* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 2002-2011 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> *
* *
#pragma prototyped
* data stream scan
* Glenn Fowler
* AT&T Research
#include <ast.h>
#include <dsslib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <error.h>
static const char usage[] =
"[-?\n@(#)$Id: dss (AT&T Research) 2011-09-11 $\n]"
"[+NAME?dss - scan a data stream and apply a select expression to each "
"[+DESCRIPTION?\bdss\b scans a record-oriented data stream, applies a "
"select \aexpression\a to each record, and writes the matching records "
"to the standard output. If \aexpression\a is \b-\b or empty then all "
"records match. If \aexpression\a begins with \b<\b then the remainder "
"of the expression is a file containing the expression. If \afile\a is "
"\b-\b or omitted then the standard input is read. If \afile\a begins "
"with \b<\b then the string with \b<\b removed is a file containing a "
"newline-separated list of files to process. If |{\bwrite\b \aformat\a}"
"is not specified then the output format is the same as the format of "
"the first input \afile\a.]"
"[+?Input files are \avczip\a(1), \agzip\a(1), \abzip2\a(1) or "
"\apzip\a(1) decompressed if necessary.]"
"[+EXPRESSIONS?Query expressions support C-style syntax. Strings may be "
"specified with '...', \"...\" or /.../ delimiters. \b=~\b and \b!~\b "
"operations on strings treat the right hand operand as a possibly "
"field-specific matching pattern. \bstring\b field matching patterns are "
"extended \bregex\b(3) regular expressions (\begrep\b(1) style.)]"
"[+?Types, queries and functions are brought into scope by \b--library\b "
"references on the command line, library references within schema "
"definitions, or by explicit \alib\a::\aidentifier\a binding within "
"expressions. Variables and function return values within expressions "
"and \b{print}\b formats may be cast to another type using C style casts "
"(\alib\a::\atype\a) and (\atype\a).]"
"[+?An expression of the form { \aquery\a [--\aoption\a...]] [\aarg\a...]] "
"[> \aoutput\a]] } accesses the compiled \aquery\a defined in a "
"\b--library\b dynamic library. { \aquery\a \b--man\b } lists the "
"documentation for \aquery\a.]"
"[+?Dynamic queries enclosed in {...} and interpreted queries enclosed "
"in (...) may be composed using the \b|\b, \b?:\b, and \b;\b operators. "
"\aA\a|\aB\a specifies that query \aB\a processes records selected by "
"query \aA\a. \aA\a?\aB\a:\aC\a specifies that query \aB\a processes the "
"records selected by query \aA\a and query \aC\a processes the records "
"not selected by query \aA\a; query \aB\a may be omitted. \aA\a;\aB\a "
"specifies that queries \aA\a and \aB\a process the same records.]"
"{\fformats and variables\f}"
"[a:append?Open output files in append mode. This disables file header "
"[d:debug?Enable debug tracing.]"
"[I:include?Add \adir\a to the list of directories searched for include "
"files. The default \b../lib/dss\b directories on \b$PATH\b are added to "
"this list.]:[dir]"
"[l:library?Load the dynamic library \aname\a. \bdss\b libraries may "
"define methods, types, maps, queries or functions.]:[name]"
"[m:map?Numeric field value map XML file. \b--method=dss,man\b describes "
"the \b<MAP>\b tag.]:[file]"
"[P:plugins?List plugin information for each \afile\a operand in "
"--\astyle\a on the standard error. The \aexpression\a operand is not "
"specified in this case. If no \afile\a operands are specified then the "
"first instance of each \bdss\b plugin installed on \b$PATH\b or a "
"sibling dir on \b$PATH\b is listed. The special \astyle\a \blist\b "
"lists a line on the standard output for each plugin with the name, a "
"tab character, and plugin specific command line options parameterized "
"by \b${style}\b (suitable for \beval\b'ing in "
"[q:quiet?Disable non-fatal warning messages.]"
"[v:verbose?Enable verbose status messages.]"
"[x:method?Set the record method. This option must be specified. The "
"method name may be followed by a , separated list of method specific "
"\a[no]]name[=value]]\a options and a schema following the first :. "
"Method specific usage may be listed by the \bman\b or \bhtml\b method "
"specific options. Each method is typically implemented in a separate "
"shared library. If the method shared library is not installed on "
"\b$PATH\b or a sibling dir on \b$PATH\b then \amethod\a must be the "
"full path name of the shared library. The methods, determined by "
"\b$PATH\b, are:]:[method[,option[=value]]...]][::schema]]]"
"{\fmethods\f} [T:test?Enable test code defined by \amask\a. Test code "
"is implementation specific.]#[mask]"
"[0x00f0?method specific tests]"
"[0x0f00?cx library specific tests]"
"[0x0100?enable cxeval() code trace]"
"[0xf000?dss library specific tests]"
"[c:count?Write the \amatched/total\a records on the standard output. "
"Deprecated: compose the expression with |{\bcount\b} instead.]"
"[f:format?Set the output method format. Deprecated: compose the "
"expression with |{\bwrite\b \aformat\a} instead.]:[format]"
"[n:nooutput?Disable all output. Deprecated: not required when the "
"expression contains a dynamic query.]"
"[p:print?Print selected records according to \aformat\a. Deprecated: "
"compose the expression with |{\bprint\b \aformat\a} instead.]:[format]"
"[+dss -x dss '{stats --man}'?List the \bstats\b query manpage.]"
"[+dss -x bgp '{write --man}'?List the formats supported by the "
"\bbgp\b method.]"
"[+dss -x netflow \"{stats --group=prot bytes packets}\" *.gz?List "
"the stats for the \bnetflow\b method fields \bbytes\b and "
"\bpackets\b, grouped by values in the field \bprot\b.]"
