* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 1984-2012 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> *
* *
#pragma prototyped
* Glenn Fowler
* AT&T Research
* make - maintain and update programs
* history
* 1970's pre-make (research)
* .
* .
* 1976 make S. I. Feldman
* . .
* . .
* . .
* . .
* 1978 augmented-make . E. G. Bradford
* . . . .
* . . . .
* . . . .
* . . . .
* 1979 build . . . V. B. Erickson, J. F. Pellegrin
* . . . .
* . . . .
* 1984 . . V8-make S. I. Feldman
* . . . .
* . . . .
* . . . .
* . . . .
* . . . .
* . . . .
* . . . .
* 1985 . nmake . G. S. Fowler
* . . . .
* . . . .
* . . . .
* 1986 LC-nmake . . J. E. Shopiro, M. S. Freeland
* . . . .
* . . . mk A. G. Hume
* . . . . .
* 1987 . nmake . . G. S. Fowler
* . . . .
* (1.4) . . .
* . . . .
* . . . .
* . . . .
* 1988 nmake . G. S. Fowler
* . .
* (2.0) .
* . .
* 1990 (2.1) .
* . .
* 1991 (2.2) .
* . .
* 1992 (2.3) .
* . .
* 1993 (3.0) .
* . .
* 1994 (3.1) .
* . .
* 1995 (3.2) . AT&T Bell Labs
* . .
* 1996 (3.3) . AT&T Research (Lucent split)
* . .
* 1997 (3.4) . AT&T Research
* . .
* 1998 (3.5) . AT&T Research
* . .
* 1999 (3.6) . AT&T Research
* . .
* 2000 (4.0) . AT&T Research
* . .
* 2001 (4.1) . AT&T Research
* 2002 (4.2) . AT&T Research
* 2003 (4.3) . AT&T Research
* 2004 (4.4) . AT&T Research
* 2005 (5.0) . AT&T Research
* 2006 (5.1) . AT&T Research
* 2007 (5.2) . AT&T Research
* 2008 (5.3) . AT&T Research
* 2009 (5.4) . AT&T Research
* 2010 (5.5) . AT&T Research
* 2011 (5.6) . AT&T Research
* 2012 (5.7) . AT&T Research
* command line arguments are of three types
* make [ [ option ] [ script ] [ target ] ... ]
* options are described in options.h
* debug trace levels are controlled by error_info.trace
* debug level n enables tracing for all levels less than or equal to n
* levels 4 and higher are conditionally compiled with DEBUG!=0
* if debug level < 20 then all levels are disabled during early bootstrap
* if debug level = 1 then all levels are disabled until after .INIT is made
* level trace
* 0 no trace
* 1 basic make trace
* 2 major actions
* 3 option settings, make object files
* 4 state variables
* 5 directory and archive scan, some OPT_explain'ations
* 6 coshell commands and messages
* 7 makefile input lines
* 8 lexical analyzer states
* 9 metarules applied
* 10 variable expansions
* 11 bindfile() trace
* 12 files added to hash
* 13 new atoms
* 14 hash table usage
* ...
* 20 bootstrap trace
* state.questionable registry (looks like it should go but not sure)
* 0x00000001 *temporary*
* 0x00000002 *temporary*
* 0x00000004 *temporary* disable bind_p "- ..." and "... ..." virtual logic
* 0x00000008 1996-10-11 meta rhs prefix dir check even if rhs has prefix
* 0x00000010 1994-01-01 old out of date if prereq in higher view
* 0x00000020 1994-01-01 old scan advance logic
* 0x00000040 2001-10-20 foiled alias still allows bind (!1994-08-11)
* 0x00000080 1994-08-11 don't catrule() ../.. dir prefixes in bindfile()
* 0x00000100 1994-10-01 metaclose() recursion even if rule.action!=0
* 0x00000200 1994-11-11 disable generate() % transformation check
* 0x00000400 1995-01-19 forceread even if global
* 0x00000800 1995-07-17 D_global if not P_target in bindfile()
* 0x00001000 1995-07-17 less agressive aliasing in bindfile()
* 0x00002000 1995-07-17 less agressive putbound() in bindalias()
* 0x00004000 1995-11-11 P_target && D_dynamic does not imply generated
* 0x00008000 1996-02-29 :P=D: returns at most one dir per item
* 0x00010000 1996-10-11 don't alias check path suffixes in bindfile()
* 0x00020000 1998-11-11 don't force require_p make() recheck
* 0x00040000 1999-09-07 generate() intermediates only if (sep & LT)
* 0x00080000 1999-11-19 disable touch steady state loop
