raw.html revision c28f85fdfe5f4318a887f384ac1e58d40414fdba
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<title>Test Page</title>
<style type="text/css" id="styleblock" class="highlight-ignore">
h1 {
color: #000 !important;
font: normal 125%/1.4 Arial, sans-serif;
.yui-skin-sam .yui-console .yui-console-content {
font-size: 10px;
width: 32em;
.yui-skin-sam .yui-console .yui-console-bd {
height: 50em;
.yui-skin-sam .yui-console-entry-pass .yui-console-entry-cat {
background: #070;
color: #fff;
.yui-skin-sam .yui-console-entry-fail .yui-console-entry-cat {
background: #700;
color: #fff;
.yui3-skin-sam .yui-console-entry-time {
display: none;
<body class="yui3-skin-sam">
<div id="testbed" style="color: #000 !important"></div>
<script src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.0.0/build/yui/yui.js"></script>
filter : 'raw',
logInclude : { TestRunner: true }
}).use('test','console', function (Y) {
var d = document,
Assert = Y.Assert,
suite = new Y.Test.Suite("!important related Tests"),
function getCssText( allRules ) {
var content = [], rule, i, len;
for ( i = 0, len = allRules.length; i < len; ++i ) {
rule = allRules[i];
(rule.selectorText || rule.tagName) +
' { ' + rule.style.cssText + ' } ');
return content;
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name: "!important",
"test !important reported in cssText for <style> block": function () {
var style = d.getElementById('styleblock'),
sheet = style.sheet || style.styleSheet,
rules = sheet.cssRules || sheet.rules,
found = false,
for (i = rules.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (/important/.test(rules[i].style.cssText)) {
found = true;
"test !important reported in cssText for <h1 style=>": function () {
var x = d.getElementById('testbed').style;
// Opera refreshes cssTest after a style property is changed
x.color = '#111';
"test new sheet with important": function () {
var s = d.createElement('style'),
css = "#foo { color: red !important; } #bar { height: 100px; }";
s.type = 'text/css';
if (s.styleSheet) {
s.styleSheet.cssText = css;
} else {
s.appendChild( d.createTextNode(css) );
d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild( s );
sheet = s.sheet || s.styleSheet,
rules = sheet.cssRules || sheet.rules;
Assert.areEqual( 2, rules.length, "Missing the !important rule?" );
css = getCssText( rules );
Y.log( css.join("\n"), "info", "TestRunner" );
Assert.isTrue( /important/i.test( css.join('') ),
"No parsed rule reports !important in its cssText");
"test new rule with important": function () {
if ( sheet.insertRule ) {
sheet.insertRule( ".foo { background-color: #000 !important; }", 2 );
} else {
sheet.addRule( ".foo", "background-color: #000 !important;", 2 );
var css = getCssText( rules ),
m = css.join('').match( /important/gi ) || [];
Y.log( css.join("\n"), "info", "TestRunner" );
Assert.areEqual( 3, rules.length, "Missing the inserted !important rule?" );
Assert.areEqual( 2, m.length, "Not reporting !important in the cssText" );
"test new property with important": function () {
var rule = rules[1] || Assert.fail("Unable to find a rule");
rule.style.paddingBottom = '10px !important';
Y.log( getCssText( rules ).join("\n"), "info", "TestRunner" );
// !important shouldn't show up in value
Assert.areEqual( '10px', rule.style.paddingBottom );
// but should be in the cssText
/padding.*?:\s*10px\s*!\s*important/i.test( rule.style.cssText ) );
"test existing property with important": function () {
for ( var i = rules.length - 1, rule; i >= 0; --i ) {
rule = rules[i];
if ( /bar/.test( rule.selectorText ) ) {
rule.style.height = '5em !important';
Y.log( getCssText( rules ).join("\n"), "info", "TestRunner" );
// !important shouldn't show up in value
Assert.areEqual( '5em', rule.style.height );
// but should be in the cssText
rule.style.cssText ) );
"test set property with important via cssText": function () {
var p = d.createElement('p');
p.style.cssText = 'text-align: right !important';
Y.log( getCssText( [p] ).join("\n"), "info", "TestRunner" );
// !important should not show up in property value
Assert.areEqual( 'right', p.style.textAlign );
// but it should in cssText
/text-align\s*:\s*right !\s*important/i.test(p.style.cssText) );
// Opera refreshes cssTest after a style property is changed
p.style.color = '#111';
/text-align\s*:\s*right !\s*important/i.test(p.style.cssText) );
"test off dom style property with important": function () {
var p = d.createElement('p');
p.style.color = '#000';
p.style.textAlign = 'right !important';
Y.log( getCssText( [p] ).join("\n"), "info", "TestRunner" );
// !important should not show up in property value
Assert.areEqual( 'right', p.style.textAlign );
// but it should in cssText
/text-align\s*:\s*right !\s*important/i.test(p.style.cssText),
"value containing !important did not update cssText with !important");
"test on dom style property with important": function () {
d.body.style.color = '#000';
d.body.style.textAlign = 'right !important';
Y.log( getCssText( [d.body] ).join("\n"), "info", "TestRunner" );
// !important should not show up in property value
Assert.areEqual( 'right', d.body.style.textAlign );
// but it should in cssText
/text-align\s*:\s*right !\s*important/i.test(d.body.style.cssText),
"value containing !important did not update cssText with !important");
"test setProperty + getPropertyPriority": function () {
d.body.style.setProperty("color", "#555", "important");
Assert.areEqual("important", d.body.style.getPropertyPriority("color"));
"test style.prop = x + getPropertyPriority": function () {
d.body.style.paddingLeft = "3px !important";
Assert.areEqual("important", d.body.style.getPropertyPriority("padding-left"));
var yconsole = new Y.Console({
newestOnTop: false,
height: '600px'