* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 1987-2012 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> *
* *
#pragma prototyped
* Glenn Fowler
* AT&T Bell Laboratories
* pax file support
#include "pax.h"
#include <tm.h>
* "nocomment" is a hardwired "nocom"
* should be an sfio discipline
#include "nocomment.c"
#if __STDC__
#define chmod(a,b) (error(-1,"%s#%d: chmod(%s,%05o)",__FILE__,__LINE__,a,b),chmod(a,b))
* return read file descriptor for filtered current input file
apply(register Archive_t* ap, register File_t* f, Filter_t* fp)
register int n;
char* arg;
int rfd;
int wfd;
if (state.filter.line <= 0)
arg = f->path;
else if (!*(arg = state.filter.command))
if ((rfd = open(f->st->st_size ? f->path : "/dev/null", O_RDONLY|O_BINARY)) < 0)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot read", f->path);
return rfd;
message((-4, "filter: %s %s", fp->command, f->path));
if ((wfd = open(state.tmp.file, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_BINARY, S_IRUSR)) < 0)
error(2, "%s: cannot create filter temporary %s", f->path, state.tmp.file);
return -1;
if ((rfd = open(state.tmp.file, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY)) < 0)
error(2, "%s: cannot open filter temporary %s", f->path, state.tmp.file);
if (remove(state.tmp.file))
error(1, "%s: cannot remove filter temporary %s", f->path, state.tmp.file);
return -1;
if (remove(state.tmp.file))
error(1, "%s: cannot remove filter temporary %s", f->path, state.tmp.file);
if (ap->format->checksum)
f->checksum = 0;
f->st->st_size = 0;
if (streq(*fp->argv, "nocomment"))
int errors = error_info.errors;
off_t count;
Sfio_t* ip;
Sfio_t* op;
if ((ip = sfopen(NiL, f->path, "r")) && (op = sfnew(NiL, NiL, SF_UNBOUND, wfd, SF_WRITE)) && (count = nocomment(ip, op)) < 0)
error(2, "%s: %s: filter error", f->path, *fp->argv);
if (ip)
if (op)
error(2, "%s: cannot redirect filter", f->path);
error(2, "%s: cannot read", f->path);
if (errors != error_info.errors)
return -1;
f->st->st_size = count;
Proc_t* proc;
*fp->patharg = arg;
if (!(proc = procopen(*fp->argv, fp->argv, NiL, NiL, PROC_READ)))
error(2, "%s: cannot execute filter %s", f->path, *fp->argv);
return -1;
while ((n = read(proc->rfd, state.tmp.buffer, state.buffersize)) > 0)
if (holewrite(wfd, state.tmp.buffer, n) != n)
error(2, "%s: filter write error", f->path);
if (ap->format->checksum)
f->checksum = (*ap->format->checksum)(&state, ap, f, state.tmp.buffer, n, f->checksum);
f->st->st_size += n;
if (n < 0)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: %s filter read error", f->path, *fp->argv);
if (n = procclose(proc))
error(2, "%s: %s filter exit code %d", f->path, *fp->argv, n);
message((-1, "%s: filter file size = %ld", f->path, f->st->st_size));
return rfd;
* return read file descriptor for current input file
openin(register Archive_t* ap, register File_t* f)
register int n;
Filter_t* fp;
int rfd;
if (f->type != X_IFREG)
rfd = -1;
else if (fp = filter(ap, f))
rfd = apply(ap, f, fp);
else if ((rfd = open(f->st->st_size ? f->path : "/dev/null", O_RDONLY|O_BINARY)) < 0)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot read", f->path);
else if (ap->format->checksum)
f->checksum = 0;
if (lseek(rfd, (off_t)0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|1, "%s: %s checksum seek error", f->path, ap->format->name);