* 0x00100000 2000-02-14 apply metarule even if dir on unbound lhs
* 0x00200000 2000-09-08 0x00100000 implied if !P_implicit
* 0x00400000 2001-02-14 allow P_archive to break job deadlock
* 0x00800000 2001-10-05 disable early r->status=FAILED when errors!=0
* 0x01000000 2002-10-02 $(>) doesn't check min(rule.time,state.time)
* 0x02000000 2002-12-04 don't inhibit .UNBIND of M_bind rules
* 0x04000000 2004-01-20 don't include triggered time==0 targets in :T=F:
* 0x08000000 2004-10-01 metaget does not assume % target for ... : % .NULL
* 0x10000000 2007-01-08 :P=D: alias check
* 0x20000000 2007-06-15 disable :W: . alias check
* 0x40000000 2007-06-20 don't include intermediate makefile dirs in :W:
* 0x80000000 2007-08-28 don't force reassoc bindalias()
* state.test registry (conditionally compiled with DEBUG!=0)
* 0x00000001 *temporary*
* 0x00000002 *temporary*
* 0x00000004 *temporary*
* 0x00000008 bindfile() directory prune trace
* 0x00000010 expand() trace
* 0x00000020 force external archive table of contents generation
* 0x00000040 bindalias() trace
* 0x00000080 scan state trace
* 0x00000100 statetime() trace
* 0x00000200 staterule() view trace
* 0x00000400 more staterule() view trace
* 0x00000800 mergestate() trace
* 0x00001000 job status trace
* 0x00002000 dump Vmheap stats on exit
* 0x00004000 dump atom address with name
* 0x00008000 force state file garbage collection
* 0x00010000 alarm status trace
* 0x00020000 close internal.openfd before job exec
* 0x00040000 set failed state|metarule event to staterule event
* 0x00080000 replace ' ' with '?' instead of FILE_SPACE
* 0x00100000 scan action trace
#include "make.h"
#include "options.h"
#include <sig.h>
#include <stak.h>
#include <vecargs.h>
#include <vmalloc.h>
#define settypes(c,t) for(s=c;*s;settype(*s++,t))
* global initialization -- external engine names are defined in initrule()
Internal_t internal; /* internal rules and vars */
State_t state; /* program state */
Tables_t table; /* hash table info */
char null[] = ""; /* null string */
char tmpname[MAXNAME];/* temporary name buffer */
short ctypes[UCHAR_MAX+1];/* istype() character types */
* user error message intercept
static int
intercept(Sfio_t* sp, int level, int flags)
register Rule_t* r;
char* m;
char* s;
char* t;
char* e;
int n;
int i;
Sfio_t* tmp;
if ((state.mam.level = level) > 0 && !state.hold && (r = internal.error) && (r->property & (P_functional|P_target)) == (P_functional|P_target) && !state.compileonly && !state.interrupt && (m = stakptr(0)) && (n = staktell()) > 0)
* make the error trap
state.hold = m;
while (*m && *m != ':')
while (isspace(*++m));
n -= m - state.hold;
tmp = sfstropen();
sfprintf(tmp, "%d %-.*s", level, n, m);
s = sfstruse(tmp);
* return [ level | - ] [ message ]
* level is new level or - to retain old
* omitted message means it has been printed
if (t = call(r, s))
i = strtol(t, &e, 0);
if (e > t)
t = e;
level = i;
else if (*t == '-')
while (isspace(*t))
if (!t || !*t)
level |= ERROR_OUTPUT;
message((-1, "suppressed %s message: `%-.*s'", level == 1 ? "warning" : "error", n, m));
state.hold = 0;
return level;
* make entry point
main(int argc, char** argv)
register char* s;
register Rule_t* r;
register List_t* p;
int i;
int args;
int trace;
char* t;
char* buf;
char* tok;
Var_t* v;
Stat_t st;
Stat_t ds;
Sfio_t* tmp;
* initialize dynamic globals
version = strdup(fmtident(version));
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
error_info.id = idname;
error_info.version = version;
error_info.exit = finish;
error_info.auxilliary = intercept;
if (pathcheck(PATHCHECK, error_info.id, NiL))
return 1;
error(-99, "startup");
settypes("*?[]", C_MATCH);
settypes("+-|=", C_OPTVAL);
settypes(" \t\n", C_SEP);
settype(0, C_SEP);
settypes(" \t\v\n:+&=;\"\\", C_TERMINAL);
