YUI.add('array-test', function (Y) {
var Assert = Y.Assert,
suite = new Y.Test.Suite('Y.Array (core)');
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name: 'Array tests',
testArray: function () {
var els = document.getElementById('tester').getElementsByTagName('span'),
nodes = Y.all('#tester span');
Assert.isArray(Y.Array(els), '');
Assert.areSame(3, Y.Array(els).length);
Assert.areSame(2, Y.Array(els, 1).length);
// @TODO NodeList will be wrapped rather than have the items coerced into an
// array. If Array.test is adapted to handle NodeLists this could be made to
// work.
Assert.areSame(1, Y.Array(nodes).length);
// Y.log('els length:' + els.length);
// Y.log('a length:' + a.length);
// Y.log('els tagName:' + els.tagName);
// Y.log('els alert:' + els.alert);
// Y.log('els size:' + els.size);
// Y.log('els array test:' + Y.Array.test(els));
// Y.Lang.type is broken for HTMLElementCollections in Safari. isObject
// returns false because typeof returns function
// Y.log('els isObject:' + Y.Lang.isObject(els)); // false in Safari
// Y.log('els type:' + Y.Lang.type(els) + '+'); // object
// Y.log('els typeof:' + typeof els); // function
// Y.log('els isFunction:' + Y.Lang.isFunction(els)); // false
// Y.log('els.call:' + els.call);
// Y.log('els.apply:' + els.apply);
testDedupe: function () {
var array = ['foo', 'bar', 'foo', 'baz', 'foo', 'baz'];
Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], Y.Array.dedupe(array));
testEach: function () {
var calls = 0,
data = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
obj = {foo: 'bar'};
Y.Array.each(data, function (item, index, array) {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame(data[index], item, 'the current item should be passed to the callback');
Assert.areSame(data, array, 'the array should be passed to the callback');
Assert.areSame(Y, this, 'the `this` object should default to the YUI instance');
Assert.areSame(calls, 4, 'the callback should be called 4 times');
Y.Array.each(data, function () {
Assert.areSame(obj, this, 'the `this` object should be overridable');
}, obj);
Assert.areSame(Y.Array.each, Y.Array.forEach, 'forEach should be an alias for each');
'each() should handle sparse arrays correctly': function () {
var calls = 0,
foo = Array(5);
Y.Array.each(foo, function () {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame(1, calls);
testHash: function () {
{a: 'foo', b: 'bar', c: true},
Y.Array.hash(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['foo', 'bar']),
'keys should be mapped to values; true is used for missing values'
{a: true, b: true, c: true},
Y.Array.hash(['a', 'b', 'c']),
'the values array is optional'
'hash() should handle sparse arrays correctly': function () {
var keys = ['foo', 'bar'],
values = ['baz'],
keys.length = 5;
values.length = 5;
hash = Y.Array.hash(keys, values);
Y.Assert.areSame(2, Y.Object.size(hash));
Y.Assert.areSame('baz', hash.foo);
testIndexOf: function () {
var data = ['a', 'b', 1, 0, false, null, 'a'];
Assert.areSame(0, Y.Array.indexOf(data, 'a'), 'should find the first match');
Assert.areSame(-1, Y.Array.indexOf(data, 'z'), 'should return -1 on no match');
Assert.areSame(2, Y.Array.indexOf(data, 1), 'should find numbers');
Assert.areSame(4, Y.Array.indexOf(data, false), 'should perform strict equality checks');
Assert.areSame(5, Y.Array.indexOf(data, null), 'should find null');
'indexOf() should support an ES5-compatible fromIndex arg': function () {
var data = ['a', 'b', 1, 0, false, null, 'a'];
Assert.areSame(0, Y.Array.indexOf(data, 'a', 0), 'should find the first match');
Assert.areSame(6, Y.Array.indexOf(data, 'a', 1), 'should find the 6th match');
