oop.js revision f5b3e585128358cd928cc6bbd5168f3b62b3c024
* OOP utils. If included, the OOP methods are added to the YUI instance
* @module oop
var L = Y.Lang,
A = Y.Array,
* Applies prototype properties from the supplier to the receiver.
* The receiver can be a constructor or an instance.
* @method augment
* @for YUI
* @param {Function} r the object to receive the augmentation
* @param {Function} s the object that supplies the properties to augment
* @param ov {boolean} if true, properties already on the receiver
* will be overwritten if found on the supplier.
* @param wl {string[]} a whitelist. If supplied, only properties in
* this list will be applied to the receiver.
* @param args {Array | Any} arg or arguments to apply to the supplier
* constructor when initializing.
* @return {object} the augmented object
* @todo constructor optional?
* @todo understanding what an instance is augmented with
* @TODO evaluate if we can do this in a way that doesn't interfere
* with normal inheritance
// working on a class, so apply constructor infrastructure
// Y.log('augment will call constructor:');
// Y.Do.before(r, construct);
var sequestered = {}, replacements = {};
newProto = {};
// sequester all of the functions in the supplier and replace with
// one that will restore all of them.
// var initialized = false;
replacements[k] = function() {
var me = this;
// Y.log('sequestered function "' + k + '" executed. Initializing Event.Target');
// overwrite the prototype with all of the sequestered functions,
// but only if it hasn't been overridden
for (var i in sequestered) {
// Y.log('... restoring ' + k);
me[i] = sequestered[i];
// apply the constructor
// apply the original sequestered function
// Y.log('augment: ' + k);
if (L.isFunction(v)) {
// sequester the function
sequestered[k] = v;
// replace the sequestered function with a function that will
// restore all sequestered functions and exectue the constructor.
this[k] = replacements[k];
} else {
// Y.log('augment() applying non-function: ' + k);
this[k] = v;
}, newProto, true);
// augmenting an instance, so apply the constructor immediately
} else {
applyConstructor = true;
if (applyConstructor) {
return r;
* Applies object properties from the supplier to the receiver. If
* the target has the property, and the property is an object, the target
* object will be augmented with the supplier's value. If the property
* is an array, the suppliers value will be appended to the target.
* @method aggregate
* @param {Function} r the object to receive the augmentation
* @param {Function} s the object that supplies the properties to augment
* @param ov {boolean} if true, properties already on the receiver
* will be overwritten if found on the supplier.
* @param wl {string[]} a whitelist. If supplied, only properties in
* this list will be applied to the receiver.
* @return {object} the extended object
* Utility to set up the prototype, constructor and superclass properties to
* support an inheritance strategy that can chain constructors and methods.
* Static members will not be inherited.
* @method extend
* @static
* @param {Function} r the object to modify
* @param {Function} s the object to inherit
* @return {YUI} the YUI instance
if (!s||!r) {
Y.fail("extend failed, verify dependencies");
// If the superclass doesn't have a standard constructor,
// define one so that Super() works
// Add object properties too
// @TODO removed for now because it isn't that useful and
// has caused a few issues overwriting things that should
// not be. You can do this manually if needed. Revisit
// if this is something that really is needed for some
// reason.
// Y.mix(r, s);
// Add superclass convienience functions
// @TODO revisit when we have something that works
// Y.augment(r, Ext);
// Add prototype overrides
if (px) {
// Add object overrides
if (sx) {
return r;
* Executes the supplied function for each item in
* a collection. Supports arrays, objects, and
* Y.NodeLists
* @method each
* @param o the object to iterate
* @param f the function to execute. This function
* receives the value, key, and object as parameters
* @param proto if true, prototype properties are
* iterated on objects
* @return {YUI} the YUI instance
} else {
switch (A.test(o)) {
case 1:
return A.each(o, f, c);
case 2:
return A.each(Y.Array(o, 0, true), f, c);
// return Y.Object.each(o, f, c);
* Array-like objects are treated as arrays.
* primitives are returned untouched. Optionally a
* function can be provided to handle other data types,
* filter keys, validate values, etc.
* @method clone
* @param o what to clone
* @param safe {boolean} if true, objects will not have prototype
* items from the source. If false, it does. In this case, the
* original is initally protected, but the clone is not completely immune
* from changes to the source object prototype. Also, cloned prototype
* items that are deleted from the clone will result in the value
* of the source prototype to be exposed. If operating on a non-safe
* clone, items should be nulled out rather than deleted.
* @TODO review
* @param f optional function to apply to each item in a collection
* it will be executed prior to applying the value to
* the new object. Return false to prevent the copy.
* @param c optional execution context for f
* @param owner Owner object passed when clone is iterating an
* object. Used to set up context for cloned functions.
* @return {Array|Object} the cloned object
if (!L.isObject(o)) {
return o;
if (L.isDate(o)) {
return new Date(o);
if (func) {
if (o instanceof RegExp) {
return new RegExp(o.source);
} else {
Y.each(o, function(v, k) {
if (!f || (f.call(c || this, v, k, this, o) !== false)) {
}, o2);
return o2;
* Returns a function that will execute the supplied function in the
* supplied object's context, optionally adding any additional
* supplied parameters to the end of the arguments the function
* is executed with.
* @TODO review param order for PR2
* @method bind
* @param f {Function} the function to bind
* @param c the execution context
* @param args* 0..n arguments to append to the arguments collection for the function
* @return {function} the wrapped function
Y.bind = function(f, c) {
// if (!f) {
// Y.log('no f');
// }
var a = Y.Array(arguments, 2, true);
return function () {
// @todo bind args first, or function args first?
// return f.apply(c || f, a.concat(Y.Array(arguments, 0, true)));
}, "@VERSION@");