while ((n = read(rfd, state.tmp.buffer, state.buffersize)) > 0)
f->checksum = (*ap->format->checksum)(&state, ap, f, state.tmp.buffer, n, f->checksum);
if (n < 0)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: %s checksum read error", f->path, ap->format->name);
if (lseek(rfd, (off_t)0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|1, "%s: %s checksum seek error", f->path, ap->format->name);
if (rfd < 0)
f->st->st_size = 0;
return rfd;
* create directory and all path name components leading to directory
static int
missdir(register Archive_t* ap, register File_t* f)
register char* s;
register char* t;
long pp;
struct stat* st;
struct stat* sp;
struct stat st0;
struct stat st1;
s = f->name;
pathcanon(s, 0, 0);
if (t = strchr(*s == '/' ? s + 1 : s, '/'))
if (!state.mkdir)
if (!state.warnmkdir)
state.warnmkdir = 1;
error(1, "omit the --nomkdir option to create intermediate directories");
return -1;
st = 0;
sp = &st0;
*t = 0;
if (stat(s, sp))
*t = '/';
*t = '/';
st = sp;
sp = (sp == &st0) ? &st1 : &st0;
} while (t = strchr(t + 1, '/'));
if (t)
if (!st && stat(".", st = &st0))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: cannot stat .", s);
pp = f->perm;
f->perm = st->st_mode & state.modemask;
sp = f->st;
f->st = st;
*t = 0;
if (mkdir(s, f->perm))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot create directory", s);
*t = '/';
f->perm = pp;
f->st = sp;
return -1;
setfile(ap, f);
*t = '/';
} while (t = strchr(t + 1, '/'));
f->perm = pp;
f->st = sp;
return 0;
* open file for writing, set all necessary info
openout(register Archive_t* ap, register File_t* f)
register int fd;
int exists;
int perm;
int c;
Tv_t t1;
Tv_t t2;
size_t updated;
struct stat st;
pathcanon(f->name, 0, 0);
* if not found and state.update then check down the view
* NOTE: VPATH in app code is ugly but the benefits of the
* combination with state.update win over beauty
if (f->ro)
f->skip = 1;
exists = 0;
else if (exists = !(*state.statf)(f->name, &st))
if (!state.clobber && !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
error(1, "%s: already exists -- not overwritten", f->name);
return -1;
f->chmod = f->perm != (st.st_mode & (S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO)) &&
(state.chmod || state.update || S_ISDIR(st.st_mode));
st.st_mode = modex(st.st_mode);
typedef struct View
struct View* next;
char* root;
dev_t dev;
ino_t ino;
} View_t;
View_t* vp;
View_t* tp;
char* s;
char* e;
static View_t* view;
static char* offset;
if (state.update && !offset)
if (s = getenv("VPATH"))
if (!(s = strdup(s)))
if (e = strchr(s, ':'))
*e++ = 0;
if (!(vp = newof(0, View_t, 1, 0)))
vp->root = s;
if (stat(s, &st))
vp->dev = 0;
vp->ino = 0;
vp->dev = st.st_dev;
vp->ino = st.st_ino;
if (view)
tp = tp->next = vp;
view = tp = vp;
} while (s = e);
s = state.pwd;
e = 0;
for (;;)
if (stat(s, &st))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: cannot stat pwd component", s);
for (vp = view; vp; vp = vp->next)
if (vp->ino == st.st_ino && vp->dev == st.st_dev)
offset = e ? e + 1 : ".";
tp = view;
view = vp->next;
while (tp && tp != view)
vp = tp;
tp = tp->next;
if (e)
*e = '/';
goto found;
if (e)
*e = '/';
e = s + strlen(s);
while (e > s && *--e != '/');
if (e <= s)
*e = 0;
if (!offset)
offset = ".";
st.st_mode = 0;
st.st_mtime = 0;
if (*f->name != '/')
for (vp = view; vp; vp = vp->next)
