* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 1998-2011 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> *
* *
#pragma prototyped
* Glenn Fowler
* Adam Buchsbaum
* AT&T Research
* induce a column partition on fixed row data
static const char usage[] =
"[-?\n@(#)$Id: pin (AT&T Research) 2003-07-17 $\n]"
"[+NAME?pin - induce a pzip partition on fixed record data]"
"[+DESCRIPTION?\bpin\b induces a \bpzip\b(1) column partition on data files"
" of fixed length rows (records) and columns (fields). If a partition"
" file is specified then that partition is refined. A partition file,"
" suitable for use by \bpin\b, \bpzip\b(1) or \bpop\b(1) is listed"
" on the standard output. The input \afile\a is referred to as"
" \atraining data\a. \b--size\b allows more than one \afile\a"
" argument, otherwise exactly one file must be specified.]"
"[+?Partitions are induced in a three step process:]{"
" [+(1)?If \b--partition\b is not specified then a"
" subset of columns are filtered from the training data for"
" partitioning. This filtering usually gathers high frequency columns"
" from the data. A high frequency column has data with a high rate of"
" change between rows. High frequency cutoff rates, specified by"
" \b--high\b, typically range"
" from 10% to 50%, depending on the data. \bpzip\b(1) compresses"
" low frequency columns much more efficiently than \bgzip\b(1).]"
" [+(2)?A heuristic search determines an initial ordering of high"
" frequency columns to present to step (3). An optimal solution for"
" both ordering and partitioning is NP-complete.]"
" [+(3)?The optimal partition for the ordering from step (2) is"
" determined by a dynamic program that computes the compressed size"
" for all partitions that preserve order."
" Alternative greedy methods are also available that work more"
" quickly but do not guarantee optimality.]"
"[+?See \bpzip\b(1) for a detailed description of file partitions and"
" column frequencies. \bpin\b can run for a long time on some data"
" (e.g., 10 minutes on a 400Mhz Pentium with \b--high 80 --window 4M\b)."
" Use \b--verbose\b possibly with \b--test=010\b to monitor progress.]"
"[b:bzip?Use \bbzip\b(1) compression instead of the default \bgzip\b(1)."
" \abzip\a is not fully supported by \apzip\a, pending further"
" investigation.]"
"[c:cache?Generate some information on \afile\a that can be reused"
" on another invocation; this information is saved in \bpin-\b\abase\a,"
" where \abase\a is the base name (no directory) of \afile\a. Saved"
" information includes column frequencies and singleton and pairwise"
" column \agzip\a rates.]"
"[g:group?Sets the maximum number of columns in any partition group. Lower"
" values speed up the the dynamic program but also may produce"
" sub-optimal solutions.]#[columns:=row-size]"
"[h:high?Select this number of columns with the highest frequencies for the"
" columns in the partition. If \acolumns\a is followed by `%' then"
" columns with frequencies larger than this percentage are"
" selected.]:[columns:=10%]"
"[l:level?Sets the \agzip\a compression level to \alevel\a. Levels range"
" from 1 (fastest, worst compression) to 9 (slowest, best compression).]#"
" [level:=6]"
"[m:maxhigh?Exit with exit code 3 if the number of high frequency columns"
" exceeds \bmaxhigh\b. If \bmaxhigh\b is followed by `%' then the limit"
" is \bmaxhigh\b percent of the total number of columns.]:[maxhigh:=40%]"
"[o:sort?Sort the window data by row before inducing the partition.]"
"[p:partition?Specifies the data row size and the high frequency column"
" partition groups and permutation. The partition file is a sequence"
" of lines. Comments start with # and continue to the end of the line."
" The first non-comment line specifies the optional name string"
" in \"...\". The next non-comment line specifies the row size."
" The remaining lines operate on column offset ranges of the form:"
" \abegin\a[-\aend\a]] where \abegin\a is the beginning column offset"
" (starting at 0), and \aend\a is the ending column offset for an"
" inclusive range. The operators are:]:[file]{"
" [+range [...]]?places all columns in the specified \arange\a"
" list in the same high frequency partition group."
" Each high frequency partition group is processed as"
" a separate block by the underlying compressor"
" (\bgzip\b(1) by default).]"
" [+range='value'?specifies that each column in \arange\a"
" has the fixed character value \avalue\a. C-style"
" character escapes are valid for \avalue\a.]"
"[r:row?Specifies the input row size (number of byte columns). The row size"
" is determined by sampling the input if not specified.]#[row-size]"
"[v:verbose?List partition search details on the standard error.]"
"[w:window?Limit the number of training data rows used to induce the"
" partition. The window size may be decreased to accomodate an"
" integral number of complete rows.]#[window-size:=4M]"
"[O:optimize?Choose the optimization (partitioning) method for step (3)"
" above. The methods"
" are:]:[method:=\foptimize_default\f]{\foptimize_methods\f}"
"[Q:regress?Generate output for regression testing, such that identical"
" invocations with identical input files will generate the same output.]"
