* This module provides a UI for file selection and multiple file upload capability using
* HTML5 XMLHTTPRequest Level 2 as a transport engine.
* The supported features include: automatic upload queue management, upload progress
* tracking, drag-and-drop support, server response retrieval and error reporting.
* @module uploader-html5
// Shorthands for the external modules
var substitute = Y.substitute,
UploaderQueue = Y.Uploader.Queue;
* This module provides a UI for file selection and multiple file upload capability using
* HTML5 XMLHTTPRequest Level 2 as a transport engine.
* @class UploaderHTML5
* @extends Widget
* @constructor
function UploaderHTML5(config) {
UploaderHTML5.superclass.constructor.apply ( this, arguments );
Y.UploaderHTML5 = Y.extend( UploaderHTML5, Y.Widget, {
* Stored reference to the instance of the file input field used to
* initiate the file selection dialog.
* @property _fileInputField
* @type {Node}
* @protected
_fileInputField: null,
* Stored reference to the click event binding of the `Select Files`
* button.
* @property _buttonBinding
* @type {EventHandle}
* @protected
_buttonBinding: null,
* Stored reference to the instance of Uploader.Queue used to manage
* the upload process. This is a read-only property that only exists
* during an active upload process. Only one queue can be active at
* a time; if an upload start is attempted while a queue is active,
* it will be ignored.
* @property queue
* @type {Y.Uploader.Queue}
queue: null,
// Y.UploaderHTML5 prototype
* Construction logic executed during UploaderHTML5 instantiation.
* @method initializer
* @protected
initializer : function () {
this._fileInputField = null;
this.queue = null;
this._buttonBinding = null;
// Publish available events
* Signals that files have been selected.
* @event fileselect
* @param event {Event} The event object for the `fileselect` with the
* following payload:
* <dl>
* <dt>fileList</dt>
* <dd>An `Array` of files selected by the user, encapsulated
* in Y.FileHTML5 objects.</dd>
* </dl>
* Signals that an upload of multiple files has been started.
* @event uploadstart
* @param event {Event} The event object for the `uploadstart`.
* Signals that an upload of a specific file has started.
* @event fileuploadstart
* @param event {Event} The event object for the `fileuploadstart` with the
* following payload:
* <dl>
* <dt>file</dt>
* <dd>A reference to the Y.File that dispatched the event.</dd>
* <dt>originEvent</dt>
* <dd>The original event dispatched by Y.File.</dd>
* </dl>
* Reports on upload progress of a specific file.
* @event uploadprogress
* @param event {Event} The event object for the `uploadprogress` with the
* following payload:
* <dl>
* <dt>file</dt>
* <dd>The pointer to the instance of `Y.File` that dispatched the event.</dd>
* <dt>bytesLoaded</dt>
* <dd>The number of bytes of the file that has been uploaded</dd>
* <dt>bytesTotal</dt>
* <dd>The total number of bytes in the file</dd>
* <dt>percentLoaded</dt>
* <dd>The fraction of the file that has been uploaded, out of 100</dd>
* <dt>originEvent</dt>
* <dd>The original event dispatched by the HTML5 uploader</dd>
* </dl>
* Reports on the total upload progress of the file list.
* @event totaluploadprogress
* @param event {Event} The event object for the `totaluploadprogress` with the
* following payload:
* <dl>
* <dt>bytesLoaded</dt>
* <dd>The number of bytes of the file list that has been uploaded</dd>
* <dt>bytesTotal</dt>
* <dd>The total number of bytes in the file list</dd>
* <dt>percentLoaded</dt>
* <dd>The fraction of the file list that has been uploaded, out of 100</dd>
* </dl>
* Signals that a single file upload has been completed.
* @event uploadcomplete
* @param event {Event} The event object for the `uploadcomplete` with the
* following payload:
* <dl>
* <dt>file</dt>
* <dd>The pointer to the instance of `Y.File` whose upload has been completed.</dd>
* <dt>originEvent</dt>
* <dd>The original event fired by the SWF Uploader</dd>
* <dt>data</dt>
* <dd>Data returned by the server.</dd>
* </dl>
* Signals that the upload process of the entire file list has been completed.
* @event alluploadscomplete
* @param event {Event} The event object for the `alluploadscomplete`.
* Signals that a error has occurred in a specific file's upload process.
* @event uploaderror
* @param event {Event} The event object for the `uploaderror` with the
* following payload:
* <dl>
* <dt>originEvent</dt>
* <dd>The original error event fired by the HTML5 Uploader. </dd>
* <dt>file</dt>
* <dd>The pointer at the instance of Y.File that returned the error.</dd>
* <dt>status</dt>
* <dd>The status reported by the XMLHttpRequest object.</dd>
* <dt>statusText</dt>
* <dd>The statusText reported by the XMLHttpRequest object.</dd>
* </dl>
* Signals that a dragged object has entered into the uploader's associated drag-and-drop area.
