/vbox/src/VBox/Additions/WINNT/VBoxGINA/testcase/ |
H A D | tstVBoxGINA.cpp | 32 HMODULE hMod = LoadLibrary(L"VBoxGINA.dll"); local 33 if (!hMod) 42 FARPROC pfnDebug = GetProcAddress(hMod, "VBoxGINADebug"); 54 FreeLibrary(hMod);
/vbox/src/VBox/Debugger/ |
H A D | DBGPlugInCommonELF.cpp | 55 * @param hMod The module. 59 static int dbgDiggerCommonLinkElfSegs(RTDBGAS hAs, RTDBGMOD hMod, PDBGDIGGERELFSEG paSegs, uint32_t cSegs) argument 64 int rc = RTDbgAsModuleLinkSeg(hAs, hMod, paSegs[i].iSeg, paSegs[i].uLoadAddr, RTDBGASLINK_FLAGS_REPLACE); 67 RTDbgAsModuleUnlink(hAs, hMod);
H A D | DBGPlugInCommonELFTmpl.cpp.h | 200 RTDBGMOD hMod; local 201 int rc = RTDbgModCreate(&hMod, pszModName, 0 /*cbSeg*/, 0 /*fFlags*/); 204 rc = RTDbgModSetTag(hMod, uModTag); AssertRC(rc); 244 rc = RTDbgModSegmentAdd(hMod, uRvaNext, cbSeg, szSeg, 0 /*fFlags*/, &paSegs[i].iSeg); 259 rc = RTDbgModSegmentAdd(hMod, paShdrs[i].sh_addr - uLoadAddr, paShdrs[i].sh_size, szSeg, 0 /*fFlags*/, &paSegs[i].iSeg); 268 RTDbgModRelease(hMod); 309 rc = RTDbgModSymbolAdd(hMod, pszSymbol, iSeg, offSeg, cbSym, 0 /*fFlags*/, NULL); 320 rc = dbgDiggerCommonLinkElfSegs(hAs, hMod, paSegs, cSegs); 323 RTDbgModRelease(hMod);
H A D | DBGPlugInOS2.cpp | 200 RTDBGMOD hMod = RTDbgAsModuleByIndex(hDbgAs, iMod); local 201 if (hMod != NIL_RTDBGMOD) 203 if (RTDbgModGetTag(hMod) == DIG_OS2_MOD_TAG) 205 int rc = RTDbgAsModuleUnlink(hDbgAs, hMod); 208 RTDbgModRelease(hMod);
H A D | DBGPlugInDarwin.cpp | 148 RTDBGMOD hMod; local 149 int rc = RTDbgAsModuleByName(hAs, "mach_kernel", 0, &hMod); 157 rc = RTDbgModSymbolByName(hMod, "_msgbufp", &SymInfo); 175 rc = RTDbgModSymbolByName(hMod, "_msgbuf", &SymInfo); 559 RTDBGMOD hMod; 560 rc = RTDbgModCreateFromMachOImage(&hMod, pszName, NULL, f64Bit ? RTLDRARCH_AMD64 : RTLDRARCH_X86_32, 0 /*cbImage*/, 568 rc = RTDbgModCreate(&hMod, pszName, 0, 0); 578 rc = RTDbgModSegmentAdd(hMod, aSegs[iSeg].uRva, aSegs[iSeg].cb, aSegs[iSeg].szName, 0, NULL); 583 rc = RTDbgModSymbolAdd(hMod, szTmp, iSeg, 0 /*uRva*/, 0 /*cb*/, 0 /*fFlags*/, NULL); 590 RTDbgModRelease(hMod); [all...] |
H A D | DBGPlugInLinux.cpp | 179 RTDBGMOD hMod; local 180 int rc = RTDbgAsModuleByName(hAs, "vmlinux", 0, &hMod); 200 rc = RTDbgModSymbolByName(hMod, aSymbols[i].pszSymbol, &SymInfo); 215 RTDbgModRelease(hMod); 896 RTDBGMOD hMod; local 897 rc = RTDbgModCreate(&hMod, "vmlinux", cbKernel, 0 /*fFlags*/); 900 rc = RTDbgModSetTag(hMod, DIG_LNX_MOD_TAG); AssertRC(rc); 947 rc = RTDbgModSymbolAdd(hMod, &szSymbol[1], RTDBGSEGIDX_RVA, uSymAddr - uKernelStart, 986 rc = RTDbgAsModuleLink(hAs, hMod, uKernelStart, RTDBGASLINK_FLAGS_REPLACE); 993 RTDbgModRelease(hMod); [all...] |