"[R:reorder?Choose the reordering method for step (2) above. The methods"
" are:]:[method:=\freorder_default\f]{\freorder_methods\f}"
"[S:size?Ignore \b--row\b, determine the fixed record size based on a window"
" of sampled data, print it on the standard output, and exit. If more"
" than one \afile\a is specified then the record size and name are"
" printed for each file. If the sample is insufficient, or if"
" \b--verify\b is specified, then all of the data read to determine"
" the row size. A \b0\b size means the record size could not be"
" determined.]"
"[T:test?Enable implementation-specific tests and tracing.]#[test-mask]{"
" [+0x0010?Enable reorder keep trace.]"
" [+0x0020?Enable reorder skip/cost trace.]"
" [+0x0040?Enable reorder permutation trace.]"
" [+0x0080?Enable reorder level 2 merge prune.]"
" [+0x0100?Disable reorder merge prune.]"
" [+0x0200?Partition using initial tsp cycles.]"
"[V:verify?Verify \b--size\b by reading all data instead of the window sample.]"
"[X:prefix?Uncompressed data contains a prefix that is defined by \acount\a"
" and an optional \aterminator\a. This data is not \bpzip\b compressed."
" \aterminator\a may be one of:]:[count[*terminator]]]{"
" [+\aomitted\a?\acount\a bytes.]"
" [+L?\acount\a \bnewline\b terminated records.]"
" [+'\achar\a'?\acount\a \achar\a terminated records.]"
"\nfile ...\n"
"[+SEE ALSO?\bbzip\b(1), \bgzip\b(1), \bpop\b(1), \bpzip\b(1), \bpzip\b(3)]"
#include <ast.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <error.h>
#include <ls.h>
#include <pzip.h>
#include <zlib.h>
#include <bzlib.h>
#include "FEATURE/local"
#if _hdr_tsp && _lib_tspopen
#include <tsp.h>
#define OP_optimize 0x01
#define OP_reorder 0x02
#define OP_size 0x04
#define OP_verify 0x10
#define minof(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y))
typedef struct
size_t elements;
size_t size;
size_t rate;
size_t hit;
size_t skip;
size_t* member;
} Part_t;
typedef struct
unsigned long frequency;
int prev;
int column;
} Stats_t;
struct Optimize_method_s;
typedef void (*Optimize_f)(struct Optimize_method_s*, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, size_t**, size_t*, size_t*, size_t, size_t, size_t);
typedef struct Optimize_method_s
const char* name;
const char* description;
Optimize_f fun;
} Optimize_method_t;
struct Reorder_method_s;
typedef void (*Reorder_f)(struct Reorder_method_s*, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, int*, size_t, size_t);
typedef struct Reorder_method_s
const char* name;
const char* description;
Reorder_f fun;
} Reorder_method_t;
static struct
Stats_t* stats;
size_t* pam;
size_t* map;
char* input;
char* cachefile;
int bzip;
int cache;
int level;
int pairs;
int sort;
int test;
int window;
int verbose;
} state;
* allocate an i-length vector of size_t
static size_t*
vector(int i)
register size_t* p;
if (!(p = newof(0, size_t, i, 0)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [%d vector]", i);
return p;
* allocate an i X i matrix of size_t
static size_t**
matrix(int i)
register size_t** p;
register size_t* v;
register int k;
size_t n;
n = i * i;
if (!(p = newof(0, size_t*, i, n * sizeof(size_t))))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [%d X %d matrix]", i, i);
v = (size_t*)(p + i);
for (k = 0; k < i; k++)
p[k] = v;
v += i;
return p;
* allocate an i X i partition workspace
static Part_t*
partition(int i)
register Part_t* p;
register size_t* v;
register int k;
size_t n;
n = i * i;
if (!(p = newof(0, Part_t, n, n * i * sizeof(size_t))))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [%d partition]", i);
v = (size_t*)(p + n);
for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
p[k].member = v;
v += i;
return p;
* order frequencies hi to lo
static int
byfrequency(const void* va, const void* vb)
register Stats_t* a = (Stats_t*)va;
register Stats_t* b = (Stats_t*)vb;
if (a->frequency < b->frequency)
return 1;
if (a->frequency > b->frequency)
return -1;
if (a->column < b->column)
return -1;
if (a->column > b->column)
return 1;
return 0;
* order column lo to hi
static int
bycolumn(const void* va, const void* vb)
register Stats_t* a = (Stats_t*)va;
register Stats_t* b = (Stats_t*)vb;
if (a->column < b->column)
return -1;
if (a->column > b->column)
return 1;
return 0;
* order partition rate lo to hi
static int
byrate(const void* va, const void* vb)
