* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 1990-2011 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> *
* *
#pragma prototyped
* Glenn Fowler
* AT&T Bell Laboratories
* remote coshell server scheduling support
#include "service.h"
#define W_CPU 80 /* additional cpu weight % */
#define R_IDLE 4 /* idle range factor */
#define W_IDLE (X_RANK/15) /* idle weight */
#define W_JOB 2 /* job weight */
#define T_LOAD 10 /* load truncation */
#define W_LOAD (X_RANK/75) /* load weight */
#define C_RANK 90 /* compressed after this % */
#define H_RANK 85 /* rank hysterisis % */
#define X_RANK RANK /* maximum rank w/o toss */
#define H_TEMP 50 /* temp hysterisis % */
#define W_TEMP 4 /* temp window bit size */
#define R_USER (3*60*60) /* user activity range */
#define W_USER (X_RANK/600) /* user activity weight */
#define CPU(n,v) ((v)*100/(10+((n)-1)*W_CPU/10)/10)
#define PCT(n,p) (((n)/100)*(p))
#define RNK(p,a) (((p)->mode&SHELL_DISABLE)?INT_MAX:((p)->flags&IGN)?(INT_MAX/2):((((p)->stat.load/(p)->scale)+((p)->running*BIAS+CPU((p)->cpu,(a)->bias)))*(p)->bias*(((p)==state.home&&(p)->cpu==1)?400:100)/(p)->rating))
#define IDLE(m,i) ((m)>=((i)<=(state.maxidle)?(i):(state.maxidle)))
* allocate and copy string v into s
static char*
dupstring(char* s, const char* v)
if (v)
if (!(s = newof(s, char, strlen(v) + 1, 0)))
error(3, "out of space [dupstring]");
strcpy(s, v);
else if (s)
s = 0;
* search for name in the shell table
* op is a combination of {DEF,GET,JOB,NEW,SET}
* a points to optional attribute return value
* d points to optional default attributes
search(int op, char* name, register Coattr_t* a, Coattr_t* d)
register Coshell_t* sp;
register Coshell_t* ap;
Coshell_t* cp;
Coshell_t* mp;
Coshell_t* xp;
int bypass;
int matched;
int xm;
int n;
int nopen;
int noverride;
unsigned long sv;
unsigned long v;
unsigned long addr;
Coattr_t attr;
static unsigned long dt;
static Coshell_t* dp;
static unsigned long scan;
static time_t tt;
sp = state.shell;
* extract the attributes
if (!a) a = &attr;
attributes(name, a, d);
if (!(op & JOB))
if (a->global.set)
if (op & DEF) a->global.set &= ~state.set;
if (op & (NEW|SET)) state.set |= a->global.set;
if (a->global.set & SETBUSY)
state.busy = a->global.busy;
if (a->global.set & SETDISABLE)
state.disable = a->global.disable;
if (a->global.set & SETGRACE)
state.grace = a->global.grace;
if (a->global.set & SETIDENTIFY)
state.identify = dupstring(state.identify, a->global.identify);
if (a->global.set & SETMAXIDLE)
state.maxidle = a->global.maxidle;
if (a->global.set & SETMAXLOAD)
state.maxload = a->global.maxload;
if (a->global.set & SETMIGRATE)
state.migrate = dupstring(state.migrate, a->global.migrate);
if (a->global.set & SETPERCPU)
state.percpu = a->global.percpu;
if (a->global.set & SETPERHOST)
state.perhost = a->global.perhost;
if (a->global.set & SETPERSERVER)
state.perserver = a->global.perserver;
if (a->global.set & SETPERUSER)
state.peruser = a->global.peruser;
if (a->global.set & SETPOOL)
state.pool = a->global.pool;
if (a->global.set & SETPROFILE)
state.profile = dupstring(state.profile, a->global.profile);
if (a->global.set & SETREMOTE)
pathrepl(a->global.remote, 0, state.home->type, "%s");
state.remote = dupstring(state.remote, a->global.remote);
if (a->global.set & SETSCHEDULE)
name = a->global.schedule;
if (state.scheduler.fd > 0)
if ((state.scheduler.fd = csopen(name, 0)) < 0 && *name != '/')