* @event dragenter
* @param event {Event} The event object for the `dragenter`.
* Signals that an object has been dragged over the uploader's associated drag-and-drop area.
* @event dragover
* @param event {Event} The event object for the `dragover`.
* Signals that an object has been dragged off of the uploader's associated drag-and-drop area.
* @event dragleave
* @param event {Event} The event object for the `dragleave`.
* Signals that an object has been dropped over the uploader's associated drag-and-drop area.
* @event drop
* @param event {Event} The event object for the `drop`.
* Create the DOM structure for the UploaderHTML5.
* UploaderHTML5's DOM structure consists of a "Select Files" button that can
* be replaced by the developer's widget of choice; and a hidden file input field
* that is used to instantiate the File Select dialog.
* @method renderUI
* @protected
renderUI : function () {
var boundingBox = this.get("boundingBox"),
contentBox = this.get('contentBox'),
selButton = this.get("selectFilesButton");
selButton.setStyles({width:"100%", height:"100%"});
this._fileInputField = Y.Node.create(UploaderHTML5.HTML5FILEFIELD_TEMPLATE);
* Binds to the UploaderHTML5 UI and subscribes to the necessary events.
* @method bindUI
* @protected
bindUI : function () {
this.after("multipleFilesChange", this._setMultipleFiles, this);
this.after("enabledChange", this._triggerEnabled, this);
this.after("selectFilesButtonChange", this._bindSelectButton, this);
this.after("dragAndDropAreaChange", this._bindDropArea, this);
this.after("tabIndexChange", function (ev) {this.get("selectFilesButton").set("tabIndex", this.get("tabIndex"));}, this);
this._fileInputField.on("change", this._updateFileList, this);
this.get("selectFilesButton").set("tabIndex", this.get("tabIndex"));
* Binds the specified drop area's drag and drop events to the
* uploader's custom handler.
* @method _bindDropArea
* @protected
_bindDropArea : function (event) {
var ev = event || {prevVal: null};
if (ev.prevVal !== null) {
ev.prevVal.detach('drop', this._ddEventHandler);
ev.prevVal.detach('dragenter', this._ddEventHandler);
ev.prevVal.detach('dragover', this._ddEventHandler);
ev.prevVal.detach('dragleave', this._ddEventHandler);
var ddArea = this.get("dragAndDropArea");
if (ddArea !== null) {
ddArea.on('drop', this._ddEventHandler, this);
ddArea.on('dragenter', this._ddEventHandler, this);
ddArea.on('dragover', this._ddEventHandler, this);
ddArea.on('dragleave', this._ddEventHandler, this);
* Binds the instantiation of the file select dialog to the current file select
* control.
* @method _bindSelectButton
* @protected
_bindSelectButton : function () {
this._buttonBinding = this.get("selectFilesButton").on("click", this.openFileSelectDialog, this);
* Handles the drag and drop events from the uploader's specified drop
* area.
* @method _ddEventHandler
* @protected
_ddEventHandler : function (event) {
switch (event.type) {
case "dragenter":
case "dragover":
case "dragleave":
case "drop":
var newfiles = event._event.dataTransfer.files,
parsedFiles = [];
Y.each(newfiles, function (value) {
parsedFiles.push(new Y.FileHTML5(value));
this.fire("fileselect", {fileList: parsedFiles});
var oldfiles = this.get("fileList");
this.get("appendNewFiles") ? oldfiles.concat(parsedFiles) : parsedFiles );
* Adds or removes a specified state CSS class to the underlying uploader button.
* @method _setButtonClass
* @protected
* @param state {String} The name of the state enumerated in `buttonClassNames` attribute
* from which to derive the needed class name.
* @param add {Boolean} A Boolean indicating whether to add or remove the class.
_setButtonClass : function (state, add) {
if (add) {
else {
* Syncs the state of the `multipleFiles` attribute between this class
* and the file input field.
* @method _setMultipleFiles
* @protected
_setMultipleFiles : function () {
if (this.get("multipleFiles") === true) {
this._fileInputField.set("multiple", "multiple");
else {
this._fileInputField.set("multiple", "");
* Syncs the state of the `enabled` attribute between this class
* and the underlying button.
* @method _triggerEnabled
* @private
_triggerEnabled : function () {
if (this.get("enabled") && this._buttonBinding === null) {
this._setButtonClass("disabled", false);
this.get("selectFilesButton").setAttribute("aria-disabled", "false");
else if (!this.get("enabled") && this._buttonBinding) {
this._buttonBinding = null;
this._setButtonClass("disabled", true);
this.get("selectFilesButton").setAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
* Adjusts the content of the `fileList` based on the results of file selection
* and the `appendNewFiles` attribute. If the `appendNewFiles` attribute is true,
* then selected files are appended to the existing list; otherwise, the list is
* cleared and populated with the newly selected files.
