rls.js revision ed3e7eff04d0fa1517079546143bad94910ff05c
39135a3e07243519dbe40a68e86a7ef524eb3f1bmfloryan* RLS (Remote Loader Service) Support
9b02f995ccbdbc8fe4cfde1e5a2af8f6d36e142aJazzyNico* @module yui
9b02f995ccbdbc8fe4cfde1e5a2af8f6d36e142aJazzyNico* @submodule rls
9b02f995ccbdbc8fe4cfde1e5a2af8f6d36e142aJazzyNico* @class rls
9b02f995ccbdbc8fe4cfde1e5a2af8f6d36e142aJazzyNico* Checks the environment for local modules and deals with them before firing off an RLS request.
9b02f995ccbdbc8fe4cfde1e5a2af8f6d36e142aJazzyNico* This needs to make sure that all dependencies are calculated before it can make an RLS request in
9b02f995ccbdbc8fe4cfde1e5a2af8f6d36e142aJazzyNico* order to make sure all remote dependencies are evaluated and their requirements are met.
9b02f995ccbdbc8fe4cfde1e5a2af8f6d36e142aJazzyNico* @method rls_locals
9b02f995ccbdbc8fe4cfde1e5a2af8f6d36e142aJazzyNico* @private
9b02f995ccbdbc8fe4cfde1e5a2af8f6d36e142aJazzyNico* @param {YUI} instance The YUI Instance we are working with.
9b02f995ccbdbc8fe4cfde1e5a2af8f6d36e142aJazzyNico* @param {Array} argz The requested modules.
9b02f995ccbdbc8fe4cfde1e5a2af8f6d36e142aJazzyNico* @param {Callback} cb The callback to be executed when we are done
9b02f995ccbdbc8fe4cfde1e5a2af8f6d36e142aJazzyNico* @param {YUI} cb.instance The instance is passed back to the callback
91cdc6c06e37ed5336e3e5f81dc8a6f39c07b500pjrm* @param {Array} cb.argz The modified list or modules needed to require
Y.rls_locals = function(instance, argz, cb) {
if (instance.config.modules) {
var files = [], asked = Y.Array.hash(argz),
PATH = 'fullpath', f,
mods = instance.config.modules;
for (f in mods) {
if (mods[f][PATH]) {
if (asked[f]) {
if (mods[f].requires) {
Y.Array.each(mods[f].requires, function(f) {
if (!YUI.Env.mods[f]) {
if (mods[f]) {
if (mods[f][PATH]) {
if (files.length) {
Y.Get.script(files, {
onEnd: function(o) {
cb(instance, argz);
data: argz
} else {
cb(instance, argz);
} else {
cb(instance, argz);
* Check the environment and the local config to determine if a module has already been registered.
* @method rls_needs
* @private
* @param {String} mod The module to check
* @param {YUI} instance The instance to check against.
Y.rls_needs = function(mod, instance) {
var self = instance || this,
config = self.config;
if (!YUI.Env.mods[mod] && !(config.modules && config.modules[mod])) {
return true;
return false;
* Implentation for building the remote loader service url.
* @method _rls
* @private
* @param {Array} what the requested modules.
* @since 3.2.0
* @return {string} the url for the remote loader service call, returns false if no modules are required to be fetched (they are in the ENV already).
Y._rls = function(what) {
Y.log('Issuing a new RLS Request', 'info', 'rls');
var config = Y.config,
mods = config.modules,
YArray = Y.Array,
YObject = Y.Object,
// the configuration
rls = config.rls || {
m: 1, // required in the template
v: Y.version,
gv: config.gallery,
env: 1, // required in the template
lang: config.lang,
'2in3v': config['2in3'],
'2v': config.yui2,
filt: config.filter,
filts: config.filters,
tests: 1 // required in the template
// The rls base path
rls_base = config.rls_base || 'http://l.yimg.com/py/load?httpcache=rls-seed&gzip=1&',
// the template
rls_tmpl = config.rls_tmpl || function() {
var s = [], param;
for (param in rls) {
if (param in rls && rls[param]) {
s.push(param + '={' + param + '}');
// console.log('rls_tmpl: ' + s);
return s.join('&');
m = [], asked = {}, o, d, mod,
w = [], gallery = [],
i, len = what.length,
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
asked[what[i]] = 1;
if (Y.rls_needs(what[i])) {
Y.log('Did not find ' + what[i] + ' in YUI.Env.mods or config.modules adding to RLS', 'info', 'rls');
} else {
Y.log(what[i] + ' was skipped from RLS', 'info', 'rls');
if (mods) {
for (i in mods) {
if (asked[i] && mods[i].requires) {
len = mods[i].requires.length;
for (o = 0; o < len; o++) {
mod = mods[i].requires[o];
if (Y.rls_needs(mod)) {
} else {
d = YUI.Env.mods[mod] || mods[mod];
if (d) {
d = d.details || d;
if (d.requires) {
YArray.each(d.requires, function(o) {
if (Y.rls_needs(o)) {
YObject.each(YUI.Env.mods, function(i) {
if (asked[i.name]) {
if (i.details && i.details.requires) {
YArray.each(i.details.requires, function(o) {
if (Y.rls_needs(o)) {
m = YArray.dedupe(m);
YArray.each(m, function(mod) {
if (mod.indexOf('gallery-') === 0 || mod.indexOf('yui2-') === 0) {
if (!Y.Loader) {
//Fetch Loader..