sfsprintf(state.tmp.buffer, state.tmp.buffersize - 1, "%s/%s/%s", vp->root, offset, f->name);
if (!stat(state.tmp.buffer, &st))
f->chmod = state.chmod || state.update;
if (f->delta.op == DELTA_delete)
if (exists)
switch (X_ITYPE(st.st_mode))
case X_IFDIR:
if (!f->ro)
if (rmdir(f->name))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot remove directory", f->name);
if (remove(f->name))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot remove file", f->name);
return -1;
if (state.operation == (IN|OUT))
if (exists && f->st->st_ino == st.st_ino && f->st->st_dev == st.st_dev)
error(2, "attempt to pass %s to self", f->name);
return -1;
if (state.linkf && f->type != X_IFDIR && (state.linkf == pathsetlink || f->st->st_dev == state.dev))
if (exists)
if ((*state.linkf)(f->path, f->name))
if (!exists && missdir(ap, f))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot create intermediate directories", f->name);
return -1;
if (exists || (*state.linkf)(f->path, f->name))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot link to %s", f->path, f->name);
return -1;
setfile(ap, f);
return -2;
switch (f->type)
case X_IFDIR:
if (!(ap->format->flags & KEEPSIZE))
f->st->st_size = 0;
if (f->ro)
return -1;
if (exists && X_ITYPE(st.st_mode) != X_IFDIR)
if (remove(f->name))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "cannot remove current %s", f->name);
return -1;
exists = 0;
if (!exists && mkdir(f->name, f->perm) && (missdir(ap, f) || mkdir(f->name, f->perm)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot create directory", f->name);
return -1;
updated = ap->updated;
setfile(ap, f);
if (!exists || f->chmod || state.update && ((c = tvcmp(tvmtime(&t1, f->st), tvmtime(&t2, &st))) > 0 || state.update == OPT_different && c))
fd = -1;
ap->updated = updated;
if (state.update)
fd = -1;
fd = -2;
return fd;
case X_IFLNK:
if (exists && prune(ap, f, &st))
return -1;
if (!*f->linkpath)
return -2;
if (streq(f->name, f->linkpath))
error(1, "%s: symbolic link loops to self", f->name);
return -1;
if (exists && remove(f->name))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "cannot remove current %s", f->name);
return -1;
if (pathsetlink(f->linkpath, f->name))
if (!exists && missdir(ap, f))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot create intermediate directories", f->name);
return -1;
if (exists || pathsetlink(f->linkpath, f->name))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot symlink to %s", f->name, f->linkpath);
return -1;
setfile(ap, f);
return -1;
case X_IFSOCK:
IDEVICE(f->st, 0);
case X_IFBLK:
case X_IFCHR:
case X_IFIFO:
if (exists && (prune(ap, f, &st) || state.update && f->st->st_dev != st.st_dev))
return -1;
if (!(ap->format->flags & KEEPSIZE))
f->st->st_size = 0;
case X_IFREG:
if (exists && prune(ap, f, &st))
return -1;
if (!addlink(ap, f))
return -1;
switch (f->type)
case X_IFIFO:
if (exists && remove(f->name))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "cannot remove current %s", f->name);
return -1;
if (mkfifo(f->name, f->st->st_mode & S_IPERM))
if (errno == EPERM)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot create fifo file", f->name);
return -1;
if (!exists && missdir(ap, f))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot create intermediate directories", f->name);
return -1;
if (exists || mkfifo(f->name, f->st->st_mode & S_IPERM))
goto nofifo;
setfile(ap, f);