"[+dss -x bgp {count} cisco.dat?Count the number of \bbgp\b "
"records in \bcisco.dat\b.]"
"[+dss -x bgp '(type==\"A\")??{write table > a}::{write cisco > "
"b}' mrt.dat?Write the announce records from \bmrt.dat\b to the "
"file \ba\b in the \btable\b format and all other records to the "
"file \bb\b in the \bcisco\b format.]"
"[+dss -x foo-txt '{flat foo-bin}|{compress}' foo.txt > foo.bin?Convert "
"the \bfoo-txt\b file \bfoo.txt\b to the \bfoo-bin\b \bflat\b "
"method format file \bfoo.bin\b using the preferred compression "
"method, where \bfoo-txt.dss\b and \bfoo-bin.dss\b are user "
"supplied \bdss\b XML schema files describing the input and "
"output formats.]"
"[+dss -x foo-bin '(time>=\"jan 1\")|{flat foo-txt}' foo.bin?Select "
"all \bfoo.bin\b records with \btime\b > jan 1 and list them in "
"the \bfoo-txt\b format.]"
"\n [ expression ] [ file ... ]\n"
"[+SEE ALSO?\bvczip\b(1), \bgzip\b(1), \bbzip2\b(1), \bpzip\b(1), \bcql\b(1), \bdss::dss\b(5P)]"
static void
showplugin(register Dsslib_t* lib, const char* style, Sfio_t* sp, int* sep, Dssdisc_t* disc)
register int i;
register const char* s;
if (*sep < 0)
if (lib->meth)
sfprintf(sfstdout, "%s\t--library=%s --method=%s,${style}\n", lib->meth->name, lib->name, lib->meth->name);
if (lib->queries)
for (i = 0; s = lib->queries[i].name; i++)
if (lib->meth && !streq(lib->meth->name, error_info.id))
sfprintf(sfstdout, "%s-", lib->meth->name);
else if (!streq(lib->name, error_info.id) && !streq(lib->name, s))
sfprintf(sfstdout, "%s-", lib->name);
sfprintf(sfstdout, "%s\t--library=%s --method=%s \"{%s --'${style}'}\" </dev/null\n", s, lib->name, error_info.id, s);
if (*sep)
sfputc(sfstderr, '\n');
*sep = 1;
dssoptlib(sp, lib, NiL, disc);
error(ERROR_USAGE, "%s", opthelp(sfstruse(sp), style));
main(int argc, char** argv)
int status;
int sep;
char* action;
char* expression;
char* file;
char* plugins;
Sfio_t* tmp;
Dss_t* dss;
Dssdisc_t disc;
Dssmeth_t* meth;
Dsslib_t* lib;
Dssstate_t* state;
Dssflags_t flags;
Dssflags_t test;
Dssoptdisc_t optdisc;
char style[32];
if (file = strrchr(*argv, '/'))
file = *argv;
error_info.id = file;
state = dssinit(&disc, errorf);
memset(&optdisc, 0, sizeof(optdisc));
optdisc.optdisc.version = OPT_VERSION;
optdisc.optdisc.infof = dssoptinfo;
optdisc.disc = &disc;
opt_info.disc = &optdisc.optdisc;
action = 0;
flags = 0;
meth = 0;
plugins = 0;
status = 0;
test = 0;
for (;;)
switch (optget(argv, usage))
case 'a':
flags |= DSS_APPEND;
case 'c':
action = "{count}";
case 'd':
flags |= DSS_DEBUG;
case 'f':
if (!(action = strdup(sfprints("{write %s}", fmtquote(opt_info.arg, "'", "'", strlen(opt_info.arg), FMT_ALWAYS|FMT_ESCAPED)))))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space");
case 'I':
if (pathinclude(opt_info.arg))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space");
case 'l':
if (!dssload(opt_info.arg, &disc))
case 'm':
disc.map = opt_info.arg;
case 'n':
action = "{null}";
case 'p':
if (!(action = strdup(sfprints("{print %s}", fmtquote(opt_info.arg, "'", "'", strlen(opt_info.arg), FMT_ALWAYS|FMT_ESCAPED)))))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space");
case 'q':
flags |= DSS_QUIET;
case 'v':
flags |= DSS_VERBOSE;
case 'x':
if (!(meth = dssmeth(opt_info.arg, &disc)))
error(3, "%s: unknown method", opt_info.arg);
case 'P':
sfsprintf(plugins = style, sizeof(style), "?%s", opt_info.arg);
case 'T':
test = opt_info.num;
case '?':
if (error_info.errors)
return 1;
error(ERROR_USAGE|4, "%s", opt_info.arg);
case ':':
error(2, "%s", opt_info.arg);
if (error_info.errors)
return 1;
argv += opt_info.index;
if (plugins)
if (!(tmp = sfstropen()))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space");
sep = -streq(plugins, "?list");
if (!*argv)
for (lib = dsslib(NiL, DSS_VERBOSE, &disc); lib; lib = (Dsslib_t*)dtnext(state->cx->libraries, lib))
showplugin(lib, plugins, tmp, &sep, &disc);
while (file = *argv++)
if (lib = dsslib(file, DSS_VERBOSE, &disc))
showplugin(lib, plugins, tmp, &sep, &disc);
return error_info.errors != 0;
if (!(expression = *argv++))
error(ERROR_USAGE|4, "%s", optusage(NiL));
if (!(dss = dssopen(flags, test, &disc, meth)))
return 1;
if (dssrun(dss, expression, NiL, action, argv))
status = 1;
if (dssclose(dss))
status = 1;
return status;