sfprintf(state.string, "/dev/tcp/share/%s/trust", name);
if (!(name = sfstruse(state.string)))
error(3, "out of space");
state.scheduler.fd = csopen(name, 0);
if (state.scheduler.fd > 0) state.scheduler.name = dupstring(state.scheduler.name, name);
else error(2, "%s: cannot open scheduler", name);
if (a->global.set & SETSHELL)
pathrepl(a->global.shell, 0, state.home->type, "%s");
state.sh = dupstring(state.sh, a->global.shell);
if (a->global.set & SETFILE)
return(info(op, a->global.file));
if ((op & (DEF|NEW)) && a->set && !(a->set & SETNAME))
return(info(op, NiL));
* check previous entries
if (streq(CS_HOST_LOCAL, a->name) || (op & (DEF|JOB)) == (DEF|JOB))
if (!sp) goto empty;
strcpy(a->name, state.home->name);
a->set |= SETNAME;
else if (streq("server", a->name))
if (!sp) goto empty;
strcpy(a->name, sp->name);
a->set |= SETNAME;
if (op & JOB)
if (!(a->set & SETBIAS)) a->bias = BIAS;
if (state.scheduler.fd > 0)
cp = mp = sp = xp = 0;
xm = 0;
sv = ~0;
nopen = noverride = 0;
ap = state.shellnext;
if (cs.time - (unsigned long)tt > LOST)
tt = cs.time;
state.tm = tmmake(&tt);
if (!state.tm->tm_wday)
state.tm->tm_wday = 7;
* shell scheduling
* cp head of close list
* dp worst open from last time [close after dt]
* mp best closed match
* sp best open match [value is sv]
* xp worst open
* non-busy shells failing idle criteria are marked for close
if ((matched = match(ap, a, op)) && ap->access && !ap->home && !miscmatch(ap, ap->access))
matched = 0;
ap->mode |= SHELL_DENIED;
else ap->mode &= ~SHELL_DENIED;
message((-6, "search: %s name=%s misc=%s matched=%d", ap->name, (a->set & SETNAME) ? a->name : "*", ((a->set | op) & (SETMISC|DEF|NEW|SET)) == SETMISC ? a->misc : "*", matched));
if (!(scan & ((1<<W_TEMP) - 1))) ap->temp >>= W_TEMP;
if (ap->fd)
if (matched) nopen += ap->cpu;
if (ap->fd > 0)
if (!ap->home && (!xp || ap->temp < PCT(xp->temp, H_TEMP) || (ap->mode & SHELL_DENIED) || matched && xm && PCT(ap->temp, H_TEMP) < xp->temp && ap->rank > xp->rank))
xp = ap;
xm = matched;
else if (cs.time > ap->start + LOST)
shellclose(ap, -1);
ap->stat.up = -LOST;
ap->update = cs.time + 2 * LOST;
if (ap->update <= cs.time && ap->errors < ERRORS) update(ap);
if (ap != state.shell && (ap->override || !IDLE(ap->stat.idle, ap->idle) && (!ap->bypass || !(bypass = miscmatch(ap, ap->bypass)))))
if (matched) noverride++;
if (cs.time > ap->override)
if (!ap->running && !ap->home)
ap->mode |= SHELL_CLOSE;
if (!cp) cp = ap;
else if (!ap->override)
ap->override = cs.time - 1;
if (ap->home) ap->override = cs.time + HOME;
if (sp) continue;
if (matched)
if (ap->update <= cs.time && ap->errors < ERRORS) update(ap);
ap->temp += (((unsigned long)1)<<(CHAR_BIT * sizeof(ap->temp) - W_TEMP));
if (ap->fd > 0)
v = RNK(ap, a);
if (v < sv && ap->running < (state.perhost ? state.perhost : ap->cpu * state.percpu) && (!state.maxload || (ap->stat.load / ap->scale) < state.maxload) && (!sp || bypass || IDLE(ap->stat.idle, ap->idle) || !IDLE(sp->stat.idle, sp->idle)))
sv = v;
sp = ap;
else if (!ap->fd && (!mp || ap->rank < mp->rank) && (IDLE(ap->stat.idle, ap->idle) || ap->home || ap->bypass && miscmatch(ap, ap->bypass) || ((a->set | op) & (SETMISC|DEF|NEW|SET)) == SETMISC)) mp = ap;
} while ((ap = ap->next) != state.shellnext);
if (mp && (!sp || nopen < state.pool + noverride && RNK(mp, a) < PCT(sv, H_RANK))) sp = mp;
if (!sp && (op & DEF)) sp = state.home;
