index.mustache revision daa301d2a0f17b5c1b04d777de3acf969b9b63d2
<div class="intro component">
The StyleSheet module normalizes the dynamic creation and modification
of CSS stylesheets on a page. This makes it easy to manage the
development, storage, and reapplication of personalized user
stylesheets. Because it targets styles at the CSS level, it also
allows you to modify styles applied to a CSS pseudo-element such as
<code>p::first-letter</code>, or pseudo-class such as
StyleSheet is capable of creating new stylesheets from scratch or
modifying existing stylesheets held as properties of
<code>&lt;link&gt;</code> or <code>&lt;style&gt;</code> elements. It
should be noted that not all browsers support reading or modifying
external stylesheets from other domains.
<h2 id="using">Using the StyleSheet Utility</h2>
<h3 id="instantiating">Instantiating a <code>Y.StyleSheet</code></h3>
The <code>Y.StyleSheet</code> constructor is written to support both
function syntax and normal constructor syntax making the <code>new</code>
prefix unnecessary (but harmless).
The constructor has no required parameters. Passing no arguments will
create a new, empty StyleSheet instance.
// These are equivalent; both create new empty StyleSheets
var myStyleSheet = new Y.StyleSheet();
var myOtherStyleSheet = Y.StyleSheet();
To seed a new StyleSheet with a number of CSS rules, you can pass the
constructor any of the following:
a <code>&lt;style&gt;</code> or <code>&lt;link&gt;</code> node
the id of a <code>&lt;style&gt;</code> or <code>&lt;link&gt;</code>
node, or
<li>a string of CSS</li>
<link id="local" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="local_file.css">
<style id="styleblock" type="text/css">
.some select.or {
margin-right: 2em;
YUI().use('node','stylesheet', function (Y) {
// Node or HTMLElement reference for a style or locally sourced link element
var sheet = Y.StyleSheet("#styleblock"));
sheet = Y.StyleSheet(Y.DOM.byId('local'));
// OR the id of a style element or locally sourced link element
sheet = Y.StyleSheet('#local');
// OR string of css text
var css = ".moduleX .alert { background: #fcc; font-weight: bold; } " +
".moduleX .warn { background: #eec; } " +
".hide_messages .moduleX .alert, " +
".hide_messages .moduleX .warn { display: none; }";
sheet = new Y.StyleSheet(css);
Be aware that the <a
href="">Same Origin
policy</a> prevents access in some browsers to the style data of
<code>&lt;link&gt;</code> elements with <code>href</code>s pointing to
other domains. Attempts to seed a <code>Y.StyleSheet</code> instance with
a cross-domain <code>&lt;link&gt;</code> may result in a security
<link id="remote" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">
// ERROR - Same Origin Policy prevents access to remote stylesheets
var styleSheet = Y.StyleSheet('remote');
<h3 id="registry">Getting a StyleSheet by registered name</h3>
<code>Y.StyleSheet</code> supports registering instances by name allowing
them to be recalled by that same name elsewhere in your code. Internally,
<code>Y.StyleSheet</code> maintains a registry of all created StyleSheet
instances, using a unique generated id that the host node is tagged with.
This allows future attempts to create a StyleSheet instance from the same
node to return the previously created instance associated with that id.
Register a StyleSheet instance manually using the static
<code>register</code> method or pass the desired name as a second parameter
to the constructor.
var sheetA = Y.StyleSheet('my_stylesheet');
// Create a registry alias to sheetA. We'll call it bob.
Y.StyleSheet.register(sheetA, 'bob');
// Create another StyleSheet passing the name as the second parameter
var css = ".some .css { white-space: pre-wrap; color: pink; }";
var sheetB = Y.StyleSheet(css, 'my sheet');
// Meanwhile, elsewhere in your code
// sheetA is the same instance as sheet1 and sheet2
var sheet1 = Y.StyleSheet('#my_stylesheet')),
sheet2 = Y.StyleSheet('bob');
// sheetB is the same instance as sheet3
var sheet3 = Y.StyleSheet('my sheet');
If an unregistered name is passed as the <em>first</em> argument to the
constructor, a new empty StyleSheet will be created and registered with
that name. This allows you to use the following code pattern:
// Whichever of these executes first, an empty StyleSheet will be created
// and registered as 'MyApp'.
// In one area of your app
Y.StyleSheet('MyApp').set('.module .messages', { display: 'none' });
// In another area of your app
Y.StyleSheet('MyApp').unset('.module .messages','display');
<h3 id="first_param">Summary of how the constructor handles the first argument</h3>
When nothing is passed as the first argument, a new StyleSheet instance is
When a <code>&lt;style&gt;</code> or <code>&lt;link&gt;</code> element is
passed as the first argument, it is inspected for the id stamp that
StyleSheet tags known host nodes with. If it finds one, it will return the
associated StyleSheet from the registry. If not, it will stamp the node
and seed the instance from the node's CSS content.