H A D | DBGPlugInSolaris.cpp | 745 RTDBGMOD hMod = RTDbgAsModuleByIndex(hDbgAs, iMod); local 746 if (hMod != NIL_RTDBGMOD) 748 if (RTDbgModGetTag(hMod) == DIG_SOL_MOD_TAG) 750 int rc = RTDbgAsModuleUnlink(hDbgAs, hMod); 753 RTDbgModRelease(hMod);
H A D | DBGPlugInWinNt.cpp | 691 RTDBGMOD hMod; local 692 rc = RTDbgModCreateFromPeImage(&hMod, pszName, NULL, hLdrMod, 699 rc = RTDbgModCreate(&hMod, pszName, cbImage, 0); 703 rc = RTDbgModSymbolAdd(hMod, "Headers", 0 /*iSeg*/, 0, cbImage, 0 /*fFlags*/, NULL); 708 rc = RTDbgModSetTag(hMod, DIG_WINNT_MOD_TAG); 716 rc = RTDbgAsModuleLink(hAs, hMod, pImageAddr->FlatPtr, RTDBGASLINK_FLAGS_REPLACE /*fFlags*/); 719 RTDbgModRelease(hMod); 784 RTDBGMOD hMod = RTDbgAsModuleByIndex(hDbgAs, iMod); local 785 if (hMod != NIL_RTDBGMOD) 787 if (RTDbgModGetTag(hMod) [all...] |
H A D | DBGCEmulateCodeView.cpp | 4019 RTDBGMOD hMod = RTDbgAsModuleByIndex(hAs, iMod); local 4020 if (hMod != NIL_RTDBGMOD) 4022 bool const fDeferred = RTDbgModIsDeferred(hMod); 4023 bool const fExports = RTDbgModIsExports(hMod); 4024 uint32_t const cSegs = fDeferred ? 1 : RTDbgModSegmentCount(hMod); 4025 const char * const pszName = RTDbgModName(hMod); 4026 const char * const pszImgFile = RTDbgModImageFile(hMod); 4027 const char * const pszImgFileUsed = RTDbgModImageFileUsed(hMod); 4028 const char * const pszDbgFile = RTDbgModDebugFile(hMod); 4079 rc = RTDbgModSegmentByIndex(hMod, iSe [all...] |
/vbox/src/VBox/ExtPacks/VBoxDTrace/ |
H A D | VBoxDTraceWrapper.cpp | 186 RTLDRMOD hMod; local 187 rc = SUPR3HardenedLdrLoadPlugIn(szDTraceCmd, &hMod, RTErrInfoInitStatic(&ErrInfo)); 191 rc = RTLdrGetSymbol(hMod, "VBoxDTraceMain", (void **)&pfnVBoxDTraceMain);
H A D | VBoxDTraceR0.cpp | 2102 * @param hMod Opque module handle. 2104 DECLEXPORT(void) ModuleTerm(void *hMod) argument 2106 SUPR0TracerDeregisterImpl(hMod, NULL); 2114 * @param hMod Opque module handle. 2116 DECLEXPORT(int) ModuleInit(void *hMod) argument 2121 rc = SUPR0TracerRegisterImpl(hMod, NULL, &g_VBoxDTraceReg, &g_pVBoxDTraceHlp);
/vbox/src/VBox/Runtime/tools/ |
H A D | RTLdrFlt.cpp | 255 RTDBGMOD hMod; local 257 rc = RTDbgModCreateFromImage(&hMod, pszModule, NULL, enmArch, hDbgCfg); 259 rc = RTDbgModCreateFromPeImage(&hMod, pszModule, NULL, NIL_RTLDRMOD, cbImage, uTimestamp, hDbgCfg); 263 rc = RTDbgAsModuleLink(hDbgAs, hMod, u64Address, 0 /* fFlags */);
/vbox/src/VBox/Additions/WINNT/VBoxTray/ |
H A D | VBoxSeamless.cpp | 136 HMODULE hMod = (HMODULE)RTLdrGetNativeHandle(gCtx.hModHook); local 137 Assert(hMod != (HMODULE)~(uintptr_t)0); 138 gCtx.pfnVBoxHookInstallWindowTracker(hMod);
/vbox/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR0/ |
