* A widget-level extension that provides ability to hide widget when
* certain events occur.
* @module widget-autohide
* @author eferraiuolo, tilomitra
* @since 3.4.0
var WIDGET_AUTOHIDE = 'widgetAutohide',
AUTOHIDE = 'autohide',
CLICK_OUTSIDE = 'clickoutside',
FOCUS_OUTSIDE = 'focusoutside',
DOCUMENT = 'document',
KEY = 'key',
BIND_UI = 'bindUI',
SYNC_UI = "syncUI",
RENDERED = "rendered",
BOUNDING_BOX = "boundingBox",
VISIBLE = "visible",
CHANGE = 'Change',
getCN = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName;
* The WidgetAutohide class provides the hideOn attribute which can
* be used to hide the widget when certain events occur.
* @class WidgetAutohide
* @param {Object} config User configuration object
function WidgetAutohide(config) {
Y.after(this._bindUIAutohide, this, BIND_UI);
Y.after(this._syncUIAutohide, this, SYNC_UI);
if (this.get(RENDERED)) {
* Static property used to define the default attribute
* configuration introduced by WidgetAutohide.
* @property ATTRS
* @static
* @type Object
WidgetAutohide.ATTRS = {
* @attribute hideOn
* @type array
* @description An array of objects corresponding to the nodes, events, and keycodes to hide the widget on.
* The implementer can supply an array of objects, with each object having the following properties:
* <p>eventName: (string, required): The eventName to listen to.</p>
* <p>node: (Y.Node, optional): The Y.Node that will fire the event (defaults to the boundingBox of the widget)</p>
* <p>keyCode: (string, optional): If listening for key events, specify the keyCode</p>
* <p>By default, this attribute consists of one object which will cause the widget to hide if the
* escape key is pressed.</p>
hideOn: {
validator: Y.Lang.isArray,
valueFn : function() {
return [
node: Y.one(DOCUMENT),
eventName: KEY,
WidgetAutohide.prototype = {
// *** Instance Members *** //
_uiHandlesAutohide : null,
// *** Lifecycle Methods *** //
destructor : function () {
* Binds event listeners to the widget.
* <p>
* This method in invoked after bindUI is invoked for the Widget class
* using YUI's aop infrastructure.
* </p>
* @method _bindUIAutohide
* @protected
_bindUIAutohide : function () {
this.after(VISIBLE+CHANGE, this._afterHostVisibleChangeAutohide);
this.after("hideOnChange", this._afterHideOnChange);
* Syncs up the widget based on its current state. In particular, removes event listeners if
* widget is not visible, and attaches them otherwise.
* <p>
* This method in invoked after syncUI is invoked for the Widget class
* using YUI's aop infrastructure.
* </p>
* @method _syncUIAutohide
* @protected
_syncUIAutohide : function () {
// *** Private Methods *** //
* Removes event listeners if widget is not visible, and attaches them otherwise.
* @method _uiSetHostVisibleAutohide
* @protected
_uiSetHostVisibleAutohide : function (visible) {
if (visible) {
Y.later(1, this, '_attachUIHandlesAutohide');
} else {
* Iterates through all objects in the hideOn attribute and creates event listeners.
* @method _attachUIHandlesAutohide
* @protected
_attachUIHandlesAutohide : function () {
if (this._uiHandlesAutohide) { return; }
var bb = this.get(BOUNDING_BOX),
hide = Y.bind(this.hide,this),
uiHandles = [],
self = this,
hideOn = this.get('hideOn'),
i = 0,
o = {node: undefined, ev: undefined, keyCode: undefined};
//push all events on which the widget should be hidden
for (; i < hideOn.length; i++) {
o.node = hideOn[i].node;
o.ev = hideOn[i].eventName;
o.keyCode = hideOn[i].keyCode;
//no keycode or node defined
if (!o.node && !o.keyCode && o.ev) {
uiHandles.push(bb.on(o.ev, hide));
//node defined, no keycode (not a keypress)
else if (o.node && !o.keyCode && o.ev) {
uiHandles.push(o.node.on(o.ev, hide));
//node defined, keycode defined, event defined (its a key press)
else if (o.node && o.keyCode && o.ev) {
uiHandles.push(o.node.on(o.ev, hide, o.keyCode));
else {
Y.log('The event with name "'+o.ev+'" could not be attached.');
this._uiHandlesAutohide = uiHandles;
* Detaches all event listeners created by this extension
* @method _detachUIHandlesAutohide
* @protected
_detachUIHandlesAutohide : function () {
Y.each(this._uiHandlesAutohide, function(h){
this._uiHandlesAutohide = null;
* Default function called when the visibility of the widget changes. Determines
* whether to attach or detach event listeners based on the visibility of the widget.
* @method _afterHostVisibleChangeAutohide
* @protected
_afterHostVisibleChangeAutohide : function (e) {
* Default function called when hideOn Attribute is changed. Remove existing listeners and create new listeners.
* @method _afterHideOnChange
_afterHideOnChange : function(e) {
if (this.get(VISIBLE)) {
Y.WidgetAutohide = WidgetAutohide;