return -2;
case X_IFSOCK:
IDEVICE(f->st, 0);
case X_IFBLK:
case X_IFCHR:
if (exists && remove(f->name))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "cannot remove current %s", f->name);
return -1;
if (mknod(f->name, f->st->st_mode, idevice(f->st)))
if (errno == EPERM)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot create %s special file", f->name, (f->type == X_IFBLK) ? "block" : "character");
return -1;
if (!exists && missdir(ap, f))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot create intermediate directories", f->name);
return -1;
if (exists || mknod(f->name, f->st->st_mode, idevice(f->st)))
goto nospecial;
setfile(ap, f);
return -2;
error(1, "%s: unknown file type 0%03o -- creating regular file", f->name, f->type >> 12);
case X_IFREG:
if (f->ro)
return dup(1);
if (state.intermediate)
char* d;
char* e;
int n;
int ifd;
* copy to intermediate output file and rename
* to real file only on success - a handy
* backup option
* thanks to the amazing dr. ek
if (missdir(ap, f))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot create intermediate directories", f->name);
return -1;
d = (e = strrchr(f->name, '/')) ? f->name : ".";
for (n = 0;; n++)
if (e)
*e = 0;
f->intermediate = pathtemp(ap->path.temp, sizeof(ap->path.temp), d, error_info.id, &ifd);
if (e)
*e = '/';
message((-4, "%s: intermediate %s", f->name, f->intermediate));
if (f->intermediate)
ap->errors = error_info.errors;
return ifd;
if (n)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot create intermediate name", f->name);
return -1;
* ok, the exists bits are only used right here
* you do the defines if its that important
* <chmod u+w><remove><missdir>
* 4 don't attempt
* 2 attempted and succeeded
* 1 attempted and failed
if (!exists)
exists |= 0440;
else if (!state.linkf)
exists |= remove(f->name) ? 0010 : 0420;
else if (st.st_mode & S_IWUSR)
exists |= 0400;
if ((perm = f->perm) & (S_ISUID|S_ISGID|S_ISVTX))
while ((fd = open(f->name, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_BINARY, perm)) < 0)
if (!(exists & 0007))
if (missdir(ap, f))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot create intermediate directories", f->name);
return -1;
exists |= 0002;
else if (!(exists & 0700))
if (chmod(f->name, perm | S_IWUSR))
exists |= 0100;
goto again;
exists |= 0200;
else if (!(exists & 0070))
if (remove(f->name))
exists |= 0010;
goto again;
exists ^= 0620;
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot create%s%s", f->name, (exists & 0100) ? ERROR_translate(0, 0, 0, ", cannot enable user write") : "", (exists & 0010) ? ERROR_translate(0, 0, 0, ", cannot remove") : "");
return -1;
if (perm != f->perm)
f->chmod = 1;
else if ((exists & 0200) && chmod(f->name, f->perm))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|1, "%s: cannot restore original mode %s", f->name, fmtperm(st.st_mode & S_IPERM));
return fd;
* close an openin() fd, doing atime reset if necessary
closein(register Archive_t* ap, register File_t* f, int fd)
int r;
r = 0;
if (close(fd))
r = -1;
if (state.resetacctime && f->type != X_IFLNK && !f->skip)
Tv_t av;
Tv_t mv;
tvgetatime(&av, f->st);
tvgetmtime(&mv, f->st);
settime(f->path, &av, &mv, NiL);
return r;
* close an openout() fd, doing the intermediate rename if needed
closeout(register Archive_t* ap, register File_t* f, int fd)
register char* s;
int r;
r = 0;
