TestRunner.js revision 3b582a24e4eec5a8ccf9dce2c722ee81023e6dba
* Runs test suites and test cases, providing events to allowing for the
* interpretation of test results.
* @namespace Test
* @class Runner
* @static
Y.Test.Runner = (function(){
* A node in the test tree structure. May represent a TestSuite, TestCase, or
* test function.
* @param {Variant} testObject A TestSuite, TestCase, or the name of a test function.
* @class TestNode
* @constructor
* @private
function TestNode(testObject){
* The TestSuite, TestCase, or test function represented by this node.
* @type Variant
* @property testObject
this.testObject = testObject;
* Pointer to this node's first child.
* @type TestNode
* @property firstChild
this.firstChild = null;
* Pointer to this node's last child.
* @type TestNode
* @property lastChild
this.lastChild = null;
* Pointer to this node's parent.
* @type TestNode
* @property parent
this.parent = null;
* Pointer to this node's next sibling.
* @type TestNode
* @property next
this.next = null;
* Test results for this test object.
* @type object
* @property results
this.results = {
passed : 0,
failed : 0,
total : 0,
ignored : 0
//initialize results
if (testObject instanceof Y.Test.Suite){
this.results.type = "testsuite";
this.results.name = testObject.name;
} else if (testObject instanceof Y.Test.Case){
this.results.type = "testcase";
this.results.name = testObject.name;
TestNode.prototype = {
* Appends a new test object (TestSuite, TestCase, or test function name) as a child
* of this node.
* @param {Variant} testObject A TestSuite, TestCase, or the name of a test function.
* @return {Void}
appendChild : function (testObject){
var node = new TestNode(testObject);
if (this.firstChild === null){
this.firstChild = this.lastChild = node;
} else {
this.lastChild.next = node;
this.lastChild = node;
node.parent = this;
return node;
* Runs test suites and test cases, providing events to allowing for the
* interpretation of test results.
* @namespace Test
* @class Runner
* @static
function TestRunner(){
//inherit from EventProvider
* Suite on which to attach all TestSuites and TestCases to be run.
* @type Y.Test.Suite
* @property masterSuite
* @static
* @private
this.masterSuite /*:Y.Test.Suite*/ = new Y.Test.Suite("YUI Test Results");
* Pointer to the current node in the test tree.
* @type TestNode
* @private
* @property _cur
* @static
this._cur = null;
* Pointer to the root node in the test tree.
* @type TestNode
* @private
* @property _root
* @static
this._root = null;
* Indicates if the TestRunner will log events or not.
* @type Boolean
* @property _log
* @private
* @static
this._log = true;
* Indicates if the TestRunner is waiting as a result of
* wait() being called.
* @type Boolean
* @property _waiting
* @private
* @static
this._waiting = false;
//create events
var events = [
for (var i=0; i < events.length; i++){
this.subscribe(events[i], this._logEvent, this, true);
Y.extend(TestRunner, Y.Event.Target, {
// Constants
* Fires when a test case is opened but before the first
* test is executed.
* @event testcasebegin
* @static
TEST_CASE_BEGIN_EVENT : "testcasebegin",
* Fires when all tests in a test case have been executed.
* @event testcasecomplete
* @static
TEST_CASE_COMPLETE_EVENT : "testcasecomplete",
* Fires when a test suite is opened but before the first
* test is executed.
* @event testsuitebegin
* @static
TEST_SUITE_BEGIN_EVENT : "testsuitebegin",
* Fires when all test cases in a test suite have been
* completed.
* @event testsuitecomplete
* @static
TEST_SUITE_COMPLETE_EVENT : "testsuitecomplete",
* Fires when a test has passed.
* @event pass
* @static
* Fires when a test has failed.
* @event fail
* @static
* Fires when a test has been ignored.
* @event ignore
* @static
* Fires when all test suites and test cases have been completed.
* @event complete
* @static
COMPLETE_EVENT : "complete",
* Fires when the run() method is called.
* @event begin
* @static
BEGIN_EVENT : "begin",
// Logging-Related Methods
* Disable logging via Y.log(). Test output will not be visible unless
* TestRunner events are subscribed to.