When a string is passed as the first argument, StyleSheet does the
following things in order:
Check the registry for an instance associated to that name. If found,
return the instance.
Check the DOM for a <code>&lt;style&gt;</code> or
<code>&lt;link&gt;</code> node with that id. If found, check the
registry for an instance associated to its tagged id if present. If
found, return that instance. If not, use that node to seed a new
StyleSheet instance.
Check the string for a curly brace { character. If found, create a new
instance seeded with the string as initial <code>cssText</code>.
Create a new empty StyleSheet and register the instance by the provided
<h3 id="set">Creating and modifying CSS style rules</h3>
The core method of StyleSheet instances is <code>set(selector,
style_properties)</code>. It will create or alter a CSS rule using the
property:value pairs in <code>style_properties</code> targeting the
provided <code>selector</code>. In essence, it looks very much like
natural CSS syntax, <em>except style properties must be in JavaScript's
"q.uoted select.or[str=ing]", {
fontSize : "150%", // note the camel casing
background : "#030 url(/images/bg_image.png) scroll repeat-y top left",
cssFloat : "left",
opacity : 0.5
Rather than continually add new rules that will override one another,
StyleSheet manages one rule per selector and modifies them in place. This
may be relevant if you have two or more rules with selectors of the same
As with regular CSS syntax, comma-separated selectors are supported, but
internally StyleSheet splits them up into individual rules because browser
support for multiple selectors is not consistent. This means calling
<code>set(..)</code> with such a selector string <em>will incur multiple
repaints or reflows</em>, but limited to the number of atomic
// This is valid, but will trigger 3 reflows
'.foo, .bar, .baz', {
borderRight: "1em solid #f00"
<h3 id="normalized_properties">Some style properties are normalized</h3>
Two style properties have differing implementation between browsers, namely
<code>float</code> and <code>opacity</code>. StyleSheet instances will
normalize these properties for you.
Because &quot;float&quot; is a reserved word in JavaScript, it is supported
by the name <code>cssFloat</code> in W3C compliant browsers and
<code>styleFloat</code> in IE. StyleSheet will accept any of these to set
the <code>float</code> property.
// Any of these will work
Y.StyleSheet('MyApp').set('.foo', {
"float" : "left", // "float" must be quoted
cssFloat : "right",
styleFloat : "none"
IE does not support the <code>opacity</code> style property, but has
equivalent functionality offered by its proprietary <code>filter</code>
property, though using a different value syntax. StyleSheet will translate
<code>opacity</code> to <code>filter</code> for IE, but it <em>will
not</em> translate <code>filter</code> to <code>opacity</code> for
W3C-compliant browsers.
<h3 id="unset">Removing and resetting CSS style rules</h3>
When you want to remove a particular rule or style property from affecting
the cascade, use <code>unset(selector,propert[y|ies])</code>.
<code>unset(..)</code> can be called in any of the following ways, with the
noted result:
<code>unset('.foo')</code> &mdash; removes the rule associated to the
selector entirely.
<code>unset('.foo','font')</code> &mdash; unsets the <code>font</code>
property and any child properties (e.g.
'font-weight','font-variant','font-size','line-height', and
'font-family'). If there are no set properties left, the rule is
<code>unset('.foo',['font','border',...])</code> &mdash; same as above,
but the rule is modified only once with the final applicable
It is important to note that there is a difference between setting a style
property to its default value and unsetting it. The former can be achieved
by calling <code>set(selector, { property: &quot;auto&quot; })</code> (or
the respective default value for that property).
However, as the CSS is reapplied to the page, the &quot;auto&quot; value
will override any value for that property that may have cascaded in from
another rule. This is different than removing the property assignment
entirely, as this allows cascading values through.
Y.StyleSheet('MyApp').set('.foo', { background: 'auto' });
// is NOT the same as
<h3 id="not_selector">A note on selector strings</h3>
Though the StyleSheet Utility takes selector strings as input to its API,
it <em>does not</em> leverage the YUI selector engine. YUI's selector
functionality supplements native CSS support for DOM access, but
accomplishes this through efficient DOM traversal. Since the StyleSheet
Utility uses the browser's built-in stylesheet and rule objects, it can not
handle selectors that are not supported by the browser's native CSS
// This will not cause a style change in IE 6, for example
Y.StyleSheet('MyApp').set('input[type=checkbox]:checked', {
verticalAlign : 'super'
<h3 id="disable">Disabling and enabling a StyleSheet</h3>
Disabling a StyleSheet effectively turns it off; no CSS from that
stylesheet is applied to the page. Disabling a StyleSheet does not remove
the host node from the page, and style can be reapplied by enabling the
StyleSheet again.
