* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 1998-2011 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> *
* *
#pragma prototyped
* partitioned fixed record zip
static const char usage[] =
"[-?\n@(#)$Id: pzip (AT&T Research) 2003-07-17 $\n]"
"[+NAME?\f?\f - fixed record partition compress/decompress]"
"[+DESCRIPTION?\b\f?\f\b compresses and decompresses data files of fixed"
" length rows (records) and columns (fields). It performs better than"
" \bgzip\b(1) in space/time on data that has many (typically > 50%)"
" columns that change at a low rate (columns with a low rate of change"
" are low frequency; columns with a high rate of change are high"
" frequency).]"
"[+?The \apzip\a compress format is itself \agzipped\a; decompressed data"
" is reorganized according to the user-specified \apartition\a file"
" (see the \b--partition\b option below) before being passed to"
" \agzip\a. Low frequency columns are difference encoded and high"
" frequency column groups are transposed to column-major order."
" The \agzip\a tables are flushed between each column partition group."
" This has a positive space/time effect on the \agzip\a string match"
" and huffman tables.]"
"[+?If a \apartition\a file is specified then \apzip\a compresses the input"
" \afile\a to the standard output, otherwise \apzip\a decompresses"
" the input \afile\a to the standard ouput. If \afile\a is omitted"
" then the standard input is used. If the standard input is a tty"
" then \b/dev/null\b is silently used.]"
"[+?\afile\a may be \apzip\a compressed, \agzip\a compressed, or raw."
" \apzip\a files self-identify; the row size and partition can be"
" determined from the \apzip\a header. For \agzip\a and raw data,"
" the following are done to determine the row size:]{"
" [+(1)?The row size is taken from the \b--row\b option"
" if specified.]"
" [+(2)?If the \b--partition\b option is specified then the"
" row size is taken from the \apartition\a file.]"
" [+(3)?If the data is newline-terminated and if it contains"
" at least two lines and if the first two data lines"
" have the same length then that length is taken"
" to be the row size.]"
" [+(4)?Otherwise the row size cannot be determined and"
" \apzip\a exits with a diagnostic.]"
"[a:append?Sets the \bPZ_APPEND\b flag that may be used by some disciplines.]"
"[b:bzip?Use \bbzip\b(1) compression instead of the default \bgzip\b(1)."
" \abzip\a is not fully supported, pending further investigation.]"
"[c:comment?Place \acomment\a in the output \apzip\a file header when"
" compressing. The comment is listed by the \b--header\b option.]:"
" [comment]"
"[x:crc?Enable \agzip\a crc32 cyclic redundancy checking for decompress."
" On some systems this can double the execution wall time."
" Most data corruption errors are still caught even with \bnocrc\b.]"
"[d:dump?Enable detailed tracing.]"
"[B:bufsize?Set the output buffer size to \asize\a -- for debugging.]#[size]"
"[D:debug?Set the debug trace level to \alevel\a. Higher levels produce"
" more output.]#[level]"
"[O:dio?Push the \bsfdcdio\b(3) direct io discipline on the input streams."
" Silently ignored on systems that do not support direct io.]"
"[G!:gzip?\b--nogzip\b disables \agzip\a compression. Most often used for"
" conversion or debugging.]"
"[h:header?List header information on the input \apzip\a file and exit."
" This output is compatible with the \b--partition\b file format.]"
"[l:library?Loads the dll \alibrary\a via the \apzlib\a() call."
" \alibrary\a must contain the function"
" \bint pz_init(Pz_t* pz, Pzdisc_t* disc)\b"
" which is called during \apzip\a stream initialization. \bpz_init\b"
" allows run time modification to \adisc\a: most often it supplies"
" alternate discipline functions. Runtime libraries may interpret"
" options specific to the library; library usage and description"
" will be appended to online help output if the help options"
" appear after the \b--library\b option. Runtime libraries may"
" provide additional diagnostics and tracing when \b--summary\b,"
" \b--verbose\b or \b--dump\b are specified. In general, runtime"
" libraries are not needed for decompression. The \b--header\b"
" option lists the runtime libraries used to compress the input"
" file.]:[library]"
"[z:lzw?Use \bcompress\b(1) lzw compression instead of the default \bgzip\b(1)."
" \alzw\a is not fully supported, pending further investigation.]"
"[o:override?Override the column partition. Currently only fixed value"
" columns may be specified. The syntax is"
" \abegin\a[-\aend\a]]='\avalue\a' where \abegin\a is the beginning"
" column offset (starting at 0), \aend\a is the ending column offset"
" for an inclusive range, and \avalue\a is the fixed column value."
