uploadqueue.js revision 87fff29257e74dac31f23eac9e31c028a551057f
* The class manages a queue of files that should be uploaded to the server.
* It initializes the required number of uploads, tracks them as they progress,
* and automatically advances to the next upload when a preceding one has completed.
* @module uploadqueue
* The class manages a queue of files to be uploaded to the server.
* @class UploadQueue
* @extends Base
* @constructor
var Lang = Y.Lang,
Bind = Y.bind,
Win = Y.config.win,
var UploadQueue = function(o) {
currentUploads = {};
lastUploadPointer = 0;
fileListLength = 0;
uploadsLeftCounter = 0;
totalBytesUploaded = 0;
totalBytes = 0;
UploadQueue.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Y.extend(UploadQueue, Y.Base, {
initializer : function (cfg) {
_uploadErrorHandler : function (event) {
var updatedEvent = event;
updatedEvent.file = event.target;
updatedEvent.originEvent = event;
this.fire("uploaderror", updatedEvent);
_uploadCompleteHandler : function (event) {
uploadsLeftCounter -= 1;
totalBytesUploaded += event.target.get("size");
delete currentUploads[event.target.get("id")];
if (lastUploadPointer < fileListLength) {
var currentFile = this.get("fileList")[lastUploadPointer],
parameters = this.get("perFileParameters"),
fileParameters = Lang.isArray(parameters) ? parameters[lastUploadPointer] : parameters;
currentFile.on("uploadprogress", this._uploadProgressHandler, this);
currentFile.on("uploadcomplete", this._uploadCompleteHandler, this);
currentFile.startUpload(this.get("uploadURL"), fileParameters);
currentUploads[currentFile.get("id")] = 0;
lastUploadPointer += 1;
var updatedEvent = event;
updatedEvent.file = event.target;
updatedEvent.originEvent = event;
this.fire("uploadcomplete", updatedEvent);
if (uploadsLeftCounter == 0) {
_uploadProgressHandler : function (event) {
currentUploads[event.target.get("id")] = event.bytesLoaded;
var updatedEvent = event;
updatedEvent.originEvent = event;
updatedEvent.file = event.target;
this.fire("uploadprogress", updatedEvent);
var uploadedTotal = totalBytesUploaded;
Y.each(currentUploads, function (value) {
uploadedTotal += value;
var percentLoaded = Math.min(100, Math.round(10000*uploadedTotal/totalBytes) / 100);
this.fire("totaluploadprogress", {bytesLoaded: uploadedTotal,
bytesTotal: totalBytes,
percentLoaded: percentLoaded});
startUpload: function() {
console.log("Starting upload inside uploadqueue....");
while (lastUploadPointer < this.get("simUploads") && lastUploadPointer < fileListLength) {
console.log("Launching upload of " + lastUploadPointer);
var currentFile = this.get("fileList")[lastUploadPointer],
fileId = currentFile.get("id"),
parameters = this.get("perFileParameters"),
fileParameters = Lang.isArray(parameters) ? parameters[lastUploadPointer] : parameters;
console.log("The file I am looking at is ");
currentUploads[fileId] = 0;
currentFile.on("uploadprogress", this._uploadProgressHandler, this);
currentFile.on("uploadcomplete", this._uploadCompleteHandler, this);
currentFile.on("uploaderror", this._uploadErrorHandler, this);
console.log("Starting the upload of said file...");
currentFile.startUpload(this.get("uploadURL"), fileParameters);
pauseUpload: function () {
restartUpload: function () {
cancelUpload: function () {
}, {
NAME: 'uploadqueue',
* @property simUploads
* @type Number
* @description Maximum number of simultaneous uploads
simUploads: {
value: 2,
validator: function (val, name) {
return (val >= 2 && val <= 5);
errorAction: {
value: UploadQueue.CONTINUE,
validator: function (val, name) {
return (val === UploadQueue.CONTINUE || val === UploadQueue.STOP || val === UploadQueue.RESTART);
bytesUploaded: {
readOnly: true,
value: 0
bytesTotal: {
readOnly: true,
value: 0
fileList: {
value: [],
lazyAdd: false,
setter: function (val) {
var newValue = val;
Y.each(newValue, function (value) {
totalBytes += value.get("size");
fileListLength = uploadsLeftCounter = newValue.length;
return val;
uploadURL: {
value: ""
perFileParameters: {
value: []
CONTINUE: "continue",
STOP: "stop",
RESTART: "restart"
Y.Uploader.UploadQueue = UploadQueue;