if (state.sync && fsync(fd))
r = -1;
if (close(fd))
r = -1;
if (s = f->intermediate)
f->intermediate = 0;
if (ap->errors != error_info.errors)
if (remove(s))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot remove intermediate file %s", f->name, s);
return -1;
if (rename(s, f->name) && (remove(f->name) || rename(s, f->name)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot rename from intermediate file %s", f->name, s);
return -1;
if (chmod(f->name, f->perm))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|1, "%s: cannot change mode to %s", f->name, fmtperm(f->perm));
return -1;
return r;
* get file info for output
getfile(register Archive_t* ap, register File_t* f, register Ftw_t* ftw)
register char* name;
register int n;
char* e;
name = ftw->path;
message((-4, "getfile(%s)", name));
switch (ftw->info)
case FTW_NS:
error(2, "%s: not found", name);
return 0;
case FTW_DNR:
if (state.files)
error(2, "%s: cannot read directory", name);
case FTW_D:
case FTW_DNX:
case FTW_DP:
if (!state.descend)
ftw->status = FTW_SKIP;
else if (ftw->info == FTW_DNX)
error(2, "%s: cannot search directory", name);
ftw->status = FTW_SKIP;
else if (!state.files)
* stdin files most likely come from tw/find with
* directory descendents already included; in posix
* omitting -d would result in duplicate output copies
* so we avoid the problem by peeking ahead and
* pruning all paths with this dir prefix
n = ftw->pathlen;
name = stash(&ap->path.peek, name, n);
name[n] = '/';
if (!state.peekfile || !strncmp(state.peekfile, name, n))
while (state.peekfile = sfgetr(sfstdin, '\n', 1))
if (strncmp(state.peekfile, name, n))
state.peeklen = sfvalue(sfstdin) - 1;
name[n] = 0;
if (ap->delta)
ap->delta->hdr = ap->delta->hdrbuf;
name = stash(&ap->path.name, name, ftw->pathlen);
pathcanon(name, 0, 0);
f->path = stash(&ap->path.path, name, ftw->pathlen);
f->name = map(ap, name);
if (state.files && state.operation == (IN|OUT) && dirprefix(state.destination, name, 0))
return 0;
f->namesize = strlen(f->name) + 1;
ap->st = ftw->statb;
f->st = &ap->st;
f->perm = f->st->st_mode & S_IPERM;
f->st->st_mode = modex(f->st->st_mode);
f->uidname = 0;
f->gidname = 0;
f->link = 0;
if ((f->type = X_ITYPE(f->st->st_mode)) == X_IFLNK)
f->linkpathsize = f->st->st_size + 1;
f->linkpath = stash(&ap->stash.link, NiL, f->linkpathsize);
if (pathgetlink(f->path, f->linkpath, f->linkpathsize) != f->st->st_size)
error(2, "%s: cannot read symbolic link", f->path);
ftw->status = FTW_SKIP;
return 0;
f->linktype = SOFTLINK;
pathcanon(f->linkpath, 0, 0);
if (!(state.ftwflags & FTW_PHYSICAL))
f->linkpath = map(ap, f->linkpath);
if (streq(f->path, f->linkpath))
error(2, "%s: symbolic link loops to self", f->path);
ftw->status = FTW_SKIP;
return 0;
f->linktype = NOLINK;
f->linkpath = 0;
f->linkpathsize = 0;
f->ro = ropath(f->name);
if (!validout(ap, f))
return 0;
if (!(state.operation & IN) && f->type != X_IFDIR)
if (!addlink(ap, f) && !state.header.linkdata)
f->st->st_size = 0;
message((-4, "getfile(%s): dev'=%d ino'=%d", f->name, f->st->st_dev, f->st->st_ino));
f->delta.op = 0;
f->longname = 0;
f->longlink = 0;
f->skip = 0;
if (state.mode)
f->st->st_mode = strperm(state.mode, &e, f->st->st_mode);
if (*e)
error(2, "%s: invalid mode expression", state.mode);
if (state.mtime)
f->st->st_mtime = tmdate(state.mtime, &e, NiL);
if (*e)
error(2, "%s: invalid mtime", state.mtime);