" Uncompress time is improved when high frequency columns are given"
" fixed values (see the \b--partition\b option).]:[begin[-end]]=value]"
"[p:partition?\afile\a specifies the data row size and the high frequency"
" column partition groups and permutation. \afile\a may contain URL-like"
" components: \apath\a\b?name=\b\apart\a or \apath\a\b#\b\apart\a"
" reads the partition file \apath\a and uses the partition named"
" \apart\a. Other options may be set by separating each with , or space."
" The partition file is a sequence of lines. Comments start with # and"
" continue to the end of the line. The first non-comment line specifies"
" the optional name string in \"...\". The next non-comment line"
" specifies the row size. The remaining lines operate on column offset"
" ranges of the form: \abegin\a[-\aend\a]] where \abegin\a is the"
" beginning column offset (starting at 0), and \aend\a is the ending"
" column offset for an inclusive range. The file name \b//\b or"
" \b/gzip/\b disables \bpzip\b partitioning and applies only"
" \bgzip\b compression. The operators are:]:[file]{"
" [+range [...]]?places all columns in the specified \arange\a"
" list in the same high frequency partition group."
" Each high frequency partition group is processed as"
" a separate block by the underlying compressor"
" (\bgzip\b(1) by default).]"
" [+range='value'?specifies that each column in \arange\a"
" has the fixed character value \avalue\a. C-style"
" character escapes are valid for \avalue\a.]"
"[Z:push?Push the \bsfdcpzip\b(3) io discipline rather than direct library"
" calls. Used for debugging and performance testing.]"
"[P!:pzip?\b--nopzip\b disables \apzip\a compression. Most often used for"
" conversion or debugging.]"
"[Q:regress?Generate output for regression testing, such that identical"
" invocations with identical input files will generate the same output.]"
"[r:row?Specifies the input row size (number of byte columns) for data"
" that does not self-identify.]#[row-size]"
"[S:split?Instead of compressing, the input split discipline, which must be"
" specified by a subsequent \b--library\b option, splits the input"
" data into files named \aid\a. \aid\a is determined by the split"
" discipline \bnamef\b function. The optional \apattern\a is a \bksh\b(1)"
" file match pattern that limits the split to \aid\a's matching"
" \apattern\a (e.g., \b--split='1234|98765'\b.) If \b--append\b is also"
" specified then the data is appened to any pre-existing \aid\a files;"
" otherwise each file is truncated when the first record containing"
" \aid\a data is read. If there are no records with \aid\a data then"
" the \aid\a file is not modified. \b--split\b should be used in a"
" separate directory, and the directory should be cleared when"
" \b--append\b is not specified to avoid mixing inconsistent"
" data. No records will be written to a split file with size"
" >= \b--window\b bytes.]:?[pattern]"
"[s:summary?Enable summary tracing to the standard error. Runtime libraries"
" may add addtional information to the default \bpzip\b(3) library"
" summary output. Compression summary includes the compression rate,"
" bytes per record, and compression wall time. This option also"
" enables split discipline warnings about \aid\a partitions that"
" should be generated by \bpin\b(1) and added to the partition"
" file to improve compression. The \bpin\b(1) output, with an additional"
" \"\aid\a\" line manually prepended, can then be appended to an existing"
" partition file.]"
"[T:test?Enable \bpzip\b(3) implementation-specific tests and tracing.]#"
" [mask]"
"[v:verbose?Enable intermediate tracing.]"
"[w:window?Each chunk of \awindow\a bytes is compressed separately. The"
" window size may be silently decreased to accomodate an integral"
" number of complete rows.]#[window-size:=4M]"
"[W:write-test?Loop on \asfread\a()/\bpzwrite\b(3) in chunks of \agroup\a"
" records rather than a single \apzdeflate\a() call for compression."
" Used for debugging and performance testing.]#[group]"
"[X:prefix?Uncompressed data contains a prefix that is defined by \acount\a"
" and an optional \aterminator\a. This data is preserved but is not"
" \bpzip\b compressed. If \acount\a is \b0\b on uncompress then the"
" header is not copied to the output. \aterminator\a may be one"
" of:]:[count[*terminator]]]{"
" [+\aomitted\a?\acount\a bytes.]"
" [+L?\acount\a \bnewline\b terminated records.]"
" [+'\achar\a'?\acount\a \achar\a terminated records.]"
"[+SEE ALSO?\bbzip\b(1), \bgzip\b(1), \bpin\b(1), \bpop\b(1), \bpzip\b(3)]"
"[+BUGS?\bpzip\b decompress currently fails if the standard input is a pipe."
" This will be addressed in a future release.]"
