object-test.js revision 22ee3fb6efa18732e70308b365e15ccacfc93ed2
YUI.add('object-test', function (Y) {
var Assert = Y.Assert,
doc = Y.config.doc,
suite = new Y.Test.Suite('Y.Object');
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name: 'Core',
setUp: function () {
this.o = {
a1: {
a2: {
a3: 'a'
b1: {
b2: 'b'
c1: 'c'
tearDown: function () {
delete this.o;
test_create: function () {
var a = {o: {a: 1}, y: {a: 1}},
b = {o: {b: 1}, x: {b: 1}},
c = Y.Object(a),
d = Y.Object(b),
cProto, dProto;
Y.ObjectAssert.areEqual({a: 1}, c.o);
Y.ObjectAssert.areEqual({a: 1}, c.y);
Y.ObjectAssert.areEqual({b: 1}, d.o);
Y.ObjectAssert.areEqual({b: 1}, d.x);
// Verify the prototype in browsers that support it.
if (Object.getPrototypeOf) {
cProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(c);
dProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(d);
} else if (c.__proto__) {
cProto = c.__proto__;
dProto = d.__proto__;
if (cProto && dProto) {
Assert.areSame(a, cProto, 'Prototype of object `a` should be `c`');
Assert.areSame(b, dProto, 'Prototype of object `b` should be `d`');
test_each: function () {
var calls = 0,
data = Y.Object(this.o),
thisObj = {foo: 'bar'};
data.a = 'foo';
data.b = 'bar';
data.c = null;
data.d = undefined;
Y.Object.each(data, function (value, key, obj) {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame(data[key], value, 'the current value should be passed to the callback');
Assert.areSame(data, obj, 'the object should be passed to the callback');
Assert.areSame(Y, this, 'the `this` object should default to the YUI instance');
Assert.areSame(calls, 4, 'the callback should be called 4 times');
Y.Object.each(data, function () {
Assert.areSame(thisObj, this, 'the `this` object should be overridable');
}, thisObj);
calls = 0;
Y.Object.each(data, function () {
calls += 1;
}, null, true);
Assert.areSame(calls, 7, 'when the _proto_ argument is `true`, prototype properties should be iterated');
test_getValue: function () {
Assert.areEqual('c', Y.Object.getValue(this.o, 'c1'));
Assert.areEqual('a', Y.Object.getValue(this.o, ['a1', 'a2', 'a3']));
Assert.areEqual(undefined, Y.Object.getValue(this.o, ['b1', 'b2', 'b3']));
Assert.areEqual(undefined, Y.Object.getValue(null, ['b1', 'b2', 'b3']));
test_hasKey: function () {
Assert.areSame(Y.Object.owns, Y.Object.hasKey, 'should be an alias for owns()');
test_hasValue: function () {
Assert.isTrue(Y.Object.hasValue(this.o, 'c'), 'should return true if a value is present');
Assert.isFalse(Y.Object.hasValue(this.o, 'z'), 'should return false if a value is not present');
test_isEmpty: function () {
Assert.isTrue(Y.Object.isEmpty({}), 'should return true for empty objects');
Assert.isFalse(Y.Object.isEmpty(this.o), 'should return false for non-empty objects');
Assert.isTrue(Y.Object.isEmpty(Y.Object(this.o)), 'should return true for objects with no own properties');
test_keys: function () {
Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(['a1', 'b1', 'c1'], Y.Object.keys(this.o), 'should return an array of keys');
// IE bugs that we should eventually work around.
// - http://whattheheadsaid.com/2010/10/a-safer-object-keys-compatibility-implementation
// - http://groups.google.com/group/prototype-core/browse_thread/thread/48400dbed4c1dd62?pli=1
// Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(['toString', 'valueOf'], Y.Object.keys({toString: 1, valueOf: 1}), 'should include toString, valueOf, etc.');
// Y.assert(Y.Object.keys(doc.body).length > 0, 'should return enumerable keys from DOM elements');
test_owns: function () {
Assert.isTrue(Y.Object.owns(this.o, 'a1'), 'should return true if the key is owned by the object');
Assert.isFalse(Y.Object.owns(this.o, 'z'), 'should return false if the key is not owned by the object');
Assert.isFalse(Y.Object.owns(Y.Object(this.o), 'a1'), 'should return false for prototype properties');
test_setValue: function () {
Y.Object.setValue(this.o, 'c1', 'changed_c');
Y.Object.setValue(this.o, ['a1', 'a2', 'a3'], 'changed_a');
Y.Object.setValue(this.o, ['b1', 'b2', 'b3'], 'changed_b');
Assert.areEqual('changed_c', Y.Object.getValue(this.o, 'c1'));
Assert.areEqual('changed_a', Y.Object.getValue(this.o, ['a1', 'a2', 'a3']));
Assert.areEqual(undefined, Y.Object.getValue(this.o, ['b1', 'b2', 'b3']));
test_size: function () {
Assert.areSame(3, Y.Object.size(this.o), 'should return the number of keys owned by an object');
test_some: function () {
var calls = 0,
data = Y.Object(this.o),
thisObj = {foo: 'bar'};
data.a = 'foo';
data.b = 'bar';
data.c = null;
data.d = undefined;
Assert.isTrue(Y.Object.some(data, function (value, key, obj) {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame(data[key], value, 'the current value should be passed to the callback');
Assert.areSame(data, obj, 'the object should be passed to the callback');
Assert.areSame(Y, this, 'the `this` object should default to the YUI instance');
if (calls === 3) { return 'truthy'; }
if (calls > 3) { Y.fail('truthy value did not stop iteration'); }
}), 'should return true');
Assert.areSame(3, calls, 'callback should be called 3 times');
Assert.isFalse(Y.Object.some(data, function () {
Assert.areSame(thisObj, this, 'the `this` object should be overridable');
}, thisObj), 'should return false');
calls = 0;
Y.Object.some(data, function () {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame(4, calls, 'prototype properties should not be iterated by default');
calls = 0;
Y.Object.some(data, function () {
calls += 1;
}, null, true);
Assert.areSame(7, calls, 'prototype properties should be iterated when the _proto_ parameter is `true`');
test_values: function () {
var data = {a: 'foo', b: 'bar', c: null, d: 'baz', e: undefined};
Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(['foo', 'bar', null, 'baz', undefined], Y.Object.values(data), 'should return an array of values');
test_people_messing_up_object_prototype: function () {
var count = 0;
Object.prototype.foo = 'hello!';
Assert.isFalse(Y.Object.hasKey({}, 'foo'), 'hasKey should not find proto props');
Assert.areEqual(0, Y.Object.size({}), 'size should not count proto additions');
Assert.areEqual(0, Y.Object.keys({}), 'keys should not include proto additions');
Assert.areEqual(0, Y.Object.values({}), 'values should not count proto additions');
Assert.isFalse(Y.Object.hasValue({}, 'hello!'), 'hasValue should not look at proto additions');
Y.Object.each({}, function () {
Assert.areEqual(0, count, 'each should not iterate proto props unless asked to do so.');
}, '@VERSION@', {requires: ['test']});