cookie.html revision 8b31a65685adffca50a9cd65e89f8ac8e780a852
<title>cookie tests</title>
<body class="yui-skin-sam">
<h1>Cookie Tests</h1>
<div id="c"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
base: '/build/',
filter: 'debug'
}).use('test', 'cookie', 'console', function (Y) {
Y.Tests.Cookie = (function(){
var Assert = Y.Assert,
ObjectAssert = Y.ObjectAssert;
//utility function
function deleteCookie(name, detail){
document.cookie = name + "=blah; " + (detail || "") + " expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT";
function setCookie(name, value){
document.cookie = (name) + "=" + (value);
// Base Test Suite
var suite = new Y.Test.Suite("Cookie Tests");
// Test Case for parsing capabilities
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name : "Cookie Parsing Tests",
// Tests
testParseCookieStringEmpty : function(){
var cookies = Y.Cookie._parseCookieString("");
testParseCookieStringNull : function(){
var cookies = Y.Cookie._parseCookieString(null);
testParseCookieStringBoolean : function(){
var cookies = Y.Cookie._parseCookieString(true);
testParseCookieStringBoolean : function(){
var cookies = Y.Cookie._parseCookieString(true);
testParseCookieStringUndefined : function(){
var cookies = Y.Cookie._parseCookieString();
testParseCookieStringInvalid : function(){
var cookies = Y.Cookie._parseCookieString("a");
testParseCookieStringSimple : function(){
var cookieString = "a=b";
var cookies = Y.Cookie._parseCookieString(cookieString);
ObjectAssert.has("a", cookies, "Cookie 'a' is missing.");
Assert.areEqual("b", cookies.a, "Cookie 'a' should have value 'b'.");
testParseCookieStringNumber : function(){
var cookieString = "12345=b";
var cookies = Y.Cookie._parseCookieString(cookieString);
ObjectAssert.has("12345", cookies, "Cookie '12345' is missing.");
Assert.areEqual("b", cookies["12345"], "Cookie '12345' should have value 'b'.");
testParseCookieStringSimpleMulti : function(){
var cookieString = "a=b; c=d; e=f; g=h";
var cookies = Y.Cookie._parseCookieString(cookieString);
ObjectAssert.has("a", cookies, "Cookie 'a' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("c", cookies, "Cookie 'c' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("e", cookies, "Cookie 'e' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("g", cookies, "Cookie 'g' is missing.");
Assert.areEqual("b", cookies.a, "Cookie 'a' should have value 'b'.");
Assert.areEqual("d", cookies.c, "Cookie 'c' should have value 'd'.");
Assert.areEqual("f", cookies.e, "Cookie 'e' should have value 'f'.");
Assert.areEqual("h", cookies.g, "Cookie 'g' should have value 'h'.");
testParseCookieStringComplex : function(){
var cookieString = "name=Nicholas%20Zakas; title=front%20end%20engineer";
var cookies = Y.Cookie._parseCookieString(cookieString);
ObjectAssert.has("name", cookies, "Cookie 'name' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("title", cookies, "Cookie 'title' is missing.");
Assert.areEqual("Nicholas Zakas",, "Cookie 'name' should have value 'Nicholas Zakas'.");
Assert.areEqual("front end engineer", cookies.title, "Cookie 'title' should have value 'front end engineer'.");
testParseCookieStringNetwork : function(){
var cookieString = "B=2nk0a3t3lj7cr&b=3&s=13; LYC=l_v=2&l_lv=10&l_l=94ddoa70d&l_s=qz54t4qwrsqquyv51w0z4xxwtx31x1t0&l_lid=146p1u6&l_r=4q&l_lc=0_0_0_0_0&l_mpr=50_0_0&l_um=0_0_1_0_0;YMRAD=1215072198*0_0_7318647_1_0_40123839_1; l%5FPD3=840";
var cookies = Y.Cookie._parseCookieString(cookieString);
ObjectAssert.has("B", cookies, "Cookie 'B' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("LYC", cookies, "Cookie 'LYC' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("l_PD3", cookies, "Cookie 'l_PD3' is missing.");
testParseCookieStringWithEscapedCharactersInCookieName: function(){
var cookieName = "something[1]";
var cookieValue = "123";
var cookieString = encodeURIComponent(cookieName) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(cookieValue);
var cookies = Y.Cookie._parseCookieString(cookieString);
ObjectAssert.has(cookieName, cookies, "Cookie '" + cookieName + "' is missing.");
Assert.areEqual(cookieValue, cookies[cookieName], "Cookie value for '" + cookieName + "' is wrong.");
testParseCookieStringIncorrectFormat: function(){
var cookieString = "SESSION=27bedbdf3d35252d0db07f34d81dcca6; STATS=OK; SCREEN=1280x1024; undefined; ys-bottom-preview=o%3Aheight%3Dn%253A389"
var cookies = Y.Cookie._parseCookieString(cookieString);
ObjectAssert.has("SCREEN", cookies, "Cookie 'SCREEN' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("STATS", cookies, "Cookie 'STATS' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("SESSION", cookies, "Cookie 'SESSION' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("ys-bottom-preview", cookies, "Cookie 'ys-bottom-preview' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("undefined", cookies, "Cookie 'undefined' is missing.");
testParseCookieStringWithHash : function(){
var cookieString = "name=Nicholas%20Zakas; hash=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h; title=front%20end%20engineer";
