HISTORY.md revision d0fa6f87745bf4e7c206e531a67f5c433f52e92f
YUI Core Change History
* `Y.Object.isEmpty()` now casts the given value to an object if it isn't one
already, which prevents exceptions when it's given a non-object.
* Sparse arrays are now handled correctly in the non-native fallback
implementation of `Y.Array.indexOf()`. [Ticket #2530966]
* `Y.mix()` will no longer shadow prototype properties on the receiver unless
the `overwrite` parameter is true. This was the pre-3.4.0 behavior, but was
changed in 3.4.0. We're changing it back to preserve backwards compatibility.
[Ticket #2530501]
* The non-native fallback implementation of `Y.Object.keys()` now contains a
workaround for buggy browsers that treat function `prototype` properties as
enumerable in violation of the ES5 spec.
* `Y.Object.size()` now returns `0` for non-objects. This was the pre-3.4.0
behavior, but regressed in 3.4.0. [Ticket #2531069]
* Added `Y.Array.dedupe()`, which provides an optimized solution for deduping
arrays of strings. When you know an array contains only strings, use `dedupe`,
since it's faster than `unique`.
* `Y.Lang.isArray()` now uses the native ES5 `Array.isArray()` method when
* `Y.Object()` now uses the native ES5 `Object.create()` method when possible.
* `Y.Object.keys()` now uses the native ES5 `Object.keys()` method when
* Sparse arrays are now handled correctly in the non-native fallback
[Ticket #2530376]
* Added fast path for repeat calls to `use()` with the same arguments.
* Added a `Y.destroy()` method, which destroys the YUI instance.
* Added `Y.Lang.now()`, which returns the current time in milliseconds.
* Added `YUI.GlobalConfig` to allow three stages of configuration
(`YUI.GlobalConfig` --> `YUI_Config` --> instance configs). This is helpful in
non-browser environments for supplying a global config for the YUI container.
* Added `Y.Lang.sub()`, which is a very lightweight version of `Y.substitute()`.
* `Y.Array.hash()` no longer skips falsy values.
* Script errors in module and `use()` callback functions are caught and routed
through `Y.error`.
* `Y.error` invokations can be monitored with the `errorFn` configuration.
* Returning `true` from the `errorFn` will prevent the script error from halting
further script execution.
* Added UA properties for mobile devices and ensured that UA is only evaluated
* The YUI global will overwrite itself when included again, while attempting to
preserve the global environment of previous instances.
* Added a remote loader service submodule.
* Added a features submodule. This is used by the capability-based loader
when dispatching to a remote loader service.
* Removed the limit on the number of config objects you can supply to the
`YUI` constructor.
* YUI will attempt to fetch newly discovered dependencies after a module is
dynamically loaded.
* The `documentElement` (`<html>`) is now stamped with a `yui3-js-enabled`
classname to indicate that JS is enabled. This allows for the creation of
JS-aware CSS style rules that progressively enhance the page.
* Added the ability to define a global configuration object (`YUI_config`).
* Added `Y.Object.some()` and `Y.some()`, which are analogous to
* UA refinements for Chrome, Android and other browsers/platforms.
* Added `last()` to `Queue` for LIFO support.
* Added throttle utility to buffer expensive functions that are called
* The `YUI.add()` callback now gets the module name as the second parameter for
generic processing of similar modules.
* Added `intl-base` submodule to process the decision tree for selecting
language packs when dynamically loading internationalized modules.
* `Y.guid()` generates identifiers that are safe to use as HTML attributes.
* Improved persistent messaging for missing modules/functionality.
* Bootstrapping improved to prevent simultaneous loading of resources when
multiple instances are launched at the same moment.
* The YUI script source URL is read in order to try to dynamically determine the
base path for loading resources on demand.
* The core loads without errors in non-browser environments.
* Extracted the loader from the seed file. If loader is not available, but `get`
is and dependencies are missing, the loader will be fetched before continuing.
* User agent detection is more granular. For example, Firefox 3.5 reports Gecko
1.91 rather than 1.9.
* Fixed `Y.UA.os`.
* Added additional mobile device detection.
* Get utility cleans up attribues before purging nodes.
* `Y.cached` accepts a parameter to refresh a cached value.
* `yui-log` and `yui-later` are now optional modules that are included with
* `queue-base` is no longer a submodule of `queue` -- it's now part of
* All YUI submodules end up in the `yui` build directory.
* Dynamic loading can be disabled by setting the `bootstrap` config to `false`.
3.0.0 beta 1
### Core
assertion engine.
* `Y.stamp` now accepts a `readOnly` parameter to be used when you are only
interested in reading an existing guid rather than creating a new one.
* `Y.stamp` defends against stamping items that can't be stamped.
* Added to `Y.Object`: `values()`, `hasKey()`, `hasValue()`, `size()`,
`getValue()`, `setValue()` (the latter two are for manipulating nested
* `Y.use` calls are queued during dynamic loading.
* Added `Y.cached` for function memoizing
* Added `numericSort` to `Y.Array`.
* The `yui:log` event broadcasts globally.
### Lang
* Added `Y.Lang.type` (`typeof` abstraction) and refactored some 'is' methods to
use it.
### Get
* Accepts an attribute collection config to apply to inserted nodes.
* `id` attributes are globally unique
* Now accepts `purgethreshold` as a config option. This will set the number of
transactions required before auto removing nodes from previous transactions
(default is 20).
### Loader
* `yuitest` renamed to `test`, now requires `collection`.
* Lots of new module metadata.
* Added `onCSS`.
* Loader requests are queued globally.
* Accepts `jsAttributes` and `cssAttributes` configs for adding attributes to
inserted nodes
* Added `force` config.
### UA
* Added `secure` property for SSL detection.
* Added `os` property for OS detection.
* Added Adobe Air and Google Caja detection.
### Core
* The initial dependency calculation should not allow automatic rollup.
* `Y.fail` will throw/rethrow errors by default (`throwFail` is now `true`).
* `Y.namespace` reverted to scrub `YAHOO` out if included as the first level of
the namespace.
* `useConsole` config changed to `useBrowserConsole`.
### Array
* Added `Y.Array.some()`.
### Get
* Protects against trailing commas in the array of files to load.
### Loader
* `get` requires `yui-base`.
* `loader` requires `get`.
* Combo URL build process defends against undefined modules.
* Added combo handler support for CSS.
* Filters are correctly applied to combo and fullpath URLs.
* Added `compat`, `profiler`, `yuitest`, `widget`, `stylesheet`,
`classnamemanager`, `overlay`, `plugin`, `slider`, and `console` modules.
* Added `io` submodules.
* `queue` requires `event`.
* Added submodule metadata logic.
* Added plugin metadata logic.
* Added skin metadata logic.
* Initial release.