component.json revision 7e59c25cc529140267890777a2a2f7fe04fe29c6
"name" : "overlay",
"displayName": "Overlay",
"description": "Overlay is a positionable and stackable widget, which also provides support for the standard module format layout, with a header, body and footer section.",
"author" : "sdesai",
"tags": ["overlay", "widget", "beta"],
"use" : ["overlay"],
"examples" : [
"name" : "overlay-xy",
"displayName": "Basic XY Positioning",
"description": "Shows how to instantiate a basic Overlay instance, and use the Overlay's basic XY positioning support.",
"modules" : ["overlay"],
"tags" : ["overlay"],
"hideTableOfContents": true
"name" : "overlay-tooltip",
"displayName": "Simple Tooltip",
"description": "Shows how to create a simple tooltip incorporating the overlay shim feature.",
"modules" : ["overlay"],
"tags" : ["overlay", "tooltip", "shim"],
"hideTableOfContents": true
"name" : "overlay-align",
"displayName": "Alignment Support",
"description": "Shows how to use the Overlay's XY alignment support, to align the Overlay relative to another element, or to the viewport.",
"modules" : ["overlay"],
"tags" : ["overlay"],
"hideTableOfContents": true
"name" : "overlay-stack",
"displayName": "Stack Support",
"description": "Shows how to use the Overlay's zindex and shim support when positioning Overlays above other elements on the page.",
"modules" : ["overlay"],
"tags" : ["overlay"],
"hideTableOfContents": true
"name" : "overlay-stdmod",
"displayName": "Standard Module Support",
"description": "Shows how to modify content in the Overlay's header, body and footer sections.",
"modules" : ["overlay"],
"tags" : ["overlay"],
"hideTableOfContents": true
"name" : "overlay-constrain",
"displayName": "Constrain Support",
"description": "Shows how to use Overlay's constrainment support, to limit the XY value which can be set for an Overlay.",
"modules" : ["overlay", "slider"],
"tags" : ["overlay", "slider"],
"hideTableOfContents": true
"name" : "overlay-io-plugin",
"displayName": "IO Plugin",
"description": "Shows how to create a simple plugin to retrieve content for the Overlay using the io utility.",
"modules" : ["overlay", "io", "plugin"],
"tags" : ["overlay", "io", "plugin"],
"hideTableOfContents": true
"name" : "overlay-anim-plugin",
"displayName": "Animation Plugin",
"description": "Shows how to create a simple plugin to animate the Overlay's movement and visibility.",
"modules" : ["overlay", "anim", "plugin"],
"tags" : ["overlay", "anim", "plugin"],
"hideTableOfContents": true