YUI.add('core-tests', function(Y) {
/* {{{ Core URL Tests */
var core_urls = {
'http://localhost/build/yui/yui.js': { path: 'http://localhost/build/', filter: undefined },
'http://localhost/build/yui/yui-debug.js': { path: 'http://localhost/build/', filter: 'debug' },
'http://localhost/build/yui-base/yui-base.js': { path: 'http://localhost/build/', filter: undefined },
'http://localhost/build/yui-base/yui-base-debug.js': { path: 'http://localhost/build/', filter: 'debug' },
'http://combohost.com/combo?foo/foo.js&bar-bar.js&/build/yui-base/yui-base.js': { path: 'http://combohost.com/combo?/build/', filter: undefined },
'http://combohost.com/combo?foo/foo.js&bar-bar.js&/build/yui-base/yui-base-debug.js': { path: 'http://combohost.com/combo?/build/', filter: 'debug' },
'http://combohost.com/combo?foo/foo.js&bar-bar.js&/build/yui-base/yui-base.js&build/loader/loader.js': { path: 'http://combohost.com/combo?/build/', filter: undefined },
'http://combohost.com/combo?foo/foo.js&bar-bar.js&/build/yui-base/yui-base-debug.js&buid/loader/loader.js': { path: 'http://combohost.com/combo?/build/', filter: 'debug' },
'https://localhost/build/yui/yui.js': { path: 'https://localhost/build/', filter: undefined },
'https://localhost/build/yui/yui-debug.js': { path: 'https://localhost/build/', filter: 'debug' },
'https://localhost/build/yui-base/yui-base.js': { path: 'https://localhost/build/', filter: undefined },
'https://localhost/build/yui-base/yui-base-debug.js': { path: 'https://localhost/build/', filter: 'debug' },
'https://combohost.com/combo?foo/foo.js&bar-bar.js&/build/yui-base/yui-base.js': { path: 'https://combohost.com/combo?/build/', filter: undefined },
'https://combohost.com/combo?foo/foo.js&bar-bar.js&/build/yui-base/yui-base-debug.js': { path: 'https://combohost.com/combo?/build/', filter: 'debug' },
'https://combohost.com/combo?foo/foo.js&bar-bar.js&/build/yui-base/yui-base.js&build/loader/loader.js': { path: 'https://combohost.com/combo?/build/', filter: undefined },
'https://combohost.com/combo?foo/foo.js&bar-bar.js&/build/yui-base/yui-base-debug.js&buid/loader/loader.js': { path: 'https://combohost.com/combo?/build/', filter: 'debug' },
'/build/yui/yui.js': { path: '/build/', filter: undefined },
'/build/yui/yui-debug.js': { path: '/build/', filter: 'debug' },
'/build/yui-base/yui-base.js': { path: '/build/', filter: undefined },
'/build/yui-base/yui-base-debug.js': { path: '/build/', filter: 'debug' },
'build/simpleyui/simpleyui.js': { path: 'build/', filter: undefined },
'build/simpleyui/simpleyui-debug.js': { path: 'build/', filter: 'debug' },
'build/yui/yui.js': { path: 'build/', filter: undefined },
'build/yui/yui-debug.js': { path: 'build/', filter: 'debug' },
'//combohost.com/combo?foo/foo.js&bar-bar.js&/build/simpleyui/simpleyui.js&build/loader/loader.js': { path: '//combohost.com/combo?/build/', filter: undefined },
'//combohost.com/combo?foo/foo.js&bar-bar.js&/build/simpleyui/simpleyui-debug.js&buid/oop/oop.js': { path: '//combohost.com/combo?/build/', filter: 'debug' },
'//combohost.com/combo?foo/foo.js&bar-bar.js&/build/yui-base/yui-base.js': { path: '//combohost.com/combo?/build/', filter: undefined },
'//combohost.com/combo?foo/foo.js&bar-bar.js&/build/yui-base/yui-base-debug.js': { path: '//combohost.com/combo?/build/', filter: 'debug' }
/* }}} */
var testCore = new Y.Test.Case({
name: "Core tests",
_should: {
ignore: {
'getLocation() should return the location object': Y.UA.nodejs,
'getLocation() should return `undefined` when executing in node.js': (!Y.UA.nodejs || (Y.UA.nodejs && Y.config.win)) //If there is a window object, ignore too
'cached functions should execute only once per input': function() {
var r1 = "", r2 = "", r3 = "";
var f1 = function(a) {
r1 += a;
var c1 = Y.cached(f1);
Y.Assert.areEqual('ab', r1);
var f2 = function(a, b) {
r2 += (a + b);
var c2 = Y.cached(f2);
c2('a', 'b');
c2('c', 'd');
c2('a', 'b');
c2('c', 'd');
c2('a', 'b');
c2('c', 'd');
var o = new Y.EventTarget();
o.foo = 1;
var f3 = function(a) {
Y.Assert.areEqual(1, this.foo);
r3 += a;
var c3 = Y.cached(Y.bind(f3, o), {