register Part_t* a = (Part_t*)va;
register Part_t* b = (Part_t*)vb;
if (a->rate < b->rate)
return -1;
if (a->rate > b->rate)
return 1;
if (a->member < b->member)
return -1;
if (a->member > b->member)
return 1;
return 0;
* order row lo to hi
static int
byrow(const void* va, const void* vb)
return memcmp(va, vb, state.sort);
* dump one partition line with label to sp
static void
dumppart(Sfio_t* sp, const char* label, register Part_t* pp)
register int i;
sfprintf(sp, "reorder %s %5u %5u :", label, pp->rate, pp->size);
for (i = 0; i < pp->elements; i++)
sfprintf(sp, " %3u", state.map[pp->member[i]]);
sfprintf(sp, "\n");
* return the compressed size of buffer b of size bytes
static size_t
zip(unsigned char* b, size_t size)
unsigned long used;
unsigned int dest;
size_t safe;
static unsigned char* buf;
static int bufsize;
safe = 4 * roundof(size, 8 * 1024);
if (bufsize < safe)
bufsize = safe;
if (!(buf = newof(buf, unsigned char, bufsize, 0)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [buf]");
if (state.bzip)
dest = bufsize;
if (bzBuffToBuffCompress((char*)buf, &dest, (char*)b, size, state.level, 0, 30) != BZ_OK)
error(3, "bzip compress failed");
used = dest;
used = bufsize;
if (compress2(buf, &used, b, size, state.level) != Z_OK)
error(3, "gzip compress failed");
return used;
* copy col i through col j from s into t
* and return the compressed size
static size_t
field(unsigned char* t, register unsigned char* s, int i, int j, register int row, size_t tot)
register unsigned char* b;
register unsigned char* e;
register int n;
b = t;
e = s + tot;
n = j - i + 1;
for (s += i; s < e; s += row)
memcpy(b, s, n);
b += n;
return zip(t, b - t);
* copy col i and col j from s into t
* and return the compressed size
static size_t
pair(unsigned char* t, register unsigned char* s, int i, register int j, size_t row, size_t tot)
register unsigned char* b;
register unsigned char* e;
b = t;
e = s + tot;
j -= i;
for (s += i; s < e; s += row)
*b++ = *s;
*b++ = *(s + j);
return zip(t, b - t);
* return the compressed size for partition pp
static size_t
part(unsigned char* t, register unsigned char* s, register Part_t* pp, size_t row, size_t tot)
register unsigned char* b;
register unsigned char* e;
register int i;
b = t;
e = s + tot;
for (; s < e; s += row)
for (i = 0; i < pp->elements; i++)
*b++ = s[pp->member[i]];
return zip(t, b - t);
* merge col i with part pp and keep the best compression in np
* (np+1) is used as tmp workspace
* return 1 if the best merge is better than i and pp separately
static int
merge(unsigned char* t, unsigned char* s, int i, Part_t* pp, register Part_t* np, size_t** siz, size_t row, size_t tot)
register int j;
register int k;
register Part_t* bp;
size_t x;
size_t z;
k = 0;
np->member[k++] = i;
for (j = 0; j < pp->elements; j++)
np->member[k++] = pp->member[j];
np->elements = k;
bp = 0;
x = siz[i][i] + pp->size;
for (i = 0;;)
z = part(t, s, np, row, tot);
if (z < x)
bp = np + 1;
bp->size = x = z;
for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
bp->member[j] = np->member[j];
if (++i >= k)
j = np->member[i];
np->member[i] = np->member[i - 1];
np->member[i - 1] = j;
if (bp)
np->size = bp->size;
np->rate = np->size / k;
for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
np->member[j] = bp->member[j];
if (state.test & 0x0040)
dumppart(sfstderr, "merg", np);
return 1;
return 0;
* filter out the high frequency columns from dat
static size_t
filter(Sfio_t* ip, unsigned char** bufp, unsigned char** datp, Pz_t* pz, int high, int maxhigh, size_t row, size_t tot)
register int i;
register int j;
char* q;
unsigned char* s;
unsigned char* t;
unsigned char* dat;
unsigned char* buf;
int c;
size_t rows;
size_t n;
ssize_t r;
unsigned long freq;
Pzpart_t* pp;
Sfio_t* sp;
if (pz || high)
buf = *bufp;
dat = *datp;
rows = tot / row;
if (pz)
pp = pz->part;
high = pp->nmap;
if (!(state.map = newof(state.map, size_t, high, 0)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [map]");
memcpy(state.map, pp->map, high * sizeof(state.map[0]));
if (!(state.map = oldof(state.map, size_t, row, 0)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [map]");
if (!(state.stats = oldof(state.stats, Stats_t, row, 0)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [stats]");
memset(state.stats, 0, row * sizeof(state.stats[0]));
if (state.cache && (sp = sfopen(NiL, state.cachefile, "r")))
