revision ec3da7f85c70d991f53c50587791088b994256f7
# My Custom Module Build Properties
# As long as the 'builder' project is cloned to the default folder
# next to the 'yui3-gallery' project folder, the 'builddir' property does not
# need to be changed
# If the 'builder' project is checked out to an alternate location, this
# property should be updated to point to the checkout location.
# The name of the component.
# The list of files which should be concatenated to create the component.
# NOTE: For a css component (e.g. cssfonts, cssgrids etc.) use component.cssfiles instead.
# component.jsfiles=my.custom.module.js, my.custom.moduleHelperClass.js, my.custom.moduleSubComponentClass.js
# The list of modules this component requires. Used to set up the Y.add module call for YUI 3.
component.requires=swf, base, node, event-custom