var cookies = Y.Cookie._parseCookieString(cookieString);
ObjectAssert.has("name", cookies, "Cookie 'name' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("hash", cookies, "Cookie 'hash' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("title", cookies, "Cookie 'title' is missing.");
Assert.areEqual("Nicholas Zakas",, "Cookie 'name' should have value 'Nicholas Zakas'.");
Assert.areEqual("a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", cookies.hash, "Cookie 'hash' should have value 'a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h'.");
Assert.areEqual("front end engineer", cookies.title, "Cookie 'title' should have value 'front end engineer'.");
testParseCookieHash : function () {
var cookieHash = "a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h";
var hash = Y.Cookie._parseCookieHash(cookieHash);
ObjectAssert.has("a", hash, "Hash 'a' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("c", hash, "Hash 'c' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("e", hash, "Hash 'e' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("g", hash, "Hash 'g' is missing.");
Assert.areEqual("b", hash.a, "Hash 'a' should have value 'b'.");
Assert.areEqual("d", hash.c, "Hash 'c' should have value 'd'.");
Assert.areEqual("f", hash.e, "Hash 'e' should have value 'f'.");
Assert.areEqual("h", hash.g, "Hash 'g' should have value 'h'.");
testParseCookieHashComplex : function () {
var cookieName = "something[1]";
var cookieValue = "123";
var cookieHash = encodeURIComponent(cookieName) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(cookieValue);
var hash = Y.Cookie._parseCookieHash(cookieHash);
ObjectAssert.has(cookieName, hash, "Hash 'something[1]' is missing.");
Assert.areEqual(cookieValue, hash[cookieName], "Hash 'a' should have value 'b'.");
testParseCookieHashEmpty: function(){
var hash = Y.Cookie._parseCookieHash("");
Assert.isFalse("" in hash, "Hash shouldn't have an empty string property.");
// Test Case for string formatting capabilities
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name : "Cookie String Creation Tests",
// Tests
testCreateCookieStringSimple : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieString("name", "value", true);
Assert.areEqual("name=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieStringSimpleWithPath : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieString("name", "value", true, { path: "/" });
Assert.areEqual("name=value; path=/", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieStringSimpleWithInvalidPath1 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieString("name", "value", true, { path: 25 });
Assert.areEqual("name=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieStringSimpleWithInvalidPath2 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieString("name", "value", true, { path: "" });
Assert.areEqual("name=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieStringSimpleWithDomain : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieString("name", "value", true, { domain: "" });
Assert.areEqual("name=value;", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieStringSimpleWithInvalidDomain1 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieString("name", "value", true, { domain: true });
Assert.areEqual("name=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieStringSimpleWithInvalidDomain2 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieString("name", "value", true, { domain: "" });
Assert.areEqual("name=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieStringSimpleWithSecure : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieString("name", "value", true, { secure: true });
Assert.areEqual("name=value; secure", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieStringSimpleWithInvalidSecure1 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieString("name", "value", true, { secure: false });
Assert.areEqual("name=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieStringSimpleWithInvalidSecure2 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieString("name", "value", true, { secure: "blah" });
Assert.areEqual("name=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieStringSimpleWithExpiry : function(){
var expires = new Date("Wed, 01 Jan 2070 00:00:00 GMT");
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieString("name", "value", true, { expires: expires });
Assert.areEqual("name=value; expires=" + expires.toGMTString(), text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieStringSimpleWithInvalidExpiry : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieString("name", "value", true, { expires: "blah" });
Assert.areEqual("name=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieStringSimpleWithAll : function(){
var expires = new Date("Wed, 01 Jan 2070 00:00:00 GMT");
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieString("name", "value", true, { expires: expires, domain : "", path: "/", secure: true });