* @method _updateFileList
* @param ev {Event} The file selection event received from the uploader.
* @protected
_updateFileList : function (ev) {
var newfiles = ev.target.getDOMNode().files,
parsedFiles = [];
Y.each(newfiles, function (value) {
parsedFiles.push(new Y.FileHTML5(value));
this.fire("fileselect", {fileList: parsedFiles});
var oldfiles = this.get("fileList");
this.get("appendNewFiles") ? oldfiles.concat(parsedFiles) : parsedFiles );
* Handles and retransmits events fired by `Y.File` and `Y.Uploader.Queue`.
* @method _uploadEventHandler
* @param event The event dispatched during the upload process.
* @protected
_uploadEventHandler : function (event) {
switch (event.type) {
case "file:uploadstart":
this.fire("fileuploadstart", event);
case "file:uploadprogress":
this.fire("uploadprogress", event);
case "uploaderqueue:totaluploadprogress":
this.fire("totaluploadprogress", event);
case "file:uploadcomplete":
this.fire("uploadcomplete", event);
case "uploaderqueue:alluploadscomplete":
this.queue = null;
this.fire("alluploadscomplete", event);
case "uploaderqueue:uploaderror":
this.fire("uploaderror", event);
* Opens the File Selection dialog by simulating a click on the file input field.
* @method openFileSelectDialog
openFileSelectDialog : function () {
var fileDomNode = this._fileInputField.getDOMNode();
if (fileDomNode.click) {
* Starts the upload of a specific file.
* @method upload
* @param file {Y.File} Reference to the instance of the file to be uploaded.
* @param url {String} The URL to upload the file to.
* @param postVars {Object} (optional) A set of key-value pairs to send as variables along with the file upload HTTP request.
* If not specified, the values from the attribute `postVarsPerFile` are used instead.
upload : function (file, url, postvars) {
var uploadURL = url || this.get("uploadURL"),
postVars = postvars || this.get("postVarsPerFile"),
fileId = file.get("id");
postVars = postVars.hasOwnProperty(fileId) ? postVars[fileId] : postVars;
if (file instanceof Y.FileHTML5) {
file.on("uploadstart", this._uploadStartHandler, this);
file.on("uploadprogress", this._uploadProgressHandler, this);
file.on("uploadcomplete", this._uploadCompleteHandler, this);
file.on("uploaderror", this._uploadErrorHandler, this);
file.startUpload(uploadURL, postVars, this.get("fileFieldName"));
* Starts the upload of all files on the file list, using an automated queue.
* @method uploadAll
* @param url {String} The URL to upload the files to.
* @param postVars {Object} (optional) A set of key-value pairs to send as variables along with the file upload HTTP request.
* If not specified, the values from the attribute `postVarsPerFile` are used instead.
uploadAll : function (url, postvars) {
this.uploadThese(this.get("fileList"), url, postvars);
* Starts the upload of the files specified in the first argument, using an automated queue.
* @method uploadThese
* @param files {Array} The list of files to upload.
* @param url {String} The URL to upload the files to.
* @param postVars {Object} (optional) A set of key-value pairs to send as variables along with the file upload HTTP request.
* If not specified, the values from the attribute `postVarsPerFile` are used instead.
uploadThese : function (files, url, postvars) {
if (!this.queue) {
var uploadURL = url || this.get("uploadURL"),
postVars = postvars || this.get("postVarsPerFile");
this.queue = new UploaderQueue({simUploads: this.get("simLimit"),
errorAction: this.get("errorAction"),
fileFieldName: this.get("fileFieldName"),
fileList: files,
uploadURL: uploadURL,
perFileParameters: postVars
this.queue.on("uploadstart", this._uploadEventHandler, this);
this.queue.on("uploadprogress", this._uploadEventHandler, this);
this.queue.on("totaluploadprogress", this._uploadEventHandler, this);
this.queue.on("uploadcomplete", this._uploadEventHandler, this);
this.queue.on("alluploadscomplete", this._uploadEventHandler, this);
this.queue.on("uploaderror", this._uploadEventHandler, this);
* The template for the hidden file input field container. The file input field will only
* accept clicks if its visibility is set to hidden (and will not if it's `display` value
* is set to `none`)
* @type {String}
* @static
HTML5FILEFIELD_TEMPLATE: "<input type='file' style='visibility:hidden; width:0px; height: 0px;'>",
* The template for the "Select Files" button.
* @type {String}
* @static
* @default "<button type='button' class='yui3-button' role='button' aria-label='{selectButtonLabel}' tabindex='{tabIndex}'>{selectButtonLabel}</button>"
SELECT_FILES_BUTTON: "<button type='button' class='yui3-button' role='button' aria-label='{selectButtonLabel}' tabindex='{tabIndex}'>{selectButtonLabel}</button>",
* The static property reflecting the type of uploader that `Y.Uploader`
* aliases. The UploaderHTML5 value is `"html5"`.
