yui-core.js revision 701dfa296d4afcfc9da4c68aaa58369782ca12f4
(function() {
var L = Y.Lang,
A = Y.Array,
OP = Object.prototype,
IEF = ["toString", "valueOf"],
PROTO = 'prototype',
* IE will not enumerate native functions in a derived object even if the
* function was overridden. This is a workaround for specific functions
* we care about on the Object prototype.
* @property _iefix
* @param {Function} r the object to receive the augmentation
* @param {Function} s the object that supplies the properties to augment
* @param w a whitelist object (the keys are the valid items to reference)
* @private
* @for YUI
_iefix = (Y.UA && Y.UA.ie) ?
function(r, s, w) {
var i, a = IEF, n, f;
for (i=0; i<a.length; i=i+1) {
n = a[i];
f = s[n];
if (L.isFunction(f) && f != OP[n]) {
if (!w || (n in w)) {
} : function() {};
* Returns a new object containing all of the properties of
* all the supplied objects. The properties from later objects
* will overwrite those in earlier objects. Passing in a
* single object will create a shallow copy of it. For a deep
* copy, use clone.
* @method merge
* @param arguments {Object*} the objects to merge
* @return {object} the new merged object
Y.merge = function() {
var a = arguments, o = {}, i, l = a.length;
for (i=0; i<l; i=i+1) {
Y.mix(o, a[i], true);
return o;
* Applies the supplier's properties to the receiver. By default
* all prototype and static propertes on the supplier are applied
* to the corresponding spot on the receiver. By default all
* properties are applied, and a property that is already on the
* reciever will not be overwritten. The default behavior can
* be modified by supplying the appropriate parameters.
* @TODO add constants for the modes
* @method mix
* @param {Function} r the object to receive the augmentation
* @param {Function} s the object that supplies the properties to augment
* @param ov {boolean} if true, properties already on the receiver
* will be overwritten if found on the supplier.
* @param wl {string[]} a whitelist. If supplied, only properties in
* this list will be applied to the receiver.
* @param {int} mode what should be copies, and to where
* default(0): object to object
* 1: prototype to prototype (old augment)
* 2: prototype to prototype and object props (new augment)
* 3: prototype to object
* 4: object to prototype
* @param merge {boolean} merge objects instead of overwriting/ignoring
* Used by Y.aggregate
* @return {object} the augmented object
* @TODO review for PR2
Y.mix = function(r, s, ov, wl, mode, merge) {
if (!s||!r) {
return Y;
var w = (wl && wl.length) ? A.hash(wl) : null, m = merge,
f = function(fr, fs, proto, iwl) {
var arr = m && L.isArray(fr), i;
for (i in fs) {
if (fs.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
// We never want to overwrite the prototype
// if (PROTO === i) {
if (PROTO === i || '_yuid' === i) {
// Y.log('i: ' + i + ", " + fs[i]);
// @TODO deal with the hasownprop issue
// check white list if it was supplied
if (!w || iwl || (i in w)) {
// if the receiver has this property, it is an object,
// and merge is specified, merge the two objects.
if (m && L.isObject(fr[i], true)) {
// console.log('aggregate RECURSE: ' + i);
// @TODO recursive or no?
// Y.mix(fr[i], fs[i]); // not recursive
f(fr[i], fs[i], proto, true); // recursive
// otherwise apply the property only if overwrite
// is specified or the receiver doesn't have one.
// @TODO make sure the 'arr' check isn't desructive
} else if (!arr && (ov || !(i in fr))) {
// console.log('hash: ' + i);
fr[i] = fs[i];
// if merge is specified and the receiver is an array,
// append the array item
} else if (arr) {
// console.log('array: ' + i);
// @TODO probably will need to remove dups
_iefix(fr, fs, w);
rp = r.prototype,
sp = s.prototype;
switch (mode) {
case 1: // proto to proto
f(rp, sp, true);
case 2: // object to object and proto to proto
f(r, s);
f(rp, sp, true);
case 3: // proto to static
f(r, sp, true);
case 4: // static to proto
f(rp, s);
default: // object to object
f(r, s);
return r;
* Returns a wrapper for a function which caches the
* return value of that function, keyed off of the combined
* argument values.
* @function cached
* @param source {function} the function to memoize
* @param cache an optional cache seed
* @return {Function} the wrapped function
Y.cached = function(source, cache){
cache = cache || {};
return function() {
var a = arguments,
key = (a.length == 1) ? a[0] : Y.Array(a, 0, true).join(DELIMITER);
if (!(key in cache)) {
cache[key] = source.apply(source, arguments);
return cache[key];