Assert.areEqual("name=value; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() + "; path=/;; secure", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieStringComplex : function(){
var name = "c.f name";
var value = " ed|ieh,~!!@#$%^*=098345|}{<>?";
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieString(name, value, true);
Assert.areEqual(encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value), text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieStringComplexWithPath : function(){
var name = "c.f name";
var value = " ed|ieh,~!!@#$%^*=098345|}{<>?";
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieString(name, value, true, { path : "/" });
Assert.areEqual(encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) + "; path=/", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieStringComplexWithDomain : function(){
var name = "c.f name";
var value = " ed|ieh,~!!@#$%^*=098345|}{<>?";
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieString(name, value, true, { domain: "" });
Assert.areEqual(encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) + ";", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieStringComplexWithSecure : function(){
var name = "c.f name";
var value = " ed|ieh,~!!@#$%^*=098345|}{<>?";
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieString(name, value, true, { secure: true });
Assert.areEqual(encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) + "; secure", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieStringComplexWithExpiry : function(){
var name = "c.f name";
var value = " ed|ieh,~!!@#$%^*=098345|}{<>?";
var expires = new Date("Wed, 01 Jan 2070 00:00:00 GMT");
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieString(name, value, true, { expires : expires });
Assert.areEqual(encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) + "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString(), text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieStringComplexWithAll : function(){
var name = "c.f name";
var value = " ed|ieh,~!!@#$%^*=098345|}{<>?";
var expires = new Date("Wed, 01 Jan 2070 00:00:00 GMT");
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieString(name, value, true, { expires: expires, domain : "", path: "/", secure: true });
Assert.areEqual(encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) + "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() + "; path=/;; secure", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieHashString1 : function (){
var hash = {
name: "Nicholas Zakas",
title: "Front End Engineer",
"something else" : "hiya"
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieHashString(hash);
Assert.areEqual("name=Nicholas%20Zakas&title=Front%20End%20Engineer&something%20else=hiya", text, "Cookie hash string is incorrect.");
testCreateCookieHashString2 : function (){
var hash = {
name: "Nicholas Zakas"
var text = Y.Cookie._createCookieHashString(hash);
Assert.areEqual("name=Nicholas%20Zakas", text, "Cookie hash string is incorrect.");
// Test Case for getting cookies
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name : "Get Cookie Tests",
_should : {
error : {
testGetInvalidName1 : new TypeError("Cookie.get(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testGetInvalidName2 : new TypeError("Cookie.get(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testGetInvalidName3 : new TypeError("Cookie.get(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testGetInvalidName4 : new TypeError("Cookie.get(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testGetInvalidName5 : new TypeError("Cookie.get(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string.")
// Tests
testGetSimple : function(){
setCookie("name", "Nicholas%20Zakas");
var value = Y.Cookie.get("name");
Assert.areEqual("Nicholas Zakas", value, "Retrieved cookie value is incorrect.");
testGetUnknown : function(){
setCookie("name", "Nicholas%20Zakas");
var value = Y.Cookie.get("name2");
Assert.isNull(value, "Retrieved cookie value is should be null.");
testGetComplex : function(){
setCookie("name", "Nicholas%20Zakas");
setCookie("title", "Front%20End%20Engineer");
setCookie("component", "Cookie%20Utility");
var value1 = Y.Cookie.get("name");
var value2 = Y.Cookie.get("title");
var value3 = Y.Cookie.get("component");
var value4 = Y.Cookie.get("nonexistent");
Assert.areEqual("Nicholas Zakas", value1, "Retrieved cookie value is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("Front End Engineer", value2, "Retrieved cookie value is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("Cookie Utility", value3, "Retrieved cookie value is incorrect.");
Assert.isNull(value4, "Retrieved cookie value should be null.");
testGetInvalidName1 : function(){
testGetInvalidName2 : function(){
testGetInvalidName3 : function(){
testGetInvalidName4 : function(){
testGetInvalidName5 : function(){
testGetWithBooleanConverter : function(){
setCookie("found", "true");
var value = Y.Cookie.get("found", Boolean);
Assert.isBoolean(value, "Retrieved value should be a boolean.");
