65)
Ei 0123456789@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (0,66)
Ei 0123456789@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\[\\\]\^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\{\|\} 0123456789@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|} (0,72)
# known and suspected bugs:
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED
E \( ( (0,1)
E \) ) (0,1)
E \$ $ (0,1)
E \^ ^ (0,1)
E \. . (0,1)
E \* * (0,1)
E \+ + (0,1)
E \? ? (0,1)
E \[ [ (0,1)
E \] ] (0,1)
E \| | (0,1)
E \\ \\ (0,1)
E # # (0,1)
Ex \# # (0,1)
E a- a- (0,2)
Ex \- - (0,1)
E \{ { (0,1)
E \} } (0,1)
E 0 0 (0,1)
E 1 1 (0,1)
E 9 9 (0,1)
E b b (0,1)
E B B (0,1)
E < < (0,1)
E > > (0,1)
E w w (0,1)
E W W (0,1)
E ` ` (0,1)
E ' ' (0,1)
E$ \n \n (0,1)
E , , (0,1)
E a a (0,1)
E f f (0,1)
E n n (0,1)
E r r (0,1)
E t t (0,1)
E v v (0,1)
E c c (0,1)
E x x (0,1)
E : : (0,1)
E (\.[[:alnum:]]+){2} w.a.b (1,5)(3,5)
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_ICASE
Ei a A (0,1)
Ei A a (0,1)
Ei [abc]+ abcABC (0,6)
Ei [ABC]+ abcABC (0,6)
Ei [a-z]+ abcABC (0,6)
Ei [A-Z]+ abzANZ (0,6)
Ei [a-Z]+ abzABZ ERANGE
Eix [a-Z]+ abzABZ NOMATCH
Ei [A-z]+ abzABZ (0,6)
Ei [[:lower:]]+ abyzABYZ (0,8)
Ei [[:upper:]]+ abzABZ (0,6)
Ei [[:word:]]+ abcZZZ (0,6)
Ei [[:alpha:]]+ abyzABYZ (0,8)
Ei [[:alnum:]]+ 09abyzABYZ (0,10)
# updated tests for version 2:
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED
E$ \x41 A (0,1)
E$ \xff \xFF (0,1)
E$ \xFF \xff (0,1)
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_NO_POSIX_TEST
{Exz$ \\c[ \e (0,1) perl \c not supported
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED
E$ \\cA \001 (0,1)
E$ \\cz \032 (0,1)
E$ \\c= ! NOMATCH
E$ \\c? ! NOMATCH
E =: =: (0,2)
# word start:
E [[:<:]]abcd abcd (2,6)
E [[:<:]]ab cab NOMATCH
E$ [[:<:]]ab \nab (1,3)
E [[:<:]]tag ::tag (2,5)
#word end:
E abc[[:>:]] abc (0,3)
E abc[[:>:]] abcd NOMATCH
E$ abc[[:>:]] abc\n (0,3)
E abc[[:>:]] abc:: (0,3)
# collating elements and rewritten set code:
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_STARTEND
{E [[.zero.]] 0 (0,1) [[.element-name.]] not supported
E [[.one.]] 1 (0,1)
E [[.two.]] 2 (0,1)
E [[.three.]] 3 (0,1)
E [[.a.]] baa (1,2)
#E [[.NUL.]] NULL (0,1)
E [[.right-curly-bracket.]] } (0,1)
E [[=right-curly-bracket=]] } (0,1)
E [[:<:]z] ! ECTYPE
E [a[:>:]] ! ECTYPE
E [[=a=]] a (0,1)
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_STARTEND REG_ICASE
Ei [[.A.]] A (0,1)
Ei [[.A.]] a (0,1)
Ei [[.A.]-b]+ AaBb (0,4)
Ei [A-[.b.]]+ AaBb (0,4)
Ei [[.a.]-B]+ AaBb ERANGE
Eix [[.a.]-B]+ AaBb NOMATCH
Ei [a-[.B.]]+ AaBb ERANGE
Eix [a-[.B.]]+ AaBb NOMATCH
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_NO_POSIX_TEST
Exz$ [\x61] a (0,1)
Exz$ [\x61-c]+ abcd (0,3)
Exz$ [a-\x63]+ abcd (0,3)
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_STARTEND
E [[.a.]-c]+ abcd (0,3)
E [a-[.c.]]+ abcd (0,3)
E [[:alpha:]-a] ! ERANGE
E [a-[:alpha:]] ! NOMATCH
# try mutli-character ligatures:
{E [[.ae.]] ae (0,2) [[.ligature.]] not supported