When StyleSheets are disabled, it is still possible to change their style
rules via <code>set</code> and <code>unset</code>.
var sheet = Y.StyleSheet(styleNode);
sheet.set('.foo', { backgroundColor: '#900', color: '#fff' });
sheet.set('.bar', { borderBottomColor: '#369' });
<h3 id="static">Static methods</h3>
<code>Y.StyleSheet</code> exposes a few static methods.
<div class="apisummary">
<th>Use for</th>
<td><a href="../api/StyleSheet.html#method_StyleSheet.register"><code>register(instance, name)</code></a></td>
<td>Use to assign a named registry entry for a StyleSheet instance.</td>
<td><a href="../api/StyleSheet.html#method_StyleSheet.toCssText"><code>toCssText(property_obj, starting_cssText)</code></a></td>
<td>Use to translate an object of style property:value pairs to a single <code>cssText</code> string. The optional second argument is a <code>cssText</code> string of a style's &quot;before&quot; state.</td>
<code>Y.StyleSheet.toCssText</code> is used internally to assemble the
<code>cssText</code> strings for updating the stylesheet rules. However,
it may also be helpful for avoiding reflow overhead when substantially
modifying a single element's style.
var el ='some_element'),
changes = { color : '#684', fontWeight: 'bold', padding: '2em' },
currentStyle = el.getStyle('cssText');
Y.StyleSheet.toCssText(changes, currentStyle));
<h2 id="mechanism">How <code>Y.StyleSheet</code> works</h2>
Browsers grant access via the DOM API to stylesheets included in markup as
<code>&lt;link&gt;</code> or <code>&lt;style&gt;</code> elements. Despite
differing implementations across the browser spectrum, they all support
adding, removing, and modifying CSS rules.
CSS rules are comprised of a selector and collection of style
property:value pairs enclosed in curly braces.
/* | This is a CSS rule |
| selectorText | style properties | */
div.this-is a .rule { font-color: #f00; }
In JavaScript, each rule object has a <code>selectorText</code> property
and a <code>style</code> property that operates in the same way as the
<code>style</code> property on regular DOM elements, such as
<code>&lt;p&gt;</code> or <code>&lt;strong&gt;</code> elements.
Arguably the most valuable property of the style collection is
<code>cssText</code> which corresponds to the serialized summary of
property:value pairs applied by this collection (e.g. "font-size: 100%;
color: #FF0000;"). The reason this property is important is that
modifications to the string value will cause changes to repopulate the
individual style properties <em>while only triggering a single repaint or
reflow</em> by the browser.
var el = document.getElementById('some_element'); = '3px solid #eee'; // reflow = '3px solid #ccc'; // another reflow = 'bold'; // another reflow
// Vs. three changes in one reflow += '; border-bottom: 3px solid #eee; border-top: 3px solid #ccc; font-weight: bold';
<code>Y.StyleSheet</code> leverages this mechanism in addition to applying
modifications at the CSS rule level rather than modifying each targeted DOM
node directly. This means changing multiple style properties on multiple
elements (that can be identified by a single selector) will only ever incur
one repaint or reflow.
It must be noted that all reflows are not the same. The scope of a reflow
is greatly affected by what element triggered it. For example, changing a
style of an absolutely positioned element will trigger a very limited
reflow because the browser understands that not much <em>could</em> change
as a result. Stylesheet modifications on the other hand are not tied to an
element, but the page as a whole. The CSS cascade must be recalculated and
applied, resulting in a full page reflow. This means it may be more
efficient to individually update many elements than to change the
<h2 id="knownissues">Known Issues</h2>
<strong>Unable to set style values with
CSS syntax for declaring that a style value has <code>important</code>
priority is to include the <code>!important</code> flag after the
.some-class {
color: #000 !important;
However, the DOM API for modifying stylesheets does not parse out the
<code>!important</code> flag from the assigned value string, and thus
considers the entire string to be an invalid value.
``` = "#000 !important"; // Error
StyleSheet will support <code>!important</code> in the value string in a
future release, but for now the only way to assign an
<code>!important</code> style is by creating a new StyleSheet, passing a
CSS text string to the constructor.
var sheet = new Y.StyleSheet();
sheet.set(".foo", { color: "#000 !important" }); // FAIL
new Y.StyleSheet(".foo { color: #000 !important; }"); // WORKS