Assert.isTrue(value, "Retrieved cookie value should be true.");
testGetWithNumberConverter : function(){
setCookie("count", "11");
var value = Y.Cookie.get("count", Number);
Assert.isNumber(value, "Retrieved value should be a number.");
Assert.areEqual(11, value, "Retrieved cookie value should be 11.");
testGetWithCustomConverter : function(){
setCookie("count", "11");
var value = Y.Cookie.get("count", function(value){
if (value === "11"){
return true;
} else {
return false;
Assert.isBoolean(value, "Retrieved value should be a boolean.");
Assert.isTrue(value, "Retrieved cookie value should be true.");
testGetWithInvalidConverter : function(){
setCookie("count", "11");
var value = Y.Cookie.get("count", true);
Assert.isString(value, "Retrieved value should be a string.");
Assert.areEqual("11", value, "Retrieved cookie value should be 11.");
testGetWithConverterAndUnknownCookie : function(){
setCookie("count", "11");
var value = Y.Cookie.get("count2", Number);
Assert.isNull(value, "Retrieved value should be null.");
// Test Case for getting cookie hashes
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name : "Get Cookie Subs Tests",
// Tests
testGetSubsSimple : function(){
setCookie("data", "a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h");
var hash = Y.Cookie.getSubs("data");
ObjectAssert.has("a", hash, "Hash 'a' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("c", hash, "Hash 'c' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("e", hash, "Hash 'e' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("g", hash, "Hash 'g' is missing.");
Assert.areEqual("b", hash.a, "Hash 'a' should have value 'b'.");
Assert.areEqual("d", hash.c, "Hash 'c' should have value 'd'.");
Assert.areEqual("f", hash.e, "Hash 'e' should have value 'f'.");
Assert.areEqual("h", hash.g, "Hash 'g' should have value 'h'.");
testGetSubsUnknown : function(){
setCookie("name", "Nicholas%20Zakas");
var hash = Y.Cookie.getSubs("name2");
Assert.isNull(hash, "Retrieved cookie value is should be null.");
testGetSubsComplex : function(){
setCookie("name", "Nicholas%20Zakas");
setCookie("data", "age=29&title=f2e&stuff=no%20way");
setCookie("component", "Cookie%20Utility");
var hash = Y.Cookie.getSubs("data");
ObjectAssert.has("age", hash, "Hash 'age' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("title", hash, "Hash 'title' is missing.");
ObjectAssert.has("stuff", hash, "Hash 'stuff' is missing.");
Assert.areEqual("29", hash.age, "Hash 'a' should have value 'b'.");
Assert.areEqual("f2e", hash.title, "Hash 'c' should have value 'd'.");
Assert.areEqual("no way", hash.stuff, "Hash 'e' should have value 'f'.");
// Test Case for getting individual cookie sub.
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name : "Get Cookie Sub Tests",
_should : {
error : {
testGetSubInvalidName1 : new TypeError("Cookie.getSubs(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testGetSubInvalidName2 : new TypeError("Cookie.getSubs(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testGetSubInvalidName3 : new TypeError("Cookie.getSubs(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testGetSubInvalidName4 : new TypeError("Cookie.getSubs(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testGetSubInvalidName5 : new TypeError("Cookie.getSubs(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testGetSubInvalidSubName1 : new TypeError("Cookie.getSub(): Subcookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testGetSubInvalidSubName2 : new TypeError("Cookie.getSub(): Subcookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testGetSubInvalidSubName3 : new TypeError("Cookie.getSub(): Subcookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testGetSubInvalidSubName4 : new TypeError("Cookie.getSub(): Subcookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testGetSubInvalidSubName5 : new TypeError("Cookie.getSub(): Subcookie name must be a non-empty string.")
setUp : function () {
setCookie("data", "a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h&found=true&count=11&age=29&title=f2e&stuff=no%20way&special=" + encodeURIComponent("Something with & and ="));
setCookie("name", "Nicholas%20Zakas");
setCookie("component", "Cookie%20Utility");
tearDown : function () {
// Tests
testGetSubSimple : function(){
var value = Y.Cookie.getSub("data", "c");
Assert.areEqual("d", value, "Subcookie value is incorrect.");
testGetSubUnknown : function(){
var hash = Y.Cookie.getSub("data", "i");
Assert.isNull(hash, "Retrieved cookie value is should be null.");
testGetSubComplex : function(){
var value = Y.Cookie.getSub("data", "stuff");
Assert.areEqual("no way", value, "Subcookie value is wrong.");
testGetSubInvalidName1 : function(){
testGetSubInvalidName2 : function(){
testGetSubInvalidName3 : function(){
testGetSubInvalidName4 : function(){
testGetSubInvalidName5 : function(){
testGetSubInvalidSubName1 : function(){
Y.Cookie.getSub("data", 12);
testGetSubInvalidSubName2 : function(){
Y.Cookie.getSub("data", true);
testGetSubInvalidSubName3 : function(){
Y.Cookie.getSub("data", "");
testGetSubInvalidSubName4 : function(){
