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<title>Widget Parent API Tests</title>
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}).use("widget", "widget-parent", "widget-child", "test", "console", function (Y) {
var RootWidget = function () {
RootWidget.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
RootWidget.NAME = "rootwidget";
Y.extend(RootWidget, Y.Widget);
Y.RootWidget ="rootwidget", RootWidget, [Y.WidgetParent], { dynamic: false });
var ParentWidget = function () {
ParentWidget.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Y.mix(ParentWidget, {
NAME: "parentwidget",
label: {
validator: Y.Lang.isString
Y.extend(ParentWidget, Y.Widget, {
renderUI: function () {
ParentWidget.superclass.renderUI.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.get("depth") > -1) {
var label = Y.Node.create("<em>" + this.get("label") + "</em>"),
parent = this.get("boundingBox").get("parentNode");
Y.ParentWidget ="parentwidget", ParentWidget, [Y.WidgetParent, Y.WidgetChild], { dynamic: false });
var ChildWidget = function () {
ChildWidget.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Y.mix(ChildWidget, {
NAME: "childwidget",
label: {
validator: Y.Lang.isString
Y.extend(ChildWidget, Y.Widget, {
renderUI: function () {
Y.ChildWidget ="childwidget", ChildWidget, [Y.WidgetChild], { dynamic: false });
var debugConsole = new Y.Console().render();
Y.Test.Runner.add( new Y.Test.Case({
name: "Widget Parent API, Widget Child API Tests",
testAdd: function() {
var root = new Y.ParentWidget(),
child = root.add({ type: "ChildWidget", label: "Child One" });
Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(child, "Add should return a reference to the child that was created and added.");
Y.assert((root.size() == 1), "The root Widget should have one child");
child = root.add({ type: ChildWidget, label: "Child Two" });
Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(child, "Add should return a reference to the child that was created and added.");
Y.assert((root.size() == 2), "The root Widget should have two children");
try {
child = root.add({ label: "Invalid Child" });
Y.Assert.isUndefined(child, "Add should return undefined since the type of the child is undefined.");
Y.assert((root.size() == 2), "The root Widget should have two children");
catch (e) {
Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(e, "The \"add\" method should throw an error since the type of the child was not specified and the defaultChildType attribute is not defined.");
try {
child = root.add({ type: "MyChild", label: "Invalid Child" });
Y.Assert.isUndefined(child, "The \"add\" method should return undefined since the type of the child is invalid.");
Y.assert((root.size() == 2), "The root Widget should have two children");
catch (e) {
Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(e, "The \"add\" method should throw an error since the type of the child is invalid.");
try {
child = root.add({ type: MyChild, label: "Invalid Child" });
Y.Assert.isUndefined(child, "Add should return undefined since the type of the child is invalid.");
Y.assert((root.size() == 2), "The root Widget should have two children");
catch (e) {
Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(e, "The \"add\" method should throw an error since the type of the child is invalid.");
root.set("defaultChildType", "ChildWidget");
child = root.add({ label: "Child Three" });
Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(child, "Add should return a reference to the child that was created and added.");
Y.assert((root.size() == 3), "The root Widget should have three children");
root.set("defaultChildType", ChildWidget);
child = root.add({ label: "Child Four" });
Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(child, "Add should return a reference to the child that was created and added.");
Y.assert((root.size() == 4), "The root Widget should have four children");
root.set("defaultChildType", "MyChild");
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.get("defaultChildType"), Y.ChildWidget, "Setter for \"defaultChildType\" should disallow setting the attribute to an invalid value.");
root.set("defaultChildType", MyChild);
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.get("defaultChildType"), Y.ChildWidget, "Setter for \"defaultChildType\" should disallow setting the attribute to an invalid value.");
testInsert: function () {
var widget = new Y.ParentWidget({
id: "widget-1",
children: [
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child One", id: "child-1" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child Two", id: "child-2" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child Three", id: "child-3" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child Four", id: "child-4" }
widget.add({ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child One", id: "inserted-child-1" }, 0);
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.item(0).get("id"), "inserted-child-1", "The newly inserted child should be the parent's first child.");
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.size(), 5, "The widget should have five children.");
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child One", id: "inserted-child-2" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child One", id: "inserted-child-3" }