E [[.ae.]] aE NOMATCH
E [[.AE.]] AE (0,2)
E [[.Ae.]] Ae (0,2)
E [[.ae.]-b] a NOMATCH
E [[.ae.]-b] b (0,1)
E [[.ae.]-b] ae (0,2)
E [a-[.ae.]] a (0,1)
E [a-[.ae.]] b NOMATCH
E [a-[.ae.]] ae (0,2)
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_STARTEND REG_ICASE
Ei [[.ae.]] AE (0,2)
Ei [[.ae.]] Ae (0,2)
Ei [[.AE.]] Ae (0,2)
Ei [[.Ae.]] aE (0,2)
Ei [[.AE.]-B] a NOMATCH
Ei [[.Ae.]-b] b (0,1)
Ei [[.Ae.]-b] B (0,1)
Ei [[.ae.]-b] AE (0,2)
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_STARTEND
#extended perl style escape sequences:
{E$ \\e \033 (0,1) perl \e not supported
{E$ \\x1b \033 (0,1) perl \x not supported
E$ \\x{1b} \033 (0,1)
E \x{} ! NOMATCH
E \x{yy ! NOMATCH
E \x{1b ! NOMATCH
{Exz \l+ ABabcAB (2,5) regex++ \l not supported
Exz [\l]+ ABabcAB (2,5)
Exz [a-\l] ! NOMATCH
E [a-\l] ! ERANGE
E [\l-a] ! ERANGE
Exz [\L] ! (0,1)
Exz \L+ abABCab (2,5)
Exz \L+ ab,.-ab (2,5)
Exz \u+ abABCab (2,5)
Exz [\u]+ abABCab (2,5)
Exz [\U] ! (0,1)
Exz \U+ ABabcAB (2,5)
{Exz \d+ ab012ab (2,5) perl \d not supported
Exz [a-\d] ! NOMATCH
E [a-\d] ! ERANGE
E [\d-a] ! ERANGE
Exz [\d]+ ab012ad (6,7)
Evxz [\d]+ ab012ad (2,5)
Exz [\D] !D (1,2)
Evxz [\D] !D (0,1)
Exz \D+ 01abc01 (2,5)
Exz \s+ ab ab (2,5)
Exz [\s]+ as as (1,2)
Evxz [\s]+ as as (2,5)
Exz [\S] !S (1,2)
Evxz [\S] !S (0,1)
Exz \S+ abc (2,5)
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_STARTEND
{E \Qabc abc (0,3) regex++ \Q not supported
E \Qabc\E abcd (0,3)
E \Qabc\Ed abcde (0,4)
E \Q+*?\\E +*?\\ (0,4)
{E \C+ abcde (0,5) regex++ \C not supported
{E \X+ abcde (0,5) regex++ \X not supported
E \X+ a\768\769 (0,3)
E \X+ \2309\2307 (0,2)
E \X+ \2489\2494 (0,2)
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_STARTEND
{E \Aabc abc (0,3) regex++ \A not supported
E \Aabc aabc NOMATCH
E a\Aab abc NOMATCH
E abc\z abc (0,3)
E abc\z abcd NOMATCH
E$ abc\\z abc\n\n NOMATCH
E$ abc\\Z abc\n (0,3)
E$ abc\\Z abc\n\n (0,3)
E abc\Z abc (0,3)
E \Aabc abc abc (0,3)
{E \Gabc abc (0,3) perl \G not supported
E \G\w+\W+ abc abc a cbbb (0,5)
E \Ga+b+ aaababb abb (0,4)
E \Gabc dabcd NOMATCH
E a\Gbc abc NOMATCH
# now test grep,
# basically check all our restart types - line, word, etc
# checking each one for null and non-null matches.
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_STARTEND REG_GREP
E a a a a aa (1,2)
E a+b+ aabaabbb ab (0,3)
E a(b*|c|e)d adabbdacd (0,2)(1,1)
E$ a \na\na\na\naa (1,2)
E$ ^ \n\n \n\n\n (0,0)
E$ ^ab ab \nab ab\n (0,2)
E$ ^[^\n]*\n \n \n\n \n (0,4)
E abc abc (0,3)
E abc abc abcabc (1,4)
E$ \n\n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n (1,3)
E$ $ \n\n \n\n\n (10,10)
En$ $ \n\n \n\n\n (3,3)
Ei A a a a aa (1,2)
Ei A+B+ aabaabbb ab (0,3)
Ei A(B*|c|e)D adabbdacd (0,2)(1,1)
Ei$ A \na\na\na\naa (1,2)
Ei$ ^aB Ab \nab Ab\n (0,2)
Ei$ \\<abc Abcabc aBc\n\nabc (0,3)
Ei ABC abc (0,3)
Ei abc ABC ABCABC (1,4)
# now test merge,
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_STARTEND REG_MERGE format_no_copy