testGetSubInvalidSubName5 : function(){
Y.Cookie.getSub("data", null);
testGetSubOnNonExistantCookie : function(){
var hash = Y.Cookie.getSub("invalid", "i");
Assert.isNull(hash, "Retrieved cookie value is should be null.");
testGetSubWithBooleanConverter : function(){
var value = Y.Cookie.getSub("data", "found", Boolean);
Assert.isBoolean(value, "Retrieved subcookie value should be a boolean.");
Assert.isTrue(value, "Retrieved subcookie value should be true.");
testGetSubWithNumberConverter : function(){
var value = Y.Cookie.getSub("data", "count", Number);
Assert.isNumber(value, "Retrieved subcookie value should be a number.");
Assert.areEqual(11, value, "Retrieved subcookie value should be 11.");
testGetSubWithCustomConverter : function(){
var value = Y.Cookie.getSub("data", "count", function(value){
if (value === "11"){
return true;
} else {
return false;
Assert.isBoolean(value, "Retrieved subcookie value should be a boolean.");
Assert.isTrue(value, "Retrieved subcookie value should be true.");
testGetSubWithInvalidConverter : function(){
var value = Y.Cookie.getSub("data", "count", true);
Assert.isString(value, "Retrieved subcookie value should be a string.");
Assert.areEqual("11", value, "Retrieved subcookie value should be 11.");
testSubGetWithConverterAndUnknownCookie : function(){
var value = Y.Cookie.getSub("data", "count2", Number);
Assert.isNull(value, "Retrieved subcookie value should be null.");
testSubGetSpecial : function(){
var value = Y.Cookie.getSub("data", "special");
Assert.areEqual("Something with & and =", value, "Sub cookie string is incorrect.");
// Test Case for removing individual cookie sub.
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name : "Remove Cookie Sub Tests",
_should : {
error : {
testRemoveSubInvalidName1 : new TypeError("Cookie.removeSub(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveSubInvalidName2 : new TypeError("Cookie.removeSub(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveSubInvalidName3 : new TypeError("Cookie.removeSub(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveSubInvalidName4 : new TypeError("Cookie.removeSub(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveSubInvalidName5 : new TypeError("Cookie.removeSub(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveSubInvalidSubName1 : new TypeError("Cookie.removeSub(): Subcookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveSubInvalidSubName2 : new TypeError("Cookie.removeSub(): Subcookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveSubInvalidSubName3 : new TypeError("Cookie.removeSub(): Subcookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveSubInvalidSubName4 : new TypeError("Cookie.removeSub(): Subcookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveSubInvalidSubName5 : new TypeError("Cookie.removeSub(): Subcookie name must be a non-empty string.")
setUp : function () {
setCookie("data", "a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h&found=true&count=11&age=29&title=f2e&stuff=no%20way&special=" + encodeURIComponent("Something with & and ="));
setCookie("name", "Nicholas%20Zakas");
setCookie("component", "Cookie%20Utility");
tearDown : function () {
// Tests
testRemoveSubSimple : function(){
var value = Y.Cookie.removeSub("data", "c");
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&e=f&g=h&found=true&count=11&age=29&title=f2e&stuff=no%20way&special=" + encodeURIComponent("Something with & and ="), value, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testRemoveSubUnknown : function(){
var value = Y.Cookie.removeSub("data", "i");
Assert.areEqual("", value, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
testRemoveSubInvalidName1 : function(){
testRemoveSubInvalidName2 : function(){
testRemoveSubInvalidName3 : function(){
testRemoveSubInvalidName4 : function(){
testRemoveSubInvalidName5 : function(){
testRemoveSubInvalidSubName1 : function(){
Y.Cookie.removeSub("data", 12);
testRemoveSubInvalidSubName2 : function(){
Y.Cookie.removeSub("data", true);
testRemoveSubInvalidSubName3 : function(){
Y.Cookie.removeSub("data", "");
testRemoveSubInvalidSubName4 : function(){
testRemoveSubInvalidSubName5 : function(){
Y.Cookie.removeSub("data", null);
testRemoveSubOnNonExistantCookie : function(){
var value = Y.Cookie.removeSub("invalid", "i");
Assert.areEqual("",value, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
// Test Case for removing cookies
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name : "Remove Cookie Tests",
_should : {
error : {
testRemoveInvalidName1 : new TypeError("Cookie.remove(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveInvalidName2 : new TypeError("Cookie.remove(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveInvalidName3 : new TypeError("Cookie.remove(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveInvalidName4 : new TypeError("Cookie.remove(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveInvalidName5 : new TypeError("Cookie.remove(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string.")
