lang.html revision 7610ea6bb4900ac3e259a4f299f9317f77f76971
<title>YUI Lang Tests</title>
<body class="yui-skin-sam">
<h1>Lang Tests</h1>
<p><input type="button" value="Run Tests" id="btnRun" disabled="true" /></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
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base: "/build/",
filter: "debug",
useConsole: true,
logExclude: {Dom: true, Selector: true, Node: true, attribute: true, base: true, event: true, widget: true}
}).use("dump", "test", "console", "event-custom", function(Y) {
Y.log(typeof NaN);
var button = Y.get('#btnRun'),
Assert = Y.Assert;
// Set up the page
button.set("disabled", false);
Y.on("click", function() {
}, button);
var myConsole = new Y.Console().render();
var testObject = new Y.Test.Case({
name: "Lang tests",
test_is_array: function() {
Assert.isTrue(Y.Lang.isArray([1, 2]), "Array literals are arrays");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isArray({"one": "two"}), "Object literals are not arrays");
var a = new Array();
a["one"] = "two";
Assert.isTrue(Y.Lang.isArray(a), "Associative array are arrays");
"Element collections are array-like, but not arrays");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isArray(null), "null is not an array");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isArray(''), "'' is not an array");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isArray(undefined), "undefined is not an array");
// alert(xframe.arr.constructor.prototype == Array.prototype);
// alert(xframe.arr.constructor.prototype == xframe.Array.prototype);
test_is_boolean: function() {
Assert.isTrue(Y.Lang.isBoolean(false), "false failed boolean check");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isBoolean(1), "the number 1 is not a boolean");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isBoolean("true"), "the string 'true' is not a boolean");
test_is_function: function() {
Assert.isTrue(Y.Lang.isFunction(function(){}), "a function is a function");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isFunction({foo: "bar"}), "an object is not a function");
test_is_null: function() {
Assert.isTrue(Y.Lang.isNull(null), "null is null");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isNull(undefined), "undefined is not null");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isNull(""), "empty string is not null");
test_is_number: function() {
Assert.isTrue(Y.Lang.isNumber(0), "0 is a number");
Assert.isTrue(Y.Lang.isNumber(123.123), "123.123 is a number");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isNumber('123.123'), "the string '123.123' is not a number, even though it can be cast into one");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isNumber(1/0), "undefined numbers and infinity are not numbers we want to use");
test_is_object: function() {
Assert.isTrue(Y.Lang.isObject({}), "an object is an object");
Assert.isTrue(Y.Lang.isObject(function(){}), "a function is an object");
Assert.isTrue(Y.Lang.isObject([]), "an array is an object");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isObject(1), "numbers are not objects");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isObject(true), "boolean values are not objects");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isObject("{}"), "strings are not objects");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isObject(null), "null should return false even though it technically is an object");
test_is_string: function() {
Assert.isTrue(Y.Lang.isString("{}"), "a string is a string");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isString({foo: "bar"}), "an object is not a string");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isString(123), "a number is not a string");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isString(true), "boolean values are not strings");
test_is_undefined: function() {
Assert.isTrue(Y.Lang.isUndefined(undefined), "undefined is undefined");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isUndefined(false), "boolean false is not undefined");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isUndefined(null), "null is not undefined");
test_trim: function() {
Assert.areEqual(Y.Lang.trim(" My String"), "My String");
Assert.areEqual(Y.Lang.trim("My String "), "My String");
Assert.areEqual(Y.Lang.trim(" My String "), "My String");
Assert.areEqual(Y.Lang.trim(null), null);
Assert.areEqual(Y.Lang.trim(undefined), undefined);
Assert.areEqual(Y.Lang.trim({}), "[object Object]");
test_isValue: function() {
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isValue(null), "null should be false");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isValue(undefined), "undefined should be false");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isValue(parseInt("adsf", 10)), "NaN should be false");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isValue(1/0), "undefined numbers and infinity should be false");
Assert.isTrue(Y.Lang.isValue(new Date()), "date should be true");
Assert.isTrue(Y.Lang.isValue(""), "Empty string should be true");
Assert.isTrue(Y.Lang.isValue(false), "false should be true");
test_isDate: function() {
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isDate(null), "null should be false");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isDate(undefined), "undefined should be false");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isDate(parseInt("adsf", 10)), "NaN should be false");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isDate(1/0), "undefined numbers and infinity should be false");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isDate(NaN), "NaN should be false");
Assert.isTrue(Y.Lang.isDate(new Date()), "date should be true");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isDate(""), "Empty string should be false");
Assert.isFalse(Y.Lang.isDate(false), "false should be false");