message((-2, "getfile(): path=%s name=%s mode=%s size=%I*d mtime=%s", name, f->name, fmtmode(f->st->st_mode, 1), sizeof(f->st->st_size), f->st->st_size, fmttime("%K", f->st->st_mtime)));
return 1;
* check that f is valid for archive output
validout(register Archive_t* ap, register File_t* f)
if (f->ro)
return 0;
switch (f->type)
case X_IFBLK:
case X_IFCHR:
f->st->st_size = 0;
case X_IFREG:
IDEVICE(f->st, 0);
case X_IFDIR:
case X_IFIFO:
case X_IFLNK:
f->st->st_size = 0;
IDEVICE(f->st, 0);
return ap->format->validate ? ((*ap->format->validate)(&state, ap, f) > 0) : 1;
* add file which may be a link
* 0 returned if <dev,ino> already added
addlink(register Archive_t* ap, register File_t* f)
register Link_t* p;
register char* s;
int n;
Fileid_t id;
unsigned short us;
id.dev = f->st->st_dev;
id.ino = f->st->st_ino;
if (!ap->delta)
switch (state.operation)
case IN:
us = id.dev;
if (us > state.devcnt)
state.devcnt = us;
state.inocnt = id.ino;
else if (us == state.devcnt)
us = id.ino;
if (us > state.inocnt)
state.inocnt = us;
case IN|OUT:
if (!state.pass)
case OUT:
if (!++state.inocnt)
if (!++state.devcnt)
goto toomany;
state.inocnt = 1;
f->st->st_dev = state.devcnt;
f->st->st_ino = state.inocnt;
if (f->type == X_IFDIR)
return 0;
if (ap->format->flags & NOHARDLINKS)
if (state.operation == IN || f->st->st_nlink <= 1)
return 1;
else if ((ap->format->flags & LINKTYPE) && state.operation == IN)
if (f->linktype == NOLINK)
return 1;
f->linkpath = map(ap, f->linkpath);
goto linked;
else if (f->st->st_nlink <= 1)
return 1;
if (p = (Link_t*)hashget(state.linktab, (char*)&id))
if (ap->format->flags & NOHARDLINKS)
error(1, "%s: hard link information lost in %s format", f->name, ap->format->name);
return 1;
f->st->st_dev = p->id.dev;
f->st->st_ino = p->id.ino;
f->link = p;
f->linktype = HARDLINK;
f->linkpath = p->name;
if (state.pass && (state.operation & OUT) || !state.pass && state.operation == OUT)
return 0;
message((-1, "addlink(%s,%s)", f->name, f->linkpath));
if (ap->format->event && (ap->format->events & PAX_EVENT_BUG_19951031))
(*ap->format->event)(&state, ap, f, NiL, PAX_EVENT_BUG_19951031);
if (streq(f->name, f->linkpath))
error(2, "%s: hard link loops to self", f->name);
return 0;
if (!state.list)
s = f->linkpath;
if (access(s, F_OK))
f->skip = 1;
error(2, "%s must exist for hard link %s", s, f->name);
return 0;
if (state.operation == IN && *s != '/')
strcpy(state.pwd + state.pwdlen, s);
s = state.pwd;
if (link(s, f->name))
if (missdir(ap, f))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot create intermediate directories", f->name);
return 0;
if (link(s, f->name))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot link to %s", f->linkpath, f->name);
return -1;
return 0;
n = strlen(f->name) + 1;
if (!(p = newof(0, Link_t, 1, n)))
goto toomany;
f->link = p;
strcpy(p->name = (char*)p + sizeof(*p), f->name);
p->namesize = n;
p->id.dev = f->st->st_dev;
p->id.ino = f->st->st_ino;
hashput(state.linktab, NiL, p);
return -1;
if (!state.warnlinknum)
state.warnlinknum = 1;
error(1, "too many hard links -- some links may become copies");
return -1;
* get file uid and gid names given numbers
getidnames(register File_t* f)
if (!f->uidname)
f->uidname = fmtuid(f->st->st_uid);
if (!f->gidname)
f->gidname = fmtgid(f->st->st_gid);
* set file uid and gid numbers given names
setidnames(register File_t* f)
