* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 1996-2011 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> *
* *
#pragma prototyped
* Glenn Fowler
* AT&T Research
* at -- bundle request and send to AT_SERVICE
static const char usage[] =
"[-?\n@(#)$Id: at (AT&T Research) 2000-05-09 $\n]"
"[+NAME?\f?\f - run commands at specified time(s)]"
"[+DESCRIPTION?\b\f?\f\b is the command interface to the \bat\b daemon."
" It submits commands to be executed at a future time, lists"
" queue status, and controls the daemon.]"
"[+?Options that refer to specific jobs interpret the operands as job ids,"
" otherwise if the \b--time\b option is not specified then the operands"
" are interpreted as the start time. If \atime\a is not specified then"
" the command is scheduled to be executed immediately, subject to the"
" queue constraints.]"
"[+?If \b--time\b is specified then the first non-option argument is the"
" command to be executed, otherwise the command to be executed is read"
" from the standard input. The command job id is written to the standard"
" output after the command has been successfully submitted to the"
" daemon.]"
"[a:access?Check queue access and exit.]"
"[f:file?\afile\a is a script to be run at the specified time.]:[file]"
"[h:label|heading?Set the job label to \astring\a.]:[string]"
"[i:info?List queue information and exit.]"
"[l:list?List queue jobs and exit.]"
"[m:mail?Send mail when the command completes.]"
"[n!:exec?Execute the command. \b--noexec\b shows what would be done but"
" does not execute.]"
"[p:status?List detailed queue status.]"
"[q:queue?Send request to \aqueue\a. Standard queues are:]:[queue]{"
" [+a?The \bat\b(1) queue.]"
" [+b?The \bbatch\b(1) queue.]"
" [+c?The \bcron\b(1) queue.]"
"[r:remove?Remove command named by the \ajob\a ... operands from the queue.]"
"[s:service?Connect to the \bcs\b(1) service \apath\a.]:"
" [path:=/dev/tcp/local/at]"
"[t:time|date?Schedule the command to be run at \atime\a. Most common"
" date formats are accepted. The keyword \bevery\b can be combined"
" with date parts to specify repeat executions, e.g.,"
" \bevery Monday\b.]:[time:=now]"
"[u:user?List the per user queue information. Requires sufficient privilege"
" to view the status of other users.]"
"[A:admin?Enable administrative actions. Requires sufficient privilege.]"
"[D:debug?Enable \bat\b daemon debug tracing to \afile\a at debug level"
" \alevel\a. Higher levels produce more output. Requires sufficient"
" privilege.]:[[level]][file]]]"
"[L:log?Write the log file path name on the standard output and exit. The log"
" file is renamed with a \b.old\b suffix at the beginning of each month"
" and a new log file started.]"
"[Q:quit?Terminate the \bat\b daemon. Requires sufficient privilege.]"
"[U:update?Causes the \bat\b daemon to do a schedule update and re-read"
" the queue definition file if it has changed from the last time"
" it was read. If \aqueuedef\a is specified then it is interpreted as"
" a queue definition file line. See \bQUEUE DEFINITIONS\b below."
" Requires sufficient privilege.]:?[queuedef]"
"[+QUEUE DEFINITIONS?(\aNOTE\a: the \bnroff\b(1) style syntax is taken from"
" \bX/Open\b). The queue definition file defines queue attributes,"
" one queue per line. Lines starting with \b#\b are comments. The format"
" of a definition line is: \aname\a.[\anumber\a\battribute\b]]..., where"
" \aname\a is a single letter queue name and \anumber\a applies to the"
" following single character \battribute\b. If \anumber\a is omitted"
" then it defaults to \b1\b. The default queues are: \ba.4j1n2u\b,"
" \bb.2j2n90w2u\b, \bc.h8j2u60w\b. Per-queue user access may be"
" specified by appending a space separated user names after the queue"
" attributes. If the first list element is \b+\b then the list"
" specifies users allowed to use the queue; othewise it specifies users"
" denied access to the queue. If no user list is specified then queue"
" access is controlled by the global files described in"
" \bQUEUE ACCESS\b below. The attributes are:]{"
" [+h?The job environment is initialized to contain at least the"
" \bHOME\b, \bLOGNAME\b, \bUSER\b, \bPATH\b and"
" \bSHELL\b of the submitting user. The jobs are also"
" run in the user \bHOME\b directory.]"