* @return {Void}
* @method disableLogging
* @static
disableLogging: function(){
this._log = false;
* Enable logging via Y.log(). Test output is published and can be read via
* logreader.
* @return {Void}
* @method enableLogging
* @static
enableLogging: function(){
this._log = true;
* Logs TestRunner events using Y.log().
* @param {Object} event The event object for the event.
* @return {Void}
* @method _logEvent
* @private
* @static
_logEvent: function(event){
//data variables
var message = "";
var messageType = "";
case this.BEGIN_EVENT:
message = "Testing began at " + (new Date()).toString() + ".";
messageType = "info";
message = "Testing completed at " + (new Date()).toString() + ".\nPassed:" +
event.results.passed + " Failed:" + event.results.failed + " Total:" + event.results.total;
messageType = "info";
case this.TEST_FAIL_EVENT:
message = event.testName + ": failed.\n" + event.error.getMessage();
messageType = "fail";
message = event.testName + ": ignored.";
messageType = "ignore";
case this.TEST_PASS_EVENT:
message = event.testName + ": passed.";
messageType = "pass";
message = "Test suite \"" + event.testSuite.name + "\" started.";
messageType = "info";
message = "Test suite \"" + event.testSuite.name + "\" completed.\nPassed:" +
event.results.passed + " Failed:" + event.results.failed + " Total:" + event.results.total;
messageType = "info";
message = "Test case \"" + event.testCase.name + "\" started.";
messageType = "info";
message = "Test case \"" + event.testCase.name + "\" completed.\nPassed:" +
event.results.passed + " Failed:" + event.results.failed + " Total:" + event.results.total;
messageType = "info";
message = "Unexpected event " + event.type;
message = "info";
//only log if required
if (this._log){
Y.log(message, messageType, "TestRunner");
// Test Tree-Related Methods
* Adds a test case to the test tree as a child of the specified node.
* @param {TestNode} parentNode The node to add the test case to as a child.
* @param {Y.Test.Case} testCase The test case to add.
* @return {Void}
* @static
* @private
* @method _addTestCaseToTestTree
_addTestCaseToTestTree : function (parentNode, testCase /*:Y.Test.Case*/){
//add the test suite
var node = parentNode.appendChild(testCase),
//iterate over the items in the test case
for (prop in testCase){
if ((prop.indexOf("test") === 0 || (prop.toLowerCase().indexOf("should") > -1 && prop.indexOf(" ") > -1 ))&& Y.Lang.isFunction(testCase[prop])){
* Adds a test suite to the test tree as a child of the specified node.
* @param {TestNode} parentNode The node to add the test suite to as a child.
* @param {Y.Test.Suite} testSuite The test suite to add.
* @return {Void}
* @static
* @private
* @method _addTestSuiteToTestTree
_addTestSuiteToTestTree : function (parentNode, testSuite /*:Y.Test.Suite*/) {
//add the test suite
var node = parentNode.appendChild(testSuite);
//iterate over the items in the master suite
for (var i=0; i < testSuite.items.length; i++){
if (testSuite.items[i] instanceof Y.Test.Suite) {
this._addTestSuiteToTestTree(node, testSuite.items[i]);
} else if (testSuite.items[i] instanceof Y.Test.Case) {
this._addTestCaseToTestTree(node, testSuite.items[i]);
* Builds the test tree based on items in the master suite. The tree is a hierarchical
* representation of the test suites, test cases, and test functions. The resulting tree
* is stored in _root and the pointer _cur is set to the root initially.
* @return {Void}
* @static
* @private
* @method _buildTestTree
_buildTestTree : function () {
this._root = new TestNode(this.masterSuite);
this._cur = this._root;
//iterate over the items in the master suite
for (var i=0; i < this.masterSuite.items.length; i++){
if (this.masterSuite.items[i] instanceof Y.Test.Suite) {
this._addTestSuiteToTestTree(this._root, this.masterSuite.items[i]);
} else if (this.masterSuite.items[i] instanceof Y.Test.Case) {
this._addTestCaseToTestTree(this._root, this.masterSuite.items[i]);
// Private Methods
* Handles the completion of a test object's tests. Tallies test results
* from one level up to the next.
* @param {TestNode} node The TestNode representing the test object.