register int id;
if (f->uidname)
if ((id = struid(f->uidname)) < 0)
if (id == -1 && state.owner)
error(1, "%s: invalid user name", f->uidname);
f->uidname = 0;
id = state.uid;
f->st->st_uid = id;
if (f->gidname)
if ((id = strgid(f->gidname)) < 0)
if (id == -1 && state.owner)
error(1, "%s: invalid group name", f->gidname);
f->gidname = 0;
id = state.gid;
f->st->st_gid = id;
* allocate and initialize new archive pointer
initarchive(const char* name, int mode)
Archive_t* ap;
if (!(ap = newof(0, Archive_t, 1, 0)))
initfile(ap, &ap->file, &ap->st, NiL, 0);
ap->name = (char*)name;
ap->expected = ap->format = 0;
ap->section = 0;
ap->sum = -1;
ap->mio.mode = ap->tio.mode = mode;
ap->io = &ap->mio;
return ap;
* return pointer to archive for op
getarchive(int op)
Archive_t** app;
app = (op & OUT) ? &state.out : &state.in;
if (!*app)
*app = initarchive(NiL, (op & OUT) ? (state.append ? (O_WRONLY|O_CREAT) : (O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC)) : O_RDONLY);
return *app;
* initialize file info with name and mode
initfile(register Archive_t* ap, register File_t* f, struct stat* st, register char* name, int mode)
memzero(f, sizeof(*f));
f->st = st;
memzero(f->st, sizeof(*f->st));
if (name)
f->id = f->name = f->path = name;
f->namesize = strlen(name) + 1;
f->st->st_mode = modex(mode);
f->st->st_nlink = 1; /* system V needs this!!! */
* set copied file info
setfile(register Archive_t* ap, register File_t* f)
register Post_t* p;
int updated;
Post_t post;
if (f->skip || f->extended)
switch (f->type)
case X_IFLNK:
updated = 0;
#if _lib_lchown
if (state.owner)
if (state.flags & SETIDS)
post.uid = state.setuid;
post.gid = state.setgid;
post.uid = f->st->st_uid;
post.gid = f->st->st_gid;
if (lchown(f->name, post.uid, post.gid) < 0)
error(1, "%s: cannot chown to (%d,%d)", f->name, post.uid, post.gid);
#if _lib_lchmod
if (f->chmod)
int m;
struct stat st;
if (lchmod(f->name, f->perm & state.modemask))
error(1, "%s: cannot chmod to %s", f->name, fmtmode(f->perm & state.modemask, 0) + 1);
else if (m = f->perm & (S_ISUID|S_ISGID|S_ISVTX))
if (lstat(f->name, &st))
error(1, "%s: not found", f->name);
else if (m ^= (st.st_mode & (S_ISUID|S_ISGID|S_ISVTX)))
error(1, "%s: mode %s not set", f->name, fmtmode(m, 0) + 1);
ap->updated += updated;
case X_IFDIR:
if (f->chmod || state.acctime || state.modtime || state.owner || (f->perm & S_IRWXU) != S_IRWXU)
if (!(p = newof(0, Post_t, 1, 0)))
error(3, "not enough space for file restoration info");
tvgetatime(&p->atime, f->st);
tvgetmtime(&p->mtime, f->st);
p->uid = f->st->st_uid;
p->gid = f->st->st_gid;
p->mode = f->perm;
if ((f->perm & S_IRWXU) != S_IRWXU)
p->chmod = 1;
if (chmod(f->name, f->perm|S_IRWXU))
error(1, "%s: cannot chmod to %s", f->name, fmtmode(f->st->st_mode|X_IRWXU, 1) + 1);
p->chmod = f->chmod;
hashput(state.restore, f->name, p);
p = &post;
if (state.acctime)
tvgetatime(&p->atime, f->st);
tvgetmtime(&p->mtime, f->st);
p->uid = f->st->st_uid;
p->gid = f->st->st_gid;
p->mode = f->perm;
p->chmod = f->chmod;
restore(f->name, (char*)p, NiL);
* set access and modification times of file
settime(const char* name, Tv_t* ap, Tv_t* mp, Tv_t* cp)
if (*name && tvtouch(name, ap, mp, cp, 0) && errno != ENOENT && errno != ENOTDIR)
error(1, "%s: cannot set times", name);
* restore file status after processing
restore(register const char* name, char* ap, void* handle)