int column;
unsigned long frequency;
if (state.verbose)
sfprintf(sfstderr, "filter using %s for frequencies\n", state.cachefile);
error_info.file = state.cachefile;
error_info.line = 0;
while (q = sfgetr(sp, '\n', 1))
if (*q == 'f')
if (sfsscanf(q + 1, "%d %d %lu", &c, &column, &frequency) != 3 || c < 0 || c >= row || column < 0 || column >= row)
error(3, "%s: `%s' is invalid", buf, q);
state.stats[c].prev = 1;
state.stats[c].column = column;
state.stats[c].frequency = frequency;
for (j = 0; j < row; j++)
if (!state.stats[j].prev)
error(3, "invalid cache -- column %d frequency omitted", j);
error_info.file = 0;
error_info.line = 0;
if (state.verbose)
if (high < 0)
sfprintf(sfstderr, "filter top %d%% high frequency columns\n", -high);
else if (high > 0)
sfprintf(sfstderr, "filter top %d high frequency columns\n", high);
s = dat;
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (j = 0; j < row; j++)
if (state.stats[j].prev != (c = *s++))
state.stats[j].prev = c;
n = rows;
while ((r = sfread(ip, s = buf, state.window)) > 0)
r /= row;
if (state.sort)
qsort(s, r, row, byrow);
for (i = 0; i < r; i++)
for (j = 0; j < row; j++)
if (state.stats[j].prev != (c = *s++))
state.stats[j].prev = c;
if ((n += r) > 10000000L)
* that'll do pig
r = 0;
if (r < 0)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "data read error");
else if (r)
error(1, "last record incomplete");
for (j = 0; j < row; j++)
state.stats[j].column = j;
qsort(state.stats, row, sizeof(Stats_t), byfrequency);
if (state.cache)
error_info.file = state.cachefile;
error_info.line = 0;
if (!(sp = sfopen(NiL, state.cachefile, "w")))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|1, "cannot write cache");
sfprintf(sp, "# %s cache for %s\n", error_info.id, state.input);
for (j = 0; j < row; j++)
sfprintf(sp, "f %d %d %lu\n", j, state.stats[j].column, state.stats[j].frequency);
if (sfclose(sp))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "cache write error");
error_info.file = 0;
error_info.line = 0;
if (state.verbose)
sfprintf(sfstderr, "filter done -- %u rows\n", n);
if (high < 0)
high = -high;
freq = state.stats[0].frequency * high / 100;
for (j = 0; j < row; j++)
if (state.stats[j].frequency <= freq)
high = j;
if (state.verbose)
sfprintf(sfstderr, "%d high frequency column%s out of %d\n", high, high == 1 ? "" : "s", row);
if (maxhigh < 0)
maxhigh = -maxhigh;
if (high > (row * maxhigh / 100))
error(6, "high frequency count %d exceeds %d%% of %d", high, maxhigh, row);
else if (maxhigh > 0)
if (high > maxhigh)
error(6, "high frequency count %d exceeds %d", high, maxhigh);
* cut the original data layout some slack
* by using the original column order
qsort(state.stats, high, sizeof(Stats_t), bycolumn);
for (j = 0; j < high; j++)
state.map[j] = state.stats[j].column;
state.pairs = row;
if (!(state.pam = newof(state.pam, size_t, row, 0)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [pam]");
for (j = 0; j < row; j++)
state.pam[j] = row;
for (j = 0; j < high; j++)
state.pam[state.map[j]] = j;
s = dat;
t = buf;
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (j = 0; j < high; j++)
*t++ = s[state.map[j]];
s += row;
row = high;
*bufp = dat;
*datp = buf;
if (!(state.map = newof(0, size_t, row, 0)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [map]");
for (i = 0; i < row; i++)
state.map[i] = i;
return row;
* permute state.map and dat according to a new order
static void
permute(unsigned char* buf, unsigned char* dat, size_t* ord, size_t row, size_t tot)
register int i;
size_t* tmap;
unsigned char* end;
tmap = vector(row);
for (i = 0; i < row; i++)
tmap[i] = state.map[i];
for (i = 0; i < row; i++)
state.map[i] = tmap[ord[i]];
for (end = dat + tot; dat < end; dat += row)
memcpy(buf, dat, row);
for (i = 0; i < row; i++)
dat[i] = buf[ord[i]];
* stuff the partion group labels in lab
static int
solution(int* lab, int label, size_t* sol, int beg, int end)
int i;
i = sol[end];
if (i >= beg)
label = solution(lab, label, sol, beg, i);
for (label++, beg = i + 1; beg <= end; beg++)
lab[beg] = label;
return label;
* list the final partition on sp
static void
list(Sfio_t* sp, int* lab, size_t row)
register int i;
register int j;
register int g;
g = -1;
for (i = 0; i < row; i++)
if (g != lab[i])
g = lab[i];
sfprintf(sp, "\n");
sfprintf(sp, " ");