setUp : function(){
setCookie("data", "1234");
tearDown : function(){
// Tests
testRemoveSimple : function(){
var value = Y.Cookie.get("data");
Assert.isNull(value, "Cookie value should be null.");
testRemoveInvalidName1 : function(){
testRemoveInvalidName2 : function(){
testRemoveInvalidName3 : function(){
testRemoveInvalidName4 : function(){
testRemoveInvalidName5 : function(){
// Test Case for setting cookies
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name : "Set Cookie Tests",
_should : {
error : {
testRemoveInvalidName1 : new TypeError("Cookie.remove(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveInvalidName2 : new TypeError("Cookie.remove(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveInvalidName3 : new TypeError("Cookie.remove(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveInvalidName4 : new TypeError("Cookie.remove(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveInvalidName5 : new TypeError("Cookie.remove(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string.")
tearDown : function (){
deleteCookie("name", "path=/;");
deleteCookie("name", "path=/;;");
deleteCookie("name", "path=/;; secure;");
deleteCookie(encodeURIComponent("c.f name"));
deleteCookie(encodeURIComponent("c.f name"), "path=/;");
// Tests
testSetSimple : function(){
var output = Y.Cookie.set("data", "1234");
Assert.areEqual("data=1234", output, "Cookie string format is wrong.");
Assert.areEqual("data=1234", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set onto document.");
testSetMulti : function(){
var output = Y.Cookie.set("data", "1234");
output += "; " + Y.Cookie.set("name", "Nicholas C. Zakas");
Assert.areEqual("data=1234; name=Nicholas%20C.%20Zakas", document.cookie, "Cookies were not set to document.");
testSetSimpleWithPath : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.set("name", "value", { path: "/" });
Assert.areEqual("name=value; path=/", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSimpleWithInvalidPath1 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.set("name", "value", { path: 25 });
Assert.areEqual("name=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSimpleWithInvalidPath2 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.set("name", "value", { path: "" });
Assert.areEqual("name=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSimpleWithDomain : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.set("name", "value", { domain: "" });
Assert.areEqual("name=value;", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded from that domain
//Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSimpleWithInvalidDomain1 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.set("name", "value", { domain: true });
Assert.areEqual("name=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded from that domain
//Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSimpleWithInvalidDomain2 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.set("name", "value", { domain: "" });
Assert.areEqual("name=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded from that domain
//Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSimpleWithSecure : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.set("name", "value", { secure: true });
Assert.areEqual("name=value; secure", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded over SSL
//Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSimpleWithInvalidSecure1 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.set("name", "value", { secure: false });
Assert.areEqual("name=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSimpleWithInvalidSecure2 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.set("name", "value", { secure: "blah" });
Assert.areEqual("name=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSimpleWithExpiry : function(){
var expires = new Date("Wed, 01 Jan 2070 00:00:00 GMT");
var text = Y.Cookie.set("name", "value", { expires: expires });
Assert.areEqual("name=value; expires=" + expires.toGMTString(), text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSimpleWithInvalidExpiry : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.set("name", "value", { expires: "blah" });
Assert.areEqual("name=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSimpleWithAll : function(){
var expires = new Date("Wed, 01 Jan 2070 00:00:00 GMT");
var text = Y.Cookie.set("name", "value", { expires: expires, domain : "", path: "/", secure: true });
Assert.areEqual("name=value; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() + "; path=/;; secure", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded from that domain
//Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetComplex : function(){
var name = "c.f name";
var value = " ed|ieh,~!!@#$%^*=098345|}{<>?";
var result = encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
var text = Y.Cookie.set(name, value);
Assert.areEqual(result, text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual(result, document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetComplexWithPath : function(){
var name = "c.f name";
var value = " ed|ieh,~!!@#$%^*=098345|}{<>?";
var result = encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
var text = Y.Cookie.set(name, value, { path : "/" });
Assert.areEqual(result + "; path=/", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual(result, document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetComplexWithDomain : function(){
var name = "c.f name";
var value = " ed|ieh,~!!@#$%^*=098345|}{<>?";
var result = encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
var text = Y.Cookie.set(name, value, { domain: "" });
Assert.areEqual(result + ";", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded from that domain
//Assert.areEqual(result, document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetComplexWithSecure : function(){
var name = "c.f name";
var value = " ed|ieh,~!!@#$%^*=098345|}{<>?";
var text = Y.Cookie.set(name, value, { secure: true });
var result = encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
Assert.areEqual(result + "; secure", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded over SSL
//Assert.areEqual(result, document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetComplexWithExpiry : function(){
var name = "c.f name";
var value = " ed|ieh,~!!@#$%^*=098345|}{<>?";
var expires = new Date("Wed, 01 Jan 2070 00:00:00 GMT");
var text = Y.Cookie.set(name, value, { expires : expires });
var result = encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
Assert.areEqual(result + "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString(), text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual(result, document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetComplexWithAll : function(){
var name = "c.f name";
var value = " ed|ieh,~!!@#$%^*=098345|}{<>?";
var expires = new Date("Wed, 01 Jan 2070 00:00:00 GMT");
var text = Y.Cookie.set(name, value, { expires: expires, domain : "", path: "/", secure: true });
var result = encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
Assert.areEqual(result + "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() + "; path=/;; secure", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded from that domain
//Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
// Test Case for setting subcookies
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name : "Set Subcookie Tests",
_should : {
error : {
testRemoveInvalidName1 : new TypeError("Cookie.remove(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveInvalidName2 : new TypeError("Cookie.remove(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveInvalidName3 : new TypeError("Cookie.remove(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveInvalidName4 : new TypeError("Cookie.remove(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string."),
testRemoveInvalidName5 : new TypeError("Cookie.remove(): Cookie name must be a non-empty string.")