message((-4, "open=%d override=%d sp=%s mp=%s xp=%s dp=%s dt=%s", nopen, noverride, sp ? sp->name : "*", mp ? mp->name : "*", xp ? xp->name : "*", dp ? dp->name : "*", dp && dt > cs.time ? fmtelapsed(dt - cs.time, 1) : "*"));
if (xp && xp != sp)
if (!xp->running && (nopen - xp->cpu >= state.pool + noverride || state.open - xp->cpu >= state.fdtotal / 2 || xp == dp && cs.time > dt && (!xm || !mp || mp->rank < PCT(xp->rank, H_RANK))))
dp = 0;
xp->mode &= ~SHELL_CLOSE;
shellclose(xp, -1);
else if (xp != dp)
dp = xp;
dt = cs.time + 2 * UPDATE;
if (cp) do if (cp->mode & SHELL_CLOSE)
cp->mode &= ~SHELL_CLOSE;
if (cp != sp) shellclose(cp, -1);
} while ((cp = cp->next) != state.shellnext);
if (sp)
if (dp == sp) dp = 0;
if (sp->override || !IDLE(sp->stat.idle, sp->idle)) sp->mode |= SHELL_OVERRIDE;
else sp->mode &= ~SHELL_OVERRIDE;
state.shellnext = sp->next;
goto found;
if (nopen) return(&state.wait);
else if (sp) do
if (match(sp, a, op)) goto found;
} while ((sp = sp->next) != state.shell);
* a->name may be an alias
if (!(a->set & SETNAME) || !(addr = csaddr(a->name))) return(0);
if (sp = state.shell) do
if (sp->addr == addr) goto found;
} while ((sp = sp->next) != state.shell);
if (!(op & NEW) && (op & (DEF|GET))) return(0);
if (state.check.host && !strmatch(a->name, state.check.host) && !strmatch(csntoa(addr), state.check.host)) return(0);
* add a new entry
if (++state.shelln > state.shellc)
if (state.shellv) free(state.shellv);
state.shellc = roundof(state.shelln + 1, 32);
if (!(state.shellv = newof(0, Coshell_t*, state.shellc, 0)))
error(3, "out of space [shellv]");
if (!(sp = newof(0, Coshell_t, 1, 0)))
error(3, "out of space [%s]", a->name);
strcpy(sp->name, a->name);
if (state.shell)
n = 0;
ap = state.shell;
for (;;)
sp->rating += ap->rating;
if (ap->next == state.shell) break;
ap = ap->next;
sp->rating /= n;
ap->next = sp;
sp->next = state.shell;
sp->next = sp;
sp->rating = RATING;
sp->flags = op;
sp->type[0] = '*';
sp->bias = BIAS;
sp->scale = sp->cpu = 1;
sp->addr = addr;
switch (op & (DEF|JOB|NEW|SET))
case DEF:
a->set &= ~sp->flags;
case DEF|JOB:
case JOB:
if (sp != state.shell && (sp->override || !IDLE(sp->stat.idle, sp->idle)))
if (!sp->override) state.override++;
sp->override = cs.time + (sp->home ? HOME : OVERRIDE);
case NEW:
if (!(a->set & SETIDLE))
a->set |= SETIDLE;
a->idle = 0;
sp->idle_override = sp->idle;
sp->flags &= ~DEF;
case SET:
sp->flags |= a->set;
if (a->global.set & SETIDLE) sp->stat.idle = a->stat.idle;
if (a->global.set & SETLOAD) sp->stat.load = a->stat.load;
if (a->global.set & SETUPDATE) sp->update = a->stat.up;
if (a->global.set & SETUSERS) sp->stat.users = a->stat.users;
case DEF|NEW:
a->set &= ~sp->flags;
sp->flags |= a->set;
if (a->set & SETACCESS) sp->access = dupstring(sp->access, a->access);
if (a->set & SETBYPASS) sp->bypass = dupstring(sp->bypass, a->bypass);
if (a->set & SETBIAS) sp->bias = a->bias;
if (a->set & SETIGNORE)
if (a->ignore) sp->flags |= IGN;
else sp->flags &= ~IGN;
if (a->set & SETMISC)
sp->flags &= ~SETMISC;
miscadd(sp, a->misc);
if (a->set & SETRATING) sp->rating = a->rating;
if (a->set & SETREMOTE) strcpy(sp->remote, a->remote);
if (a->set & SETSCALE) sp->scale = a->scale;
if (a->set & SETSHELL) strcpy(sp->shell, a->shell);
if (a->set & SETTYPE) strcpy(sp->type, a->type);
if (a->set & SETCPU)
if (sp->fd) state.open += a->cpu - sp->cpu;
sp->cpu = a->cpu;
if (!(sp->flags & SETSCALE)) sp->scale = sp->cpu;
if (a->set & SETIDLE)