settype(0, C_TERMINAL);
settypes("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_", C_ID1|C_ID2|C_VARIABLE1|C_VARIABLE2);
settypes(".", C_VARIABLE1|C_VARIABLE2);
settypes("0123456789", C_ID2|C_VARIABLE2);
* close garbage fd's -- we'll be tidy from this point on
* 3 may be /dev/tty on some systems
* 0..9 for user redirection in shell
* 10..19 left open by bugs in some shells
* error_info.fd interited from parent
* any close-on-exec fd's must have been done on our behalf
i = 3;
if (isatty(i))
for (; i < 20; i++)
if (i != error_info.fd && !fcntl(i, F_GETFD, 0))
* allocate the very temporary buffer streams
internal.met = sfstropen();
internal.nam = sfstropen();
internal.tmp = sfstropen();
internal.val = sfstropen();
internal.wrk = sfstropen();
tmp = sfstropen();
sfstrrsrv(tmp, 2 * MAXNAME);
* initialize the code and hash tables
* set the default state
state.alias = 1;
state.exec = 1;
state.global = 1;
state.init = 1;
state.intermediate = 1;
state.io[0] = sfstdin;
state.io[1] = sfstdout;
state.io[2] = sfstderr;
state.jobs = 1;
state.pid = getpid();
state.readstate = MAXVIEW;
state.scan = 1;
state.start = CURTIME;
state.stateview = -1;
state.tabstops = 8;
state.targetview = -1;
state.view[0].path = makerule(".");
state.view[0].path = ".";
state.view[0].pathlen = 1;
state.writeobject = state.writestate = "-";
* pwd initialization
* for project management, if . is group|other writeable
* then change umask() for similar write protections
buf = sfstrbase(tmp);
internal.pwd = (s = getcwd(buf, MAXNAME)) ? strdup(s) : strdup(".");
internal.pwdlen = strlen(internal.pwd);
if (stat(".", &st))
error(3, "cannot stat .");
if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && (st.st_mode & (S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH)))
umask(umask(0) & ~(st.st_mode & (S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH)));
* set some variable default values
hashclear(table.var, HASH_ALLOCATE);
setvar(external.make, argv[0], V_import);
t = "lib/make";
setvar(external.lib, strdup((s = pathpath(t, argv[0], PATH_EXECUTE, buf, SF_BUFSIZE)) ? s : t), V_import);
setvar(external.pwd, internal.pwd, V_import);
setvar(external.version, version, V_import);
hashset(table.var, HASH_ALLOCATE);
* read the environment
if (v = getvar(external.nproc))
state.jobs = (int)strtol(v->value, NiL, 0);
if ((v = getvar(external.pwd)) && !streq(v->value, internal.pwd))
if (!stat(v->value, &st) && !stat(internal.pwd, &ds) && st.st_ino == ds.st_ino && st.st_dev == ds.st_dev)
internal.pwd = strdup(v->value);
internal.pwdlen = strlen(v->value);
v->property &= ~V_import;
v->property |= V_free;
v->value = strdup(internal.pwd);
* initialize the internal rule pointers
* read the static initialization script
sfputr(tmp, initstatic, -1);
parse(NiL, sfstruse(tmp), "initstatic", NiL);
* check and read the args file
if (s = colonlist(tmp, external.args, 1, ' '))
i = fs3d(0);
tok = tokopen(s, 1);
while (s = tokread(tok))
if (vecargs(vecfile(s), &argc, &argv) >= 0)
else if (errno != ENOENT)
error(1, "cannot read args file %s", s);
state.argf = newof(0, int, argc, 0);
* set the command line options
* read the command line assignments
* mark the command line scripts and targets
state.init = 0;
state.readonly = 1;
state.argv = argv;
state.argc = argc;
if ((args = scanargs(state.argc, state.argv, state.argf)) < 0)
return 1;
state.readonly = 0;
state.init = 1;
if (state.base)
state.readstate = 0;
if (state.compileonly)
state.forceread = 1;
state.virtualdot = 0;
* tone down the bootstrap noise
if ((trace = error_info.trace) == -1)
error_info.trace = 0;
* check explicit environment overrides
if (s = colonlist(tmp, external.import, 1, ' '))
tok = tokopen(s, 1);
while (s = tokread(tok))
if (i = *s == '!')
