dialog.mustache revision 090376d4be54e832a15be873e1561b95d3e94e0a
<div class="intro">
This example demonstrates how to create a reusable dialog for messages and confirmations.
<div class="example yui3-skin-sam">
YUI().use("panel", "escape", function (Y) { // loading escape only for security on this page
<h2>Creating a reusable dialog</h2>
<h3>The HTML</h3>
<p>Panel requires you to have the class
`yui3-skin-sam` on a parent element, commonly the `<body>` tag.</p>
<body class="yui3-skin-sam">
<div id='dialog'></div>
<!-- We'll use this button to just represent some user initiated event -->
<button class='yui3-button btn-show'>Show Dialog</button>
<h3>Setting Up The YUI Instance</h3>
The only module you need is the `panel` module.
YUI().use('panel', function (Y) {
// We'll write example code here
<h3>Instantiating the Panel</h3>
<p>The JavaScript to instantiate the panel is as follows:</p>
YUI().use("panel", function (Y) { // loading escape only for security on this page
<h3>Reuse the Dialog</h3>
Since it's common to want the user to give their confirmation before some action
happens, this example passes a callback function to the dialog.
// a function to do when the user clicks the "OK" button in the dialog.
var doSomething = function(){
Y.log('Something was done.');
Each time you want to show a dialog for a different purpose, you can reuse the same
dialog and just:
<li>Set the message text.</li>
<li>Change the icon.</li>
<li>Assign a function to the "OK" button (optional).</li>
In this example, there's a callback property on the dialog object.
If you want to, you can set its value with a reference to your own
function so the dialog can trigger different actions each time it's shown.
This example removes the callback reference each time a dialog button is
clicked to make sure it's not unintentionally persisted.
If you use a callback, you'll need to add it every time the dialog is shown.
Y.one('.btn-show').on('click', function(){
// set the content you want in the message
Y.one('#dialog .message').setContent('Are you sure you want to [take some action]?');
// set the icon (or none) that appears next to the message.
// the Class 'message' also needs to be maintained.
Y.one('#dialog .message').set('className', 'message icon-bubble');
/* classnames and images provided in the CSS are:
// set the callback to reference a function
dialog.callback = doSomething;
<h3>The CSS</h3>
<h3>The Icon Source Files</h3>
Here we provide the
<a href="{{{componentAssets}}}/icon_image_source_files.zip">original source files</a>
for the icons, in case you'd like to modify them, or create others. We created
them ourselves, just for you, so you can be sure they are open source.