* @return {Void}
* @method _handleTestObjectComplete
* @private
_handleTestObjectComplete : function (node) {
if (Y.Lang.isObject(node.testObject)){
node.parent.results.passed += node.results.passed;
node.parent.results.failed += node.results.failed;
node.parent.results.total += node.results.total;
node.parent.results.ignored += node.results.ignored;
node.parent.results[node.testObject.name] = node.results;
if (node.testObject instanceof Y.Test.Suite){
this.fire(this.TEST_SUITE_COMPLETE_EVENT, { testSuite: node.testObject, results: node.results});
} else if (node.testObject instanceof Y.Test.Case){
this.fire(this.TEST_CASE_COMPLETE_EVENT, { testCase: node.testObject, results: node.results});
// Navigation Methods
* Retrieves the next node in the test tree.
* @return {TestNode} The next node in the test tree or null if the end is reached.
* @private
* @static
* @method _next
_next : function () {
if (this._cur.firstChild) {
this._cur = this._cur.firstChild;
} else if (this._cur.next) {
this._cur = this._cur.next;
} else {
while (this._cur && !this._cur.next && this._cur !== this._root){
this._cur = this._cur.parent;
if (this._cur == this._root){
this._cur.results.type = "report";
this._cur.results.timestamp = (new Date()).toLocaleString();
this._cur.results.duration = (new Date()) - this._cur.results.duration;
this.fire(this.COMPLETE_EVENT, { results: this._cur.results});
this._cur = null;
} else {
this._cur = this._cur.next;
return this._cur;
* Runs a test case or test suite, returning the results.
* @param {Y.Test.Case|Y.Test.Suite} testObject The test case or test suite to run.
* @return {Object} Results of the execution with properties passed, failed, and total.
* @private
* @method _run
* @static
_run : function () {
//flag to indicate if the TestRunner should wait before continuing
var shouldWait = false;
//get the next test node
var node = this._next();
if (node !== null) {
var testObject = node.testObject;
//figure out what to do
if (Y.Lang.isObject(testObject)){
if (testObject instanceof Y.Test.Suite){
this.fire(this.TEST_SUITE_BEGIN_EVENT, { testSuite: testObject });
} else if (testObject instanceof Y.Test.Case){
this.fire(this.TEST_CASE_BEGIN_EVENT, { testCase: testObject });
//some environments don't support setTimeout
if (typeof setTimeout != "undefined"){
}, 0);
} else {
} else {
_resumeTest : function (segment) {
//get relevant information
var node = this._cur;
//we know there's no more waiting now
this._waiting = false;
//if there's no node, it probably means a wait() was called after resume()
if (!node){
//TODO: Handle in some way?
//console.log("wait() called after resume()");
//this.fire("error", { testCase: "(unknown)", test: "(unknown)", error: new Error("wait() called after resume()")} );
var testName = node.testObject;
var testCase /*:Y.Test.Case*/ = node.parent.testObject;
//cancel other waits if available
if (testCase.__yui_wait){
delete testCase.__yui_wait;
//get the "should" test cases
var shouldFail = (testCase._should.fail || {})[testName];
var shouldError = (testCase._should.error || {})[testName];
//variable to hold whether or not the test failed
var failed = false;
var error = null;
//try the test
try {
//run the test
//if it should fail, and it got here, then it's a fail because it didn't
if (shouldFail){
error = new Y.Assert.ShouldFail();
failed = true;
} else if (shouldError){
error = new Y.Assert.ShouldError();
failed = true;
} catch (thrown){
//cancel any pending waits, the test already failed
if (testCase.__yui_wait){
delete testCase.__yui_wait;
//figure out what type of error it was
if (thrown instanceof Y.Assert.Error) {
if (!shouldFail){
error = thrown;
failed = true;
} else if (thrown instanceof Y.Test.Wait){
if (Y.Lang.isFunction(thrown.segment)){
if (Y.Lang.isNumber(thrown.delay)){
//some environments don't support setTimeout
if (typeof setTimeout != "undefined"){
testCase.__yui_wait = setTimeout(function(){
}, thrown.delay);
this._waiting = true;
} else {
throw new Error("Asynchronous tests not supported in this environment.");
} else {
//first check to see if it should error
if (!shouldError) {
error = new Y.Assert.UnexpectedError(thrown);
failed = true;
} else {
//check to see what type of data we have