], 2);
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.item(2).get("id"), "inserted-child-2", "The child with the id of \"inserted-child-2\" should be the parent's third child.");
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.item(3).get("id"), "inserted-child-3", "The child with the id of \"inserted-child-3\" should be the parent's fourth child.");
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.item(4).get("id"), "child-2", "The child with the id of \"child-2\" should now be the parent's fifth child.");
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.size(), 7, "The widget should have seven children.");
testRemove: function () {
var widget = new Y.ParentWidget({
id: "widget-1",
children: [
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child One", id: "child-1" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child Two", id: "child-2" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child Three", id: "child-3" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child Four", id: "child-4" }
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.remove(1).get("id"), "child-2", "The parent's \"remove\" method should return a reference to the child removed.");
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.size(), 3, "The widget should now have three children.");
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.item(0).remove().get("id"), "child-1", "If a child calls the \"remove\" method on itself, the \"remove\" method should return a reference to the child.");
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.size(), 2, "The widget should now have two children.");
var removed = widget.removeAll();
Y.Assert.areEqual(removed.size(), 2, "The \"removeAll\" method should return a Y.ArrayList instance with a size of 2.");
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.size(), 0, "The widget should now have no children.");
testSingleSelection: function () {
var root = new Y.ParentWidget({
id: "new-widget",
children: [
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child One" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child Two" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child Three" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child Four" }
root.item(0).set("selected", 1);
root.item(1).set("selected", 1);
// Confirm the selection
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.item(1).get("selected"), 1, "The second child of the parent widget should be selected");
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.get("selected"), 2, "The root's \"selected\" attribute should return 2");
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.get("selection"), root.item(1), "The parent's \"selection\" attribute should return a reference to its second child.");
// Select another child and confirm the previously selected
// child is deselected and and the parent's selection is
// correctly updated.
root.item(2).set("selected", 1);
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.item(1).get("selected"), 0, "The parent's second child should not be selected");
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.item(2).get("selected"), 1, "The parent's third child should be selected");
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.get("selection"), root.item(2), "The parent's \"selection\" attribute should return a reference to its third child.");
// Confirm deselection
root.item(2).set("selected", 0);
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.item(2).get("selected"), 0, "The parent's third child should not be selected");
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.get("selected"), 0, "The parent's \"selected\" attribute should return 0");
Y.Assert.isNull(root.get("selection"), "The parent's \"selection\" attribute should return null.");
var tree = new Y.ParentWidget({
id: "tree",
children: [
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, id: "leaf-1", label: "Leaf One" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, id: "leaf-2", label: "Leaf Two" },
{ type: Y.ParentWidget, id: "subtree", label: "Subtree", children: [
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, id: "subtree-leaf-1", label: "Subtree - Leaf One" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, id: "subtree-leaf-2", label: "Subtree - Leaf Two" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, id: "subtree-leaf-3", label: "Subtree - Leaf Three" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, id: "subtree-leaf-4", label: "Subtree - Leaf Four" }
// Select a child in the subtree to test if the selection is represented at the root level
tree.item(2).item(0).set("selected", 1);
Y.Assert.areEqual(tree.get("selected"), 2, "The root's \"selected\" attribute should be 2 (indicating partially selected).");
Y.Assert.areEqual(tree.item(2).get("selected"), 2, "The subtree's \"selected\" attribute should be 2 (indicating partially selected).");
Y.Assert.areEqual(tree.get("selection").get("id"), "subtree", "The root's \"selection\" attribute should return the subtree.");
Y.Assert.areEqual(tree.item(2).get("selection").get("id"), "subtree-leaf-1", "The subtree's \"selection\" attribute should return the first child.");
// Select a child in the root to confirm that the subtree's selection is cleared
