Lines Matching refs:actor

203 static Dt_t* opendictionary(char* actor, char* type, int num, pid_t pid, char* store)
212 terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: Couldn't create vmalloc region", actor, type, num, pid);
230 terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: Can't open dictionary", actor, type, num, pid);
232 terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: Can't customize dictionary", actor, type, num, pid);
238 static pid_t makeprocess(char* proc, char* type, char* actor, int num, char* aso)
246 terror("%s %s [num=%d]: Could not fork() a subprocess", actor, type, num);
259 argv[i++] = actor;
263 terror("%s %s [num=%d]: Could not execv() process %s %s", actor, type, num, proc, type);
269 static int readwrite(char* type, char* store, char* actor, char* procnum)
280 terror("%s %s [num=%d]: can't get process id", actor, type, num);
283 if(!(dt = opendictionary(actor, type, num, pid, store)) )
284 terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: can't open dictionary", actor, type, num, pid);
288 terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: can't get dictionary discipline", actor, type, num, pid);
291 if(strcmp(actor, "inserter") == 0 || strcmp(actor, "deleter") == 0)
307 if(strcmp(actor, "inserter") == 0 )
309 tinfo("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: range=[%d,%d) ready to go", actor, type, num, pid, base, base+W_EXTENT);
314 terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: vmalloc failed", actor, type, num, pid);
319 terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: insert failed", actor, type, num, pid);
325 terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: vmalloc failed", actor, type, num, pid);
331 actor, type, num, pid, o->dval, o->fpid);
335 actor, type, num, pid, o->dval, o->refn, o->type, o->opid);
346 actor, type, num, pid, o->dval, o->refn, o->type, o->opid);
356 actor, type, num, pid, base, W_EXTENT, insert, unins);
361 else if(strcmp(actor, "deleter") == 0 )
364 tinfo("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: dtsize=%d ready to go", actor, type, num, pid, size);
372 actor, type, num, pid, o->dval, o->refn, o->type, o->opid);
385 actor, type, num, pid, size, walk, delete, undel);
393 actor, type, num, mmdc->pid, o->dval, o->free, o->fpid);
396 actor, type, num, mmdc->pid, o->dval, o->free, o->fpid);
399 terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: free=%d delete=%d", actor, type, num, pid, size, delete);
404 else if(strcmp(actor, "searcher") == 0 )
407 tinfo("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: dtsize=%d ready to go", actor, type, num, pid, size);
420 actor, type, num, pid, rv->dval, rv->fpid);
424 actor, type, num, pid, rv->dval, rv->refn, rv->type, rv->opid);
434 actor, type, num, pid, size, search, unsrch);
447 actor, type, num, pid, o->dval, o->refn, o->fpid, o->type, o->opid);
450 actor, type, num, pid, o->dval, o->refn, o->type, o->opid);
460 actor, type, num, pid, size, walk, first);
463 else terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: unknown actor", actor, num, pid);
477 actor, type, num, pid, size, walk, insert-delete);
479 terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: insert=%d < delete=%d", actor, type, num, pid, insert, delete);
481 terror("%s %s [num=%d,pid=%d]: dtsize=%d != walk=%d", actor, type, num, pid, size, walk);
484 i = strcmp(actor, "inserter") == 0 ? 1 : strcmp(actor, "deleter") == 0 ? 2 : 3;
488 actor, type, num, pid, o->dval);