for (j = i + 1; j < row && lab[j] == g && state.map[j] == (state.map[j - 1] + 1); j++);
sfprintf(sp, "%d", state.map[i]);
if (j > (i + 2))
i = j - 1;
sfprintf(sp, "-%d", state.map[i]);
sfprintf(sp, "\n");
* search for a good initial ordering
static void
reorder_heuristic(Reorder_method_t* method, unsigned char* buf, unsigned char* dat, int* lab, size_t row, size_t tot)
register int i;
register int j;
register int k;
register Part_t* cp;
register Part_t* np;
register Part_t* tp;
register Part_t* bp;
Part_t* fp;
size_t* hit;
size_t* ord;
ssize_t* cst;
char* s;
int ii;
int jj;
size_t y;
size_t z;
ssize_t cy;
Part_t* cur;
Part_t* nxt;
Part_t* fin;
size_t** siz;
Sfio_t* sp;
siz = matrix(row);
cur = partition(row);
nxt = partition(row);
fin = partition(row);
hit = vector(row);
ord = vector(row);
cst = (ssize_t*)vector(row);
* fill in the pair compression size matrix
* and the initial partition candidate list
k = 2;
cp = cur;
* check the cache
if (state.cache && (sp = sfopen(NiL, state.cachefile, "r")))
if (state.verbose)
sfprintf(sfstderr, "reorder using %s for pair compress sizes\n", state.cachefile);
error_info.file = state.cachefile;
error_info.line = 0;
while (s = sfgetr(sp, '\n', 1))
if (*s == 'p')
if (sfsscanf(s + 1, "%d %d %I*u", &ii, &jj, sizeof(z), &z) != 3 || ii < 0 || jj < 0 || state.pairs && (ii >= state.pairs || jj >= state.pairs))
error(3, "%s: `%s' is invalid", buf, s);
if (state.pairs)
ii = state.pam[ii];
jj = state.pam[jj];
if (ii >= row || jj >= row)
siz[ii][jj] = z;
if (ii == jj)
hit[ii] = 1;
hit[ii] = hit[jj] = k;
cp->size = siz[ii][jj];
cp->rate = cp->size / 2;
cp->elements = 2;
cp->member[0] = ii;
cp->member[1] = jj;
error_info.file = 0;
error_info.line = 0;
sp = 0;
for (i = 0; i < row; i++)
if (!hit[i])
hit[i] = 1;
if (state.cache && !error_info.file)
error_info.file = state.cachefile;
error_info.line = 0;
if (!(sp = sfopen(NiL, error_info.file, "a")))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|1, "cannot update cache");
else if (!sfseek(sp, (Sfoff_t)0, SEEK_END))
sfprintf(sp, "# %s cache for %s\n", error_info.id, state.input);
siz[i][i] = field(buf, dat, i, i, row, tot);
if (sp)
sfprintf(sp, "p %d %d %I*u\n", state.map[i], state.map[i], sizeof(siz[i][i]), siz[i][i]);
if (state.verbose)
sfprintf(sfstderr, "reorder pairs for %d [%d]\n", i, state.map[i]);
for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
z = pair(buf, dat, i, j, row, tot);
y = pair(buf, dat, j, i, row, tot);
if (z <= y)
ii = i;
jj = j;
z = y;
ii = j;
jj = i;
if (z < (siz[i][i] + siz[j][j]))
hit[i] = hit[j] = k;
cp->size = siz[ii][jj] = z;
cp->rate = cp->size / 2;
cp->elements = 2;
cp->member[0] = ii;
cp->member[1] = jj;
if (sp)
sfprintf(sp, "p %d %d %I*u\n", state.map[ii], state.map[jj], sizeof(z), z);
if (sp && sfclose(sp))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|1, "cache write error");
error_info.file = 0;
error_info.line = 0;
* coalesce the partitions
fp = fin;
for (;;)
if (state.verbose)
sfprintf(sfstderr, "reorder part %d\n", k + 1);
qsort(cur, cp - cur, sizeof(Part_t), byrate);
np = nxt;
if (k == 2)
for (i = 0; i < row; i++)
cst[i] = state.window;
for (tp = cur; tp < cp; tp++)
i = tp->member[0];
j = tp->member[1];
if (!(z = siz[i][j]))
z = siz[j][i];
if (z)
cy = z - siz[i][i];
if (cy < cst[j])
cst[j] = cy;
cy = z - siz[j][j];
if (cy < cst[i])
cst[i] = cy;
for (tp = cur; tp < cp; tp++)
for (j = 0; j < tp->elements; j++)
ii = 0;
for (i = 0; i < tp->elements; i++)
if (i != j)
np->member[ii++] = tp->member[i];
np->elements = ii;
cst[tp->member[j]] = tp->size - part(buf, dat, np, row, tot);
if (state.test & 0x0020)
sfprintf(sfstderr, "reorder cost %6u %u\n", state.map[tp->member[j]], cst[tp->member[j]]);
for (tp = cur; tp < cp; tp++)
bp = 0;
for (i = 0; i < row; i++)
if (hit[i] > k)
z = 0;
jj = 0;
for (j = 0; j < tp->elements; j++)
if (hit[tp->member[j]] > k)
z = 2;
tp->member[jj++] = tp->member[j];
if (i == tp->member[j])
z = 2;
else if (!z && (siz[i][tp->member[j]] || siz[tp->member[j]][i]))
z = 1;
tp->elements = jj;
if (z != 1)
if (!merge(buf, dat, i, tp, np, siz, row, tot))
if (!(state.test & 0x0100) && (k > 2 || (state.test & 0x0080)))
for (j = 0; j < tp->elements; j++)
siz[i][tp->member[j]] = siz[tp->member[j]][i] = 0;
else if ((ssize_t)(np->size - tp->size) < cst[i] && (!bp || np->size < bp->size))
bp = np + 2;
bp->size = np->size;
bp->elements = np->elements;