if (Y.Lang.isString(shouldError)){
//if it's a string, check the error message
if (thrown.message != shouldError){
error = new Y.Assert.UnexpectedError(thrown);
failed = true;
} else if (Y.Lang.isFunction(shouldError)){
//if it's a function, see if the error is an instance of it
if (!(thrown instanceof shouldError)){
error = new Y.Assert.UnexpectedError(thrown);
failed = true;
} else if (Y.Lang.isObject(shouldError)){
//if it's an object, check the instance and message
if (!(thrown instanceof shouldError.constructor) ||
thrown.message != shouldError.message){
error = new Y.Assert.UnexpectedError(thrown);
failed = true;
//fire appropriate event
if (failed) {
this.fire(this.TEST_FAIL_EVENT, { testCase: testCase, testName: testName, error: error });
} else {
this.fire(this.TEST_PASS_EVENT, { testCase: testCase, testName: testName });
//run the tear down
//update results
node.parent.results[testName] = {
result: failed ? "fail" : "pass",
message: error ? error.getMessage() : "Test passed",
type: "test",
name: testName
if (failed){
} else {
//set timeout not supported in all environments
if (typeof setTimeout != "undefined"){
}, 0);
} else {
* Handles an error as if it occurred within the currently executing
* test. This is for mock methods that may be called asynchronously
* and therefore out of the scope of the TestRunner. Previously, this
* error would bubble up to the browser. Now, this method is used
* to tell TestRunner about the error. This should never be called
* by anyplace other than the Mock object.
* @param {Error} error The error object.
* @return {Void}
* @method _handleError
* @private
* @static
_handleError: function(error){
if (this._waiting){
throw error;
} else {
throw error;
* Runs a single test based on the data provided in the node.
* @param {TestNode} node The TestNode representing the test to run.
* @return {Void}
* @static
* @private
* @name _runTest
_runTest : function (node) {
//get relevant information
var testName = node.testObject;
var testCase /*:Y.Test.Case*/ = node.parent.testObject;
var test = testCase[testName];
//get the "should" test cases
var shouldIgnore = (testCase._should.ignore || {})[testName];
//figure out if the test should be ignored or not
if (shouldIgnore){
//update results
node.parent.results[testName] = {
result: "ignore",
message: "Test ignored",
type: "test",
name: testName
this.fire(this.TEST_IGNORE_EVENT, { testCase: testCase, testName: testName });
//some environments don't support setTimeout
if (typeof setTimeout != "undefined"){
}, 0);
} else {
} else {
//run the setup
//now call the body of the test
// Protected Methods
* Fires events for the TestRunner. This overrides the default fire()
* method from EventProvider to add the type property to the data that is
* passed through on each event call.
* @param {String} type The type of event to fire.
* @param {Object} data (Optional) Data for the event.
* @method fire
* @static
* @protected
fire : function (type, data) {
data = data || {};
data.type = type;
TestRunner.superclass.fire.call(this, type, data);
// Public Methods
* Adds a test suite or test case to the list of test objects to run.
* @param testObject Either a TestCase or a TestSuite that should be run.
* @return {Void}
* @method add
* @static
add : function (testObject) {
return this;
* Removes all test objects from the runner.
* @return {Void}
* @method clear
* @static
clear : function () {
this.masterSuite.items = [];
* Indicates if the TestRunner is waiting for a test to resume
* @return {Boolean} True if the TestRunner is waiting, false if not.
* @method isWaiting
* @static
isWaiting: function() {
return this._waiting;
* Resumes the TestRunner after wait() was called.
* @param {Function} segment The function to run as the rest
* of the haulted test.
* @return {Void}
* @method resume
* @static
resume : function (segment) {
this._resumeTest(segment || function(){});
* Runs the test suite.
* @return {Void}
* @method run
* @static
run : function (testObject) {
//pointer to runner to avoid scope issues
var runner = Y.Test.Runner;
//build the test tree
//set when the test started
runner._root.results.duration = (new Date()).valueOf();
//fire the begin event
//begin the testing
return new TestRunner();