" [+j?The total number of running jobs for all queues is limited"
" to \anumber\a.]"
" [+l?No new jobs will be run until the load average is smaller"
" than \anumber\a. This only works on systems where the"
" load average is easily determined.]"
" [+n?The default \bnice\b(1) priority is set to \anumber\a.]"
" [+u?The per-user running job limit is set to \anumber\a.]"
" [+w?At least \anumber\a seconds will elapse before the"
" next job from the queue is run.]"
" }"
"[+QUEUE ACCESS?The user \broot\b may submit jobs to all queues. If a queue"
" definition does not specify a user access list then the queue access"
" is controlled by the default access files in this order:]{"
" [+(1)?If the directory \b/usr/lib/cron\b does not exist then"
" job access is granted to all users.]"
" [+(2)?If the file \b/usr/lib/cron/at.allow\b exists then"
" access is granted only to user names listed in this"
" file, one name per line.]"
" [+(3)?If the file \b/usr/lib/cron/at.deny\b exists then"
" access is denied to user names listed in this file,"
" one name per line.]"
" [+(4)?Otherwise access is denied to all users but \broot\b.]"
" }"
"\n[ job ... | time ... ]\n"
" [+/usr/lib/at/queuedefs?The default queue definition file.]"
" [+/usr/lib/cron/at.(allow|deny)?The default queue access files.]"
"[+SEE ALSO?\bbatch\b(1), \bcrontab\b(1), \bnice\b(1), \bsh\b(1)]"
#include "at.h"
#include <fs3d.h>
#define ACCESS (1<<0)
#define ADMIN (1<<1)
#define EXEC (1<<2)
#define INFO (1<<3)
#define JOB (1<<4)
#define LIST (1<<5)
#define LOG (1<<6)
#define MAIL (1<<7)
#define QUIT (1<<8)
#define REMOVE (1<<9)
#define STATUS (1<<10)
#define TRACE (1<<11)
#define UPDATE (1<<12)
#define USER (1<<13)
#define VERSION (1<<14)
main(int argc, char** argv)
register int c;
register char* s;
register Sfio_t* sp;
register Sfio_t* tp;
char* e;
char* t;
int n;
int skip;
time_t now;
char buf[PATH_MAX];
int flags = 0;
int interval = 1;
int op = EXEC;
char* file = 0;
char* label = 0;
char* queue = 0;
char* service = AT_SERVICE;
char* date = 0;
char* every = 0;
char* trace = 0;
char* update = 0;
time_t start = 0;
static char que[2];
if (!(s = strrchr(*argv, '/')))
s = *argv;
else if (t = strchr(++s, '_'))
s = t + 1;
if (*s == 'b')
error_info.id = "batch";
*(queue = que) = *s;
op |= MAIL;
date = "now";
error_info.id = "at";
for (;;)
switch (optget(argv, usage))
case 'a':
op |= ACCESS;
case 'f':
file = opt_info.arg;
case 'h':
label = opt_info.arg;
case 'i':
op |= INFO;
case 'l':
op |= LIST;
case 'm':
op |= MAIL;
case 'n':
op &= ~EXEC;
case 'p':
op |= STATUS;
case 'q':
queue = opt_info.arg;
case 'r':
op |= REMOVE;
case 's':
service = opt_info.arg;
case 't':
date = opt_info.arg;
case 'u':
op |= USER;
case 'v':
op |= VERSION;
case 'A':
op |= ADMIN;
case 'D':
op |= TRACE;
trace = opt_info.arg;
case 'L':
op |= LOG;
case 'Q':
op |= QUIT;
case 'U':
op |= UPDATE;
update = opt_info.arg;
case ':':
error(2, "%s", opt_info.arg);
case '?':
error(ERROR_USAGE|4, "%s", opt_info.arg);
argv += opt_info.index;
if (error_info.errors)
error(ERROR_USAGE|4, "%s", optusage(NiL));
if (!(sp = sfstropen()))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [message]");
sfprintf(sp, "#00000\n#");
if (op & ADMIN)
sfprintf(sp, "%c", AT_ADMIN);
if (queue)
sfprintf(sp, "%c%s ", AT_QUEUE, queue);
case ACCESS:
sfputc(sp, AT_ACCESS);
case INFO:
sfputc(sp, AT_INFO);
case LIST:
sfputc(sp, AT_LIST);
case LOG:
sfputc(sp, AT_LOG);
case QUIT:
sfputc(sp, AT_QUIT);
flags |= CS_OPEN_TEST;
case REMOVE:
sfputc(sp, AT_REMOVE);
case STATUS:
sfputc(sp, AT_STATUS);
case TRACE:
sfprintf(sp, "%c%s", AT_DEBUG, trace);
case UPDATE:
sfprintf(sp, "%c%s", AT_UPDATE, update ? update : "");
case USER:
sfputc(sp, AT_USER);
sfputc(sp, AT_VERSION);
if (op & ~(EXEC|MAIL))
error(3, "only one of -[aglrsuvLQU] may be specified");
op |= JOB;
if (file && !sfopen(sfstdin, file, "r"))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: cannot read", file);
if (!fs3d(FS3D_TEST) || !(s = pathpath("3d", NiL, PATH_ABSOLUTE|PATH_EXECUTE, buf, sizeof(buf))))
s = pathshell();
if (op & MAIL)
sfputc(sp, AT_MAIL);
skip = sfstrtell(sp) + 1;
sfprintf(sp, "%c00000 %s ", AT_JOB, s);
if (date || *argv)
if (!(tp = sfstropen()))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space [time]");
sfputr(tp, "+0 ", -1);
if (date)
sfputr(tp, date, -1);
for (s = *argv;;)
for (n = ' '; c = *s++; n = c)
if (!isspace(c) || n != (c = ' '))
sfputc(tp, c);
if (!(s = *++argv))
if (n != ' ')
sfputc(tp, ' ');
if (!(s = sfstruse(tp)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space");
s += 3;
if (strneq(s, "cron ", n = 5) || strneq(s, "each ", n = 5) || strneq(s, "every ", n = 6) || strneq(s, "repeat ", n = 7))
every = s + n;
t = s;
*t++ = '+';
*t++ = '0';
while (*t != ' ')
*t++ = ' ';
if (*++t == '+' && isdigit(*(t + 1)))
interval = strtol(t, NiL, 0);
while (*t && *t != ' ')
*t++ = ' ';
else if (isdigit(*t))
interval = strtol(t, &e, 0);
if (!isalpha(*e))
interval = 1;
while (*t && *t != ' ')
*t++ = ' ';
while (*every == ' ')
now = time(NiL);
start = tmdate(s, &t, &now);
if (!every && (unsigned long)start <= (unsigned long)now)
start = tmdate(s - 3, &t, &now);
if (*t)
error(3, "%s: invalid time specification", s);
if (s = label)
sfputc(sp, AT_LABEL);
while ((c = *s++) && !isspace(c))
if (isalnum(c))
sfputc(sp, c);
sfputc(sp, ' ');
sfprintf(sp, "%c%lu", AT_TIME, start);
if (s = every)
sfprintf(sp, " +%d %s", interval, s);
if (op & JOB)
if (!(s = coinit(CO_EXPORT|CO_SERVER)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "cannot generate initialization script");
sfprintf(sp, "\n%s\n", s);
s = sfstrbase(sp);
sfsprintf(s + skip, 6, "%05lu ", sfstrtell(sp) - 7);
s[skip + 5] = ' ';
if (s = *argv++)
sfprintf(sp, "%s", s);
while (s = *argv++)
sfprintf(sp, " %s", s);
sfmove(sfstdin, sp, SF_UNBOUND, -1);
sfputc(sp, '\n');
if (s = *argv++)
if (streq(s, "-") && !*argv)
s = "*";
sfprintf(sp, " %s", s);
while (s = *argv++)
sfprintf(sp, "|%s", s);
sfputc(sp, '\n');
n = sfstrtell(sp);
if (!(s = sfstruse(sp)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space");
sfsprintf(s, 7, "#%05d\n", n - 7);
s[6] = '\n';
if (op & EXEC)
if ((op = csopen(&cs, service, 0)) < 0)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: cannot open service", service);
if (cswrite(&cs, op, s, n) != n)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: service write error", service);
while ((n = read(op, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0)
if (write(1, buf, n) != n)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "write error");
if (n < 0)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: service read error", service);
if (op & JOB)
sfprintf(sfstdout, "submit job to run on %s", fmttime(NiL, start));
if (every)
sfprintf(sfstdout, " and repeat every +%d %s", interval, every);
sfprintf(sfstdout, "\n");
sfputr(sfstdout, s, -1);
return 0;