* @property TYPE
* @type {String}
* @static
TYPE: "html5",
* The identity of the widget.
* @property NAME
* @type String
* @default 'uploader'
* @readOnly
* @protected
* @static
NAME: "uploader",
* Static property used to define the default attribute configuration of
* the Widget.
* @property ATTRS
* @type {Object}
* @protected
* @static
* A Boolean indicating whether newly selected files should be appended
* to the existing file list, or whether they should replace it.
* @attribute appendNewFiles
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
appendNewFiles : {
value: true
* The names of CSS classes that correspond to different button states
* of the "Select Files" control. These classes are assigned to the
* "Select Files" control based on the configuration of the uploader.
* Currently, the only class name used is that corresponding to the
* `disabled` state of the uploader. Other button states should be managed
* directly via CSS selectors.
* <ul>
* <li> <strong>`disabled`</strong>: the class corresponding to the disabled state
* of the "Select Files" button.</li>
* </ul>
* @attribute buttonClassNames
* @type {Object}
* @default {
* disabled: "yui3-button-disabled"
* }
buttonClassNames: {
value: {
"hover": "yui3-button-hover",
"active": "yui3-button-active",
"disabled": "yui3-button-disabled",
"focus": "yui3-button-selected"
* The node that serves as the drop target for files.
* @attribute dragAndDropArea
* @type {Node}
* @default null
dragAndDropArea: {
value: null,
setter: function (val) {
return Y.one(val);
* A Boolean indicating whether the uploader is enabled or disabled for user input.
* @attribute enabled
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
enabled : {
value: true
* The action performed when an upload error occurs for a specific file being uploaded.
* The possible values are:
* <ul>
* <li> <strong>`UploaderQueue.CONTINUE`</strong>: the error is ignored and the upload process is continued.</li>
* <li> <strong>`UploaderQueue.STOP`</strong>: the upload process is stopped as soon as any other parallel file
* uploads are finished.</li>
* <li> <strong>`UploaderQueue.RESTART_ASAP`</strong>: the file is added back to the front of the queue.</li>
* <li> <strong>`UploaderQueue.RESTART_AFTER`</strong>: the file is added to the back of the queue.</li>
* </ul>
* @attribute errorAction
* @type {String}
* @default UploaderQueue.CONTINUE
errorAction: {
value: "continue",
validator: function (val, name) {
return (val === UploaderQueue.CONTINUE || val === UploaderQueue.STOP || val === UploaderQueue.RESTART_ASAP || val === UploaderQueue.RESTART_AFTER); }
* A String specifying what should be the POST field name for the file
* content in the upload request.
* @attribute fileFieldName
* @type {String}
* @default Filedata
fileFieldName: {
value: "Filedata"
* The array of files to be uploaded. All elements in the array
* must be instances of `Y.File` and be instantiated with an instance
* of native JavaScript File() class.
* @attribute fileList
* @type {Array}
* @default []
fileList: {
value: []
* A Boolean indicating whether multiple file selection is enabled.
* @attribute multipleFiles
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
multipleFiles: {
value: false
* An object, keyed by `fileId`, containing sets of key-value pairs
* that should be passed as POST variables along with each corresponding
* file. This attribute is only used if no POST variables are specifed
* in the upload method call.
* @attribute postVarsPerFile
* @type {Object}
* @default {}
postVarsPerFile: {
value: {}
* The label for the "Select Files" widget. This is the value that replaces the
* `{selectButtonLabel}` token in the `SELECT_FILES_BUTTON` template.
* @attribute selectButtonLabel
* @type {String}
* @default "Select Files"
selectButtonLabel: {
value: "Select Files"
* The widget that serves as the "Select Files control for the file uploader
* @attribute selectFilesButton
* @type {Node | Widget}
* @default A standard HTML button with YUI CSS Button skin.
selectFilesButton : {
valueFn: function () {
return Y.Node.create(substitute(Y.UploaderHTML5.SELECT_FILES_BUTTON, {selectButtonLabel: this.get("selectButtonLabel"),
tabIndex: this.get("tabIndex")}));
* The number of files that can be uploaded
* simultaneously if the automatic queue management
* is used. This value can be in the range between 2
* and 5.
* @attribute simLimit
* @type {Number}
* @default 2
simLimit: {
value: 2,
validator: function (val, name) {
return (val >= 1 && val <= 5);
* The URL to which file upload requested are POSTed. Only used if a different url is not passed to the upload method call.
* @attribute uploadURL
* @type {String}
* @default ""
uploadURL: {
value: ""
Y.UploaderHTML5.Queue = UploaderQueue;