for (j = 0; j < np->elements; j++)
bp->member[j] = np->member[j];
if (bp)
np->size = bp->size;
np->elements = bp->elements;
for (j = 0; j < bp->elements; j++)
hit[np->member[j] = bp->member[j]] = k + 1;
if (state.test & 0x0010)
dumppart(sfstderr, "keep", np);
tp->skip = 1;
for (tp = cur; tp < cp; tp++)
if (tp->skip)
if (state.test & 0x0020)
dumppart(sfstderr, "skip", tp);
tp->skip = 0;
if (k > 2 && tp->elements > 1)
fp->hit = k;
fp->size = tp->size;
fp->elements = tp->elements;
for (j = 0; j < tp->elements; j++)
fp->member[j] = tp->member[j];
if (np == nxt)
tp = nxt;
nxt = cur;
cur = tp;
cp = np;
* collect the order in ord and the partition labels in lab
if (state.verbose)
sfprintf(sfstderr, "reorder done\n");
j = 0;
jj = 0;
k = 0;
while (fp-- > fin)
for (i = 0; i < fp->elements; i++)
if (hit[fp->member[i]] == fp->hit)
if (!jj)
jj = 1;
hit[fp->member[i]] = 0;
ord[k++] = fp->member[i];
lab[fp->member[i]] = j;
for (i = 0; i < row; i++)
if (hit[i])
ord[k++] = i;
lab[i] = ++j;
* permute state.map and dat according to the new order
permute(buf, dat, ord, row, tot);
* clean up
* tsp ordering
static void
reorder_tsp(Reorder_method_t* method, unsigned char* buf, unsigned char* dat, int* lab, size_t row, size_t tot)
size_t i;
size_t j;
size_t end;
size_t breakat;
size_t* self;
size_t** apart;
size_t** together;
Tsp_t* tsp;
Tsp_index_t* tour;
Tsp_index_t* cycle;
Tsp_cost_t breakval;
Tsp_cost_t** cost;
Tsp_cost_t* v;
Tsp_disc_t disc;
if (!(cost = newof(0, Tsp_cost_t*, row, row * row * sizeof(Tsp_cost_t))))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [%d X %d cost matrix]", row, row);
v = (Tsp_cost_t*)(cost + row);
for (i = 0; i < row; i++)
cost[i] = v;
v += row;
self = vector(row);
apart = matrix(row);
together = matrix(row);
* compute the Tsp_cost_t matrix
if (state.verbose)
sfprintf(sfstderr, "compute the tsp cost matrix\n");
for (i = 0; i < row; i++)
self[i] = field(buf, dat, i, i, row, tot);
for (i = 0; i < row; i++)
for (j = 0; j < row; j++)
if (i != j)
together[i][j] = pair(buf, dat, i, j, row, tot);
apart[i][j] = self[i] + self[j];
cost[i][j] = minof(together[i][j], apart[i][j]);
* generate a tour
if (state.verbose)
sfprintf(sfstderr, "generate a tour\n");
memset(&disc, 0, sizeof(disc));
disc.version = TSP_VERSION;
disc.errorf = errorf;
if (!(tsp = tspopen(&disc, cost, row, TSP_DFS|(state.verbose ? TSP_VERBOSE : 0))))
error(3, "tspopen error");
if (!(tour = tsptour(tsp)))
error(3, "tsptour error");
* break tour at most expensive link; put order into self
breakat = end = row-1;
breakval = cost[tour[end]][tour[0]];
for (i = 0; i < end; i++)
if (cost[tour[i]][tour[i+1]] > breakval)
breakat = i;
breakval = cost[tour[i]][tour[i+1]];
j = 0;
for (i = breakat + 1; i < row; i++)
self[j++] = tour[i];
for (i = 0; i <= breakat; i++)
self[j++] = tour[i];
* permute state.map and dat according to the new order
permute(buf, dat, self, row, tot);
* partition
if (state.test & 0x0200)
* partition according to the initial tsp cycles
if (!(cycle = tspcycle(tsp)))
error(3, "tspcycle error");
for (i = 0; i < row; i++)
lab[i] = cycle[self[i]];
* partition according to dependence along tour
for (i = j = 0; i < end; i++)
lab[i] = j;
if (together[self[i]][self[i+1]] > apart[self[i]][self[i+1]])
lab[i] = j;
* clean up
error(3, "%s ordering requires -l%s", method->name, method->name);
* dynamic program to find optimal partition based on zip sizes in val
static void
optimize_dynamic(Optimize_method_t* method, unsigned char* buf, unsigned char* dat, size_t** val, size_t* cst, size_t* sol, size_t row, size_t tot, size_t grp)
int i;
int j;
int k;
size_t new;
* fill in the field compress value matrix
for (i = 0; i < row; i++)
if (grp <= 0)
k = row;
else if ((k = i + grp) > row)
k = row;
if (state.verbose)
sfprintf(sfstderr, "%s %d..%d\n", method->name, i, k - 1);
for (j = i; j < k; j++)
val[i][j] = field(buf, dat, i, j, row, tot);
for (; j < row; j++)
val[i][j] = ~0;
* now run the dynamic program
for (i = 0; i < row; i++)
cst[i] = val[0][i];
sol[i] = -1;
for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
new = cst[j] + val[j+1][i];
if (new < cst[i])
cst[i] = new;
sol[i] = j;
* greedy algorithm to approximate optimal partition based on zip sizes in val
static void
optimize_greedy(Optimize_method_t* method, unsigned char* buf, unsigned char* dat, size_t** val, size_t* cst, size_t* sol, size_t row, size_t tot, size_t grp)