a: 'z'
Y.Assert.areEqual('b', r3);
// falsy second arg needs to produce a different key than no second arg
var cn = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName;
Y.Assert.areEqual('yui3-a-', cn('a', ''));
Y.Assert.areEqual('yui3-a', cn('a'));
'getLocation() should return the location object': function () {
Y.Assert.areSame(Y.config.win.location, Y.getLocation(), 'Did not return Y.config.win.location.');
'getLocation() should return `undefined` when executing in node.js': function () {
Y.Assert.isUndefined(Y.getLocation(), 'Did not return `undefined`');
test_cached_undefined_null: function() {
var f1 = function(a) {
return a;
var c1 = Y.cached(f1);
var a = c1(null);
Y.Assert.areEqual(a, null);
a = c1(undefined);
Y.Assert.areEqual(a, undefined);
a = c1('foo');
Y.Assert.areEqual(a, 'foo');
test_ie_enum_bug: function() {
var o = {
valueOf: function() {
return 'foo';
p = Y.merge(o);
Y.Assert.areEqual('foo', p.valueOf());
test_guid: function() {
var id, id2, i;
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
id = Y.guid();
id2 = Y.guid();
Y.Assert.areNotEqual(id, id2, 'GUID creation failed, ids match');
test_stamp: function() {
var id, id2, i;
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
id = Y.stamp({});
id2 = Y.stamp({});
Y.Assert.areNotEqual(id, id2, 'STAMP GUID creation failed, ids match');
test_use_array: function() {
var Assert = Y.Assert;
YUI().use(['dd', 'node'], function(Y) {
Assert.isObject(Y.DD, 'DD was not loaded');
Assert.isObject(Y.Node, 'Node was not loaded');
test_use_strings: function() {
var Assert = Y.Assert;
YUI().use('dd', 'node', function(Y) {
Assert.isObject(Y.DD, 'DD was not loaded');
Assert.isObject(Y.Node, 'Node was not loaded');
test_one_submodule: function() {
var Assert = Y.Assert;
fullpath: './assets/sub.js'
}).use('something1', function(Y) {
test_rollup_false: function() {
var Assert = Y.Assert;
YUI().use('dd', function(Y) {
Assert.isUndefined(Y.Env._attached.dd, 'DD Alias Module was attached');
YUI().use('node', function(Y) {
Assert.isUndefined(Y.Env._attached.node, 'Node Alias Module was attached');
test_base_path: function() {
var Assert = Y.Assert;
for (var i in core_urls) {
var info = Y.Env.parseBasePath(i, Y.Env._BASE_RE);
Assert.areSame(info.path, core_urls[i].path, 'Paths do not match (' + core_urls[i].path + ')');
//This test is assuming that IE returns an undefined, but it actually returns an empty string for the property
//Assert.areSame(info.filter, core_urls[i].filter, 'Filters do not match (' + core_urls[i].path + ')');
test_log_params: function() {
if (typeof console == "undefined" || !console.info) {
var l = console.info,
Assert = Y.Assert,
console.info = function(str) {
last = str.split(':')[0];
YUI().use(function (Y) {
logInclude: {
logMe: true,
butNotMe: false
Y.log('test logInclude logMe','info','logMe');
Assert.areEqual(last, 'logMe', 'logInclude (true) Failed');
last = undefined;
Y.log('test logInclude butNotMe','info','butNotMe');
Assert.isUndefined(last, 'logInclude (false) Failed');
logInclude: '',
logExclude: {
excludeMe: true,
butDontExcludeMe: false
Y.log('test logExclude excludeMe','info','excludeMe');
Assert.isUndefined(last, 'excludeInclude (true) Failed');
Y.log('test logExclude butDontExcludeMe','info','butDontExcludeMe');
Assert.areEqual(last, 'butDontExcludeMe', 'logExclue (false) Failed');
console.info = l;
test_global_apply_config: function() {
var Assert = Y.Assert,
test = this;
modules: {
davglass: {
fullpath: './assets/davglass.js'
modules: {
foo: {
fullpath: './assets/foo.js'
Assert.isObject(YUI.GlobalConfig, 'Global config not created');
Assert.isObject(YUI.GlobalConfig.modules, 'modules object in global config not created');
Assert.isObject(YUI.GlobalConfig.modules.davglass, 'First module in global config not created');
Assert.isObject(YUI.GlobalConfig.modules.foo, 'Second module in global config not created');
test_old_config: function() {
var Assert = Y.Assert,
testY = YUI();
foo: true
Assert.isTrue(testY.config.foo, 'Old style config did not apply');
test_applyTo: function() {
var Assert = Y.Assert,
