show.html.haml revision 22297c9ed98da092bf39cc111584a7b072cffdea
= repository_nav repository, :history
The version history of this repository is maintained by
= link_to('the Git version control system', '') + '.'
Below you have access to the history of changes commited to this
repository as well as to any particular past version of it.
- if oid
- if ontology
= link_to 'Show ' + Settings.OMS.capitalize + ' versions', repository_ontology_ontology_versions_path(repository, @ontology), class: 'btn btn-default btn-sm'
= render partial: 'files/breadcrumbs'
= paginate resource.paginated_array, window: 0, outer_window: 0, exclude: [:first, :last, :gap, :per_page]
- resource.grouped_commits.each do |group|
= render partial: 'history_commit_group', locals: { group: group }
- else
%p This repository is empty.