tearDown : function (){
deleteCookie("name", "path=/;");
deleteCookie("name", "path=/;;");
deleteCookie("name", "path=/;; secure;");
deleteCookie(encodeURIComponent("c.f name"));
deleteCookie(encodeURIComponent("c.f name"), "path=/;");
// Tests
testSetSubSimple : function(){
var output = Y.Cookie.setSub("data", "value", "1234");
Assert.areEqual("data=value=1234", output, "Cookie string format is wrong.");
Assert.areEqual("data=value=1234", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set onto document.");
testSetSubMulti : function(){
var output = Y.Cookie.setSub("data", "value", "1234");
output += "; " + Y.Cookie.setSub("data", "name", "Nicholas C. Zakas");
Assert.areEqual("data=value=1234&name=Nicholas%20C.%20Zakas", document.cookie, "Cookies were not set to document.");
testSetSubSimpleWithPath : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSub("name", "sub", "value", { path: "/" });
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=value; path=/", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubSimpleWithInvalidPath1 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSub("name", "sub", "value", { path: 25 });
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubSimpleWithInvalidPath2 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSub("name", "sub", "value", { path: "" });
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubSimpleWithDomain : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSub("name", "sub", "value", { domain: "" });
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=value;", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded from that domain
//Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubSimpleWithInvalidDomain1 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSub("name", "sub", "value", { domain: true });
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded from that domain
//Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubSimpleWithInvalidDomain2 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSub("name", "sub", "value", { domain: "" });
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded from that domain
//Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubSimpleWithSecure : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSub("name", "sub", "value", { secure: true });
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=value; secure", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded over SSL
//Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubSimpleWithInvalidSecure1 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSub("name", "sub", "value", { secure: false });
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubSimpleWithInvalidSecure2 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSub("name", "sub", "value", { secure: "blah" });
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubSimpleWithExpiry : function(){
var expires = new Date("Wed, 01 Jan 2070 00:00:00 GMT");
var text = Y.Cookie.setSub("name", "sub", "value", { expires: expires });
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=value; expires=" + expires.toGMTString(), text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubSimpleWithInvalidExpiry : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSub("name", "sub", "value", { expires: "blah" });
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=value", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubSimpleWithAll : function(){
var expires = new Date("Wed, 01 Jan 2070 00:00:00 GMT");
var text = Y.Cookie.setSub("name", "sub", "value", { expires: expires, domain : "", path: "/", secure: true });
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=value; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() + "; path=/;; secure", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded from that domain
//Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubSpecial : function(){
var value = "Something with & and =";
var cookieText = Y.Cookie.setSub("name", "sub", value);
Assert.areEqual("name=sub=" + encodeURIComponent(value), cookieText, "Sub cookie string is incorrect.");
/*testSetSubComplex : function(){
var name = "c.f name";
var value = " ed|ieh,~!!@#$%^*=098345|}{<>?";
var result = encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
var text = Y.Cookie.setSub(name, value);
Assert.areEqual(result, text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual(result, document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubComplexWithPath : function(){
var name = "c.f name";
var value = " ed|ieh,~!!@#$%^*=098345|}{<>?";
var result = encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
var text = Y.Cookie.setSub(name, value, { path : "/" });
Assert.areEqual(result + "; path=/", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual(result, document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubComplexWithDomain : function(){
var name = "c.f name";
var value = " ed|ieh,~!!@#$%^*=098345|}{<>?";
var result = encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
var text = Y.Cookie.setSub(name, value, { domain: "" });
Assert.areEqual(result + ";", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded from that domain
//Assert.areEqual(result, document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubComplexWithSecure : function(){
var name = "c.f name";
var value = " ed|ieh,~!!@#$%^*=098345|}{<>?";
var text = Y.Cookie.setSub(name, value, { secure: true });
var result = encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
Assert.areEqual(result + "; secure", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded over SSL
//Assert.areEqual(result, document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubComplexWithExpiry : function(){