#include <ast.h>
#include <error.h>
#include <pzip.h>
#include <sfdcbzip.h>
typedef int (*Method_f)(Sfio_t*, int);
main(int argc, char** argv)
register Pz_t* pz;
Pzdisc_t disc;
Sfio_t* dp;
char* s;
Method_f method = 0;
ssize_t bufsize = 0;
int push = 0;
int testwrite = 0;
unsigned long flags = PZ_READ|PZ_FORCE;
if (s = strrchr(*argv, '/'))
s = *argv;
error_info.id = s;
memset(&disc, 0, sizeof(disc));
disc.version = PZ_VERSION;
disc.errorf = errorf;
if (!(dp = sfstropen()))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space");
for (;;)
switch (optget(argv, usage))
case 'a':
flags |= PZ_APPEND;
case 'b':
method = sfdcbzip;
case 'c':
disc.comment = opt_info.arg;
case 'd':
flags |= PZ_DUMP;
case 'h':
flags |= PZ_STAT|PZ_DUMP;
case 'l':
sfprintf(dp, "library=%s\n", opt_info.arg);
case 'o':
sfputr(dp, opt_info.arg, '\n');
case 'p':
disc.partition = opt_info.arg;
flags &= ~(PZ_READ|PZ_FORCE);
flags |= PZ_WRITE;
case 'r':
sfprintf(dp, "row=%d\n", opt_info.num);
case 's':
flags |= PZ_SUMMARY;
case 'S':
flags |= PZ_SPLIT;
sfprintf(dp, "split%s%s\n", opt_info.arg ? "=" : "", opt_info.arg ? opt_info.arg : "");
case 'v':
flags |= PZ_VERBOSE;
case 'w':
disc.window = opt_info.num;
case 'x':
flags |= PZ_CRC;
case 'z':
method = sfdclzw;
case 'B':
bufsize = opt_info.num;
case 'D':
error_info.trace = -opt_info.num;
case 'O':
flags |= PZ_DIO;
case 'G':
flags |= PZ_NOGZIP;
case 'P':
flags |= PZ_NOPZIP;
case 'Q':
sfprintf(dp, "regress\n");
case 'T':
sfprintf(dp, "test=%s\n", opt_info.arg);
case 'W':
testwrite = opt_info.num;
case 'X':
sfprintf(dp, "prefix=%s\n", opt_info.arg);
case 'Z':
push = 1;
case '?':
if (opt_info.name[0] == '-' && opt_info.name[1] == '-')
sfputr(dp, opt_info.name + 2, '\n');
sfputr(dp, "??short", '\n');
case ':':
if (!opt_info.option[0] && opt_info.name[0] == opt_info.name[1] || opt_info.option[0] == '-' && opt_info.option[1] == '?')
sfputr(dp, &argv[opt_info.index - 1][2], '\n');
error(2, "%s", opt_info.arg);
argv += opt_info.index;
if (error_info.errors || *argv && *(argv + 1))
error(ERROR_USAGE|4, "%s", optusage(NiL));
if (sftell(dp) && !(disc.options = strdup(sfstruse(dp))))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space");
if (flags & PZ_SPLIT)
flags &= ~PZ_WRITE;
flags |= PZ_READ;
if (push)
if (*argv)
error(3, "%s: file argument not expected for sfdcpzip discipline test", *argv);
if (sfdcpzip(sfstdin, NiL, flags, &disc) < 0)
error(3, "sfdcpzip discipline push error");
if (sfmove(sfstdin, sfstdout, SF_UNBOUND, -1) < 0 || sfclose(sfstdout))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "sfdcpzip io error");
return 0;
if (method)
flags |= PZ_NOGZIP;
if ((*method)((flags & PZ_WRITE) ? sfstdout : sfstdin, 0) < 0)
error(3, "compression method discipline push error");
if (bufsize)
sfset(sfstdout, SF_SHARE|SF_LINE, 0);
sfsetbuf(sfstdout, NiL, bufsize);
if (pz = pzopen(&disc, *argv, flags))
if (testwrite && (flags & PZ_WRITE))
unsigned char* buf;
size_t n;
ssize_t r;
n = pz->part->row * testwrite;
error(1, "pzwrite test %d bytes per chunk", n);
if (!(buf = newof(0, unsigned char, n, 0)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [buf]");
while ((r = sfread(pz->io, buf, n)) > 0)
if (pzwrite(pz, sfstdout, buf, r) != r)
return 1;
if (r < 0)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: read error", pz->path);
return ((flags & PZ_WRITE) && pzdeflate(pz, sfstdout) || (flags & PZ_READ) && pzinflate(pz, sfstdout)) || pzclose(pz) || error_info.errors;
return 1;