Basic Regular Expression (BRE)
A regular expression (see Regular Expression ) used by
the majority of utilities that select strings from a
set of character strings.
Entire Regular Expression
The concatenated set of one or more basic regular
expressions or extended regular expressions that make
up the pattern specified for string selection.
Extended Regular Expression (ERE)
A regular expression (see also Regular Expression )
that is an alternative to the Basic Regular Expression
using a more extensive syntax, occasionally used by
some utilities.
A state applying to a sequence of zero or more
characters when the characters in the sequence
correspond to a sequence of characters defined by a
basic regular expression or extended regular expression
A sequence of characters used either with regular
expression notation or for pathname expansion, as a
means of selecting various character strings or
pathnames, respectively.
Regular Expression
A pattern that selects specific strings from a set of
character strings.
For example, matching the BRE "\(.*\).*" against "abcdef" , the
subexpression "(\1)" is "abcdef" , and matching the BRE
"\(a*\)*" against "bc" , the subexpression "(\1)" is the null
The asterisk shall be special except when used: As the first
character of a subexpression (after an initial '^' , if any);
A subexpression can be defined within a BRE by enclosing it
between the character pairs "\(" and "\)" . Subexpressions can
be arbitrarily nested.
The character 'n' shall be a digit from 1 through 9, specifying
the nth subexpression (the one that begins with the nth "\("
from the beginning of the pattern and ends with the
corresponding paired "\)" ). The expression is invalid if less
than n subexpressions precede the '\n' . For example, the
expression "\(.*\)\1$" matches a line consisting of two
adjacent appearances of the same string, and the expression
"\(a\)*\1" fails to match 'a' . When the referenced
subexpression matched more than one string, the back-referenced
expression shall refer to the last matched string. If the
subexpression referenced by the back-reference matches more
than one string because of an asterisk ( '*' ) or an interval
expression (see item (5)), the back-reference shall match the
last (rightmost) of these strings.
When a BRE matching a single character, a subexpression, or a
back-reference is followed by the special character asterisk (
'*' ), together with that asterisk it shall match what zero or
more consecutive occurrences of the BRE would match.
When a BRE matching a single character, a subexpression, or a
back-reference is followed by an interval expression of the
format "\{m\}" , "\{m,\}" , or "\{m,n\}" , together with that
interval expression it shall match what repeated consecutive
occurrences of the BRE would match. "\{m,n\}" , together with
that interval expression it shall match what repeated
consecutive occurrences of the BRE would match.
BRE Precedence (from high to low)
Subexpressions/back-references \(\) \n
The implementation may treat the circumflex as an anchor when
used as the first character of a subexpression. as the first
character of a subexpression. The circumflex shall anchor the
expression (or optionally subexpression) to the beginning of a
string; only sequences starting at the first character of a
string shall be matched by the BRE. For example, the BRE "^ab"
matches "ab" in the string "abcdef" , but fails to match in the
string "cdefab" . The BRE "\(^ab\)" may match the former
string. A portable BRE shall escape a leading circumflex in a
subexpression to match a literal circumflex.
A dollar sign ( '$' ) shall be an anchor when used as the last
character of an entire BRE. The implementation may treat a
dollar sign as an anchor when used as the last character of a
subexpression. the last character of a subexpression. A
circumflex ( '^' ) outside a bracket expression shall anchor
the expression or subexpression it begins to the beginning of a
string; such an expression or subexpression can match only a
sequence starting at the first character of a string. For
example, the EREs "^ab" and "(^ab)" match "ab" in the string
"abcdef" , but fail to match in the string "cdefab" , and the
ERE "a^b" is valid, but can never match because the 'a'
prevents the expression "^b" from matching starting at the
first character.
A dollar sign ( '$' ) outside a bracket expression shall anchor
the expression or subexpression it ends to the end of a string;
such an expression or subexpression can match only a sequence
ending at the last character of a string. For example, the EREs
"ef$" and "(ef$)" match "ef" in the string "abcdef" , but fail
to match in the string "cdefab" , and the ERE "e$f" is valid,
but can never match because the 'f' prevents the expression
"e$" from matching ending at the last character.
It is possible to determine what strings correspond to
subexpressions by recursively applying the leftmost longest
rule to each subexpression, but only with the proviso that the
overall match is leftmost longest. For example, matching
"\(ac*\)c*d[ac]*\1" against acdacaaa matches acdacaaa (with
\1=a); simply matching the longest match for "\(ac*\)" would
yield \1=ac, but the overall match would be smaller (acdac).
Conceptually, the implementation must examine every possible
match and among those that yield the leftmost longest total
matches, pick the one that does the longest match for the
leftmost subexpression, and so on. Note that this means that
matching by subexpressions is context-dependent: a
subexpression within a larger RE may match a different string
from the one it would match as an independent RE, and two
instances of the same subexpression within the same larger RE
may match different lengths even in similar sequences of
characters. For example, in the ERE "(a.*b)(a.*b)" , the two
identical subexpressions would match four and six characters,
respectively, of accbaccccb.
The limit of nine back-references to subexpressions in the RE
is based on the use of a single-digit identifier; increasing
this to multiple digits would break historical applications.