} else {
m = w;
if (rls.filt === 'debug') {
m.unshift('dump', 'yui-log');
//Strip Duplicates
m = YArray.dedupe(m);
gallery = YArray.dedupe(gallery);
what = YArray.dedupe(what);
if (!m.length) {
//Return here if there no modules to load.
Y.log('RLS request terminated, no modules in m', 'warn', 'rls');
return false;
// update the request
rls.m = m.sort(); // cache proxy optimization
rls.env = [].concat(YObject.keys(YUI.Env.mods), YArray.dedupe(YUI._rls_skins)).sort();
rls.tests = Y.Features.all('load', [Y]);
url = Y.Lang.sub(rls_base + rls_tmpl, rls);
config.rls = rls;
config.rls_tmpl = rls_tmpl;
YUI._rls_active = {
asked: what,
attach: m,
gallery: gallery,
inst: Y,
url: url
return url;
* @method rls_oncomplete
* @param {Callback} cb The callback to execute when the RLS request is complete
Y.rls_oncomplete = function(cb) {
YUI._rls_active.cb = cb;
* Calls the callback registered with Y.rls_oncomplete when the RLS request (and it's dependency requests) is done.
* @method rls_done
* @param {Array} data The modules loaded
Y.rls_done = function(data) {
Y.log('RLS Request complete', 'info', 'rls');
* Hash to hang on to the calling RLS instance so we can deal with the return from the server.
* @property _rls_active
* @private
* @type Object
* @static
if (!YUI._rls_active) {
YUI._rls_active = {};
* An array of skins loaded via RLS to populate the ENV with when making future requests.
* @property _rls_skins
* @private
* @type Array
* @static
if (!YUI._rls_skins) {
YUI._rls_skins = [];
* @method $rls
* @private
* @static
* @param {Object} req The data returned from the RLS server
* @param {String} req.css Does this request need CSS? If so, load the same RLS url with &css=1 attached
* @param {Array} req.module The sorted list of modules to attach to the page.
if (!YUI.$rls) {
YUI.$rls = function(req) {
var rls_active = YUI._rls_active,
Y = rls_active.inst;
if (Y) {
Y.log('RLS request received, processing', 'info', 'rls');
if (req.css) {
Y.Get.css(rls_active.url + '&css=1');
if (rls_active.gallery.length) {
req.modules = req.modules || [];
req.modules = [].concat(req.modules, rls_active.gallery);
if (req.modules && !req.css) {
if (req.modules.length) {
var loadInt = Y.Array.some(req.modules, function(v) {
return (v.indexOf('lang') === 0);
if (loadInt) {
Y.Env.bootstrapped = true;
Y.Array.each(req.modules, function(v) {
if (v.indexOf('skin-') > -1) {
Y.log('Found skin (' + v + ') caching module for future requests', 'info', 'rls');
Y._attach([].concat(req.modules, rls_active.attach));
if (rls_active.gallery.length && Y.Loader) {
Y.log('Making extra gallery request', 'info', 'rls');
var loader = new Y.Loader(rls_active.inst.config);
loader.onEnd = Y.rls_done;
loader.context = Y;
loader.data = rls_active.gallery;
loader.ignoreRegistered = false;
loader.insert(null, (Y.config.fetchCSS) ? null : 'js');
} else {
Y.rls_done({ data: rls_active.asked });