int i;
size_t expand;
size_t new;
cst[0] = val[0][0] = field(buf, dat, 0, 0, row, tot);
sol[0] = -1;
for (i = 1; i < row; i++)
val[sol[i-1] + 1][i] = field(buf, dat, sol[i-1]+1, i, row, tot);
val[i][i] = field(buf, dat, i, i, row, tot);
expand = val[sol[i-1] + 1][i];
new = cst[i-1] + val[i][i];
if (new < expand) {
cst[i] = val[i][i];
sol[i] = i-1;
else {
cst[i] = expand;
sol[i] = sol[i-1];
* transitive greedy algorithm to approximate optimal partition
* based on zip sizes in val
static void
optimize_transitive(Optimize_method_t* method, unsigned char* buf, unsigned char* dat, size_t** val, size_t* cst, size_t* sol, size_t row, size_t tot, size_t grp)
int i;
size_t expand;
cst[0] = val[0][0] = field(buf, dat, 0, 0, row, tot);
sol[0] = -1;
for (i = 1; i < row; i++)
val[i][i] = field(buf, dat, i, i, row, tot);
expand = field(buf, dat, i-1, i, row, tot);
if (expand <= val[i-1][i-1] + val[i][i])
cst[i] = expand;
sol[i] = sol[i-1];
cst[i] = val[i][i];
sol[i] = i-1;
* optimization (partitioning) method table
* the first entry is the default
static Optimize_method_t optimize_methods[] =
"dynamic program optimal partition",
"greedy approximation partition",
"no partition",
"transitive greedy approximation partition",
* reorder method table
* the first entry is the default
static Reorder_method_t reorder_methods[] =
"heuristic reorder",
"no reordering",
"tsp reordering",
* optget() info discipline function
static int
optinfo(Opt_t* op, Sfio_t* sp, const char* s, Optdisc_t* dp)
register int i;
register int n;
n = 0;
if (streq(s, "optimize_default"))
n += sfprintf(sp, "%s", optimize_methods[0].name);
else if (streq(s, "optimize_methods"))
for (i = 0; i < elementsof(optimize_methods); i++)
n += sfprintf(sp, "[+%s?%s]", optimize_methods[i].name, optimize_methods[i].description);
else if (streq(s, "reorder_default"))
n += sfprintf(sp, "%s", reorder_methods[0].name);
else if (streq(s, "reorder_methods"))
for (i = 0; i < elementsof(reorder_methods); i++)
n += sfprintf(sp, "[+%s?%s]", reorder_methods[i].name, reorder_methods[i].description);
return n;
main(int argc, char** argv)
unsigned char* dat;
unsigned char* buf;
char* s;
int i;
ssize_t n;
ssize_t m;
size_t rows;
size_t tot;
size_t rec;
size_t win;
int* lab;
Sfio_t* ip;
Sfio_t* dp;
Pzdisc_t disc;
struct stat is;
struct stat cs;
Optdisc_t optdisc;
int op = 0;
int high = -10;
int maxhigh = -40;
int maxgrp = 0;
size_t row = 0;
Pz_t* pz = 0;
char* partition = 0;
Optimize_method_t* optimize_method = &optimize_methods[0];
Reorder_method_t* reorder_method = &reorder_methods[0];
error_info.id = "pin";
optinit(&optdisc, optinfo);
state.level = 6;
state.window = PZ_WINDOW;
if (!(dp = sfstropen()))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space");
for (;;)
switch (optget(argv, usage))
case 'b':
state.bzip = 1;
case 'c':
state.cache = opt_info.num;
case 'g':
maxgrp = opt_info.num;
case 'h':
high = strtol(opt_info.arg, &s, 0);
if (*s == '%')
high = -high;
if (*s)
error(3, "%s: %s: invalid number", opt_info.name, opt_info.arg);
case 'l':
state.level = opt_info.num;
case 'm':
maxhigh = strtol(opt_info.arg, &s, 0);
if (*s == '%')
maxhigh = -maxhigh;
if (*s)
error(3, "%s: %s: invalid number", opt_info.name, opt_info.arg);
case 'o':
state.sort = 1;
case 'p':
partition = opt_info.arg;
case 'r':
row = opt_info.num;
case 'v':
state.verbose = 1;
case 'w':
state.window = opt_info.num;
case 'O':
n = strlen(opt_info.arg);
for (i = 0;; i++)
if (i >= elementsof(optimize_methods))
error(2, "%s: unknown partition method", opt_info.arg);
if (strneq(opt_info.arg, optimize_methods[i].name, n))
optimize_method = &optimize_methods[i];
case 'Q':
sfprintf(dp, "regress\n");
case 'R':
n = strlen(opt_info.arg);
for (i = 0;; i++)
if (i >= elementsof(reorder_methods))
error(2, "%s: unknown reorder method", opt_info.arg);
if (strneq(opt_info.arg, reorder_methods[i].name, n))
reorder_method = &reorder_methods[i];
case 'S':
op |= OP_size;
case 'T':
sfprintf(dp, "test=%s\n", opt_info.arg);
case 'V':
op |= OP_verify;
case 'X':
sfprintf(dp, "prefix=%s\n", opt_info.arg);
case '?':
error(ERROR_USAGE|4, "%s", opt_info.arg);
case ':':
if (!opt_info.option[0] && opt_info.name[0] == opt_info.name[1])
sfputr(dp, &argv[opt_info.index - 1][2], '\n');
error(2, "%s", opt_info.arg);
argv += opt_info.index;
