History log of /ontohub/app/models/distributed_ontology.rb
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
4ca64d4d941146c5a90916eb862a83a8a6d7a08a 01-Dec-2014 Eileen Bolloff <ebolloff@fb3.uni-bremen.de>

Fix syntax errors so it matches our style guide.

495a749d26f386772dc567e646ef7707c2821030 01-Dec-2014 Eileen Bolloff <ebolloff@fb3.uni-bremen.de>

made the models searchable with elasticsearch

9f71e4e1c9cab7485784b2b0bb7d1402ae1e4d14 05-Nov-2014 hardik101 <hardikbalar101@gmail.com>

removal of travis error casuing changes

22297c9ed98da092bf39cc111584a7b072cffdea 04-Nov-2014 hardik101 <hardikbalar101@gmail.com>

all remaining generalizations

61fdfd6e7ee93fca56a15fee37d9982528d85a60 10-Dec-2013 Sascha Graef <sgraef@informatik.uni-bremen.de>

move iri_for_child to ontology for interpretating importet ontologies

3d97869afe59355cbe85b6af291ef538ebcae082 26-Nov-2013 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

let DOs generate child-iris with ? instead of #. In HTTP/URL syntax the "#" represents a fragment which isn't even send to the server. This usually means that it is not appropriate to use "#" for single individuals. Instead we will use the Query-Separator "?".

9f820b8418985826ffbe714a8c509ff34db315a7 15-Aug-2012 Julian Kornberger <juliank@tzi.de>

Import of Links works

f4ba80b117b547a303335975912cdb3f9183310c 13-Aug-2012 Daniel Couto Vale <danielvale@uni-bremen.de>

Makes single url path of different ontology types

d95c0de1fbdb66e2aa8d2dc223ad554413f1dc87 13-Aug-2012 Julian Kornberger <juliank@tzi.de>

XML parser adjusted to the new format