arrayassert.html revision b044439bdcfcb383ec0e2f5db45fea4acea4fb9c
<title>array assert tests</title>
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<h1>Array Assert Tests</h1>
<div id="c"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
base: '/build/',
filter: "debug",
logInclude: { TestRunner: true }
}).use('test', 'console', function (Y) {
Y.Tests.ArrayAssert = (function(){
var Assert = Y.Assert,
ArrayAssert = Y.ArrayAssert;
// Base Test Suite
var suite = new Y.Test.Suite("Array Assert Tests");
// Test Case for contains()
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name: "Contains Assert Tests",
_should: {
fail: {
"contains() should fail when a similar item exists": new Y.Assert.Error("Value 1 (number) not found in array [1,0,false,text]."),
"contains() should throw a custom error message during failure": new Y.Assert.Error("True should not be there: Value 1 (number) not found in array [1,0,false,text]."),
"contains() should fail when the item doesn't exist": new Y.Assert.Error("Value true (boolean) not found in array [1,0,false,text].")
setUp: function(){
this.testArray = ["1", 0, false, "text"];
tearDown: function(){
delete this.testArray;
"contains() should pass when the given item exists": function () {
ArrayAssert.contains("1", this.testArray);
"contains() should fail when a similar item exists": function () {
ArrayAssert.contains(1, this.testArray);
"contains() should fail when the item doesn't exist": function() {
ArrayAssert.contains(true, this.testArray);
"contains() should throw a custom error message during failure": function(){
ArrayAssert.contains(true, this.testArray, "True should not be there: {message}");
// Test Case for contains()
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name: "ContainsItems Assert Tests",
_should: {
fail: {
testSimilarItems: new Y.Assert.Error("Value 1 (number) not found in array [1,0,false,text]."),
testNonExistingItems: new Y.Assert.Error("Value true (boolean) not found in array [1,0,false,text].")
setUp: function(){
this.testArray = ["1", 0, false, "text"];
tearDown: function(){
delete this.testArray;
testExistingItems: function () {
ArrayAssert.containsItems(["1",0], this.testArray);
testSimilarItems: function () {
ArrayAssert.containsItems([1,0], this.testArray);
testNonExistingItems: function() {
ArrayAssert.containsItems([true], this.testArray);
// Test Case for containsMatch()
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name: "ContainsMatch Assert Tests",
_should: {
fail: {
testNonExistingItems: new Y.Assert.Error("No match found in array [1,0,false,text].")
setUp: function(){
this.testArray = ["1", 0, false, "text"];
tearDown: function(){
delete this.testArray;
testExistingItems: function () {
return Y.Lang.isString(value);
}, this.testArray);
testNonExistingItems: function() {
return Y.Lang.isObject(value);
}, this.testArray);
// Test Case for itemsAreSame()
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name: "itemsAreSame Assert Tests",
_should: {
fail: {
testMissingItem: new Y.Assert.Error("Values in position 3 are not the same."),
testArrayAgainstObject: new Y.Assert.Error("Values in position 0 are not the same.")
setUp: function(){
this.testArray = ["1", 0, false, "text"];
tearDown: function(){
delete this.testArray;
testItemsAreSame: function () {
ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(this.testArray,["1", 0, false, "text"]);
testMissingItem: function() {
ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(this.testArray, ["1", 0, false]);
testArrayAgainstObject: function(){
ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(this.testArray, {});
// Test Case for itemsAreEqual()
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name: "itemsAreEqual Assert Tests",
_should: {
fail: {
testMissingItem: new Y.Assert.Error("Values in position 3 are not equal."),
testArrayAgainstObject: new Y.Assert.Error("Values in position 0 are not equal.")
setUp: function(){
this.testArray = ["1", 0, false, "text"];
tearDown: function(){
delete this.testArray;
testItemsAreEqual: function () {
ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual(this.testArray,["1", 0, false, "text"]);
testMissingItem: function() {
ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual(this.testArray, ["1", 0, false]);
testArrayAgainstObject: function(){
ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual(this.testArray, {});
// Test Case for itemsAreEquivalent()
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name: "itemsAreEquivalent Assert Tests",
_should: {
fail: {
testMissingItem: new Y.Assert.Error("Values in position 3 are not equal."),
testArrayAgainstObject: new Y.Assert.Error("Values in position 0 are not equal.")
setUp: function(){
this.testArray = ["1", 0, false, "text"];
this.comparator = function(a,b){
return a == b;
tearDown: function(){
delete this.testArray;
delete this.comparator;
testItemsAreEqual: function () {
ArrayAssert.itemsAreEquivalent(this.testArray,["1", 0, false, "text"], this.comparator);
testMissingItem: function() {
ArrayAssert.itemsAreEquivalent(this.testArray, ["1", 0, false], this.comparator);
testArrayAgainstObject: function(){
ArrayAssert.itemsAreEquivalent(this.testArray, {}, this.comparator);
//return it
return suite;
var r = new Y.Console({
verbose : true,
//consoleLimit : 10,
newestOnTop : false
//add to the testrunner and run
/*if (parent && parent != window) {
} else {;