Assert.areSame(-1, Y.Array.indexOf(data, 'a', 7), 'should return -1 on no match');
Assert.areSame(0, Y.Array.indexOf(data, 'a', -8), 'should find the first match');
Assert.areSame(6, Y.Array.indexOf(data, 'a', -1), 'should find the 6th match');
Assert.areSame(0, Y.Array.indexOf(data, 'a', 0.1), 'should convert fromIndex to an int');
Assert.areSame(0, Y.Array.indexOf(data, 'a', -0.1), 'should floor the absolute value of fromIndex to convert to an int');
Assert.areSame(6, Y.Array.indexOf(data, 'a', '1'), 'should convert string fromIndex to a number');
Assert.areSame(0, Y.Array.indexOf(data, 'a', undefined), 'should convert undefined fromIndex to a number');
Assert.areSame(0, Y.Array.indexOf(data, 'a', NaN), 'should treat NaN as 0');
Assert.areSame(-1, Y.Array.indexOf(data, 'a', 8), 'should return -1 on too-high fromIndex');
Assert.areSame(-1, Y.Array.indexOf(data, 'a', Infinity), 'should return -1 on Infinity');
Assert.areSame(0, Y.Array.indexOf(data, 'a', -Infinity), 'should return 0 on negative Infinity');
'indexOf() should handle sparse arrays correctly': function () {
var array = ['a', 'b'];
array[3] = undefined;
Y.Assert.areSame(3, Y.Array.indexOf(array, undefined));
testNumericSort: function () {
// the stock sort behavior should fail to produce desired result
Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([1, 100, 2, 3], [3, 100, 1, 2].sort());
Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([1, 2, 3, 100], [3, 100, 1, 2].sort(Y.Array.numericSort));
testSome: function () {
var data = [1, 2, 3],
obj = {foo: 'bar'},
calls = 0;
Assert.isTrue(Y.Array.some(data, function (v, index, array) {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame(data[index], v, 'the current item should be passed to the callback');
Assert.areSame(data, array, 'the array should be passed to the callback');
Assert.areSame(Y.config.win, this, 'the `this` object should default to the global object');
if (v === 2) { return 'truthy'; }
if (v === 3) { Y.fail('truthy value did not stop iteration'); }
}), 'should return true');
Assert.areSame(2, calls, 'callback should be called twice');
Assert.isFalse(Y.Array.some(data, function () {
Assert.areSame(obj, this, 'the `this` object should be overridable');
}, obj), 'should return false');
'some() should handle sparse arrays correctly': function () {
var calls = 0,
foo = Array(5);
Y.Array.some(foo, function () {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame(1, calls);
testTest: function () {
Y.Assert.areEqual(0, Y.Array.test(function(){})); // functions should fail
Y.Assert.areEqual(0, Y.Array.test(Y.one('#tester'))); // single nodes should fail
Y.Assert.areEqual(0, Y.Array.test('string'));
Y.Assert.areEqual(0, Y.Array.test(12345));
Y.Assert.areEqual(0, Y.Array.test(null));
Y.Assert.areEqual(0, Y.Array.test(undefined));
Y.Assert.areEqual(0, Y.Array.test(/regexp/));
Y.Assert.areEqual(0, Y.Array.test(new Date()));
Y.Assert.areEqual(1, Y.Array.test([1, 2]));
Y.Assert.areEqual(1, Y.Array.test([]));
// Y.Assert.areEqual(1, Y.Array.test('string'.toCharArray()));
Y.Assert.areEqual(2, Y.Array.test(arguments), 'arguments should be arraylike'); // arguments collection
Y.Assert.areEqual(2, Y.Array.test(document.getElementsByTagName('span')), 'htmlelement collections should be arraylike'); // HTMLElementsCollection
// @TODO figure out what to do with this. A NodeList does not contain a collection of Nodes; it
// contains a collection of HTMLElements.
// Y.Assert.areEqual(3, Y.Array.test(Y.all('#btnRun')), 'nodelists should be specifically identified as a special collection'); // NodeList
Y.Assert.areEqual(0, Y.Array.test(Y.all('span')), 'nodelists are not currently considered arraylike'); // NodeList
}, '@VERSION@', {requires: ['test']});