if (v = getvar(s))
if (i)
v->property &= ~V_import;
v->property |= V_readonly;
* set up the traps
* announce the version
if (error_info.trace < 0)
errno = 0;
error(error_info.trace, "%s [%d %s]", version, state.pid, timestr(state.start));
* initialize the views
state.global = 0;
state.user = 1;
* check for mam
if (state.mam.out)
if (!state.mam.statix || *state.mam.label)
error_info.write = mamerror;
if (state.mam.regress || state.regress)
sfprintf(state.mam.out, "%sinfo mam %s %05d\n", state.mam.label, state.mam.type, state.mam.parent);
if (state.mam.regress)
sfprintf(state.mam.out, "%sinfo start regression\n", state.mam.label);
sfprintf(state.mam.out, "%sinfo mam %s %05d 1994-07-17 %s\n", state.mam.label, state.mam.type, state.mam.parent, version);
if (!state.mam.statix || *state.mam.label)
sfprintf(state.mam.out, "%sinfo start %lu\n", state.mam.label, CURTIME);
if (!state.mam.root || streq(state.mam.root, internal.pwd))
sfprintf(state.mam.out, "%sinfo pwd %s\n", state.mam.label, internal.pwd);
sfprintf(state.mam.out, "%sinfo pwd %s %s\n", state.mam.label, state.mam.root, mamname(makerule(internal.pwd)));
buf = sfstrbase(tmp);
if (state.fsview && !mount(NiL, buf, FS3D_GET|FS3D_ALL|FS3D_SIZE(sfstrsize(tmp)), NiL))
sfprintf(state.mam.out, "%sinfo view %s\n", state.mam.label, buf);
* read the dynamic initialization script
if ((i = error_info.trace) > -20)
error_info.trace = 0;
sfputr(tmp, initdynamic, -1);
parse(NiL, sfstruse(tmp), "initdynamic", NiL);
error_info.trace = i;
state.user = 0;
state.init = 0;
* read the explicit makefiles
* readfile() handles the base and global rules
* NOTE: internal.tmplist is used to handle the effects of
* load() on internal list pointers
compref(NiL, 0);
if (p = internal.makefiles->prereqs)
p = internal.tmplist->prereqs = listcopy(p);
for (; p; p = p->next)
readfile(p->rule->name, COMP_FILE, NiL);
internal.tmplist->prereqs = 0;
* if no explicit makefiles then try external.{convert,files}
if (!state.makefile)
int sep;
Sfio_t* exp;
Sfio_t* imp;
exp = 0;
imp = sfstropen();
sep = 0;
s = 0;
if (*(t = getval(external.convert, VAL_PRIMARY)))
sfputr(tmp, t, 0);
sfstrrsrv(tmp, MAXNAME);
tok = tokopen(sfstrbase(tmp), 0);
while (s = tokread(tok))
if (!exp)
exp = sfstropen();
if (t = colonlist(exp, s, 0, ' '))
t = tokopen(t, 0);
while (s = tokread(t))
if (sep)
sfputc(imp, ',');
sep = 1;
sfputr(imp, s, -1);
if (s)
if (!(s = tokread(tok)))
sfstrseek(tmp, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (!s && (s = colonlist(tmp, external.files, 1, ' ')))
tok = tokopen(s, 1);
while (s = tokread(tok))
if (sep)
sfputc(imp, ',');
sep = 1;
sfputr(imp, s, -1);
if (!s)
* this readfile() pulls in the default base rules
* that might resolve any delayed self-documenting
* options in optcheck()
if (readfile("-", COMP_FILE, NiL))
if (*(s = sfstruse(imp)))
error(state.errorid ? 1 : 3, "a makefile must be specified when %s omitted", s);
error(state.errorid ? 1 : 3, "a makefile must be specified");
if (exp)
* validate external command line options
* check for listing of variable and rule definitions
if (state.list)
dump(sfstdout, 0);
return 0;
* check if makefiles to be compiled
if (state.compile && !state.virtualdot && state.writeobject)
* make the compinit trap
if (r = getrule(external.compinit))
state.reading = 1;
maketop(r, P_dontcare|P_foreground, NiL);
state.reading = 0;
if (state.exec && state.objectfile)
message((-2, "compiling makefile input into %s", state.objectfile));
compile(state.objectfile, NiL);
* make the compdone trap
if (r = getrule(external.compdone))
state.reading = 1;
maketop(r, P_dontcare|P_foreground, NiL);
state.reading = 0;
* makefile read cleanup
if (state.compileonly)
return 0;
compref(NiL, 0);
state.compile = COMPILED;
if (state.believe)
if (!state.maxview)