tree.item(0).set("selected", 1);
Y.Assert.areEqual(tree.get("selected"), 2, "The root's \"selected\" attribute should be 2 (indicating partially selected).");
Y.Assert.areEqual(tree.get("selection").get("id"), "leaf-1", "The root's \"selection\" attribute should return a reference to its first child.");
Y.Assert.areEqual(tree.item(2).get("selected"), 0, "The subtree should no longer be selected.");
Y.Assert.areEqual(tree.item(2).get("selection"), null, "The subtree's \"selection\" attribute should return null.");
// Select a new child in the subtree to test if the selection is represented at the root level
tree.item(2).item(2).set("selected", 1);
Y.Assert.areEqual(tree.get("selected"), 2, "The root's \"selected\" attribute should be 2 (indicating partially selected).");
Y.Assert.areEqual(tree.item(2).get("selected"), 2, "The subtree's \"selected\" attribute should be 2 (indicating partially selected).");
Y.Assert.areEqual(tree.get("selection").get("id"), "subtree", "The root's \"selection\" attribute should return the subtree.");
Y.Assert.areEqual(tree.item(2).get("selection").get("id"), "subtree-leaf-3", "The subtree's \"selection\" attribute should return its third child.");
testMultipleSelection: function () {
var root = new Y.ParentWidget({
id: "m-s-widget",
multiple: true,
children: [
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child One" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child Two" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child Three" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child Four" }
root.item(0).set("selected", 1);
root.item(1).set("selected", 1);
// Confirm that both children are selected and
// represented in the parent's selection.
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.item(0).get("selected"), 1, "The first child of the parent widget should be selected.");
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.item(1).get("selected"), 1, "The second child of the parent widget should be selected.");
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.get("selection").size(), 2, "The \"selection\" attribute should return an ArrayList with a size of 2.");
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.get("selected"), 2, "The root's \"selection\" attribute should be 2 (indicating partially selected).");
// Select remaining children to confirm all children
// are represented in the parent's selection and that
// the parent's "selected" attribute returns 1.
root.item(2).set("selected", 1);
root.item(3).set("selected", 1);
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.get("selection").size(), 4, "The \"selection\" attribute should return an ArrayList with a size of 4.");
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.get("selected"), 1, "The root's \"selected\" attribute should return 1 (indicating fully selected).");
// Deselect all children and confirm the results
root.get("selection").each(function (child) {
child.set("selected", 0);
Y.Assert.isNull(root.get("selection"), "The root's \"selection\" attribute should return null.");
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.get("selected"), 0, "The root's \"selected\" attribute should return 0");
// Select all children via selectAll() to confirm all
// children are represented in the parent's selection and
// that the parent's "selected" attribute returns 1.
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.get("selected"), 1, "The root's \"selected\" attribute should return 1");
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.get("selection").size(), 4, "The root's \"selection\" attribute should return an ArrayList with a size of 4.");
// Deselect all children via deselectAll() to confirm all
// children are no longer selected and that the parent's
// selection is empty.
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.get("selected"), 0, "The root's \"selected\" attribute should return 0");
Y.Assert.areEqual(root.get("selection"), null, "The root's \"selection\" attribute should return an ArrayList with a size of 4.");
root.add({ type: Y.ParentWidget, id: "subtree", label: "Subtree", children: [
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, id: "subtree-leaf-1", label: "Subtree - Leaf One" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, id: "subtree-leaf-2", label: "Subtree - Leaf Two" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, id: "subtree-leaf-3", label: "Subtree - Leaf Three" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, id: "subtree-leaf-4", label: "Subtree - Leaf Four" }
Y.Assert.isTrue(root.item(4).get("multiple"), "The \"multiple\" attribute of the nested parent widget should be true.");
testAncestorNavigation: function () {
var widget = new Y.ParentWidget({
id: "widget-1",
label: "Parent",
children: [
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child One", id: "child-1" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child Two", id: "child-2" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child Three", id: "child-3" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child Four", id: "child-4" }
var root = new Y.RootWidget({ id: "rootwidget-1" });
// Confirm that the "root" attribute is
// is not presently constrained by type since the ROOT_TYPE
// property is not yet set.
