overlay-tooltip.mustache revision 7e59c25cc529140267890777a2a2f7fe04fe29c6
<style type="text/css" scoped>
/* Hide overlay markup while loading, if js is enabled */
.yui3-js-enabled .yui3-overlay-loading {
/* Example Layout CSS */
<div class="intro">
<p>This example demonstrates a lightweight and flexible setup for display
of tooltips.</p>
<p>This displays the tooltip adjacent to the cursor
and takes advantage of the shim capabilities of `Overlay`.
allowing the tooltip to properly display over `select` elements in IE.</p>
<div class="example">
<h2>Simple Tooltips</h2>
<h3>The Tooltip Markup</h3>
<p>We just need a div for the tooltip, and some elements that want to
have tooltips.</p>
<div id="tooltip"></div>
<ul class="list">
<li class="wrench"><img src="{{{componentAssets}}}/img/wrench.png"/></li>
<li class="calipers"><img src="{{{componentAssets}}}/img/calipers.png"/></li>
<li class="drill"><img src="{{{componentAssets}}}/img/drill.png"/></li>
<li class="ohm"><img src="{{{componentAssets}}}/img/ohm.png"/></li>
<li class="level"><img src="{{{componentAssets}}}/img/level.png"/></li>
<h3>Setting Up the YUI Instance</h3>
<p>Create an instance of `Overlay` on the page.
YUI().use('overlay', 'transition' function(Y) {
// code will go here.
<h3>Declare some variables</h3>
<p>These variables include an array of strings for various tooltips.
If a DOM element has a class matching one of the 'name' values in the tipText array,
and it will display the text value in its tooltip.
Of course, it also has to have a listener attached as described below.
<h3>Instantiating The Tooltip</h3>
<p>To create an overlay instance for the tooltip,
we use the overlay constructor `Y.Overlay`, specifying the source node
as the selector of the tooltip element.
<h3>Event Handlers</h3>
Create event handlers for the mouse events
and place them above the listeners code.
<h3>Event Listeners</h3>
Add listeners for mousemove and mouseout events
to whatever elements you want to have tooltips.
Using mousemove instead of mouseover, and using a `delay` in the 'transition'
makes the tooltip fade in adjacent to the cursor.
See <a href="../event/index.html#delegation">event delegation</a> for efficient
event subscribing to multiple elements.
<h3>Complete Example Source</h3>