state.believe = 0;
else if (state.fsview)
error(3, "%s: option currently works in 2d only", optflag(OPT_believe)->name);
* read the state file
* place the command line targets in internal.args
if (internal.main->dynamic & D_dynamic)
internal.args->prereqs = p = 0;
for (i = args; i < state.argc; i++)
if (state.argf[i] & ARG_TARGET)
List_t* q;
q = cons(makerule(state.argv[i]), NiL);
if (p)
p = p->next = q;
internal.args->prereqs = p = q;
* the engine bootstrap is complete -- start user activities
state.user = 1;
* make the makeinit trap
if (r = getrule(external.makeinit))
maketop(r, P_dontcare|P_foreground, NiL);
* read the command line scripts
for (i = args; i < state.argc; i++)
if (state.argf[i] & ARG_SCRIPT)
state.reading = 1;
parse(NiL, state.argv[i], "command line script", NiL);
state.reading = 0;
* freeze the parameter files and candidate state variables
state.user = 2;
* make the init trap
if (r = getrule(external.init))
maketop(r, P_dontcare|P_foreground, NiL);
* internal.args default to internal.main
if (!internal.args->prereqs && internal.main->prereqs)
internal.args->prereqs = listcopy(internal.main->prereqs);
* turn up the volume again
if (!error_info.trace)
error_info.trace = trace;
* make the prerequisites of internal.args
if (internal.args->prereqs)
while (internal.args->prereqs)
* we explicitly allow internal.args modifications
r = internal.args->prereqs->rule;
internal.making->prereqs = internal.args->prereqs;
internal.args->prereqs = internal.args->prereqs->next;
internal.making->prereqs->next = 0;
maketop(r, 0, NiL);
else if (state.makefile)
error(3, "%s: a main target must be specified", state.makefile);
* finish up
return 0;
* clean up and exit
finish(int n)
Rule_t* r;
int i;
* old error intercept
if (!state.hold && (r = internal.error) && (r->property & (P_target|P_functional)) == P_target)
state.hold = null;
if (n && error_info.errors && !state.compileonly && !state.interrupt)
if (r->status == NOTYET)
maketop(r, P_dontcare|P_foreground, NiL);
state.hold = 0;
if (r->status == EXISTS)
r->status = NOTYET;
* children exit without cleanup
if (getpid() != state.pid)
switch (state.finish)
case 0:
* disable listing and wait for any jobs to finish
state.list = 0;
message((-1, "%s cleanup", state.interrupt ? "interrupt" : n > 0 ? "error" : "normal"));
complete(NiL, NiL, NiL, 0);
case 1:
* make the done trap
if (!state.compileonly && (r = getrule(external.done)))
maketop(r, P_dontcare, NiL);
case 2:
* make the makedone trap
if (!state.compileonly && (r = getrule(external.makedone)))
maketop(r, P_dontcare, NiL);
case 3:
* wait for any job(s) to finish
complete(NiL, NiL, NiL, 0);
case 4:
* put all jobs in foreground and save state
state.jobs = 0;
case 5:
* clean up temporaries
case 6:
* drop the coshell
case 7:
* dump
if (state.test & 0x00002000)
Vmstat_t vs;
vmstat(Vmheap, &vs);
error(0, "vm region %lu segments %lu busy %lu:%lu:%lu free %lu:%lu:%lu", vs.extent, vs.n_seg, vs.n_busy, vs.s_busy, vs.m_busy, vs.n_free, vs.s_free, vs.m_free);
dump(sfstdout, error_info.trace <= -14);
case 8:
* final output
if (state.errors && state.keepgoing && !n)
n = 1;
if (state.mam.out)
if (state.mam.regress)
sfprintf(state.mam.out, "%sinfo finish regression\n", state.mam.label);
else if (state.mam.dynamic || *state.mam.label)
sfprintf(state.mam.out, "%sinfo finish %lu %d\n", state.mam.label, CURTIME, n);
for (i = 0; i < elementsof(state.io); i++)
if (state.io[i] != sfstdin && state.io[i] != sfstdout && state.io[i] != sfstderr)
if (state.errors && state.keepgoing)
error(2, "*** %d action%s failed", state.errors, state.errors == 1 ? null : "s");
message((-1, "%s exit", state.interrupt ? "interrupt" : n ? "error" : "normal"));
if (state.interrupt)
n = 3;
signal(state.interrupt, SIG_DFL);
kill(getpid(), state.interrupt);