if (!(sp->idle = a->idle))
if (sp->override)
sp->override = 0;
sp->update = 0;
else if (sp->update > cs.time + UPDATE) sp->update = 0;
if (sp->running) jobcheck(sp);
if (!sp->update && !(op & GET) || (a->set & (SETBIAS|SETCPU|SETIDLE|SETIGNORE|SETRATING|SETSCALE)) && sp->update <= cs.time + UPDATE) update(sp);
* update shell status
update(register Coshell_t* sp)
register long n;
sp->mode &= ~SHELL_DISABLE;
if (csstat(sp->name, &sp->stat))
sp->stat.up = 0;
sp->stat.idle = -1;
sp->stat.load = LOAD;
sp->stat.users = 0;
if (sp->stat.up < 0)
n = X_RANK;
if (sp == state.shell)
sp->stat.up = 0;
n -= W_USER;
else if (sp->fd) shellclose(sp, -1);
n = 0;
if (!sp->scale)
sp->scale = 1;
if (!sp->rating)
sp->rating = 1;
n += W_LOAD * (((sp->stat.load / sp->scale) + CPU(sp->cpu, W_JOB * LOAD)) / T_LOAD) * sp->bias / sp->rating;
if (state.maxidle)
if (sp->idle)
if (sp->stat.idle < sp->idle) n += W_IDLE;
else if (sp->stat.idle < R_IDLE * sp->idle) n += W_IDLE * (R_IDLE * sp->idle - sp->stat.idle) / ((R_IDLE - 1) * sp->idle);
else if (sp->stat.users && sp->stat.idle < R_USER)
n += W_USER * (R_USER - sp->stat.idle) / R_USER;
if (n > PCT(X_RANK, C_RANK))
if (n >= 2 * X_RANK) n = X_RANK - 1;
else n = PCT(X_RANK, C_RANK) + (n - PCT(X_RANK, C_RANK)) / (2 * X_RANK - PCT(X_RANK, C_RANK) - 1) * (X_RANK - PCT(X_RANK, C_RANK) - 1);
sp->rank = n * 100 + (TOSS>>7) % 100;
sp->errors = 0;
if (sp->stat.up < 0) sp->update = cs.time + CS_STAT_DOWN;
sp->update = cs.time + UPDATE;
if (sp->fd > 0 && (2 * sp->stat.up) < (cs.time - sp->start)) shellclose(sp, -1);
if (!sp->fd && !IDLE(sp->stat.idle, sp->idle)) sp->update += sp->idle - sp->stat.idle;
message((-4, "%s: %s=%s idle=%s load=%s users=%d rank=%s", sp->name, sp->stat.up < 0 ? "down" : "up", fmtelapsed(sp->stat.up < 0 ? -sp->stat.up : sp->stat.up, 1), fmtelapsed(sp->stat.idle, 1), fmtfloat(sp->stat.load), sp->stat.users, fmtfloat(sp->rank)));
* gather host info from file
info(int op, char* file)
register Sfio_t* fp;
register char* s;
struct stat st;
static char* apath;
static time_t atime;
if (!file && op == SET)
if (!(file = apath))
if (!(file = sfstrrsrv(state.string, PATH_MAX)) || !pathaccess(csvar(CS_VAR_TRUST, 1), csvar(CS_VAR_SHARE, 0), CS_SVC_ACCESS, PATH_REGULAR, file, PATH_MAX) || !(file = strdup(file)))
state.access = cs.time + ACCESS_SEARCH;
apath = file;
if (!(fp = sfopen(NiL, file, "r")))
apath = 0;
state.access = cs.time + ACCESS_SEARCH;
state.access = cs.time + ACCESS_UPDATE;
if (fstat(sffileno(fp), &st) || atime == st.st_mtime)
message((-2, "%sscanning access info file %s", atime ? "re" : "", file));
atime = st.st_mtime;
else if (!(fp = csinfo(file, NiL)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: not found", file ? file : "<local host info>");
if ((op & NEW) && (sfset(fp, 0, 0) & SF_STRING))
op &= ~DEF;
while (s = sfgetr(fp, '\n', 1))
search(op, s, NiL, NiL);
* compare shells by name
byname(const char* a, const char* b)
return(strcoll(((Coshell_t*)a)->name, ((Coshell_t*)b)->name));
* compare shells by rank from best to worst
byrank(const char* a, const char* b)
if (((Coshell_t*)a)->rank < ((Coshell_t*)b)->rank) return(-1);
if (((Coshell_t*)a)->rank > ((Coshell_t*)b)->rank) return(1);
* compare shells by temperature from hottest to coolest
bytemp(const char* a, const char* b)
if (((Coshell_t*)a)->temp > ((Coshell_t*)b)->temp) return(-1);
if (((Coshell_t*)a)->temp < ((Coshell_t*)b)->temp) return(1);