nodejs.mustache revision 72d545a3aacf73830ad019134a025794ed01ce1e
<div class="intro">
As of 3.5.0, YUI runs natively on <a href="">Node.js</a> and comes with an official <a href="">npm</a> package for easy installation.
YUI supports Node.js &gt; 0.4.10, but should work on stable releases above that. Unstable releases will be supported in local developer builds as features change.
<h2>About YUI on Node.js</h2>
<p><img src="{{componentAssets}}/nodejs.png" align="right" hspace="10" vspace="10" alt="Node.js Logo">
The core library will run on Node.js with no external dependencies. `Get.script`, `JSONP`, `YQL` &amp; `io`
along with our core infrastructure pieces (anything that doesn't require a DOM) will work out of the box.
However, there is <strong>no DOM support</strong> included in our releases.
This means that you can not do DOM manipulation on the server with this core system. With the introduction
of `Y.Handlebars`, we are working very hard to allow Widget rendering on the server via strings instead of raw
DOM manipulation.
<h2>Install via npm</h2>
Installing YUI with npm is easy and fast. Simply use `npm` to install the offical `yui` package.
npm install yui
This will install the latest YUI release into your local `./node_modules` directory to require in your Node.js application.
<h2>Using YUI on Node.js</h2>
Using YUI on Node.js is very similar to using it inside the browser:
var YUI = require('yui').YUI;
YUI().use('yql', function(Y) {
When you require the `yui` module in this fashion, you are returned the global YUI object. It will be
re-used on each additional require. So if you load modules into one instance, then <em>re-require</em> YUI,
those modules will still be available without fetching them from disk again.
<h2>Requiring a YUI module</h2>
If you are working on a packageable application, you can also use YUI in a sync mode to allow for exporting
a YUI module or a custom module that requires a YUI module.
<p>For example, here we are only requiring the `YQL` module and the return is now a `YUI`
instance with the `YQL` module already attached to it:
var Y = require('yui/yql');
This way you can export a custom module like this:
#!/usr/bin/env node
var Y = require('yui/yql');
module.exports.getYQLData = function(cb) {
Y.YQL('select * from awesome.datasource', function(r) {
Now, your implementor can use your module like this:
var mod = require('your-module');
mod.getYQLData(function(r) {
//r will be the return from the above YQL call
There are also other ways to require a single module,
or a set of modules.
<h3>One at a time</h3>
In the example below, you can see that the first require returns the `YQL`
module, but doesn't return `Base`. However, the second require asking for `Base`
returns the same instance as before with both the `YQL` and `Base` modules attached.
#!/usr/bin/env node
var Y = require('yui/yql');
console.log('YQL #1?', (Y.YQL) ? true : false); //True
console.log('Base #1?', (Y.Base) ? true : false); //False
var Y = require('yui/base-base');
console.log('YQL #2?', (Y.YQL) ? true : false); //True
console.log('Base #2?', (Y.Base) ? true : false); //True
<h3>In a batch</h3>
In this example, we have multiple modules being required from the object
being returned from the inital require call.
#!/usr/bin/env node
var Y = require('yui').use('yql', 'oop', 'base-base');
console.log('OOP?', (Y.rbind) ? true : false); //True
console.log('YQL?', (Y.YQL) ? true : false); //True
console.log('Base?', (Y.Base) ? true : false); //True
<p>The above is exactly the same as this:</p>
#!/usr/bin/env node
var YUI = require('yui').YUI;
var Y = YUI({ useSync: true }).use('yql', 'oop', 'base-base');
This approach makes it easy for you to create custom YUI modules and export them
from inside your own app.
var path = require('path'),
YUI = require('yui').YUI;
var Y = YUI({
useSync: true,
modules: {
awesome: {
fullpath: path.join(__dirname, './lib/awesome.js'),
requires: [ 'yql', 'oop', 'base-base' ]
//If your module adds a Y.Awesome namespace
module.exports.awesome = Y.Awesome;
<h2>Using Debug Versions</h2>
Just like in the browser, YUI will load minimized versions of the requested modules. You
can choose to load either all debug files, or single modules.
<h3>Load all modules in debug mode</h3>
This will load the debug seed and force all modules to load in debug mode:
#!/usr/bin/env node
var YUI = require('yui/debug').YUI;
YUI().use('base', fn);
<h3>Debugging some modules</h3>
You may only want to debug a single module, you can do this by adding `/debug` to the original
#!/usr/bin/env node
var Y = require('yui/yql/debug');
console.log('YQL?', (Y.YQL) ? true : false);
Y.YQL('select * from weather.forecast where location=90210', function(r) {