* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 1996-2011 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> *
* *
#pragma prototyped
* Glenn Fowler
* AT&T Research
* troff to html definitions
#ifndef _MM2HTML_H
#define _MM2HTML_H 1
#include <ast.h>
#include <ccode.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <hash.h>
#define ARGS 512
#define STKS 512
#define MAXNAME 1024
#define COND_BLOCK (1<<0)
#define COND_EL (1<<1)
#define COND_IE (1<<2)
#define COND_IF (1<<3)
#define COND_KEPT (1<<4)
#define COND_SKIP (1<<5)
#define TAG_BREAK (1<<0)
#define TAG_COPY (1<<1)
#define TAG_DO (1<<2)
#define TAG_PASS (1<<3)
#define TAG_RAW (1<<4)
#define TAG_STATIC (1<<5)
#define TAG_STATIC_BODY (1<<6)
#define TAG_TRACE_GET (1<<7)
#define TAG_TRACE_SET (1<<8)
#define TAG_TRIGGER (1<<9)
typedef struct Arg_s
int argc; /* number of args */
char* argv[ARGS]; /* arg values */
Sfio_t* sp; /* arg string stream */
} Arg_t;
struct Tag_s;
typedef void (*Call_f)(struct Tag_s*, Arg_t*);
typedef struct Tag_s
char* name; /* mm tag name */
Call_f call; /* tag implementation */
unsigned long flags; /* TAG_* flags */
char* body; /* macro body */
char* file; /* definition file */
int line; /* definition line */
int size; /* body size (0 if static) */
} Tag_t;
typedef struct Dir_s
struct Dir_s* next; /* next in list */
char* name; /* directory name */
} Dir_t;
typedef struct Num_s
char* name; /* register name */
char value[64]; /* representation value */
long number; /* numeric value */
int flags; /* TAG_* flags (yes) */
int increment; /* auto increment amount */
char format; /* {0,1,a,A,i,I} */
char internal; /* internal readonly */
} Num_t;
typedef struct
char* path; /* last path on stream */
Sfio_t* sp; /* io stream */
} Stream_t;
typedef struct Pushin_s
unsigned char* in; /* previous state.in */
char* file; /* previous error_info.file */
int line; /* previous error_info.line */
Arg_t* mac; /* previous state.mac */
Arg_t* tag; /* previous state.tag */
Arg_t top; /* new state.tag */
Sfio_t* ip; /* input file stream */
unsigned char* buf; /* input buffer */
unsigned char* end; /* end of input buffer */
Sfio_t* loop; /* loop body stream */
} Pushin_t;
typedef struct Trap_s
struct Trap_s* next; /* next in list */
char name[1]; /* trap name */
} Trap_t;
typedef struct Value_s
int current; /* current value */
int previous; /* previous value */
} Value_t;
typedef struct Var_s
char* name; /* variable name */
char* value; /* variable value */
} Var_t;
typedef struct Env_s
int generation; /* environment generation */
int c2; /* no-br tag control character */
int cc; /* tag control character */
int ce; /* center state */
int dl; /* output line length */
int dn; /* output line count */
int nf; /* output fill state */
int ss; /* sub/super script state */
Value_t ft; /* font index */
Value_t in; /* left indent */
Value_t ll; /* line length */
Value_t po; /* page offset */
Value_t ps; /* font size */
Value_t ti; /* temporary indent */
Value_t vs; /* vertical spacing */
char* name; /* environment name */
} Env_t;
typedef struct Divert_s
struct Divert_s*next; /* next in list */
Env_t environment; /* diversion environment */
Env_t* env; /* previous state.env */
Sfio_t* sp; /* diversion stream */
Tag_t* tag; /* diversion tag */
} Divert_t;
typedef struct List_s
int dl; /* dl code emitted */
int in; /* data indent */
int ti; /* label indent */
} List_t;
typedef struct State_s
int generation; /* evnironment generation */
Env_t* env; /* current environment */
Env_t* env_stack[STKS];/* environment stack */
Env_t** env_sp; /* environment stack pointer */
unsigned char tag_stack[STKS];/* tag nest stack */
unsigned char* tag_top; /* tag nest stack pointer */
List_t* list; /* current list state */
List_t list_stack[STKS];/* current list stack */
unsigned long test; /* test mask */
int groff; /* groff extensions */
int groff_init; /* groff extensions init */
int dl; /* diversion line length */
int dn; /* diversion line count */
int ec; /* escape character */
int footer; /* footer title emitted */
int head; /* document has head */
int eo; /* ec disabled */
int link; /* current \h...\h'0' code */
int ln; /* output line count */
int n; /* last output line length */
int nl; /* output line position */
int noline; /* '\n' is not line terminator */
int pass; /* pass state */
int pc; /* title page number character */
int silent; /* minimal error messages */
int t; /* distance to next trap */
int verbose; /* verbose messages */
time_t date; /* global date */
char* address; /* author address */
char* author; /* document author */
char* background; /* background image */
char* company; /* author company */
char* corporation; /* author corporation */
char* font[6]; /* font index to name map */
char* input; /* first input file */
char* location; /* author location */
char* logo; /* logo/banner image */
char* mailto; /* mail contact */
char* organization; /* author organization */
char* package; /* title prefix */
char* phone; /* author phone */
char* title; /* document title */
char* toolbar; /* junk before </BODY> */
Arg_t* mac; /* current macro args */
Arg_t* tag; /* current tag args */
Arg_t top; /* top tag arg data */
Dir_t* dirs; /* include dir list */
Dir_t* hot; /* hot text list */
Dir_t* macros; /* macro packages */
Divert_t* divert; /* diversion stack */
Hash_table_t* symbols; /* symbol dictionary */
Sfio_t* arg; /* arg buffer */
Sfio_t* nul; /* ignored buffer */
Sfio_t* out; /* output file pointer */
Sfio_t* ref; /* reference buffer */
Sfio_t* req; /* request buffer */
Sfio_t* tmp; /* temporary buffer */
unsigned char* in; /* input buffer pointer */
unsigned char ta[ARGS]; /* .ta stops */
Pushin_t in_stack[STKS]; /* input stream stack */
Pushin_t* in_top; /* input stream stack top */
Sfio_t* out_stack[STKS];/* output stream stack */
Sfio_t** out_top; /* output stream stack top */
Tag_t* define; /* defining this macro */
Tag_t* end; /* end collection with this tag */
int level; /* conditional nesting level */
int flags[STKS]; /* COND_* flags */
} cond;
char trap[MAXNAME+4];/* inline trap invocation */
int center; /* remaining center lines */
int count; /* remaining input lines */
int dc; /* check list indent */
int dd; /* end of list item */
int dl; /* start of list */
int dt; /* start of list item */
int interrupt; /* text interrupted by \c */
int right; /* right justify `center' */
int text; /* output text line count */
} it;
char* file; /* original file */
int line; /* original line */
} original;
Trap_t* fini; /* fini trap list */
Trap_t* trap; /* normal trap list */
} State_t;
extern State_t state;