var name = "c.f name";
var value = " ed|ieh,~!!@#$%^*=098345|}{<>?";
var expires = new Date("Wed, 01 Jan 2070 00:00:00 GMT");
var text = Y.Cookie.setSub(name, value, { expires : expires });
var result = encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
Assert.areEqual(result + "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString(), text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual(result, document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubComplexWithAll : function(){
var name = "c.f name";
var value = " ed|ieh,~!!@#$%^*=098345|}{<>?";
var expires = new Date("Wed, 01 Jan 2070 00:00:00 GMT");
var text = Y.Cookie.setSub(name, value, { expires: expires, domain : "", path: "/", secure: true });
var result = encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
Assert.areEqual(result + "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() + "; path=/;; secure", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded from that domain
//Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
// Test Case for setting complete subcookies
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name : "Set Complete Subcookie Tests",
_should : {
error : {
tearDown : function (){
deleteCookie("data", "path=/;");
deleteCookie("data", "path=/;;");
deleteCookie("data", "path=/;; secure;");
deleteCookie(encodeURIComponent("c.f name"));
deleteCookie(encodeURIComponent("c.f name"), "path=/;");
// Tests
testSetSubsSimple : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSubs("data", {a: "b",c: "d",e: "f",g: "h"});
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", text, "Cookie string format is wrong.");
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set onto document.");
testSetSubsSimpleWithPath : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSubs("data", {a: "b",c: "d",e: "f",g: "h"}, { path : "/" });
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h; path=/", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubsSimpleWithInvalidPath1 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSubs("data", {a: "b",c: "d",e: "f",g: "h"}, { path : 25 });
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubsSimpleWithInvalidPath2 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSubs("data", {a: "b",c: "d",e: "f",g: "h"}, { path : "" });
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubsSimpleWithDomain : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSubs("data", {a: "b",c: "d",e: "f",g: "h"}, { domain: "" });
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h;", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded from that domain
//Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubsSimpleWithInvalidDomain1 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSubs("data", {a: "b",c: "d",e: "f",g: "h"}, { domain: true });
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded from that domain
//Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubsSimpleWithInvalidDomain2 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSubs("data", {a: "b",c: "d",e: "f",g: "h"}, { domain: "" });
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded from that domain
//Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubsSimpleWithSecure : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSubs("data", {a: "b",c: "d",e: "f",g: "h"}, { secure: true });
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h; secure", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded over SSL
//Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubsSimpleWithInvalidSecure1 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSubs("data", {a: "b",c: "d",e: "f",g: "h"}, { secure: false });
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubsSimpleWithInvalidSecure2 : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSubs("data", {a: "b",c: "d",e: "f",g: "h"}, { secure: "blah" });
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubsSimpleWithExpiry : function(){
var expires = new Date("Wed, 01 Jan 2070 00:00:00 GMT");
var text = Y.Cookie.setSubs("data", {a: "b",c: "d",e: "f",g: "h"}, { expires: expires });
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h; expires=" + expires.toGMTString(), text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubsSimpleWithInvalidExpiry : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSubs("data", {a: "b",c: "d",e: "f",g: "h"}, { expires: "blah" });
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubsSimpleWithAll : function(){
var expires = new Date("Wed, 01 Jan 2070 00:00:00 GMT");
var text = Y.Cookie.setSubs("data", {a: "b",c: "d",e: "f",g: "h"}, { expires: expires, domain : "", path: "/", secure: true });
Assert.areEqual("data=a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() + "; path=/;; secure", text, "Cookie string is incorrect.");
//won't work unless the page is loaded from that domain
//Assert.areEqual("name=value", document.cookie, "Cookie was not set to document.");
testSetSubsValues : function(){
var text = Y.Cookie.setSubs("data", {a: "b",c: "d",e: "f",g: "h"});
//try to get the values
var a = Y.Cookie.getSub("data", "a");
var c = Y.Cookie.getSub("data", "c");
var e = Y.Cookie.getSub("data", "e");
var g = Y.Cookie.getSub("data", "g");
Assert.areEqual("b", a, "Value of 'a' subcookie is wrong.");
Assert.areEqual("d", c, "Value of 'c' subcookie is wrong.");
Assert.areEqual("f", e, "Value of 'e' subcookie is wrong.");
Assert.areEqual("h", g, "Value of 'g' subcookie is wrong.");
//return it
return suite;
var r = new Y.Console({
verbose : true,
//consoleLimit : 10,
newestOnTop : false
//add to the testrunner and run
/*if (parent && parent != window) {
} else {