dd.html revision 8b31a65685adffca50a9cd65e89f8ac8e780a852
<title>DragDrop Tests</title>
/* TO make sure the test will run in an iframe*/
#wrap {
width: 900px;
height: 600px;
border: 1px solid black;
position: relative;
#drag {
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
border: 1px solid black;
background-color: #ccc;
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
#drop {
position: absolute;
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
border: 1px solid black;
background-color: #ccc;
top: 10px;
right: 10px;
<div id="wrap">
<div id="drag"></div>
<div id="drop"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var Y = new YUI({
base: '/build/',
logExclude: {
'YUI': true,
Event: true,
Base: true,
Attribute: true,
augment: true
}).use('dd', "test", 'substitute', function(Y) {
_count = {};
_data = {
one: 1,
two: 2,
three: 3
_resetCount = function() {
Y.each(_count, function(v, k) {
_count[k] = 0;
var _handleCount = function(e) {
if (!_count[e.type]) {
_count[e.type] = 0;
template = {
setUp : function() {
tearDown : function() {
test_shim: function() {
var s = Y.DD.DDM._pg;
Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node, s, 'Shim: Node Instance');
test_drag_setup: function() {
dd = new Y.DD.Drag({ node: '#drag' });
Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.DD.Drag, dd, 'dd: Drag Instance');
Y.Assert.isTrue(dd.get('node').hasClass('yui-dd-draggable'), 'dd: Drag Instance ClassName');
test_drag_add_handle: function() {
Y.Assert.isNull(dd._handles, 'dd: Handles NOT Null');
dd.set('handles', ['h2']);
Y.Assert.isObject(dd._handles, 'dd: Handles not an object');
Y.Assert.isTrue(dd._handles.h2, 'dd: Handles H2 not there');
dd.set('handles', false);
Y.Assert.isNull(dd._handles, 'dd: Handles NOT Null');
Y.Assert.isObject(dd._handles, 'dd: Handles not an object');
Y.Assert.isTrue(dd._handles.h2, 'dd: Handles H2 not there');
test_drag_setup_events: function() {
Y.each(dd._yuievt.events, function(v, k) {
var handle = dd.on(k, _handleCount);
Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.EventHandle, handle, 'drag:handle [' + k + ']: Handle Instance');
test_drop_setup: function() {
drop = new Y.DD.Drop({ node: '#drop', data: { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3 } });
Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.DD.Drop, drop, 'drop: Drop Instance');
Y.Assert.isTrue(drop.get('node').hasClass('yui-dd-drop'), 'drop: Drop Instance ClassName');
test_drop_setup_events: function() {
Y.each(drop._yuievt.events, function(v, k) {
var handle = drop.on(k, _handleCount);
Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.EventHandle, handle, 'drop:handle [' + k + ']: Handle Instance');
test_drag_move: function() {
Y.DD.DDM._noShim = true;
dd._dragThreshMet = true;
Y.DD.DDM.activeDrag = dd;
for (var i = 0; i < 727; i++) {
Y.DD.DDM._noShim = false;
test_drag_destroy: function() {
test_proxy: function() {
var p = Y.DD.DDM._proxy;
test_proxy_setup_events: function() {
test_proxy_move: function() {
Y.DD.DDM._noShim = true;
proxy._dragThreshMet = true;
Y.DD.DDM.activeDrag = proxy;
for (var i = 0; i < 727; i++) {
Y.DD.DDM._move({ pageX: i, pageY: 110 });
Y.DD.DDM._noShim = false;
Y.Assert.areSame(_count['drag:drag'], 727, 'drag:drag should fire 727 times');
Y.Assert.areSame(_count['drag:drophit'], 1, 'drag:drophit should fire 1 time');
Y.Assert.areSame(_count['drag:end'], 1, 'drag:end should fire 1 time');
Y.Assert.areSame(_count['drag:start'], 1, 'drag:start should fire 1 time');
Y.Assert.areSame(_count['drag:enter'], 1, 'drag:enter should fire 1 time');
Y.Assert.areSame(_count['drag:over'], 30, 'drag:over should fire 30 times');
Y.Assert.areSame(_count['drop:over'], 30, 'drop:over should fire 30 times');
Y.Assert.areSame(_count['drop:enter'], 1, 'drop:enter should fire 1 time');
Y.Assert.areSame(_count['drop:hit'], 1, 'drop:hit should fire 1 time');
test_proxy_destroy: function() {
Y.Assert.isFalse(proxy.get('node').hasClass('yui-dd-draggable'), 'proxy: Drag Instance NO ClassName');
Y.Assert.isTrue(proxy.get('destroyed'), 'Proxy: Destroyed Attribute');
test_drop_destroy: function() {
Y.Assert.isFalse(drop.get('node').hasClass('yui-dd-drop'), 'Drop: Drop Instance NO ClassName');
Y.Assert.isTrue(drop.get('destroyed'), 'Drop: Destroyed Attribute');
Y.Test.Runner.add(new Y.Test.Case(template));