This does not imply that only nine subexpressions are allowed
in REs. The following is a valid BRE with ten subexpressions:
The standard developers regarded the common historical
behavior, which supported "\n*" , but not "\n\{min,max\}" ,
"\(...\)*" , or "\(...\)\{min,max\}" , as a non-intentional
result of a specific implementation, and they supported both
duplication and interval expressions following subexpressions
and back-references.
However, one relatively uncommon case was changed to allow an
extension used on some implementations. Historically, the BREs
"^foo" and "\(^foo\)" did not match the same string, despite
the general rule that subexpressions and entire BREs match the
same strings. To increase consensus, IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 has
allowed an extension on some implementations to treat these two
cases in the same way by declaring that anchoring may occur at
the beginning or end of a subexpression. Therefore, portable
BREs that require a literal circumflex at the beginning or a
dollar sign at the end of a subexpression must escape them.
Note that a BRE such as "a\(^bc\)" will either match "a^bc" or
nothing on different systems under the rules.
Some implementations have extended the BRE syntax to add
alternation. For example, the subexpression "\(foo$\|bar\)"
would match either "foo" at the end of the string or "bar"
anywhere. The extension is triggered by the use of the
undefined "\|" sequence. Because the BRE is undefined for
portable scripts, the extending system is free to make other
assumptions, such that the '$' represents the end-of-line
anchor in the middle of a subexpression. If it were not for the
extension, the '$' would match a literal dollar sign under the
The removal of the Back_open_paren Back_close_paren option from
the nondupl_RE specification is the result of PASC
Interpretation 1003.2-92 #43 submitted for the ISO POSIX-2:1993
standard. Although the grammar required support for null
subexpressions, this section does not describe the meaning of,
and historical practice did not support, this construct.
size_t re_nsub Number of parenthesized subexpressions
If the REG_NOSUB flag was not set in cflags, then regcomp()
shall set re_nsub to the number of parenthesized subexpressions
(delimited by "\(\)" in basic regular expressions or "()" in
extended regular expressions) found in pattern.
If nmatch is 0 or REG_NOSUB was set in the cflags argument to
regcomp(), then regexec() shall ignore the pmatch argument.
Otherwise, the application shall ensure that the pmatch
argument points to an array with at least nmatch elements, and
regexec() shall fill in the elements of that array with offsets
of the substrings of string that correspond to the
parenthesized subexpressions of pattern: pmatch[i].rm_so
shall be the byte offset of the beginning and pmatch[i].rm_eo
shall be one greater than the byte offset of the end of
substring i. (Subexpression i begins at the ith matched open
parenthesis, counting from 1.) Offsets in pmatch[0] identify
the substring that corresponds to the entire regular
expression. Unused elements of pmatch up to pmatch[nmatch-1]
shall be filled with -1. If there are more than nmatch
subexpressions in pattern ( pattern itself counts as a
subexpression), then regexec() shall still do the match, but
shall record only the first nmatch substrings.
When matching a basic or extended regular expression, any given
parenthesized subexpression of pattern might participate in the
match of several different substrings of string, or it might
not match any substring even though the pattern as a whole did
match. The following rules shall be used to determine which
substrings to report in pmatch when matching regular
1.If subexpression i in a regular expression is not contained
within another subexpression, and it participated in the match
several times, then the byte offsets in pmatch[i] shall
delimit the last such match.
2.If subexpression i is not contained within another
subexpression, and it did not participate in an otherwise
successful match, the byte offsets in pmatch[i] shall be -1. A
subexpression does not participate in the match when:
'*' or "\{\}" appears immediately after the
subexpression in a basic regular expression, or '*' ,
'?' , or "{}" appears immediately after the
subexpression in an extended regular expression, and
the subexpression did not match (matched 0 times)
'|' is used in an extended regular expression to select
this subexpression or another, and the other
subexpression matched.
3.If subexpression i is contained within another subexpression
j, and i is not contained within any other subexpression that
is contained within j, and a match of subexpression j is
reported in pmatch[j], then the match or non-match of
subexpression i reported in pmatch[i] shall be as described in
1. and 2. above, but within the substring reported in pmatch[
j] rather than the whole string. The offsets in pmatch[i] are
still relative to the start of string.
4.If subexpression i is contained in subexpression j, and the
byte offsets in pmatch[j] are -1, then the pointers in pmatch[
i] shall also be -1.
5.If subexpression i matched a zero-length string, then both
byte offsets in pmatch[i] shall be the byte offset of the
character or null terminator immediately following the
zero-length string.
The regexec() function must fill in all nmatch elements of
pmatch, where nmatch and pmatch are supplied by the
application, even if some elements of pmatch do not correspond
to subexpressions in pattern. The application writer should
note that there is probably no reason for using a value of
nmatch that is larger than preg-> re_nsub+1.
The number of subexpressions in the RE is reported in re_nsub
in preg. With this change to regexec(), consideration was given
to dropping the REG_NOSUB flag since the user can now specify
this with a zero nmatch argument to regexec(). However, keeping
REG_NOSUB allows an implementation to use a different (perhaps
more efficient) algorithm if it knows in regcomp() that no
subexpressions need be reported. The implementation is only
required to fill in pmatch if nmatch is not zero and if
REG_NOSUB is not specified. subexpressions need be reported.
The implementation is only required to fill in pmatch if nmatch
is not zero and if REG_NOSUB is not specified.