if (error_info.errors || !(state.input = *argv++) || (n = *argv != 0) && !(op & OP_size))
error(ERROR_USAGE|4, "%s", optusage(NiL));
* set up the workspace
if (optimize_method->fun)
op |= OP_optimize;
if (reorder_method->fun)
op |= OP_reorder;
memset(&disc, 0, sizeof(disc));
disc.version = PZ_VERSION;
disc.errorf = errorf;
disc.partition = partition;
disc.window = 1;
if (sftell(dp) && !(disc.options = strdup(sfstruse(dp))))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space");
if (op & OP_size)
row = 0;
dat = 0;
buf = 0;
for (;;)
ip = 0;
if (pz = pzopen(&disc, state.input, 0))
state.test = pz->test;
ip = pz->io;
if (partition)
row = pz->part->row;
high = pz->part->nmap;
m = pz->part->row;
if (!row)
if (m > 0)
row = m;
if (state.verbose && !(op & OP_size))
sfprintf(sfstderr, "row size %I*u\n", sizeof(row), row);
else if (!(op & OP_size))
error(1, "could not determine row size");
else if (m > 0 && (row < m || row > m && (row % m)))
error(1, "row size %I*d may be invalid -- try %I*u next time", sizeof(row), row, sizeof(m), m);
pz->io = 0;
pz = 0;
else if (!(op & OP_size))
return 1;
if (!(op & OP_size))
if (row && (op & OP_verify))
win = (state.window / row) * row;
if (!(dat = newof(dat, unsigned char, win, 0)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [dat]");
if (!(buf = newof(buf, unsigned char, win, 0)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [buf]");
if ((m = sfread(ip, dat, win)) < 0)
m = 0;
rows = m / row;
if (filter(ip, &buf, &dat, pz, high, maxhigh, row, row * rows) == row)
row = 0;
if (!n)
sfprintf(sfstdout, "%I*u\n", sizeof(row), row);
return 0;
sfprintf(sfstdout, "%8I*u %s\n", sizeof(row), row, state.input);
if (pz)
else if (ip)
if (!(state.input = *argv++))
return 0;
row = 0;
if (!(rec = row))
error(3, "-r row-size is required");
if (high > (int)row)
error(3, "-h col-count must be <= -r row-size");
state.window = (state.window / row) * row;
if (!(dat = newof(0, unsigned char, state.window, 0)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [dat]");
if (!(buf = newof(0, unsigned char, state.window, 0)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [buf]");
if ((n = sfread(ip, dat, state.window)) <= 0)
error(3, "input empty");
rows = n / row;
state.window = rows * row;
if (state.sort)
state.sort = row;
qsort(dat, rows, row, byrow);
* set up the cache file
if (stat(state.input, &is))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: cannot stat", state.input);
if (s = strrchr(state.input, '/'))
s = state.input;
if (state.cache)
if (!(state.cachefile = strdup(sfprints("%s-%s", error_info.id, s))))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space");
if (!stat(state.cachefile, &cs) && cs.st_mtime < is.st_mtime && remove(state.cachefile))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: cannot update intermediate data cache", state.cachefile);
* filter out the high frequency columns
if (row = filter(ip, &buf, &dat, pz, high, maxhigh, row, row * rows))
tot = row * rows;
if (!(lab = newof(0, int, row, 0)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [lab]");
if (pz && !(op & (OP_reorder|OP_optimize)))
for (n = 0; n < pz->part->nmap; n++)
lab[n] = pz->part->lab[n];
op &= ~(OP_optimize|OP_reorder);
* determine a better ordering
if (op & OP_reorder)
(*reorder_method->fun)(reorder_method, buf, dat, lab, row, tot);
* generate a partition based on the ordering
if (op & OP_optimize)
size_t* cst;
size_t* sol;
size_t** val;
* allocate the tmp workspace
val = matrix(row);
cst = vector(row);
sol = vector(row);
* partition
(*optimize_method->fun)(optimize_method, buf, dat, val, cst, sol, row, tot, maxgrp);
* gather the optimal partition group labels in lab
solution(lab, 0, sol, 0, row - 1);
if (state.verbose)
sfprintf(sfstderr, "%s done\n", optimize_method->name);
* clean up
* finished -- list the partition
sfprintf(sfstdout, "# pzip partition\n");
sfprintf(sfstdout, "# %s\n", fmtident(usage));
if (!(op & OP_reorder))
sfprintf(sfstdout, "# group coalescing limited to adjacent columns\n");
if (maxgrp)
sfprintf(sfstdout, "# group size limited to %d columns\n", maxgrp);
sfprintf(sfstdout, "# row %d window %d compression level %d\n", rec, state.window, state.level);
if (state.sort)
sfprintf(sfstdout, "\nsort=1\n");
if (high)
sfprintf(sfstdout, "\n%d\t# high frequency %d\n", rec, row);
sfprintf(sfstdout, "\n%d\n", rec);
list(sfstdout, lab, row);
return 0;