# start by testing subs:
# a+ ...aaa,,, ($`,...)
# a+ ...aaa,,, ($',,,,)
# a+ ...aaa,,, ($&,aaa)
# a+ ...aaa,,, ($0,aaa)
# a+ ...aaa,,, ($1,NULL)
# a+ ...aaa,,, ($15,NULL)
# (a+)b+ ...aaabbb,,, ($1,aaa)
# [[:digit:]]* 123ab (<$0>,<123><><><>)
# [[:digit:]]* 123ab1 (<$0>,<123><><><1>)
# and now escapes:
# a+ ...aaa,,, ($x,$x)
# a+ ...aaa,,, (\a,\a)
# a+ ...aaa,,, (\f,\f)
# a+ ...aaa,,, (\n,\n)
# a+ ...aaa,,, (\r,\r)
# a+ ...aaa,,, (\t,\t)
# a+ ...aaa,,, (\v,\v)
# a+ ...aaa,,, (\x21,!)
# a+ ...aaa,,, (\x{21},!)
# a+ ...aaa,,, (\c@,\0)
# a+ ...aaa,,, (\e,\27)
# a+ ...aaa,,, (\0101,A)
# a+ ...aaa,,, ((\0101),A)
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_STARTEND REG_MERGE format_sed format_no_copy
# (a+)(b+) ...aabb,, (\0,aabb)
# (a+)(b+) ...aabb,, (\1,aa)
# (a+)(b+) ...aabb,, (\2,bb)
# (a+)(b+) ...aabb,, (&,aabb)
# (a+)(b+) ...aabb,, ($,$)
# (a+)(b+) ...aabb,, ($1,$1)
# (a+)(b+) ...aabb,, (()?:,()?:)
# (a+)(b+) ...aabb,, (\\,\\)
# (a+)(b+) ...aabb,, (\&,&)
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_STARTEND REG_MERGE format_perl format_no_copy
# (a+)(b+) ...aabb,, ($0,aabb)
# (a+)(b+) ...aabb,, ($1,aa)
# (a+)(b+) ...aabb,, ($2,bb)
# (a+)(b+) ...aabb,, ($&,aabb)
# (a+)(b+) ...aabb,, (&,&)
# (a+)(b+) ...aabb,, (\0,\0)
# (a+)(b+) ...aabb,, (()?:,()?:)
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_STARTEND REG_MERGE
# move to copying unmatched data:
# a+ ...aaa,,, (bbb,...bbb,,,)
# a+(b+) ...aaabb,,, ($1,...bb,,,)
# a+(b+) ...aaabb,,,ab*abbb? ($1,...bb,,,b*bbb?)
# (a+)|(b+) ...aaabb,,,ab*abbb? ((?1A)(?2B),...AB,,,AB*AB?)
# (a+)|(b+) ...aaabb,,,ab*abbb? (?1A:B,...AB,,,AB*AB?)
# (a+)|(b+) ...aaabb,,,ab*abbb? ((?1A:B)C,...ACBC,,,ACBC*ACBC?)
# (a+)|(b+) ...aaabb,,,ab*abbb? (?1:B,...B,,,B*B?)
# changes to newline handling with 2.11:
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_STARTEND REG_GREP
E$ ^. \n \r\n (0,1)
E$ .$ \n \r\n (8,9)
En$ .$ \n \r\n (1,2)
#E ^. \8232 \8233 (0,1)
#E .$ \8232 \8233 (1,2)
# non-greedy repeats added 21/04/00
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED
E a{1,3}{1} ! BADRPT
{E a*? aa (0,0) non-greedy repeats not supported
E a** aaa (0,3)
E a?? aa (0,0)
E a++ ! BADRPT
E a+? aa (0,1)
E a{1,3}? aaa (0,1)
E \w+?w ...ccccccwcccccw (3,10)
E \W+\w+?w ...ccccccwcccccw (0,10)
E abc|\w+? abd (0,1)
E abc|\w+? abcd (0,3)
E <\s*tag[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*/tag\s*> <tag>here is some text</tag> <tag></tag> (1,29)(6,23)
E <\s*tag[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*/tag\s*> < tag attr=\"something\">here is some text< /tag > <tag></tag> (1,51)(26,43)
# non-marking parenthesis added 25/04/00
# - match_default normal REG_EXTENDED
{E (?:abc)+ xxabcabcxx (2,8) non-marking parens not supported
E (?:a+)(b+) xaaabbbx (1,7)(4,7)
E (a+)(?:b+) xaaabbba (1,7)(1,4)
E (?:(a+)b+) xaaabbba (1,7)(1,4)
E (?:a+(b+)) xaaabbba (1,7)(4,7)
E a+(?#b+)b+ xaaabbba (1,7)
# try some partial matches:
# - match_partial match_default normal REG_EXTENDED REG_NO_POSIX_TEST
Exz (xyz)(.*)abc xyzaaab NOMATCH
Exz (xyz)(.*)abc xyz NOMATCH
Exz (xyz)(.*)abc xy NOMATCH