testY = YUI(),
id = testY.id;
testY.io = {
xdrReady: function() {
Assert.areSame(id, this.id, 'Did not apply to the right instance');
testY.foobar = function() {
Assert.isTrue(false, 'testY.foobar should not have ever fired.');
YUI.applyTo(id, 'io.xdrReady', []); //Should call
YUI.applyTo(id, 'io.xdrResponse', []); //Does not exist
YUI.applyTo(id, 'foobar', []); //Should not call
YUI.applyTo('1234567890', 'io.xdrReady', []); //Should not call since instance id is invalid
test_global_config: function() {
var Assert = Y.Assert,
test = this;
YUI().use('global-mod', function(Y) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.isTrue(Y.GlobalMod, 'Module in global config failed to load');
test_multiple_ua: function() {
var Assert = Y.Assert,
globalUA = YUI.Env.UA,
uaFF = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:6.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0',
uaChrome = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_0) AppleWebKit/535.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/15.0.860.0 Safari/535.2';
var Y1 = YUI();
Assert.areEqual(globalUA.userAgent, Y1.UA.userAgent, 'Global UA and local (Y1) UA are different');
var parsed = YUI.Env.parseUA(uaChrome);
Assert.areEqual(parsed.userAgent, uaChrome, 'Parsed UA not equal Chrome');
Assert.isTrue((parsed.chrome > 0), 'Parsed UA not equal Chrome');
var Y2 = YUI();
Assert.areEqual(globalUA.userAgent, Y2.UA.userAgent, 'Global UA and local (Y2) UA are different');
Assert.areEqual(YUI.Env.UA.userAgent, Y2.UA.userAgent, 'Global UA and local (Y2) UA are different');
test_conditional: function() {
var Assert = Y.Assert,
test = this;
YUI.add('cond', function(Y) {
Y.cond = true;
YUI.add('cond-test', function(Y) {
Y.condTest = true;
modules: {
'cond-test': {
condition: {
trigger: 'cond',
test: function() {
return true;
}).use('cond', function(Y2) {
//Should be sync..
Assert.isTrue(Y2.cond, 'Conditional module was not loaded.');
Assert.isTrue(Y2.condTest, 'Conditional module was not loaded.');
test_missed: function() {
var Assert = Y.Assert;
var testY = YUI().use('bogus');
Assert.areSame(1, testY.Env._missed.length, 'Failed to error on bogus module');
Assert.areSame('bogus', testY.Env._missed[0], 'Failed to error on bogus module');
YUI.add('bogus', function(Y) { Y.bogus = true; });
Assert.areSame(0, testY.Env._missed.length, 'Failed to remove added bogus module');
test_attach_error: function() {
var Assert = Y.Assert;
YUI.add('attach-error', function() { Y.push(); });
errorFn: function(str) {
Assert.isTrue(str.indexOf('attach-error') > -1, 'Failed to fire errorFn on attach error');
return true;
test_attach_after: function() {
var Assert = Y.Assert;
YUI.add('after-test', function(Y) {
Y.afterTest = true;
Assert.isObject(Y.Node, 'Node not loaded before this module');
}, '1.0.0', {
after: [ 'node' ]
YUI().use('after-test', function(Y2) {
Assert.isTrue(Y2.afterTest, 'after-test module was not loaded');
test_dump_core: function() {
var Assert = Y.Assert,
o = {},
testY = YUI();
var str = testY.dump(o);
Assert.isString(str, 'Default Y.dump failed to return a string');
test_destroy: function() {
var Assert = Y.Assert,
testY = YUI();
Assert.isUndefined(testY.Env, 'Environment not destroyed');
Assert.isUndefined(testY.config, 'Instance config not destroyed');
test_features: function() {
var Assert = Y.Assert,
testY = YUI(),
results = testY.Features.all('load', [testY]);
Assert.isString(results, 'Feature tests failed to return a string');
Assert.isTrue((results.length > 0), 'Feature tests failed to return results');
Assert.areEqual(testY.Object.keys(testY.Features.tests.load).length, results.split(';').length, 'Failed to return all results for Feature Tests');
'test: requirements defined in external module': function() {
var test = this,
Assert = Y.Assert;
modules: {
mod: {
fullpath: './assets/mod.js'
}).use('mod', function(Y) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.isTrue(Y.MOD, 'Failed to load external mod');
Assert.isObject(Y.Node, 'Failed to load Node requirement');
Assert.isObject(Y.YQL, 'Failed to load YQL requirement');