H A D | VMMR0.cpp | 104 * @param hMod Image handle for use in APIs. 106 DECLEXPORT(int) ModuleInit(void *hMod) argument 113 int rc2 = SUPR0TracerRegisterModule(hMod, &g_VTGObjHeader); 227 * @param hMod Image handle for use in APIs. 229 DECLEXPORT(void) ModuleTerm(void *hMod) argument 231 NOREF(hMod);
/vbox/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/ |
H A D | DBGFAddrSpace.cpp | 90 RTDBGMOD hMod; member in struct:DBGFR3ASLOADOPENDATA 1038 * @param hMod The module handle. 1043 VMMR3DECL(int) DBGFR3AsLinkModule(PUVM pUVM, RTDBGAS hDbgAs, RTDBGMOD hMod, PCDBGFADDRESS pModAddress, argument 1060 rc = RTDbgAsModuleLink(hRealAS, hMod, pModAddress->FlatPtr, fFlags); 1062 rc = RTDbgAsModuleLinkSeg(hRealAS, hMod, iModSeg, pModAddress->FlatPtr, fFlags); 1092 RTDBGMOD hMod; 1093 int rc = RTDbgAsModuleByName(hRealAS, pszModName, 0, &hMod); 1098 rc = RTDbgAsModuleUnlink(hRealAS, hMod); 1099 RTDbgModRelease(hMod); 1102 rc = RTDbgAsModuleByName(hRealAS, pszModName, 0, &hMod); 1123 dbgfR3AsSymbolJoinNames(PRTDBGSYMBOL pSymbol, RTDBGMOD hMod) argument [all...] |
/vbox/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/ |
H A D | SUPDrvTracer.cpp | 1141 * @param hMod The module handle. 1144 SUPR0DECL(int) SUPR0TracerRegisterModule(void *hMod, PVTGOBJHDR pVtgHdr) argument 1146 PSUPDRVLDRIMAGE pImage = (PSUPDRVLDRIMAGE)hMod; 1186 * @param hMod The module handle. 1191 SUPR0DECL(int) SUPR0TracerRegisterImpl(void *hMod, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, PCSUPDRVTRACERREG pReg, PCSUPDRVTRACERHLP *ppHlp) argument 1193 PSUPDRVLDRIMAGE pImage = (PSUPDRVLDRIMAGE)hMod; 1411 * @param hMod The module handle. 1414 SUPR0DECL(int) SUPR0TracerDeregisterImpl(void *hMod, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession) argument 1416 PSUPDRVLDRIMAGE pImage = (PSUPDRVLDRIMAGE)hMod;
H A D | SUPR3HardenedMain.cpp | 1637 HMODULE hMod = (HMODULE)supR3HardenedWinLoadLibrary(szPath, false /*fSystem32Only*/); local 1638 if (!hMod) 1642 PFNRTR3INITEX pfnRTInitEx = (PFNRTR3INITEX)GetProcAddress(hMod, SUP_HARDENED_SYM("RTR3InitEx")); 1648 PFNSUPR3PREINIT pfnSUPPreInit = (PFNSUPR3PREINIT)GetProcAddress(hMod, SUP_HARDENED_SYM("supR3PreInit")); 1654 g_pfnRTLogRelPrintf = (PFNRTLOGRELPRINTF)GetProcAddress(hMod, SUP_HARDENED_SYM("RTLogRelPrintf")); 1702 supR3HardenedWinCreateParentWatcherThread(hMod); 1740 HMODULE hMod = (HMODULE)supR3HardenedWinLoadLibrary(szPath, false /*fSystem32Only*/); local 1741 if (!hMod) 1743 FARPROC pfn = GetProcAddress(hMod, SUP_HARDENED_SYM("TrustedError")); 1783 HMODULE hMod local [all...] |
/vbox/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/win/ |
H A D | SUPHardenedVerifyImage-win.cpp | 1925 HMODULE hMod = LoadLibraryExW(wszName, NULL, fFlags); local 1926 if ( hMod == NULL 1932 hMod = LoadLibraryExW(wszName, NULL, fFlags); 1934 if ( hMod == NULL 1937 return hMod;