register Post_t* p = (Post_t*)ap;
int m;
struct stat st;
if (!*name)
return 0;
if (state.owner)
if (state.flags & SETIDS)
p->uid = state.setuid;
p->gid = state.setgid;
if (chown(name, p->uid, p->gid) < 0)
error(1, "%s: cannot chown to (%d,%d)", name, p->uid, p->gid);
if (p->chmod)
if (chmod(name, p->mode & state.modemask))
error(1, "%s: cannot chmod to %s", name, fmtmode(p->mode & state.modemask, 0) + 1);
else if (m = p->mode & (S_ISUID|S_ISGID|S_ISVTX))
if (stat(name, &st))
error(1, "%s: not found", name);
else if (m ^= (st.st_mode & (S_ISUID|S_ISGID|S_ISVTX)))
error(1, "%s: mode %s not set", name, fmtmode(m, 0) + 1);
if (state.modtime)
settime(name, state.acctime ? &p->atime : 0, &p->mtime, NiL);
return 0;
* return 1 if f output can be pruned
prune(register Archive_t* ap, register File_t* f, register struct stat* st)
Tv_t t1;
Tv_t t2;
struct stat so;
int c;
if (state.operation != (IN|OUT) && state.update == OPT_update && !streq(f->name, f->path))
if ((*state.statf)(f->path, &so))
return 0;
st = &so;
if (st->st_mode == f->st->st_mode)
if (ap->delta && !tvcmp(tvmtime(&t1, f->st), tvmtime(&t2, st)))
return 1;
if (state.update && (!(c = tvcmp(tvmtime(&t1, f->st), tvmtime(&t2, st))) || state.update != OPT_different && c < 0))
if (state.exact)
state.pattern->matched = 0;
return 1;
return 0;
* write siz bytes of buf to fd checking for HOLE_MIN hole chunks
* we assume siz is rounded nicely until the end
holewrite(int fd, void* buf, size_t siz)
register char* t = (char*)buf;
register char* e = t + siz;
register char* b = 0;
register char* s;
ssize_t i;
ssize_t n = 0;
static char hole[HOLE_MIN];
if (state.test & 0000100)
b = t;
while (t < e)
s = t;
if ((t += HOLE_MIN) > e)
t = e;
if (!*s && !*(t - 1) && !memcmp(s, hole, t - s))
if (b)
if (state.hole)
if (lseek(fd, state.hole, SEEK_CUR) < state.hole)
return -1;
state.hole = 0;
if ((i = write(fd, b, s - b)) != (s - b))
return i;
n += i;
b = 0;
state.hole += t - s;
n += t - s;
else if (!b)
b = s;
if (b)
if (state.hole)
if (lseek(fd, state.hole, SEEK_CUR) < state.hole)
return -1;
state.hole = 0;
if ((i = write(fd, b, e - b)) != (e - b))
return i;
n += i;
return n;
* make a seekable copy of ap->io input
seekable(Archive_t* ap)
off_t m;
off_t z;
char* s;
int rfd;
int wfd;
if ((wfd = open(state.tmp.file, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_BINARY, S_IRUSR)) < 0)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: cannot create seekable temporary %s", ap->name, state.tmp.file);
if ((rfd = open(state.tmp.file, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY)) < 0)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: cannot open seekable temporary %s", ap->name, state.tmp.file);
if (remove(state.tmp.file))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|1, "%s: cannot remove seekable temporary %s", ap->name, state.tmp.file);
ap->io->seekable = 1;
z = 0;
s = ap->io->buffer + ap->io->unread;
m = ap->io->last - s;
if (write(wfd, s, m) != m)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: seekable temporary %s write error", ap->name, state.tmp.file);
z += m;
} while ((m = read(ap->io->fd, s, state.buffersize)) > 0);
ap->io->size = z;
z = ap->io->count;
ap->io->next = ap->io->last = s;
ap->io->offset = ap->io->count = 0;
if (ap->io->fd || (ap->io->fd = dup(rfd)) < 0)
ap->io->fd = rfd;
bread(ap, NiL, z, z, 0);