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.item(0).get("root").get("id"), "rootwidget-1", "The \"root\" attribute of \"child-1\" should return a reference to rootwidget-1");
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.get("root").get("id"), "rootwidget-1", "The \"root\" attribute of \"widget-1\" should return a reference to rootwidget-1");
Y.Assert.isFalse(widget.isRoot(), "\"widget-1\" should not be considered root.");
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.item(0).get("depth"), 1, "The \"depth\" attribute of \"child-1\" should return 1.");
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.item(0).ancestor(0).get("id"), "widget-1", "The ancestor of \"child-1\" at depth 0 should be \"widget-1\"");
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.item(0).ancestor(-1).get("id"), "rootwidget-1", "The ancestor of \"child-1\" at depth -1 should be \"rootwidget-1\"");
// Confirm that the root attribute will be constrained to
// a particular type when the ROOT_TYPE is defined.
Y.ParentWidget.prototype.ROOT_TYPE = Y.ParentWidget;
Y.ChildWidget.prototype.ROOT_TYPE = Y.ParentWidget;
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.item(0).get("root").get("id"), "widget-1", "The \"root\" attribute of \"child-1\" should return a reference to widget-1");
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.get("root").get("id"), "widget-1", "The \"root\" attribute of \"widget-1\" should return a reference to widget-1");
Y.Assert.isTrue(widget.isRoot(), "Calling the \"isRoot\" method on \"widget-1\" should return \"widget-1\"");
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.item(0).get("depth"), 0, "The \"depth\" attribute of \"child-1\" should return 0");
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.item(0).ancestor(-1).get("id"), "widget-1", "The ancestor of \"child-1\" at depth -1 should be \"widget-1\""); // parent depth
testSiblingNavigation: function () {
var widget = new Y.ParentWidget({
id: "widget-1",
children: [
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child One", id: "child-1" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child Two", id: "child-2" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child Three", id: "child-3" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, label: "Child Four", id: "child-4" }
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.item(3).get("index"), 3, "The \"index\" attribute of \"child-4\" should return 3.");
Y.Assert.isUndefined(widget.item(3).next(), "\"child-4\" should have no next sibling");
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.item(3).next(true).get("id"), "child-1", "Calling the \"next\" method with the circular flag should return a reference to \"child-1\"");
Y.Assert.isUndefined(widget.item(0).previous(), "\"child-1\" should have no previous sibling");
Y.Assert.areEqual(widget.item(0).previous(true).get("id"), "child-4", "Calling the \"previous\" method with the circular flag should return a reference to \"child-4\"");
testActiveDescendant: function () {
var tree = new Y.ParentWidget({
id: "tree",
children: [
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, id: "leaf-1", label: "Leaf One" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, id: "leaf-2", label: "Leaf Two" },
{ type: Y.ParentWidget, id: "subtree", label: "Subtree", children: [
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, id: "subtree-leaf-1", label: "Subtree - Leaf One" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, id: "subtree-leaf-2", label: "Subtree - Leaf Two" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, id: "subtree-leaf-3", label: "Subtree - Leaf Three" },
{ type: Y.ChildWidget, id: "subtree-leaf-4", label: "Subtree - Leaf Four" }
Y.Assert.areEqual(tree.item(2).get("activeDescendant"), tree.item(2).item(0), "The \"activeDescendant\" attribute of \"subtree\" should return a reference to \"subtree-leaf-1\"");
Y.Assert.areEqual(tree.get("activeDescendant"), tree.item(2).item(0), "The \"activeDescendant\" attribute of the root widget should return a reference to the \"subtree\"");