panel-form.mustache revision 8f0dc35284b10842ef7c44ffc3d410227804fced
1b94590fd02ca19669dfb4b5deb563a290459d81Tilo Mitra<div class="intro">
b6404034932ef0457b7eaffed707df8a48bf1681Eric Ferraiuolo <p>This example demonstrates how to set up and instantiate Y.Panel to take advantage of its nested modality and header/footer button support. In this example, we create a simple datatable with some basic information that is updated and removed through a modal form with some custom buttons.</p>
b6404034932ef0457b7eaffed707df8a48bf1681Eric Ferraiuolo<div class="example">
1b94590fd02ca19669dfb4b5deb563a290459d81Tilo Mitra <style type="text/css">
1b94590fd02ca19669dfb4b5deb563a290459d81Tilo Mitra {{>panel-form-css-source}}
b6404034932ef0457b7eaffed707df8a48bf1681Eric Ferraiuolo {{>panel-form-html-source}}
b6404034932ef0457b7eaffed707df8a48bf1681Eric Ferraiuolo {{>panel-form-js-source}}
ee74a9b6f5ad5927e569fb76b461d9b1493fd215Tilo Mitra<h2>Creating a modal form using Panels</h2>
b6404034932ef0457b7eaffed707df8a48bf1681Eric Ferraiuolo<h3>Setting Up The YUI Instance</h3>
ee74a9b6f5ad5927e569fb76b461d9b1493fd215Tilo Mitra<p>To create an instance of a Panel on your page, the only module you need to request is the `panel` module. The `panel` module will pull in the `widget`, `widget-stack`, `widget-position`, `widget-position-align`, `widget-position-constrain`, `widget-stdmod`, `widget-buttons`, `widget-modality` and `widget-autohide` extensions it uses.</p>
<p>For this example, we also use the YUI3 Datatable, and the Drag plugin to make the panels draggable. This requires us to also request the `datatable-base` and `dd-plugin` modules in our use statement.
<p>Note, using the `panel` module, will also pull down the default CSS required for panel. The CSS that styles the Panel requires you to have the class `yui3-skin-sam` on a parent element, commonly the `<body>` tag.</p>
<p>For this example, we'll need two panel instances. The first will be created through markup, while the second will be created through JavaScript (just to illustrate the differences). The code snippet below is the markup for our modal form. It consists of a fieldset with a couple of `<input>` boxes. The `yui3-widget-bd` class is not required, but tells the Panel that this content goes in the body of the widget.</p>
<p>The container DIV with id="panelContent" is specified as the contentBox for the Panel instance, and during instantiation, the panel will look for DIV's marked with the `yui3-widget-hd, yui3-widget-bd, yui3-widget-ft` classes to setup the Overlay's header, body and footer content attributes.</p>
<p>To create a panel instance, we use the panel constructor `Y.Panel`. We can pass in some additional configuration attributes such as `modal`, `headerContent`, and `centered`. We can make the panel draggable by adding the `Y.Plugin.Drag` plugin.</p>
<p>After creating the panel instance, we invoke `panel.render()` to update the DOM to reflect the current state of the panel.</p>
var panel = new Y.Panel({
plugins: [Y.Plugin.Drag]
<p>The parent panel has two buttons in the footer, "Add Item" and "Remove All Items". We add these buttons through the `addButton()` method present on the Y.Panel instance. For each button, we specify an `action` function, which will be called when the button is clicked, and a `section` property that specifies whether it should get rendered in the header or the footer.</p>
section: Y.WidgetStdMod.FOOTER
section: Y.WidgetStdMod.FOOTER
<p>In the example, clicking the "Remove all items" button renders a nested confirmation panel. Since Y.Panel implements the `Y.WidgetStack` and `Y.WidgetModality` extensions, creating nested panels are easy to do for the developer. The nested panel code is as follows:</p>
var nestedPanel = new Y.Panel({
section: Y.WidgetStdMod.FOOTER
section: Y.WidgetStdMod.FOOTER
<p>In this case, we pass in an array of buttons to the `buttons` attribute. As a result, the nested panel does not have the close button in the top-right corner.</p>
<h3>CSS: Panel Look/Feel</h3>
<p>The panel.css Sam Skin file (build/panel/assets/skins/sam/panel.css) provides the default functional CSS for the panel. In addition, an image file (build/panel/assets/skins/sam/sprite_icons.gif) provides the icons for the "close" button.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> As discussed on the Widget landing page, all widgets are enclosed in 2 containing elements - the boundingBox is the outer(most) element, and the contentBox is the inner element into which the widget's content is added. It is advised to apply any look/feel CSS for the widget to the content box and it's children. This leaves the bounding box without padding/borders, allowing for consistent positioning/sizing across box models.</p>
<style type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript">