uploader-multiple.mustache revision 9751290f8e32338e603815036a715b854bef057d
1015N/A<div class="intro">
1015N/A<p>In this example, the Uploader is used to send multiple images or videos to the server and monitor
1015N/A their upload progress with individual counters.</p>
1015N/A<p><strong>Please note:</strong> This example will not work when run from a local filesystem because of security restrictions in the transport protocols used. If you’d like to run this example locally, set up a local web server and launch it from there.</p>
1015N/A<p><strong>Also note:</strong> The uploader is not supported on iOS devices (iPhone and iPad), because they lack file upload capability. This example provides a graceful degradation message for all such systems.</p>
1015N/A<p><strong>Also note:</strong> The backend script used in these examples does not store any information it receives. Nevertheless, do not submit any sensitive or private data and keep
1015N/Ayour tests to a few small files to avoid overloading the system.</p>
1015N/A<div class="example yui3-skin-sam">
1015N/A {{>uploader-multiple-source}}
1015N/A<h2>Setting up Uploader UI</h2>
1015N/A<p>In this example, the UI for the Uploader consists of two buttons, a label field for displaying the uploader type and the overall upload progress, as well as a table for displaying information about the upload process per file. We first create the markup for the UI:</p>
1015N/A<div id="uploaderContainer">
1015N/A <div id="selectFilesButtonContainer">
1015N/A </div>
1015N/A <div id="uploadFilesButtonContainer">
1015N/A <button type="button" id="uploadFilesButton"
1015N/A class="yui3-button" style="width:250px; height:35px;">Upload Files</button>
1015N/A </div>
1019N/A <div id="overallProgress">
1015N/A<div id="filelist">
1015N/A <table id="filenames">
1015N/A <thead>
1015N/A <tr><th>File name</th><th>File size</th><th>Percent uploaded</th></tr>
1015N/A <tr id="nofiles">
1015N/A <td colspan="3">
1015N/A No files have been selected.
1015N/A </td>
1015N/A </tr>
1015N/A </thead>
1015N/A <tbody>
1015N/A </tbody>
1015N/A </table>
1015N/A<p>Next, we create, configure and render an instance of the Uploader. Note that we initially check that the `Y.Uploader.TYPE` property is
1015N/A not set to 'none' and that we are not trying to run the code on an iOS device (where file uploads are not allowed because of a closed file system).
1015N/A Also note that we are setting a fixed width and height on the uploader, which is necessary in order for the Flash overlay to render correctly
1015N/A in browsers where Flash is used:
1019N/A if (Y.Uploader.TYPE != "none" && !Y.UA.ios) {
1015N/A var uploader = new Y.Uploader({width: "250px",
1015N/A height: "35px",
1015N/A multipleFiles: true,
1015N/A swfURL: "{{yuiBuildUrl}}/uploader/assets/flashuploader.swf?t=" + Math.random(),
1015N/A uploadURL: "http://www.yswfblog.com/upload/simpleupload.php",
1015N/A simLimit: 2
1015N/A });
1015N/A var uploadDone = false;
1015N/A uploader.render("#selectFilesButtonContainer");
1015N/A ...
1015N/A<h2>Adding Uploader Event Handlers</h2>
1015N/A<p>We can now add handlers for various uploader events. The first handler is for the `fileselect` event. In it, we retrieve the list of
1015N/A files selected by the user and populate the table with their names, sizes and a field for reporting the percentage uploaded for each
1015N/A file. The id of each row in the table is prefixed with the unique file id it is associated with, for easy reference later:</p>
1015N/Auploader.after("fileselect", function (event) {
1015N/A var fileList = event.fileList;
1015N/A var fileTable = Y.one("#filenames tbody");
1015N/A if (fileList.length > 0 && Y.one("#nofiles")) {
1015N/A Y.one("#nofiles").remove();
1015N/A if (uploadDone) {
1015N/A uploadDone = false;
1015N/A fileTable.setContent("");
1015N/A }
Y.each(fileList, function (fileInstance) {
fileTable.append("<tr id='" + fileInstance.get("id") + "_row" + "'>" +
"<td class='filename'>" + fileInstance.get("name") + "</td>" +
"<td class='filesize'>" + fileInstance.get("size") + "</td>" +
"<td class='percentdone'>Hasn't started yet</td>");
<p>For the `uploadprogress` event, we update the individual file row (using the unique file id prefix to reference each row) with the
`percentLoaded` property from the event payload.</p>
uploader.on("uploadprogress", function (event) {
var fileRow = Y.one("#" + event.file.get("id") + "_row");
fileRow.one(".percentdone").set("text", event.percentLoaded + "%");
<p>When the upload starts, we disable the uploader and the `Upload Files` button until the upload process is complete:</p>
uploader.on("uploadstart", function (event) {
uploader.set("enabled", false);
<p>When each individual file upload completes, we update the table row corresponding with the file with the appropriate
uploader.on("uploadcomplete", function (event) {
var fileRow = Y.one("#" + event.file.get("id") + "_row");
fileRow.one(".percentdone").set("text", "Finished!");
<p>On `totaluploadprogress` events, we report the overall upload progress in the top-right message container. If the
`bytesLoaded` property from the event payload is equal to the `bytesTotal` property, that means that the entire upload
has completed and the selection UI can be reset and re-enabled:</p>
uploader.on("totaluploadprogress", function (event) {
Y.one("#overallProgress").setContent("Total uploaded: <strong>" + event.percentLoaded + "%" + "</strong>");
if (event.bytesLoaded == event.bytesTotal) {
uploadDone = true;
uploader.set("enabled", true);
uploader.set("fileList", []);
Y.one("#uploadFilesButton").on("click", function () {
Y.one("#overallProgress").set("text", "Uploads complete!");
<p>Finally, we add the `click` event listener to the "Upload Files" button to start the file upload process:</p>
Y.one("#uploadFilesButton").on("click", function () {
<h2>Full Source Code For this Example</h2>