panel-animate.mustache revision b314fc1188609ac757efdb7f61cc5882a070a5e7
<div class="intro">
This example demonstrates how to instantiate a panel and use it in conjunction with the `"transition"` module to create an animated panel.
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<h2>Creating an animated panel</h2>
<h3>Setting Up The YUI Instance</h3>
To create an instance of a Panel on your page, the only module you need to request is the `panel` module. The `panel` module will pull in the `widget`, `widget-stack`, `widget-position`, `widget-position-align`, `widget-position-constrain`, `widget-stdmod`, `widget-buttons`, `widget-modality` and `widget-autohide` extensions it uses.
For this example, we also need to use the `transition` module. This module allows us to easily create animations using CSS3 transitions, with a JavaScript timer fallback.
YUI().use('panel', 'transition', function (Y) {
// We'll write example code here
Note, using the `panel` module, will also pull down the default CSS required for panel. The CSS that styles the Panel requires you to have the class `yui3-skin-sam` on a parent element, commonly the `<body>` tag.
<h3>Instantiating the Panel</h3>
For this example, we'll instantiate a modal panel, set its visibility to false, and set some CSS properties. The following HTML will be used as the markup for the panel.
<div id="panelContent">
<div class="yui3-widget-hd">
Showing an animated panel
<div class="yui3-widget-bd">
<p>Making panels animate is easy with the "transition" module!</p>
<p>The JavaScript to instantiate the panel is as follows:</p>
var panel = new Y.Panel({
srcNode: '#panelContent',
width : 330,
xy : [300, -300],
zIndex : 5,
modal : true,
visible: false,
render : true,
buttons: [
value : 'Close the panel',
section: 'footer',
action : function (e) {
<h3>Adding Animation</h3>
To create the animations, we need to set up transition properties on the panel's `boundingBox`. These properties consist of key/value pairs of CSS properties that we want to alter.
We define two methods `showPanel()` and `hidePanel()` that define transitions. We could also use the `visibleChange` event to toggle the animation based on the state. However, the benefit of this method is that it allows us to use callback functions after the `transition` has ended.
function showPanel() {;
duration: 0.5,
top : '80px'
function hidePanel() {
duration: 0.5,
top : '-300px'
}, function () {
<h3>Adding Buttons to toggle visibility</h3>
Finally, we create two buttons, one to show the panel and one to hide it.
The button to close the panel was specified in the instantiation of the panel. The button to open the panel can be defined as:
// Add Panel show button.
openBtn.on('click', function (e) {
<h3>Complete Example Source</h3>